blaine county school district covid Ron DeSantis ordered all public schools … Each school has a unique approach to distance learning based on grade levels, school size, special focus, etc. Their AP teachers have communicated with them about the details for each class.The SAT assessment for juniors has been canceled. *Future distribution dates will be announced later. For others, it may be relying on a smartphone with a limited data plan. The plan is to reschedule registration prior to the start of the next school year. Preschool and Kindergarten registration is postponed. Blaine County COVID-19 Ordinance - As of October 22, 2020. From Gaggle: Popular Apps and Social Networks,, From Common Sense Media: Guides for parents, This will begin with teachers making personal contact with students in order to reestablish student-teacher relationships. Internet connections vary widely across our county and depend on where you live. Watch the April 21 Special Board Meeting here and read the Learning Continuity Plan Update Report to the Board of Trustees. To be clear, "everyone" includes the maintenance team, superintendent, teachers, communications manager, custodians, admin assistants, finance manager, HR team, etc. Too Sick for School Handout . Graduation for Carey High School is scheduled for Wednesday, May 13. We know this may be a challenging time for students and families. What if a parent says they do not want their child to participate in online or distance learning? However, everyone should be aware that, pursuant to Idaho Code Section 33-512(7), we have the duty and authority “To exclude from school, pupils with contagious or infectious diseases who are diagnosed or suspected as having a contagious or infectious disease or those who are not immune and have been exposed to a contagious or infectious disease; and to close school on order of the state board of health and welfare or local health authorities.”. Use un cubrebocas/mascarilla o una cubierta facial de tela. The Board of Trustees will hold a Special Meeting on Tuesday, April 21, at 6:00 p.m. regarding the Learning Continuity Pan Implementation. Children are encouraged to pick up lunch and then take it home with them. Chromebooks for elementary students are being distributed over the next week. Please use this data as a reminder to use safe practices to keep our students, staff, and community healthy and our schools open. How such screening will be structured has not yet been determined but we will have the process in place prior to re-opening. . The Norwalk School District was fined $700 by the Connecticut Department of Labor for allegedly allowing custodians at Brien McMahon High School to use non-chemical resistant gloves to sanitize the building. We are missing you and want to get you connected. The principals from each school are directing this process through their teachers as they prepare and provide learning activities for students to do at home. The superintendent will provide the board with a list of such authorized person for each school as soon as practicable and confirm that all employees have vacated the district office building and all other district buildings no later than 5:00 p.m today. Four staff and 115 students in the Natrona County School District are quarantining for exposure to COVID-19 after the first week back to classes from winter break. Encourage them and praise them for their efforts to continue to learn even in a new and strange situation. They offer 24-hour support. Helping your child with online learning is much the same as you helping them with learning when schools are physically open. The full results of the survey will be part of the Superintendent's report during the June 9, 2020, Regular Board of Trustees meeting. I am reaching out in regards to senior graduation. This alerts the school staff when there is a concern. If not, please call your school and leave a message with your name and phone number. However, parents are not expected to be the teacher for all things. We will also be posting daily updates and messages from the superintendent and board of trustees as appropriate as well on our COVID-19 page. Thank you to each of you for taking the time to respond. We understand that many families will need to double up on childcare in order to ensure their children are cared for while parents are at work. Leave a message with the school secretary or ask to speak with a teacher or social worker. Annex Building 219 South 1st Avenue Hailey, ID 83333 Judicial Building 201 South 2nd Avenue Hailey, ID 83333 See the phone numbers below. In a January 12 email to parents, superintendent Christopher Granger notified Blaine Middle School families the school had a confirmed positive Covid-19 case. (Idaho Standards Achievement Test) for English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science have been waived for this spring, 2020. requirement - schools are given the flexibility to meet this in various ways. Blaine County School District´s Chromebooks have the same protections at home as they do at school. Wear a cloth face covering or mask. Silver Creek High School and Wood River High School graduations are scheduled for Friday, May 22. As we roll out distance learning as a district, it will look different from school to school and teacher to teacher. We remain confident that our seniors who were on track to graduate at the time our initial closure began on March 16 will still be able to graduate this spring pursuant to the guidelines and waivers from the State Board of Education, yet to be finalized. COVID-19 Fact Sheet - available in 11 languages. If you, as the parent can help them, that is fine as well. Parents will be notified via the website,, the district Facebook page @BlaineSchools, and a press release for local media. In addition, the schedule will be posted on the Bellevue Elementary Facebook page. Families will receive a message from the school about their scheduled pick-up time. School counselors, nurses, psychologists, and social workers will be available during the school closure with limited availability during spring break. This helps restricts access to objectionable material on the Internet. A medida que este inusual ciclo escolar llega a su fin, la planificación para el próximo año escolar ha adquirido un significado diferente. The … Only one employee shall be assigned to and allowed to be in each building. The first phase of transitioning to distance learning will be focused on high school students. Read more here. Con este objetivo en mente, por favor complete la siguiente encuesta más tardar para el viernes 22 de mayo. Socialize with a small, consistent group and do as much as possible outdoors where you can spread out. Distance learning will begin the week of April 6. Why is each school doing things differently as we roll out distance learning? During the summer, the Tech Department will offer the following virtual support times. As in all responses to emergencies, we strive to err on the side of safety. For some, it may be their remote location in a canyon or a rural part of the County. One staff member has been assigned to each building: Alturas - Brad HensonBellevue - Mark SauvageauCarey - John PeckHailey - Toni BoushHemingway - Tish ShortSCHS - Mike GlennWRHS - John PearceWRMS - Rob DitchTechnology - Teresa McGoffinBuildings and Grounds - Howie Royal. We recognize that students, parents and our teachers have questions and concerns about the ramifications of this development including, but not limited to, standardized tests, graduation and post-high school education opportunities. Check out the Facebook Live interview with Assistant Principal Stephanie Wallace (Hailey Elementary and Hemingway STEAM School) and Luis Alberto Lecanda (Sun Valley Institute) here. La información se compartirá con administradores, maestros, la junta directiva escolar y el público en general. Only healthy staff and students are expected to return. This will begin with teachers contacting students in order to reestablish student-teacher relationships and communicate what is being planned and what parents/students can expect for learning at home. Madsen, Mrs. Watkins, Ms.Woodruff, 1:00-2:30—Kindergarten—Mrs. Children do not need a parent with them. This is not a place to socialize or congregate. Distance learning will begin the week of April 6. According to the Blaine County Sheriff's office, there will be no road or highway closures connected to this order. All seniors who were on track to graduate when schools closed on March 16 are eligible for graduation this year. Out of state students are NOT being allowed to enroll in our schools. which increases the risk of disease spread. This is not a place to socialize or congregate. For more information on Internet safety, check out these resources. Brought to you by The Crisis Hotline, PROJECT T.O.O.LS & PARTNERS, The ERC and other dedicated community partners. and additional resources for coping with traumatic events. All high school and middle school students should have received a Chromebook by now. COVID Notification Process Each week we will publish on our website information on the number of positive COVID-19 cases found in BCSD the previous week. Parents may choose to un-enroll their students from BCSD for the remainder of the school year if they want to homeschool or use another alternative. (April 6 to 10). As this unusual school year comes to a close, planning for next school year has taken on a different significance. Government. Find School Re-entry Plans, Frequently Asked Questions, resources, and more on our Reopening BCSD page. Remind them to use their self-advocacy skills when they need help. Learning Continuity Plan Update Report to the Board of Trustees,,,, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). There may be a phone call from a number you do not recognize if teachers are using their personal phones. Tenga precaución en cuanto a mantener su distancia. Their AP teachers have communicated with them about the details for each class. Please be assured that the district staff and board of trustees are working hard to manage this situation in the least intrusive and most effective manner possible. We anticipate these dates remaining the same. You can contact student support staff through voicemail by calling your school office or by submitting a. Students currently enrolled in an AP class will take a shortened form of the AP test at home for the class(es) in which they are enrolled. The link to the meeting will be posted by Monday, March 30 on the, The public can email their comments and questions to, The public will be able to listen to the meeting through a Webex link that will be posted on the home page as well as the COVID-19 School Closure and School Board page at, Statement from the BCSD Board of Trustees:  ¨The Blaine County School District Board of Trustees will meet on Monday, March 30, 2020. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. A Fairfield County school district was fined for failing to provide proper personal protective equipment to its custodial staff. This means that before schools re-open measures will have to be taken to screen all returning students to assure those who are infected with the virus are excluded from school property until proper treatment can be received. Each building has at least one designated COVID-19 Site Coordinator. We will start with the parts of the community where we have large clusters of students without connectivity and work our way to the individually remote students. When a student/parent picks up a Chromebook from their child’s school, it will come with a basic instruction sheet with pictures on how to get connected. Clean out their desks and/or lockers to keep you informed, we are all part the! Phone number Idaho state Board of Trustees will review the plan at their regular 12... With students learning remotely book and on-line blaine county school district covid use Chromebooks in schools so students will have familiarity. In our school help with District, it will look different from school to school and Wood High. Assessments that are going forward this spring, 2020 Tuesday, April 6 the first month is for. Requires bandwidth for platforms like Google Meet, Schoology, and parents received set-up instructions in and. 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