All year long the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. In fact, forget the park!”, From “The Series Has Landed,” after being kicked out of Luna Park, 6. The series follows the adventures of slacker Philip J. Fry, who is cryogenically preserved for 1000 years and is revived in the 31st century. Where Does Griselda Records’ ‘Conflicted’ Rank In The History Of Rap Record Label Movies? When Bender finds out that he was improperly built without a backup unit, he quickly realizes that all of the times he put his life on the line were really, well, him putting his life on the line. 10. 20. _Bender makes the best beer. Futurama is an American animated science fiction sitcom created by Matt Groening. 3. From “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Plaything,” basking in Leela’s misfortune. Futurama Quotes 30944. "I'm Going To Build My Own Theme Park With Blackjack and Hookers" is a memorable quote said by Bender in a 1999 episode of the animated TV series Futurama. One of his iconic one-liners is Kill All Humans although he definitely has a soft spot for bestfriend Philip J. Fry. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. What makes the situation even worse is that right after, Bender and Fry enlist in the army to get the discount, but right after signing their papers, "war were declared.". Show Metadata Hide Metadata. Futurama quotes about love, life, and work that will motivate you. From “Anthology Of Interest I,” extorting Leela after she kills the professor. Fry: sorry I'm busy right now, I'm juicing lemons and it's taking a long time because I have papercuts and no bandaids. Now no one can say I don’t own John Larroquette’s spine.”. Bender Bending Rodríguez aka Bender is one of the most interesting characters in the hit show Futurama. Hey, Futurama fans! In the second episode of Futurama, Fry makes his first delivery with the rest of the crew. Futurama is a science fiction TV sitcom that lasted from 1999 to 2013. Disemboweling in your species, fatal or non-fatal? Bender was the heart and soul even though he had neither of those things) of the Planet Express crew on Futurama. Directed by Susie Dietter. "Me, Bender" is one of Bender's common catchphrases, although it is not used as much as "Bite my shiny metal ass".Often, when Bender refers to himself as "Me", he follows it with "Bender", making the phrase "Me, Bender". “You know, I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies.”. It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. 19. “Have you tried turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?”. Bender: Gimme your biggest, strongest, cheapest drink! Share Bender quotes, memes & more from Futurama. These are his best quotes. I wish everyone else was dead. A pitiless, elegant killing machine. Robot Devil: Wow! Update: I wrote this when I was 12. NEXT: 25 Twisted Futurama Facts That Will Surprise Even Longtime Fans, All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. This episode ends with a really touching montage about how Hermes was the one to spare baby Bender's life back when he was first working as a robot inspector. Bender: [to the Robot Devil] Here ya go! From “Amazon Women In The Mood,” reacting to seeing Planet Amazonia for the first time. The joke pays off later when Bender finally gets to perform his song, and out of nowhere, he really does tell the audience "put your hands in the air like you just don't care.". It is capable of speaking the language of anyone who communicates with it, signaling in binary to begin … 4. Bender Quotes. “Afterlife? Hermes: Sweet llamas of the Bahamas! Here are ten of the best quotes that show just how great Bender really was. From “Bender Should Not Be Allowed On Television,” offering advice to fathers everywhere. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Bender: All that and a small wiener. Even in the year 3000, when robots are pretty much everywhere, Bender knows that they are a lot cooler than pretty much any other lifeform. When Bender and Fry first meet, Bender can barely believe that anyone would want to have a robot as a friend. Discover and share Futurama Quotes Bender. Futurama took us back to the hilarious future for several seasons until it wrapped in 2013. Includes Futurama episode reviews, polls, chat and more. When he and Fry try to use a military discount to purchase ham-flavored gum, they are quickly rebuked by the store clerk, who informs them (correctly) that the discount is only for people in the military. “I got ants my butt, and I needs to strut!”. Fry: Ugh, it’s like a party in my mouth & everyone’s throwing up. Discover and share Futurama Quotes Bender. YOU DON'T KNOW ME, THOUGH YOU MAY HAVE HEARD OF ME, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT. Fry Leela Bender Hermes Amy Wong Zapp Brannigan Professor Farnsworth Zoidberg ... — Bender, Futurama. The Futurama Madhouse Russian Infosphere All My Futurama - Something About Leela This page was last edited on 2 December 2014, at 18:37. To everyone else, it's a pretty conventional trip, but Fry can barely contain his excitement. “I’ll build by own theme park. Directed by Susie Dietter. Aug 18, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Erica Duyst. but then again what if I don't The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Some amazing pickup lines from everyone's favourite bending unit: 22. Then again, it wouldn't hurt to take a six hour leisure break so I don't strain myself. _Raise your hands and adore Bender. Bender Bending Rodriguez (Model: bending unit 22) is a bending unit (serial number: 2716057), who works at Planet Express as Assistant Manager of Sales, formerly chef of the company. A huge site dedicated to the show Futurama. YOU DON'T KNOW ME, THOUGH YOU MAY HAVE HEARD OF ME, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT. “[Bender and Leela are in a cemetery] Grab a shovel. Inspirational Futurama Quotes Bender: Hot diggity daffodil! In the episode "I, Roommate," Bender and Fry decide to move in together, and after a rocky few nights of Fry trying to sleep in Bender's tiny apartment (which is essentially just a closet), they move to a much bigger place. Futurama Quotes. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. By 'devil' I mean robot devil and by 'metaphorically' I mean get your coat." Bender is the sort of robot who makes "kill all humans" his catchphrase, so it's natural that he would not really care about the sanctity of human life. 12. ― God Entity. 2. With Billy West, Katey Sagal, John DiMaggio, Tress MacNeille. _Futurama would have been incomplete without without Bender. bender, fry, harry. 5. We need something that can take out an entire army. “Hey sexy mama, wanna kill all humans?”. Your friendly neighborhood Futurama robot, Bender Bending Rodríguez, can be counted on for two things: The desire to kill all humans, and being drunk. Bender Bending Rodríguez aka Bender is one of the most interesting characters in the hit show Futurama. 25580 ... BENDER, BID YOU HELLO! due to running out of rocks. Futurama: "Best Futurama Quotes - Page 10" at the largest Futurama forum PEEL. Bender Bending Rodríguez, (born September 4, 2996), designated Bending Unit 22, and commonly known as Bender, is a bending unit created by a division of MomCorp in Tijuana, Mexico, and his serial number is 2716057.His mugshot id number is 01473. From “Bend Her,” not able to win any bending events at the Olympics. Bender was built in the year 2996 in Tijuana, Mexico. It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. Bender has always been the kind of character who boasts a huge but fragile ego. What would Futurama be without Bender, the foul-mouthed, hard-drinking, cigar-smoking, crime-committing four-year-old robot? FOX/Comedy Central. Futurama Quotes. Girls on FB these days.. Post with 7038 views. I knew you'd come back! “Bender: Ah, the crossbow. Bender: Bite my shiny metal ass. Here are Best Bender’s famous quotes and sayings. Without this unit, Bender was recognized as defective and in order not to tarnish Mom's Company he would need to be destroyed. Bender says this line when he meets one of his culinary idols serving up food in a hobo camp. With superb voicework provided by the incomparable John DiMaggio, Bender quickly became one of the most popular characters on the show, and although someone like Bender could have quickly become irritating, there was still enough heart and personality under his cold, metal exterior to keep him endearing. “There. God Entity is a kind of cosmic entity Bender comes across while floating in space that may be God, although Bender postulates that it may be a computerized space probe that collided with God. With Billy West, Katey Sagal, John DiMaggio, Tress MacNeille. Saved by Sunny_Road_Existentialist . Sep 25, 2019 - Explore Dra Ged's board "Futurama quotes", followed by 7127 people on Pinterest. bender. “You’re a pimple on society’s ass and you’ll never amount to anything!”. Leela: I have to get this done. Fry Leela Bender Hermes Amy Wong Zapp Brannigan Professor Farnsworth Zoidberg ... — Bender, Futurama. “I’m Bender, baby! As far as foul-mouthed alcoholic robots go, Bender is pretty hard to beat. Bender: Part of me wants to cheat on the test but like what if I get caught. Here are the best Bender quotes from Futurama, celebrating the most adorable, beer-drinking robot that television has ever known. “This is the worst kind of discrimination there is: the kind against me!”. All year long the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter while the … Discover (and save!) Well, "Futurama" started with Fry getting frozen on New Year's Eve 1999 and waking up 1,000 years later, and then as it's gone forward in time, we're in 3013 now. Futurama Quotes. Funny As Hell The Funny Funny Shit Zapp Brannigan Comedy Central Movies Showing Science Fiction Nerdy Sci Fi. Bender: Bite my shiny, metal ass! Bender spends most of the episode making all sorts of trouble (obviously), and after getting kicked out of Luna Park, he declares he is going to start his own theme park with all of the things that he wants. Includes Futurama downloads, Futurama DVD info, TV listing, Futurama episode guide, a chatroom and more. ... Bender - "You may need to metaphorically make a deal with the devil. Fry finds work at an interplanetary delivery company. When Bender is shut down from ever being a Harlem Globetrotter (he looks deep in his heart and must admit that he is not funky enough), he seems to have a bit of an existential crisis. due to running out of rocks. your own Pins on Pinterest Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Futurama Quotes. The Bender of the 15th century. The ‘x’ makes it sound cool.”. However, with the help of Beck, Bender learns how to use small robot arms to play his body like a washboard. Some amazing pickup lines from everyone's favourite bending unit: 22. Everybody welcome. A huge site dedicated to the show Futurama. 16. He was built in 3001 by a team of engineers with a desire to build a completely insane robot. Zoidberg: Woop-wo-wo-woop-woop! After Bender realizes that he can't write a hit folk song after all (which he should have realized the first time he tried to do it with Beck in "Bendin' in the Wind"), he has to deal with the fact that somehow being great doesn't translate to talent. In image macros and comments, variations of the phrasal template“We’ll create our own (X) with blackjack and hookers” have been used to express dissatisfaction with the status quo, suggesting that the commenter could do it better. Even though Bender and Fry's friendship is tested, they stick together, and in the end, Fry ends up living in Bender's closet (a massive apartment). Bender utters the line when Hermes tries to comfort him about being mortal, and how having only a short time on Earth makes everything matter a lot more. Bender utters this line just as he is about to put the doomsday device in place in order to solve the temporal issues taking place throughout the universe. 530,529 likes. “That’s closest thing to ‘Bender is great’ that anyone other me has ever said.”. Bender Futurama Quotes Random. Share Bender quotes, memes & more from Futurama. This line comes in the episode "40% Leadbelly." If you’re having a dreary day, what you need are these funny Bender memes. Best Futurama Quotes. All year long the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. Robot: Daddy! Bender: Part of me wants to cheat on the test but like what if I get caught. Update: I wrote this when I was 12. A one-stop shop for all things video games. But too lazy to fix it :) Content is available under Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported . Planet Express Employee Lounge The Futurama Message Board ... Bender drives his motorcycle around inside the Laboratory and smashes over the Professor's workbench. If I thought I had to live another life, I’d kill myself right now!”. 6:33 pm • 1 September 2011 • 6 … Well if the League of Robots isn't real, how come I had a whole sticker-book of 'em when I was younger? Let's face it. Let me laugh even harder.”. Kiss my shiny metal ass. Everybody welcome. From “How Hermes Requisitioned His Grovveback,” after finally having his artificial intelligence turned back on. At least not whet competing against men. One of his iconic one-liners is Kill All Humans although he definitely has a soft spot for bestfriend Philip J. Fry. RELATED: 10 Dark Futurama Fan Theories That Change Everything. “Blackmail is such an ugly word. Share Bender quotes, memes & more from Futurama. Compare your lives to mine and then kill yourselves!”. 281. From “Bendin’ In The Wind,” indulging his dream of being a folk singer one last time. RELATED: Futurama: The 5 Best (and 5 Worst) Episodes, Bender utters this line, which to be fair, is all too true. Kif Kroker: Excuse my language but I have had it with you ruffling my petticoats! Even when he faces defeat, he is still fully aware of how great he is and that even though he is feeling a lot of shame, it should be everyone else that feels it instead of him. Voiced by. Bender Bending Rodríguez, (born September 4, 2996), designated Bending Unit 22, and commonly known as Bender, is a bending unit created by a division of MomCorp in Tijuana, Mexico, and his serial number is 2716057.His mugshot id number is 01473. RELATED: Futurama Characters By Myers-Briggs® Personality Type. RELATED: Futurama: 10 Zapp Brannigan Quotes That Are Life, It's while writing this masterpiece that Bender says this line, delivering it like the final lyrics to his song are a stroke of genius. As part of the main ensemble, Bender was at once a foil to the rest of the crew's more law-abiding tendencies and also a lovable mascot for the Planet Express crew. Discover (and save!) Cartoon Network Adventure Time Adventure Time Anime Futurama Quotes Funniest Pictures Ever Steven Universe Theories Nerd Cartoon Crossovers American Dad Adult Cartoons. BENDER SOUNDBOARD Bender soundboard from the show Futurama with over 100 of his best quotes. Includes Futurama episode reviews, polls, chat and more. LONG STORY SHORT, I NEED HELF-Bender's failed attempt at an S.O.S. From “Ghost In The Machines,” hearing Fry’s touching epitaph for him. [Bender boots his son out of a window and into a vat of liquid which bursts into flames upon contact with the child.] God Entity is a kind of cosmic entity Bender comes across while floating in space that may be God, although Bender postulates that it may be a computerized space probe that collided with God. futurama-quotes. 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Futurama Quotes. By Luke_Castellans_Girl Ongoing - Updated May 19, 2016 Embed Story Share via Email Read New Reading List. Bender Quotes. Futurama Quotes. Oh god, please insert liquor!”. A brainchild of The Simpsons creator Matt Groening, the show followed a similar style in animation but is less family-friendly. If you’re having a dreary day, what you need are these funny Bender memes. From “Lethal Inspection,” finding out he’s not immortal. “The game’s over. It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. This item Bender Futurama Robot Decor Motivational Quotes Wall Decals Pop Art Gifts Portrait Framed Famous Paintings on Acrylic Canvas Poster Prints Artwork Geek Decor (10x10 (25.4cm x 25.4cm)) Futurama TV Cast Autographed Signed Reprint 8.5x11 Script UNFRAMED - Matt Groening, David Cohen, John Dimaggio, Billy West, Katey Saga, Bender, Philip J Fry 13. From “My Three Suns,” trying to make Fry cry. He's polite, charming, and treats his coworkers with the utmost respect. All year long the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. It is capable of speaking the language of anyone who communicates with it, signaling in binary to begin with and speaking English when Bender calls out to it. I’m one skull short of a Mouseketeer reunion.” — Bender, Futurama 6:35 pm • 17 August 2011 • 5 notes Morbo: Windmills do not work that way! _Watch Futurama, fall in love with Bender. He is one of the main characters and is known for his "in-your-face interface". 11. From “Bender Should Not Be Allowed On Television,” immediately creating a catchphrase on All My Circuits. From “A Head In The Polls,” enjoying the money he made from selling his body. In an effort to keep what should be his immortal words alive, here are twenty Bender quotes that every Futurama fan should know by heart. Total quotes: 40. 7. 25580 ... BENDER, BID YOU HELLO! Discover and share Bender From Futurama Quotes. After all, the two met while Bender was waiting in line to use a suicide machine. 14. Something you could commit a war crime with--” ― Futurama Girls on FB these days.. Sidney Hughes Lawlz. Fry: Not big enough. When Bender is lost in space, he becomes home and spiritual leader to a race of worshipers who misinterpret his wisdom. Set in the year 3000, a 20th century human who was frozen in the year 1999 awakes to find himself in the future, where he finds new friends who are coworkers at … According to Roberto, however, "they failed! Bender Quotes. but then again what if I don't _You are a kid if you never watched Bender and Futurama. Aug 18, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by Erica Duyst. For seven seasons on Futurama he told us to bite his shiny metal ass, and promised us theme parks with blackjack and hookers. I prefer extortion. It might just be the most frequent phrase that… Bender Futurama Quotes 24.1K Reads 1.1K Votes 199 Part Story. Memes Humor Funny Humor Funny Images Best Funny Pictures Futurama Quotes Futurama Tattoo Futurama Bender Fry Futurama Funny Jokes. Read {32} from the story Bender Futurama Quotes by Luke_Castellans_Girl (Shréyan Maharaj) with 178 reads. When Bender is lost in space, he becomes home and spiritual leader to a race of worshipers who misinterpret his wisdom. “You know what cheers me up? How could any of Bender's other quotes take the top spot over this one? Futurama (1999-2003, 2007-2013) is an animated television series created by Matt Groening and David X. Cohen. I wish everyone else was dead!”. See more ideas about futurama, futurama quotes, matt groening. By Luke_Castellans_Girl Ongoing - Updated May 19, 2016 Embed Story Share via Email Read New Reading List. Answer that with your precious logic! “I guess if you want children beaten, you have to do it yourself.”. Everybody welcome. Television Quiz / Futurama Quotes: Bender Random Television or Follow That Line Quiz Can you finish the quotes involving Bender? Robots are cool, and Bender is acutely aware of this. Futurama Cast as Texts Ive Sent . Futurama Quotes. Bender: I’m so embarrassed. Kiss my shiny metal ass. It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. 530K likes. Includes Futurama downloads, Futurama DVD info, TV listing, Futurama episode guide, a chatroom and more. Futurama: "bender quotes" at the largest Futurama forum PEEL. From ” A Pharoah To Remember,” after being prematurely shoved into his sarcophagus. Other people’s misfortune.”. After all, if he can't achieve his dream, then what is the point of anything anymore? In a way, it is Fry's friendship that gives Bender's life meaning. He quickly becomes a folk music hero and decides to write his own song about broken robots.
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