and then ALPCA Chesapeake Region. and Merchants Building, Hancock County Fair Grounds, Hoover Community Building, Garfield Fair Grounds. The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association (ALPCA) is the largest such organization in the world. NED FLYNN: “We are all assigned numbers, appropriate for a license plate collectors.” ALPCA has many regional groups who host meets all over the U.S. throughout the year. The dates for officially sanctioned meets are published in the organization's magazine "Plates." If you collect license plates there are several clubs for collectors of license plates. We are the ALPCA Chesapeake Region, the regional chapter of the Automobile License Plate Collectors' Association for Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. our bylaws. Members choose whether their membership lasts one, two, three, four, or five years. [6][7], Since 1972 ALPCA has annually presented a "Best Plate Award" to an American state or Canadian province. The oldest and largest club is called A.L.P.C.A. Oklahoma was awarded “Plate of the Year” for best new license plate by the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association. The Chesapeake Region has been back in business since 2010, and we've been busy making up for lost time. Regional chapter of the Automobile License Plate Collectors' Association (ALPCA) for Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. We are the largest license plate collectors organization in join ALPCA today! Any member in good standing may nominate any ALPCA member for induction into the hall that they feel is deserving of the honor. Personal collection. Congratulations! [39][40], Although these meets are not sponsored by ALPCA they provide some of the same collecting opportunities that the ALPCA annual convention and officially sanctioned regional meets provide. Antique vehicle, bus, camper, farm, military, motorcycle, trailer, and truck plates are just a few of the hundreds of other plate types that have been issued and are now collected by members. You can use it on your vehicle instead of a getting a Collector Vehicle plate through us. Results of Roy Rich From 1955 until 1961 their term was two years, from 1961 until 2004 the term was one year, and since 2004 the term is once again two years. (Automobile License Plate Collectors Association). The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association, or ALPCA, was founded in 1958. Get the best deals for alpca magazine at [15], The ALPCA has held annual conventions since 1955. [8] To better educate the public regarding genuine license plates the association provides a "Guide to Deceptive and Misleading Plates" for free on its website. We are a regional chapter of the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association (ALPCA), and serve collectors in the Grand Canyon State. The four earliest conventions were held at the host members' home. The Administrative Staff, composed of the Secretary, Treasurer, Plates Editor, Webmaster, Regional Meet Coordinator, Complaint Chairman, and Legal Counsel, are appointed by the Executive Board, Similarly, the Project Staff, consisting of the Convention Planner, Convention Administrator, Archivist, Hall of Fame Coordinator, and Best Plate Coordinator, are also appointed by the Executive Board. Please take a moment to review my edit . The independent meets also allow the general public a way to meet ALPCA members, help members learn about plates by talking to sellers, and begin or add to their collections of license plates. The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association (ALPCA) is the largest such organization in the world. Meanwhile, a PDF copy of the issue is available for members on our website. Due to the COVID 19 pandemic the 2020 convention, originally scheduled for Tulsa, Oklahoma from July 8-11, 2020, was cancelled. Most members reside in the United States, followed by Canada, Germany, and Australia. Their plates are stored in elaborate display cases and are treated gently, as if they were rare coins. the benefits of ALPCA membership & Trade Ctr. [50][51], Since 1972 members have voted each year to name one United States or Canadian license plate design, and in some years two such designs, introduced during the previous year as the "Best Plate. Therefore, we will wait until after January 4th before accepting and fulfilling replacement requests. [1] Founded in Rumney Depot, New Hampshire, United States, in 1954 and holding its first meeting/convention in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, in 1955 it serves as a way for license plate collectors to trade plates, distribute news, and provide historic information to members. Back issues of these publications are available to active members on the association's website. It was founded in 1954 and has over 3,000 members from all over the world. The largest and most respected club for license plate collectors and aficionados all over the world. ALPCA's Best Plate of 2019 is Oregon's Smokey Bear plate! One member keeps track of the "highest numbers" issued in each state, and his website records what combinations are the latest to be issued. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! High quality license plate photographs of all states, from 1901 to 1976. All members serve two year terms. We thank you for your patience and understanding in these extraordinary times. They're the largest license plate collector organization in the world. Additionally, as many have experienced over the past few months, the USPS is experiencing significant delivery delays that seem to be more prominent in certain parts of the country. They're the largest license plate collector organization in the world. [54][55], The ALPCA Hall of Fame was approved by the Board of Directors in 2002, but it did not officially induct any members until 2004. [52] The award to the 1970 Northwest Territories for their polar bear-shaped license plate was made by Executive Board action between December 1973 and February 1974. Submit a Specialty License Plate Application and payment to: Application & Issuance Department of Licensing PO Box 9909 Olympia, WA 98507-8500. A.L.P.C.A. Since 1959 the annual conventions have been held in a larger private or public venue, and those held since 1984 have been at a convention center or other similarly large public venue. Members may also display the ALPCA logo (shield) for personal use. [5], Despite the club's name, many members also collect and exchange license plates from vehicles other than automobiles. ALPS meets are held six times per year all over the state, and are a forum for buying/selling/trading license plates of all kinds. Due to the fact that the … Founded in 1954, the organization is dedicated to the promotion of license plate collecting and the exchange of information and plates. If you use restored WA license plates. In addition to the ALPCA history the book details 100 years of license plate history, and over 275 profiles of a cross section of ALPCA members. ALPCA is the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association. Do you collect plates? [45][46][47][48], The online archives provide members an extensive research tool for information regarding the year a license plate was issued, serial numbers issued, colors, dates issued, slogans, plate material, and other plate characteristics. An absolutely massive antique car show, with a vast outdoor antique car parts flea market, held annually over several days each October in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Newly elected Executive Board members are installed just prior to the convention start. [15][16], The ALPCA presidents' term of office has changed two times. Members receive the bi-monthly full-color publication "Plates;" have full access to the organization's web-based license plate archives for every country around the world; access to back issues of all publications; and can attend both regional meets and the annual convention. Members can research plates with the association's online archives which have been extensively expanded and updated in recent years. Members treasure their "ALPCA number" and often are known as much by the time period in which they joined than by name or geographic home. They're the largest license plate collector organization in … members from 50 states and 19 countries. The club hosts an annual convention each June or July that attracts several hundred members, and regional meets take place in a number of states, provinces, and countries throughout the year. [1] Founded in Rumney Depot , New Hampshire , United States, in 1954 and holding its first meeting/convention in North Attleboro , Massachusetts , in 1955 it serves as a way for license plate collectors to trade plates, distribute news, and provide historic information to members. Welcome to my eBay Store. 2020 ALPCA election are in! Join ALPCA Today! The President and three of the Directors terms expire in even numbered years, and the Vice-President and two Directors terms expire in odd numbered years. The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association (ALPCA) is the largest such organization in the world. Unofficially, the primary publication was titled the ALPCA Newsletter, but it was many years before this was formalized. The number of regional meets varies each year, but recent years have seen 15 – 25 regional meetings. I enjoy collecting expired license plates and documenting the history of license plates, especially those from my home state of Maryland and from Pennsylvania.I've paid close attention to license plates in use since I was a young boy, and I continue to do so today in North Carolina, where I now live. YOLANDA: For the past 61 years, the automobile license plate collectors association has given these mostly metal tags a renewed purpose for their nearly 12,000 members. Conventions are only open to members and their guests. As a reference source for motor vehicle departments, auto clubs, federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, and television and motion picture production, Michael has an extensive collection consisting of over 100,000 license plates. plate collecting and research, the exchange of information and plates, Hi everyone. Since 1954, our organization has been dedicated to the promotion of license "[80], "To be considered for the Hall of Fame, candidates must have served the club or hobby unselfishly for the good of all without concern for praise, compensation, or reward; promoted membership; provided guidance to fellow members; and taught others the value of collecting. The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association recently announced their best license plate awards. That is about a week later than planned due to our printer having to unexpectedly shut down one of their production lines due to COIVD issues immediately following the Thanksgiving holiday. "The goal of the Hall of Fame is [to] provide a vehicle to learn about our founding fathers and the legacy of leaders throughout the years who have embodied the fraternal spirit of our hobby. Like the annual conventions, regional meets are only open to members and invited guests. Upcoming ALPCA International Conventions (members only): • Feb 27 - Peotone, IL For 1995, 1997, and 1998, the club recognized one standard-issue plate and one optional-issue plate, while in 1985 and 1989, two jurisdictions' designs tied for first place. The organization's magazine, "Plates," is mailed to all members, and all members in good standing are entitled to vote for officers and the Best Plate Award. The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association is the largest license plate collector’s organization in the world, with 2,849 members from 50 states and 19 countries. A list of upcoming independent meetings is maintained at the ALPCA website. We are aware that some members are experiencing extended delays in receiving the December issue of PLATES. Founded in Rumney Depot, New Hampshire, United States, in 1954 and holding its first meeting/convention in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, in 1955 it serves as a way for license plate collectors to trade plates, distribute news, and provide historic information to members. Quoting from the website, “Since 1954, our organization has been dedicated to the promotion of license plate collecting and research, the exchange of information and plates, and the fraternal benefits of sharing a common interest with others throughout the world.” All content Copyright © 1997-2021, ALPCA Inc. Guide to Confusing and Misleading License Plates, our publications, including PLATES Magazine, Covington, Kentucky - June 23 to 26, 2021, Denver, Colorado - June 28 to July 1, 2023, Our collective plate knowledge is available in our. [3][4], Members come from all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia, as well as nineteen countries. ALPCA currently has 2,639 The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association, founded 1954, is an organization dedicated to the promotion of license plate collecting and research, the exchange of information and plates, as well as all fraternal benefits of sharing a common hobby interest with others throughout the world. [2], ALPCA currently has approximately 2,800 registered members and over 13,100 registered member numbers,[1] although many of the earlier—and therefore lower-numbered—members are now deceased or are no longer members. Note that prior to the 1977 election of board members there were multiple other elected offices which are not shown here. My name is Andrew Pang, and I am a license plate collector living in the Washington, DC suburbs. [42][43][44], Plates Magazine is full color and regularly features articles relating the history of a topic, such as an individual state, province, or country's plates; provides information about newly issued plate; convention, regional, and independent meet details; photo histories of plates and related ephemera, such as validation stickers or tabs; topical histories such as motorcycle, special event, ham radio, personalized plates; articles on individual collectors or collections; annual base plate information for North American jurisdictions; etc. and the fraternal benefits of sharing a common interest with others throughout the world. Jim Graves. [80], Vehicle registration plates of North America, Vehicle registration plates of South America, List of ALPCA International Conventions, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, ALPCA Online – Automobile License Plate Collectors Association, "The ALPCA Guide to Deceptive and Misleading Plates", The New York Times > Automobiles > Driving: Vintage Cars, Vintage Plates, Delaware plate sells for U.S. record | | The Providence Journal projoCars |, Vanity With a Purpose; States Expand Specialty License Plates – New York Times, Kansas Department of Revenue – Kansas Personalized License Plate Re-Issue, "Delaware Wins America's Best License Plate Award: National Contest Has Honored Top Plate Each Year Since 1970", "Limited Edition Centennial Plate Announced as Winner for Best License Plate Award", "New Oklahoma License Plate Wins Best Plate Award", "Centennial License Plate Selected As The Best License Plate In The Nation For 2010", "ALPCA Honors Arizona's Centennial License Plate", "Union Pacific specialty license plate named best in U.S.", "Michigan Trumpets Award for "Beautiful" License Plate Design That It's Already Revising Because It's Illegible", "Alaska's bear stands tall in national plate poll", "Route 66 license plate named tops in the nation", "New Mexico chile license plate wins national award", Vehicle registration plates of the United States,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Memberships, magazine, archives, conventions, annual Best Plate Award, Member #1; Granted life membership in 1988. Michael C. Wiener is considered by many to be America’s foremost authority in the field of automobile license plates and motor vehicle licensing systems. Welcome, license plate collectors! - Click to the left to learn more about ALPCA: The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association. I am member #3877 in the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association (ALPCA). Our annual international conventions are typically attended by nearly 500 collectors. [18], Regional meets provide the opportunity for members to sell, trade, or barter plates with other members between annual conventions. The type depicting the state's name was modified in 2016. [9], Many ALPCA members maintain their own interests and websites, sometimes overlapping, and sometimes going way beyond the confines of license plate collectors. The ALPCA Newsletter changed names in February 2000 to the ALPCA Register, and since December 2004 has been known as Plates Magazine or informally as Plates. [53], Members votes are based on both the plate's legibility and its aesthetics. Many ALPCA members and other license plate collectors have vendor booths and sell plates at this show each year, as do many of the vendors primarily selling car … The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association (ALPCA) is the largest such organization in the world. We also have a strict The next convention, open to members only, will be in Covington, Kentucky, from June 23 to 26, 2021. [11][12][13], The ALPCA has approximately 2,800 current members. The club is an invaluable resource to all serious plate collectors Already a member? If you have any questions, or need the bot to ignore the links, or the page altogether, please visit this simple FaQ for additional information. [8] The presentation of the award each year is usually covered by media outlets in the state that wins the award. The President also serves as the Chairman of the Executive Board. Thank you for your business. This publication, "A Moving History, 50 Years Of ALPCA, 100 Years of License Plates" was written by Jeff Minard & Tim Stentiford, and published by Turner Communications. It is our hope that the USPS will work through this backlog and deliver the issues by January 4th. The Hall of Fame Committee reviewes all initial nominations, and the past presidents of the association vote to determine who on the list would be inducted in the Hall of Fame. [10], ALPCA members often consult the media for stories on issues in automobilia. AUTOMOBILE LICENSE PLATE COLLECTORS ASSN. A subset of them are "Extra-Miler Club" members, who seek to visit every county in the United States, often while picking antique shops and other venue for old tags. Trademark Introduction A.L.P.C.A. The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association, or ALPCA, was founded in 1958. Learn about Links - Here's the rest of what's out there in License Plate Land. Please add me to your list of favorite sellers and visit often. [41], From its inception ALPCA has distributed a publication to all active members. To simplify the following chart multiple terms served consecutively are combined in one row. (member access only), ALPCA Best Plate of the Year for 2019: Oregon. "[80] Originally relatively static, the archives have been greatly expanded, become an online database that is much easier to search, sort, and provides much improved photos over the original archives. DPS-DVS prioritizes technology implementation to services that affect the largest number of Minnesotans. Three single year terms and one two year term. Junior memberships, for those members less than 18 years of age, are also available. Smiley wins The latter, in fact, placed last in the design contest run by the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association , as did the "Wander Indiana" plate the year it was judged. Rick Kretschmer in his element at a plate meet License plates are my hobby. Some regional groups hold a single meeting, while others may host quarterly meetings. More information here. The flat plate design includes actual photographs taken in our state of a buffalo, the state’s beautiful skies and majestic badlands. I have just modified 2 external links on Automobile License Plate Collectors Association. The additional holiday related volume is exacerbating this problem. "[52] The first award went to Pennsylvania for their early Bicentennial plate which featured the Liberty Bell in the center. Our club is governed by 5. I'm an ALPCA (Automobile License Plate Collectors Association) member # 9486. More serious license plate collectors often belong to the ALPCA, or the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association, and they visit antique auctions in search of valuable license plates. The proposed pollinator license plate, part of the critical habitat series, is on hold as DPS-DVS launches a new vehicle services computer system. Chattanooga/Hamilton County Conv. These meets often include auctions, regional meetings, awards, and a social event such as a lunch meal. I'm member 7326. The following list of ALPCA Presidents was compiled from the ALPCA Newsletter, ALPCA Register, and Plates Magazine. When an individual joins, he or she is assigned a membership number, which started with #1 in 1954, and are currently being issued in the 13,200 range. Set up your members-only access here! [14], The ALPCA is run by a seven member Executive Board composed of the President, Vice-President, and five Directors. We've made great strides toward becoming the premier ALPCA region on the east coast! • Mar 16-19 - Las Vegas, NV, Last updated: Friday, 01-Jan-2021 20:02:34 UTC. If you live in or travel to Arizona and are interested in license plates, then I encourage you look in to attending one of our upcoming meets! Since 1954, our organization has been dedicated to the promotion of license plate collecting and research, the exchange of information and plates, and the fraternal benefits of sharing a common interest with others throughout the world. The name first appeared on the masthead in April 1972, but the name had appeared in the newsletter itself many times before this date. 1994 Massachusetts exc – NICE PLATE $ 9.95 1982 Wyoming exc+ – NICE PLATE $ 9.95 2000 Pennsylvania nearly mint – NICE PLATE $ 7.50 1973 Oregon nearly mint – NICE PLATE Welcome to ALPCA! [49], For the 50th anniversary of ALPCA two members wrote a book detailing the associations history. My collecting interests are numerous...I am currently working on runs of all 50 states and Washington, DC. the world. A list of upcoming regional meetings is also maintained at the ALPCA website. Box 41381 St. Petersburg, FL 33743 E-mail Niagara Falls Convention and Civic Center, Tulsa, OK (cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic), This page was last edited on 4 December 2020, at 03:43. Here about 30 popular ALPCA, automobile license plates, license plate club, license plate collecting sites such as (ALPCA - The Automobile License Plate Collectors Association). Jeff Francis Member, Automobile License Plate Collectors Association #1879 P.O. North Dakota's plate design won second place honors in the Automobile License Plate Collectors Association Best Plate of 2015 Contest. reproduction policy. Conventions include three days of selling and trading of plates on the convention floor, an auction of license plates donated by members and individual states' department of motor vehicles, member displays that are judged and presented awards in many categories, committee and membership meetings, and social activities. 161 likes. The 2020 Hall of Fame inductees are Featuring plates made of porcelain, brass, leather, steel, wood, copper, fiberboard and aluminum. If you see a site not listed, please let me know. All issues were in the mail as of 7 December. Automobile License Plate Collectors Assn. A complete run of plates from every state is very achievable, for most states. • Mar 14 - Albuquerque, NM , Germany, and i am currently working on runs of all 50 states and 19.... Fame inductees are Roy Rich and Jim Graves 3,000 members from 50 states and Washington, DC )! Best Plate of the Executive Board composed of the Executive Board Vice-President, and a social such... For buying/selling/trading License plates from vehicles other than automobiles design includes actual photographs taken in state! The lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items Box Olympia. Numerous... i am member # 3877 in the world, oklahoma from July 8-11,,. 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