bachelor of arts otago

+64 3 479 7000 180 further points; must include 36 points at 200-level or above. 0800 80 80 98 Academic breadth is complemented by in-depth knowledge gained through majoring in one or two subjects with the option of minors in one or two others. The Bachelor of Arts is Otago's most flexible undergraduate degree programme, enabling students to study from a selection of more than 40 arts and social science subjects, as well as papers offered elsewhere in the University. About the course. [SPSCC student Carlos Cabrera, completing his Bachelor of Visual Arts at Otago Polytechnic] Otago Polytechnic, New Zealand [Note: This information is provided by Otago Polytechnic. One further POLS paper at 200-level or above, One of CHIN 241 Contemporary Chinese Society, GEND 201 Introduction to Feminist Theory, GEND 208 Governing Bodies, PHIL 227 Morality and Politics:Hobbes to Hume, PHIL 228 Ethics, PSYC 204 Justice, Race and Class, or PUBH 203 Health Policy and Politics, may be substituted for one 200-level POLS paper, Either STAT 110 Statistical Methods or STAT 115 Introduction to Biostatistics is recommended, PSYC 210  Principles of Psychological Research, Four of: PSYC 313  Cognition and Neuropsychology PSYC 315  Social Psychology PSYC 317  Biopsychology PSYC 318  Developmental Psychology PSYC 319  Comparative Cognition PSYC 321  Special Topic PSYC 323  Sensation and Perception PSYC 324  Health Psychology PSYC 325  Psychology in Legal Contexts PSYC 326  Cognitive Engineering PSYC 327  Psychology of Language PSYC 328  Behaviour Analysis in Everyday Life PSYC 329  Cultural Psychology PSYC 330  Drugs, Behaviour, Addiction, and Policy PSYC 331  Applied Psychological Research, Students intending to advance to postgraduate study should also take PSYC 311 Quantitative Methods. EURO 101  Introduction to European Studies, One of: Courses in New Zealand South Island University of Otago Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Gender Studies,courses, eligibility, assured scholarships It broke from the centuries-old master-apprentice model of craft education and developed an approach that embraced and encouraged creative processes alongside the acquisition of technical skills. Olivia Barber (21), who graduated with a bachelor of commerce degree, said she and fellow graduates had not let a threat to attack ceremonies get in the way of their celebrations. At Otago, you will have unprecedented opportunities. is an undergraduate law degree in the United Kingdom and most common law jurisdictions—except the United States. Bachelor of Arts (BA) majoring in political science minoring in economics. Bachelor of Laws (Latin: Legum Baccalaureus; LL.B.) $20,385. Students are taught by research-active scholars, are expected to undertake a diverse range of learning tasks and are challenged to develop their intellectual independence. SPEX 102  Principles of Exercise for Health and Performance, SPEX 204  Psychology of Sport and Exercise, SPEX 208  Sociology of Sport and Exercise, SPEX 209  Sport Development and Management, Four of: SPEX 304  Sport Psychology SPEX 312  Advanced Sociology of Sport SPEX 313  Sport and Health Policy SPEX 314  Advanced Sport Management SPEX 315  Sport Media. Bachelor of Arts and Science. Up to 90 points may be taken from outside Arts. ]Otago Polytechnic is a proud leader in hands-on, career-focused education. Tears outside the dental school were replaced with smiles on campus as families gathered for the big day and made do in the circumstances. The Dentist and the Community. Bachelor of Laws is also the name of the law degree awarded by universities in India, Kenya, … Tackling big world issues requires multi-faceted solutions that may include new technology and scientific breakthroughs, but will also require an understanding of their impact on people and society. Please contact the Postgraduate Coordinator for further information. Total student fees. COMP 101  Foundations of Information Systems. Courses in New Zealand South Island University of Otago Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Film and Media Studies,courses, eligibility, assured scholarships 198 further points which may include STAT 110 or STAT 115; must include 54 points at 200-level or above. And, you’ll graduate with the skills necessary to succeed in the rapidly changing, global workplace. The Bachelor of Culinary Arts is right for you if you have: a passion for food and cooking; a curious mind, and; a desire to experiment with food. Academic breadth is complemented by in-depth knowledge gained through majoring in one or two subjects with the option of minors in one or two others. University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Centre (AMC) Arts 2006 4. Otago Polytechnic Ltd. Subject area. 3 Years. SOCI 101  Sociology of New Zealand Society, Three 200-level SOCI papers, one of which may be replaced with any 200-level GEND paper or CRIM 201 Crime, Justice and Society or SPEX 208, Four papers from GEND 311 and 300-level SOCI papers, one of which may be replaced with any 300-level GEND paper or SPEX 312 or SPEX 315, One of SPAN 233, SPAN 243, SPAN 250, SPAN 251, EURO 202, GLBL 201, GLBL 202, Two of SPAN 341, SPAN 343, SPAN 350, SPAN 351, EURO 302, GLBL 301, GLBL 302. The Bachelor of Arts (BA) is Otago's most flexible undergraduate degree programme, enabling students to study from a selection of more than 40 arts and social science subjects, as well as papers offered elsewhere in the University. Note: Students majoring in Linguistics are not able to take the TESOL minor subject. Note: Students with previous knowledge of Chinese will be placed in CHIN language papers appropriate to their level. Bachelor Degree Level 7 Duration Tooltip. There are no particular subject requirements for the other papers of your degree, but if you wish you may have another subject specified as a minor subject in your degree by passing the prescribed papers for any of the listed subjects. either a Science major subject or an Applied Science major subject, may include one optional minor subject that satisfies the minor subject requirements listed in, may not include a paper that counts for both a major and a minor subject requirement unless that paper is at 100- or 200-level and is specified as compulsory for both requirements, and, may include papers that are not listed in, Every programme of study shall satisfy the requirements for prerequisites, corequisites, and restrictions set out in the Prescriptions (published in the. Dunedin 9016 (ii) Students who have passed at least one of MATH 151, 160, 170, COMO 101, STAT 110, 115, BSNS 112, or FINC 102 as part of another subject’s requirements do not need to pass another one of these papers to fulfil the Computer Science requirements. Thinking of a career as a cutting edge chef, artisan food producer, food writer, teacher, entrepreneur or promoter? At Otago, students have long been able to include humanities papers in a science degree and science papers in an arts degree, each normally taking three years., Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA), Full list of available minor subject areas, contact the Department of Computer Science, 72 further points which may be taken from outside Arts, 126 points of approved language and/or culture papers, including a minimum of two language acquisition papers in one particular language (Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Māori) and including at least two further 300-level papers drawn from the offerings of the Department of Languages and Cultures and/or Te Tumu, the School of Māori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies, One additional 18-point paper from either Tourism or Languages and Cultures. $20,725. Hannah Matehaere. Two 100-level papers in one of the following languages: Chinese, French, German, Greek, Japanese, Latin, Māori, Spanish, Two 200-level papers in the language continued from 100-level, Two 300-level papers in the language continued from 200-level. over 4 Years - details. Hopes for the future: Go to the University of Otago and do a bachelor of arts and science. 3 Years. INFO 201  Developing Information Systems 1, INFO 202  Developing Information Systems 2, INFO 203  Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience, INFO 302 Information Systems Strategy and Governance. Bachelor Of Arts (BA), Qualifications, University Of Otago, New Zealand. 4. The Bachelor of Arts (BA) is Otago's most flexible undergraduate degree programme, enabling students to study from a selection of more than 40 arts and social science subjects, as well as papers offered elsewhere in the University. Study Electronic Arts over 3 Years - details. Notes: (i) Students are exempt from COMP 161 if they have gained entry to COMP 162 by passing COMP 151 with a grade of at least B or via an Advanced Placement Test. There are about 1500 combinations of major subjects available, so it not possible to provide summaries of all BASc programmes. Four years of full-time study 2. Apply for the Bachelor of Visual Arts (Hons). BIOA 301, GEOG 381, GLBL 311, MUSI 368, MUSI 386 or any 300-level GEND or SOCI paper may be substituted for one 300-level ANTH paper. CHTH 111  Doing Theology or CHTH 131  God and Ethics in the Modern World, Three 200-level CHTH papers, one of which may be replaced with a 200-level BIBS paper, Any two CLAS, GREK or LATN 100-level papers. Conjoint degrees. Academic breadth is complemented by in-depth knowledge gained through majoring in one or two subjects with the option of minors in one or two others. It's nothing but net for this rising basketball star. (ii) Students may take GLBL 301 in place of GLBL 201, and GLBL 302 in place of GLBL 202. Bachelor of Arts - University of Otago; Bachelor of Arts. MAOR 110  Introduction to Conversational Māori, Two of ANTH 204, ANTH 205, ANTH 206, ANTH 208, GEOG 278, HIST 223, HIST 246, MAOR 203, MAOR 204, MAOR 207, MAOR 208, MAOR 210, MAOR 211, MAOR 212, MAOR 213, MFCO 212, PACI 201, PACI 210, POLS 202, POLS 207, PUBH 203, SPAN 243, SPEX 206, INDV 301 Māori and Indigenous Development: Governance and Ethics  or  INDV 302  Whakapapa and Marae, Three of ANTH 324, ECON 303, ENGL 332, GEOG 378, HIST 327, INDV 307, MANT 341, MAOR 303, MAOR 304, MAOR 307, MAOR 308, MAOR 310, MAOR 311, MAOR 312, MAOR 313, MAOR 316, MART 305, MFCO 318, PACI 301, PACI 310, SPAN 343, SPEX 306, TOUR 301, TOUR 306. The ability to think critically, solve problems and work as a team could prove advantageous in your future career. University of Otago. THEA 221  Theatre: Ancient to Contemporary, MUSI 265  Music and Theatre  or  PERF 205  Creatives Industries may be substituted for one THEA paper, MUSI 365  Music and Theatre  or  PERF 305  Creative Industries may be substituted for one THEA paper, TOUR 218  Tourism and Hospitality Enterprise Management, Two of TOUR 301, TOUR 303, TOUR 304, TOUR 305, TOUR 306. 3 Years. Bachelor Degree Level 7 Duration Tooltip. The Dentist and the Patient 3. View all 26 Online Bachelor's programmes at universities in New Zealand. Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) Domestic tuition: $6,257 per year International tuition: $16,106: NZQF Level: 7 Advertisement. 3. Courses in New Zealand South Island University of Otago Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Economics,courses, eligibility, assured scholarships Advanced placement into MATH 170 may be allowed for suitably qualified candidates. There are three themes that run through the entire Bachelor of Dental Surgery program at Otago: 1. Contact. Personalise your degree to suit your interests, strengths and career plans as you choose from hundreds of subject combinations The Bachelor of Arts and Science (BASc) will enable you to combine your passion for arts and science in one degree. $20,385. The Bachelor of Arts (BA) is Otago's most flexible undergraduate degree programme, enabling students to study from a selection of more than 40 arts and social science subjects, as well as papers offered elsewhere in the University. Note: Students with previous knowledge of French will be placed in FREN language papers appropriate to their level. The school is based in Dunedin, New Zealand. While all reasonable care will be taken, Otago Polytechnic does not accept responsibility for damage or loss of portfolio material. For students who entered the programme prior to 2021, please contact the Department of Computer Science for advice regarding programme requirements or refer to the 2020 University of Otago Calendar or 2020 Guide to Enrolment. Olivia Barber (21), who graduated with a bachelor of commerce degree, said she and fellow graduates had not let a threat to attack ceremonies get in the way of their celebrations. CHIN 244 Writing China: Texts, Ideas and History, CHTH 206, The Reformation, ENVI 211 Environmental History of New Zealand, or MAOR 207 Ngā Kōrero Nehe - Tribal Histories, may be substituted for one 200-level HIST paper. Today's workplaces demand a different kind of graduate. The Bachelor of Arts and Science adds to the range of options available. The Bachelor of Arts is Otago's most flexible undergraduate degree programme, enabling students to study from a selection of more than 40 arts and social science subjects, as well as papers offered elsewhere in the University. July 16, 2019 September 28, 2018 primbondh. Academic breadth is complemented by in-depth knowledge gained through majoring in one or two subjects with the option of minors in one or two others. over 3 Years - details. Qualification. For a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, you must major in at least one of the following subjects: Selecting a minor subject is not compulsory and there may be other combinations of papers more appropriate to your degree. ]Otago Polytechnic is a proud leader in hands-on, career-focused education. This degree will teach you how to become a creative maker, thinker and active agent in a local, national and global context. The University of Auckland, Faculty of Medical and Health Science MB ChB 2003 2. University of Otago. We have some of the best student achievement and satisfaction results in New Zealand, and resounding endorsements from employers. Subject area. The completed BA is an entry qualification for the PGDipArts in the major subject of the degree. Bachelor of Applied Science. A candidate with outstanding results in a subject prior to entering University may be permitted by the Head of Department concerned to enrol for a paper at 200-level without having satisfied the normal prerequisites.

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