And when in convoy we saw a sea of one finger salutes. 1950 thru 1954: 2nd Armored Division Combat Command B:, 1954 to 1996: 2nd Armored Division. See Coldest I've ever been in my life! Find 2nd Armored Division , military gifts and more at The, "Dug-Man" was there in 87', I was also stationed their from 83 to 86. Rebuilt hydraulics. The 2nd Armored Division was formed in 1940 in preparation of possible US involvement in World War II. No profanity, vulgar language, personal attacks, libel or defamation, nudity of any kind or sexual imagery is permitted on this site. I seem to remember a rather crazy protest at the main gate by those that wanted us gone. Anyone, Denmark during reforger? FLASH FICTION FANTASY Division (Forward) soldiers were very used to operating in extreme cold environments and cold-weather safety was second nature to everyone. We were truly the baddest division in germany. Commanding General. It was cold as crap there and going to Graf every year was a lot of fun, Was there from 1983 to 1985. Life is good, Y'all. If you have any One, the 2nd Armored Division, or 2ème Division Blindée, was raised in North Africa on August 24, 1943, as part of the reorganization of the French Army of Africa. Place and date: Near Wurselen, Germany, 13 October 1944. 11th Armored Cav. (By late 1950 there were strong indications that the USSR might move against Western Europe. The 2nd Armored Division.I have some great memories of my time there. The weather was harsh. The Division (Forward) as it was known, supported operations of a British armored division, as I recall. 48th Armored Medical Battalion. 2nd Armored Division - Hell on Wheels. I was at the Unit 1982-84 and in the Artillery COHORT unit, I believe our armor COHORT brothers followed along our Artillery route from Basic, AIT then W. Germany. Nice read brother. 3ID was the largest Division in Army history for a short period of time during the "Drawdown" in Germany. Anti-aircraft artillery – 195th AAA AW Battalion (SP), from June 11th, 1944 to May 9th, 1945: lieutenant-colonel Lawrence A. Delvin Serving as the armored exploitation force for the U.S. XV Corps, the 2nd Division forced the Saverne Gap and thrust forward boldly, unbalancing German defenses in northern Alsace and liberating Strasbourg on 23 November 1944. The 2nd Armored Division returned to West Germany to serve as part of 7th Army from 1951 to 1957, when it got back to III Corps, Fort Hood. I was the PSNCO for the 2/50 Infantry. It was originally commanded by Major General Charles L. Scott, with Colonel George S. Pattonin charge of training. I can’t remember what they were called. After the Regiment helped to push the Germans into Tunisia, the 3rd Battalion and two platoons of E Company, 2nd Battalion, invaded Sicily with the 1st Infantry Division on June 10, 1943. Thanks for bringing back some fond and not so fond memories. I left in 1987 with a german wife who left me in the states, married another G.I. is a World War II tank division which saw combat from June 1944 to September 1945. In May 1951, the 2nd Armored Division was again sent to Europe with the then Combat Command stationed at Baumholder, Germany. Thanks for the well written post and the trip down memory lane.Donald Watson, I was there in 1984 to 1987 bring back a lot of memories. Check. The Division (Forward) as it was known, supported operations of a British armored division, as I recall. ", -- Albert Einstein, record-holder for smartest person ever, "The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them. Don’t forget the Viking graves on the North side of post with each grave fenced in with 6 ft chain-link fencing. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. Col baccum never made BG. Die 2nd Armored Division (deutsch 2.US-Panzerdivision; Spitzname Hell on Wheels, Hölle auf Rädern) war eine Panzerdivision der US-Army.Die Division spielte während des Zweiten Weltkrieges eine wichtige Rolle während der Invasion in Nordafrika und Sizilien.. Regt. M41 Walker Bulldog light tank. I will never forget the experiences and friends I made at LDCK 2nd AD(FWD) !!! Activated 15 Jul 1940 • Entered Combat 8 Nov 1942 • Days of Combat 443 • Casualties 20,659 . Combat command A. My 1st Duty station was with c Battery 1/14th F.A in 1981, and I loved it so much that when I was back in Ft.Sill, I reenlisted and actually came back to the exact same unit in 1984, it changed to the 4/3rd shortly after. Infanteriedivision, a unit of 10. SS-Panzerdivision, and many more. 142nd Armored Signal Company. It was definitely a great learning experience. Just reading over some of the comments which i already commented but LDCK was a trip Jan 79 when i arrived px, class vi in trailers. We did not get to enjoy the BK on post. I remember when they put in the Burger King, and the Clothing sales was still,a little red building.BG gen streeter was the post commander. In fact, the Army back then had its flaws -- common sense sometimes lacking being one of them. This is a smut- and bad language-free zone. European Theater of Operations. I worked in the clinic as a medical specialist assigned to med co 498th support battalion. The 2nd Armored Division ("Hell on Wheels") was an armored division of the United States Army.The division played an important role during World War II in the invasions of North Africa and Sicily and the liberation of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands and the invasion of Germany. Clay Kaserne was not finished when i arrived Jan 79, the PX & Class 6 were in a trailer. I remember that, you guys were the best in the north, south, east and west. The 2nd Armored Division was formed at Fort Benning, Georgia on Jul 15, 1940, by reorganizing and redesignating the Provisional Tank Brigade composed of the 66th Infantry Regiment (Light Tanks), the 67th Infantry Regiment (Medium Tanks), and the 68th Infantry Regiment … click We where to block them in if possible, but under no circumstances where we to touch or otherwise harm them. I wad there from Nov.86 to Nov.88......2/66TH HHC. I was made a corporal in Germany, and after returning to Fort Hood, Texas, in 1988 with the unit, an exception was made and I was assigned as the S-2 intelligence sergeant. There were times when encampments were in occupied villages or towns, or just outside of them. No one can capture the whole spirit of a unit with words, or pictures. 38 years later J. Nelson. Fury is part of the 2nd. there was no better anywhere. 8th March 1945. 1st armored division, old ironsides, united states army, iii corps, logo shield, crest, patch, usa u s army, 1st infantry, first infantry division, big red one, 2nd infantry division, 3rd infantry division, fourth infantry, division, 7th infantry 2nd Ordnance Maintenance Battalion. Great times and good peopleFIX BAYONETS! We were in the field 8 months out of 12. We were part of the COHORT unit that left in 86 for Ft. Best 2 yrs of my life, no complaints. If anyone wants to argue about it, I will attest to it. LDCK was a great post and your writing brought back many good memories from so long ago. What a mess. Hood TX. (Forward) 3rd Armor Division Berlin Brigade I was part of the Cohart Armor unit that arrived in winter. Funny Cold Steel Powell made me get out of my POV to salute him. 2nd Armored Division (Forward) 3rd Armor Division Berlin Brigade Effective July 22, 2015, comment is permitted on this site. Scott was promoted to command the I Armored Corps in November of that year, which put Patton, now a brigadier general, in command of the division. On 17 June 1963, the 2nd Brigade was activated in Kitzingen, Germany, as a senior headquarters to one armor battalion and two mechanized infantry battalions. (U.S. based units): 101st Airborne, 1st Infantry Division … Lived in the village Stotel with our daughter. The 2nd Armored Division (Fwd) was a forward-deployed brigade of the 2nd Armored Division stationed in Northern Germany between 1975-1992. Frequently, American units worked with Dutch, FRG and British forces. CAMPAIGNS: France and Germany. I was stationed at Luscious D Clay kaserne from 1979 t0 1981. Great times go back often. Praise You In This Storm - Casting Crowns. I was lucky enough to drive a GAMAGOAT. A memorable moment. I remember the dam snow and the ox and class six in trailers. Under this concept, the Army became Division centered around its combat and maneuver units. Well described. While there my job was to meet the replacement train from Frankfurt very very early in the morning and bring the newbys to their new assignments. Mike, are you from Chicago? Good leadership is not something assured in every army, at every post, at every time. The Division (Forward) was a family, in the truest sense of any word I have ever known. Loved my time in garlstedt. We too went around shouting “Fix Bayonets” when saluting. However, all comments will be monitored by me to ensure that no spam or vulgarities are published here. Series of photos of the 2nd Armored Division (mostly - the 66th Tank Regiment division) during the offensive in the province of North Rhine-Westphalia; April 1945. On 15 July 1940, the 13th Cavalry was re-designated the 13th Armored Regiment and became part of the new 1st Armored Division. You bet. However, those are other stories. Went by the name Tank.. was fo for 5th and then 6th platoon... Who are u? Eventually I was treated for pneumonia, though it was only when it nearly became very bad. Regt 1st Inf Div (Forward) 3rd Infantry Division 8th Infantry Division 1st Armor Division 2nd Ar Div. All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them. though back then that was no reason to go on Sick Call let alone go to the hospital. Don Estes I was in C trp 2/1 Cav. In short, it's a beast. BURT, James M. Rank and organization: Captain, U.S. Army, Company B, 66th Armored Regiment, 2d Armored Division. I was at LDCK from 1982 to 1987, such great memories. Some He was a long-time 'Germany soldier' who had spent most of his years in uniform in the FRG. By modern standards, I suppose, much of its equipment was antiquated and basic. we were sent there in 1978 from ft hood. It was a clannish place, where friendship was taken very seriously, and soldiers were very lucky to have leaders they could generally respect very much. And was good at getting Cordell all drunken up!! Can't forget Racy's either. Lockheed built 47 AC130s wi... Everything is so uptight these days. 1981-1982 Bravo Co. 3/41 Inf. Setting on the beach waiting to fire was perhaps the coldest I have ever been. Best two years of my two+ decades in the Army. I was stationed LDK from 1983 to 1986 loved it best time of my life I was in a cohort unit from ft Carson coladodo 11b 4-41 Inf really miss Germany at times ty for the memories. Thanks, Andreas from Muenster, now Florida. Citation: Capt. M4 75mm Sherman tanks of 2nd Armored Division, Krefeld Germany, 3 March 1945. Got to go to Denmark and Austria as well. The 2nd Armored Division (Hell on Wheels) was an armored division of the United States Army.Fury is part of the 2nd. Are they had was open barracks with the latrines in separate buildings which meant going out in the snow whenever you had to go. In addition, this site takes no partisan stand on any political issue. As part of its efforts to revive the French military following the disaster of 1940, the United States equipped 19 French air squadrons and carried out … 1987 : U.S. ARMY EUROPE Met my now wife of 38 yrs at Pam pams n Hagen, she was 18 I was 20. her parents still own their farm in hahnenknoop. Welcome to the Facebook page of the "2nd Armored in Europe" living history association, keeping alive the WWII US 2nd Armored Division for over 20 years. There were some hallmarks of service at 4-41 Infantry, as well as the rest of the units at LDCK. During that time, the 2nd Armored Division participated in many NATO exercises, as well as Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm (1990-1991). They live inside us and, sometimes, they win. Scott was promoted to command the I Armored Corpsin November of that year, which put Patton, now a brigadier general, in command of the division. The car was hot. Some really good times spent at the British bases and out in the country side while out on one of the many field problems you spoke of. in Germany from 1945 to 1989. Was in the 2ND Armored Division Maintenance Batt. Armored "Hell on Wheels" Division. In 1993, the 5th Division (redesignated as the 2nd Armored Division) moved to Fort Hood, Texas, as a result of changing defense requirements. I also remember being issued the then new Humvees. With their objectives met the 30th and 2nd Armored hoped for a break to rest and regroup. His name is Michael Burk. My NCOIC (Non Commissioned Officer In-Charge) initially was SFC Craig Fisher, who was a 25 year soldier, the Intel Sergeant at the section when I first arrived. Being from Philly i thought i could handle the cold, no way very cold there.Does anyone remember the blizzard in 79 we were stuck in the barracks. Bundesarchive Photos 1933 - 1945..+ all fields of WWII - Page 145. I was there too from 1986 to 1989 in 4/3FA. Grafenwoehr? Still listed as active with a strength of 0%. Does anyone remember the club in Osterholz- Scharmbeck or the place that sold the rotisserie chicken and ham hocks, I was the first replacement soldier after the initial tdy folks left. In one instance, the Division (Forward) even worked with elements of the French Army in training. It was originally commanded by Major General Charles L. Scott, with Colonel George S. Patton, Jr. in charge of training. I learned some history from him about the unit. Fury was part of the 2nd Armored Division. In 4-41, we knew each other better than our wives and loved ones did, we certainly spent more time with each other in almost every condition than they did. Hohenfels? May 20, 2020 - 2nd Armored Division, Morocco, Sicily, Normandy, Ardennes, Germany, World War II, WWII,WW2, Second World War. Great description. Still in touch with my buddies 40+ years later. i was in d company 17th in garlstadt too 1983-85. Show your military pride with the finest quality military patches, pins and gifts from all branches of the military. A lifetime ago, the men and women of the 2nd Armored Division (Forward) held the line in the Northern Army Group in Northern Germany, as part of a larger British and allied force stationed in the area..The division forward was the northernmost maneuver brigade for U.S. Many memories. Winters were harsh, our Battery Commander was relieved because 30 of us caught frost nip and had p-3 profiles for 2 months. Occupied by the 4th Infantry Division (4th ID) from 1951 to 1956, the 3rd Armored Division (3rd AD) from Fort Knox, Kentucky, moved into the Coleman Kaserne on 30 June 1956, replacing the 4th ID, which rotated to Fort Lewis, Washington. The Division (Forward) was in garrison more than its three maneuver battalions, and it was no surprise if one or two of its maneuver battalions were gone at the same time doing some training or other somewhere. DESIGNATION: French 2nd Armored Division. Bars in Bremerhaven? stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me. July 1951 - 1957. 3-41 left in May 1986 and 1–41 came. (Wouldn't have been a standout kinda guy, more of one that was in trouble more often than not). The 67th Armored Regiment (2nd Armored Division) was organized in 1940 and first saw action in the initial invasion of North Africa in November 1942. I agree with jim the camaraderie at LDCK, was so close,mainly because we were always busy and on the go. No propaganda is allowed here from any politician, political body or cause. So, I was assigned to the S-2 Section at 4-41, which was known as the "Fix Bayonets" battalion because it was the greeting between officers and enlisted men upon passing. The locals were a mixed bag: Younger people seemed to enjoy the young, wild GIs from the Division (Forward) in the nearby towns --, As well as being among the first units to receive, At the time, the Division (Forward) was commanded by then-Brigadier General. maintenance Batt. Place and date: Near Wurselen, Germany, 13 October 1944. In Mannheim,Germany, from.May 1955 to July 1957. Many great memories of Bremen at a club called Aladiin's, right next to the ST. Pauli girl brewery. I was with Willie Johnson. Regt 1st Inf Div (Forward) 3rd Infantry Division 8th Infantry Division 1st Armor Division 2nd Ar Div. SFC Fisher was an infantry soldier, and was given the position of S-2 NCOIC. As for loading a train, that is when you learned to trust the ground guide, because you could not see the rail car, all you could see was the long drop to the ground. I was a member of delta company 17th engineer battalion from 86-89. Do you remember/know him? I was with 3-66 Armor...the COHORT unit that traded places with 4-41 in '88. will be posted in the next few days, Click here to open 'USArmyGermany' frameset, 2nd In 1978, the 2nd Armored Division's third brigade forward deployed to West Germany and was assigned to NATO's Northern Army Group. Elbe Operation with 2d Armored Division and 83d Infantry Division. I went on google earth 441 fix bayonets sp4 ROBERT JORDAN. on thumbnail to view larger image of the unit crests Replacements from the U.S. arrive. As an engineer I had the privilege of going places where others didn't get to go. M41 Walker Bulldog light tank. 2nd Armored Division (Forward) Strengthening NATO: Stationing of the 2nd Armored Division (Forward) in Northern Germany Hell On Wheels War Against the Axis (map) Historical record operations of US 2nd Armored Division Lt. Houcek. Great times in northern germany. I used to say that we weren't training in the field...we were just homeless. Was there from 1983 to 1985. The Division had 10 Brigades at one time in the early '90s, one of which was 3rd The Division had 10 Brigades at one time in the early '90s, one of which was 3rd Brigade, 1st Armored Division. Maybe squad. I was also in charge of ambulance section. Paul Y. Couldn't find My unit 250 my unit 250 m inf, C Co. 2/50 Mech Inf from 78-80. Had a great time 82-84 TOW Echo company 250. patton's tank division Select a location Garlstedt Select a unit Cold War Units Map 2nd Armored Cav. At the kaserne, though, in my experience at 4-41, vehicle maintenance, field readiness, personal fitness and tactical training were paramount. The 2nd Armored Division was formed at Fort Benning, Georgia on 15 July 1940. 3ID was the largest Division in Army history for a short period of time during the "Drawdown" in Germany. I transferred from A 3/41 to CSC 2/50 Tow plt back in 79 to 81. 100% Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed! In June 1951, … Military Police Platoon. I was stationed therefrom 80-82 498th support Battalion. Supply Battalion. "You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. Thankful I never had to go out in the original Gamagoat. ACTIVATION: August 24, 1943. We certainly had the finest equipment in the Army. Replacements from the U.S. arrive. still miss it sometimes. Mark I was working as the senior medic at troop medical at the time.specialist Soares 498 med. Oh yeah. Note the Sherman in the background with the logs fitted to it. *3/67 Armored Regiment 1950-1990. No sidewalks, no grass, few roads. I was in 11th Signal Corp and husband in 17th Eng. My Polaroids disintegrated before I could transfer them to digits. 1st Armored Division. Maneuver training sometimes happened in areas occupied by German nationals, though the Army went out of its way to work as unobtrusively as possible. Stationed there 6/80-2/83 ... HHB 1/14 FA ... Was a forward observer and went to the field with 250 341 and 266... Lots of good memories. Hell On Wheels North Africa Us Army World War Two Scale Models Ww2 Mount Rushmore Germany United States. I was there from 85 to 88, 11C with Fix Bayonets. Yes, the fellows were given a longer rope than ordinarily back at the kaserne, but no one wanted to be on the wrong side of training requirements. Thought I'd smelled bad before.......Three cold was unbelievable for me being from the southwest. No one believes that we went to the field as much as we say we did, however only the ones that served at LDCK 2nd AD(FWD) will know and agree that we went to the field A LOT !!! - NARA - 198838.jpg 3,000 × 2,461; 1.68 MB - NARA - … And, in general, there were infrequent visitors in garrison by British Army dignitaries, though this was known to me only by reading The Forward Edge, which was the kaserne's local newspaper. Vehicles from 2nd armored division in 2nd armored division Krefeld Germany 8th March 1945. This is a volunteer news site that publishes general and government news, history, commentary, the arts and culture, science and music. Many good times in Bremerhaven for sure. Garlstedt was a mudhole initially, the PX was in a trailer, but by 1980 most things were constructed. I have standards here and would not put up anything that is not family friendly. However we were the only line of defense for Northern Germany and the closest combat unit to East Berlin at the time. Combat command A. Coleman Kaserne Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. ", "If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulder of giants. However, the then-commander, LTC John Vermillion, thought it was a good idea to retain me there instead -- and I was promoted to sergeant, E-5 and served at this despite being an intelligence analyst and not serving in an infantry MOS at that time. I went on to complete my career in the military by serving in the National Guard but I'll always have fond memories of my tour there. I was in E 4-41 as a 11B assigned to a TOW trackFrom 1983 to 1985 My LTC was, LTC Seitz. This was a very combat-ready unit that was used to working in extremely harsh weather and terrain environments and which was easily able to work with a wide array of NATO units. I was in HHC, 498th from 1984 until 1987. "HOW" stood for "Hell on Wheels.". Citation: Capt. I served with Co.A 124th Armored Ordnance Battalion . The brigade received additional aviation, engineer, military intelligence, medical, and logistics support units and was re-designated 2nd Armored Division (Forward). I was with A 3/41 inf (mech) 2ad fwd when it was first built. personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army (U.S. based units): 101st Airborne, 1st Infantry Division … (Germany based units) USAREUR (U.S. Army Europe): 1st Armored Division, Ansbach; 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, Nuremberg. Reinforcements. Leave for cancelled because of it. 3rd Armored Division. ", Army Uniform Standards Have Changed For The Worse, The Birth of the United States Army Airborne, SGT Leigh Ann Hester Won Silver Star In Iraq, Jimmy Stewart: Combat Pilot and Colonel During World War II, The 2nd Armored Division (Forward), Lucius D. Clay Kaserne, Garlstedt, FRG, The MRE Continues To Be Improved Over The Years, MG James M. Gavin: The 'Jumping General' of the 82nd Airborne, MOST Shocking ANTI-MASK KARENS of ALL TIME, Commander Richard M. Nixon and World War II, Chamberlain's 20th Maine Saves the Union at Little Round Top, Kool & The Gang - Celebration (Official Music Video), Modern Army Combatives Program • Hand To Hand Combat Cage, Augusta's War: The Forgotten Angel of Bastogne. Looking for more information from military/civilian Once there was a supposed Soviet monitor in the area and we all had mandatory briefings on not harming them. In Mannheim,Germany, from.May 1955 to July 1957. That first winter was nuts. The site's management reserves the right to screen all messages for appropriateness through this venue. There was a former. See more ideas about wwii, world war, world war ii. Remember wearing the dang MOPP suit for two weeks straight. The 2nd Armored Division, located at Fort Hood, Texas, was alerted for movement to Europe as part of the Troop Augmentation program. LDCK was a small kaserne with its own LTA (Limited Training Area). I was transferred from Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and there had been winter there -- but nothing like what I had experienced in Frankfurt, and certainly nothing like what I came to find at LDCK, in Garlstedt. Bad Kreuznach. My brother was ther from 83-85. Still, if given the choice, 4-41 Infantry and the Division (Forward) would have been and still is my first choice to have served in would the balloon have gone up for the Third World War in Europe during the 1980s. best 2 years of my life were spent there. Combat engineer that hated Graf and hohenfels,spent 2 weeks in OKs bold Denmark in 87. In short, garrison life was short-lived in the "Iron Deuce." I think my brother was in the same unit. But we did drive to Frankfort once just for Pizza Hut The Autobahn was amazing to drive, Good memories for sure.."STRAIGHT AND STALWART", Really nice to see many memories3/41 1980-82. The Division (Forward) spent an inordinate amount of time in the field, compared to either the units I had served in at Fort Bragg, North Carolina or in Ft. Ord, California. These are the things left to memory, sad to say since memory is such a fallible thing. funny thing i left in Aug 81 went to ft Belvoir and returned to LDCK Aug 84 back to the same unit HHC 49th Spt Bn. While stationed in Germany in 1952 with the 7th Army, the 2nd Armored Division was based at Stutttgart-Vaihingen under the command of General Williston Palmer . The clubs in osterholz scharmbeck from what I remember we're vampys and stagges hotel and several other gastettes. What a great time last week at the 17th annual 3AD Veterans Association Reunion and new 3AD monument dedication at Fort Benning (Columbus), Georgia ( the new home of the Armor branch and School since leaving Ft. Knox, KY in 2010). Jeeps and soldiers. There was something different about this post. Regt. We wait nervously knowing that we the 2nd Brigade was the lead element of the 3rd Armored Division and we were told there would be 150.000 deaths on our side. 1st Infantry Division (Forward) 2nd Armored Division (Forward) 3rd Infantry Division. Thank you, Burt's Knights! I was a 12bravo with destablished company 17th engineers 86-89! Secretary of War Henry Stimson inspects the 2nd Armored Division in Berlin, Germany during the Potsdam Conference. At the time I arrived, 4-41 was in itself relatively new, as it had recently been designated such after being the 2nd Battalion, 50th Infantry Regiment when he originally arrived at LDCK (what year that was I have no idea anymore). REFORGER? Fiction is the truth inside the lie. M26 (T26E3) - 2nd Armored Division/ Germany 1945 kovový model s plastovými díly v měřítku 1/43 We wore every bit of cold weather gear (except for our mickey mouse boots) that we were issued. LTC Leonard B. Scott By JIM PURCELL When LTC Leonard B. Scott strode out to the microphone, he looked less like a veteran Army officer... By JIM PURCELL Like a lot of soldiers from the 1990s and before, part of our everyday lives in uniform included polishing boots and pr... BG Billy Mitchell, father of The Airborne By JIM PURCELL The history of United States Airborne Forces did not begin on the training fi... Leigh Ann Hester Was First Woman To Win Silver Star Since WWII By JIM PURCELL Leigh Ann Hester was born on Jan. 12, 1982 in Bowli... By JIM PURCELL Actor Jimmy Stewart (1908-1997) is perhaps best-remembered by movie fans for the 1946 Christmas blockbuster classic “... By JIM PURCELL Former Intel Analyst, 4th Bn, 41st Infantry Regiment "Fix Bayonets" Battalion 2nd Armored Division (Forwar... By JIM PURCELL After World War II, into the 1950s, the United States armed forces was on a search to replace a slew of rifles and weap... By JIM PURCRELL My father, then-Corporal James J. Purcell, Sr., was part of the invading force on June 6, 1944, when the Allies under ... By JIM PURCELL The Meal-Ready-To-Eat (MRE) was under development beginning in 1963, by the Department of Defense.
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