"Ball Lightning Explanation Leading to Clean Energy." Amazon.com. [56] (A glass jar, however, eventually explodes rather than simply causing charred paint or melting metal, as happens to the inside of a microwave.) There are many historical reports of such “fireballs” injuring or even killing people and setting buildings alight, and they have sometimes been given supernatural explanations. But the researchers couldn’t confirm that, as there are no emission lines of neutral aluminum atoms within the spectral range of their instrument (wavelengths of 400–1000 nanometers). Some experiments describe covering the match with an inverted glass jar, which contains both the flame and the balls so that they don't damage the chamber walls. It had a diameter of 5 m (16 ft) and covered a distance of about 15 m (49 ft) within those 1.64 s. Oscillations in the light intensity and in the oxygen and nitrogen emission at a frequency of 100 hertz, possibly caused by the electromagnetic field of the 50 Hz high-voltage power transmission line in the vicinity, were observed. [97] Rydberg matter is a condensed form of highly excited atoms in many aspects similar to electron-hole droplets in semiconductors. This is the only eye witness account of ball lightning forming, then staying in one area, then ending that the author has heard of.[96]. Wandering glow discharges are found to occur within certain industrial microwave ovens and continue to glow for several seconds after power is shut off. Its appearance has also been linked to power lines,[24][43] altitudes of 300 m (1,000 feet) and higher, and during thunderstorms[24] and calm weather. On 6 August 1944 a ball of lightning went through a closed window in, In 1954 Domokos Tar, a physicist, observed a lightning strike during a heavy thunderstorm in. Physics of Plasmas. The aircraft encountered an electrical storm during which it was enveloped in a sudden bright and loud electrical discharge (0005 h EST, March 19, 1963). XV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 15-20 June 2014, Norman, Oklahoma, U.S.A. Manykin et al. The ball of fire allegedly smashed the pews and many windows, and filled the church with a foul sulphurous odour and dark, thick smoke. The thin layer of air would resemble the film of a soap bubble. This hypothesis fails to explain observed physical damage caused by ball lightning or simultaneous observation by multiple witnesses. Gas discharge properties have been calculated, considering electrons, negative ions, positive ions and the metastable singlet delta oxygen molecules, … He said that the balls sometimes split into smaller balls and may explode "like a cannon".[17]. The data suggest that the glowing ball was composed of elements from soil, consistent with one popular theory. Nikola Tesla (1899 December) theorized that the balls consist of highly rarefied (but hot) gas.[49]. The pilots saw small balls of light moving in strange trajectories, which came to be referred to as. When this maintains the ionization, the ball is then a soliton in the flow of atmospheric electricity. The lightning balls can dramatically explode as the structure destabilizes. Some scientific groups, including the Max Planck Institute, have reportedly produced a ball lightning-type effect by discharging a high-voltage capacitor in a tank of water. In 2005 an incident occurred in Guernsey, where an apparent lightning-strike on an aircraft led to multiple fireball-sightings on the ground. The presumption of its existence has depended on reported public sightings, which have produced inconsistent findings. Some seconds after this a glowing sphere a little more than 20 cm [8 inches] in diameter emerged from the pilot's cabin and passed down the aisle of the aircraft approximately 50 cm [20 inches] from me, maintaining the same height and course for the whole distance over which it could be observed. The idea of the superconductivity in a ball lightning was considered earlier. The evolution of size, color, and light intensity is reported in detail. A proposed technique to study our Galaxy’s cosmic-ray history involves observing the damage created by neutrinos within deeply buried rocks. J. Cen, P. Yuan, and S. Xue, Phys. Ball lightning.jpg 1,801 × 1,490; 378 KB. Experiments by Eli Jerby and Vladimir Dikhtyar in Israel revealed that microwave plasma balls are made up of nanoparticles with an average radius of 25 nm (9.8×10−7 inches). Ball lightning.png 1,165 × 979; 4.36 MB. 1" 1" Round Downlight; 1" Square Downlight; 2" 2" Round Downlight, Adjustable & Pinhole; 2" Square Downlight, Adjustable & Pinhole In this building is situated the dynamos and electrical apparatus of perhaps the finest electrical plant of its size in the state. An experimental investigation of this effect, published in 2007, reported producing "luminous balls with lifetime in the order of seconds" by evaporating pure silicon with an electric arc. The BL is generated by a cloud-to-ground lightning strike. 20, No. Ohtsuki and Ofuruton[52][53] described producing "plasma fireballs" by microwave interference within an air-filled cylindrical cavity fed by a rectangular waveguide using a 2.45 GHz, 5 kW (maximum power) microwave oscillator. They immediately lowered their topsails, but it came up so fast upon them, that, before they could raise the main tack, they observed the ball rise almost perpendicularly, and not above forty or fifty yards [35 or 45 m] from the main chains when it went off with an explosion, as great as if a hundred cannons had been discharged at the same time, leaving behind it a strong sulphurous smell.
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