There is a basic method and a more extended method that is useful for farming gear in addition to XP. Got 3 Slaggas and 2 Maggies in less than one hour of farming with this method.Thanks for watching. i know leveling can take a bit but... see it as a good thing: not only do you get to play another class you also get to have all the multible choice weapons :D. Merk: Dette skal KUN brukes til å rapportere spam, reklamering og problematiske (trakassering, kranglende eller uhøflige) innlegg. No need to back up your save. I don't really know, it's according to how often one drops. How do I lure Flesh Stick to the tea party, he always runs away? The only piece of gear I recommend is the Moxxi’s Endow… Borderlands 2 – XP Level Farming Guide. I love the Slagga on my Maya. Slagga for the win. Here's a way to farm the Maggie and Slagga on one character. The maggie and slagga are legendary weapons (orange rarity) and have a low drop rate, the hodunk guy drops the slagga and mick zaford drops the maggie, but they dont every time. [Question] I'm currently doing the clan war quest line and I'm debating on who to farm after the quest. User account menu. If you wish to change a part, there is an in depth tutorial in the "Tutorial" section of the site. In Borderlands 3 Quest Reward Items are rewarded after or during a quest. It is important to know that this method of leveling up in Borderlands 2 is applicable at any time. Does my level affect the weapon drop level/quality? Spezielle Waffeneffekte [Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] blagaga - Immer Slagelement. This is probably going to piss of a lot of people, but I would just get a Grog Nozzle, it has a very high slag chance, not to mention the 60% health return is a life saver. But we will focus from level 72, where the challenge is a bit more interesting. Zaford Irish bastards for the Maggie or Hodunk hillbillies for the Slagga? r/Borderlands2. I would pick whichever one fits better into your build (do you need a better slagging weapon or a better DPS weapon)? © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. … 7 years ago I personally like the Maggie more, but they are both very good. Can't decide between the Maggie or the Slagga? Here is a simple method of XP farming I use in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode to gain XP relatively quickly and painlessly. Noen geospatiale data på denne nettsiden kommer fra, Español – Latinoamérica (spansk – Latin-Amerika), Português – Brasil (portugisisk – Brasil). Last edited by Wrarrl ; Sep 25, 2016 @ 4:45am #8 Forums > Borderlands Series > Borderlands 2 News and Discussion > Borderlands 2 Discussion Forums > Borderlands 2 General > Maggie vs Slagga? Med enerett. 100% Upvoted. Hey i'm not camping ... i'm "tactically waiting" :-D, Who want to help me get Pearlescents my username is Ninja Storm 510. Okay, so on my Assassin character, I went with the Hodunks, and after about 30-40 runs of farming, got the Maggie. Slagga ist eine legendäre Submachine Gun hergestellt von Bandit. Eridian Fabricator On the Legendary firing mode, the Eridian Fabricator occasionally drops quest reward items from Base Game. [Borderlands 2] How to farm the Slagga or Maggie! For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Slagga vs. i look at it this way: there's the slagga, you farm for it once and keep the one you get, but the NEED to get the two fer version of it for it to be the amazing beast that it is. Alle varemerker tilhører deres respektive eiere i USA og andre land. Slagga is really good slagging tool for Gaige, and you don't need to replace it for damage, it's for slagging. This weapon has a shotgun like spread, and it is very fun to use. BL2 General Discussion. 3:39. I'm always looking for a good slag weapon and the Slagga is it. I already have a Unkempt Harold tho. Very different guns very different purposes. Maggie vs Slagga? So, here we tell you about a simple method of farming XP. The Slagga is great at, well, slagging. I prefer pistols with higher rates of fire, a larger magazine size, and better zoom, more so than damage. Borderlands 2. ". I always have a hard time deciding on new characters. ; Crazy Earl's Veteran Rewards machine in Sanctuary has one Quest Reward Item from the Base game as the … You need to complete 2 side quests: The Good, the Bad, and the Mordecai (found on the Sanctuary Bounty Board) and the entire Clan War (Zafords vs. Hodunks) series of missions (given by Ellie in The Dust). It took me less than 15 tries to get my maggie but it could take you shorter or longer depending on your luck. It's not overrated, it's just that amazing, couldn't you just level 2 charcters and then throw them over in the charcter twinking thingy that claptrap gives you? Joined: Dec 13, 2012 Messages: 131 Likes Received: 0. For Borderlands 2 on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Florentine or Slagga? Which is pretty damn useful in UVHM. I am done waiting, i have farmed for the slagga and maggie im willing to show you then dup my WHOLE inventory for lvl 50 slagga or maggie. Unless youd prefer the Maggie. The basic method is as follows: 1. [Question] Close • Posted by 1 hour ago. Which is awesome too. Monty's wife don't take no guff. Decent pistols are easier to come by (and in any case I prefer the Hornet). log in sign up. Must side with the Zafords for this one!In this series I will be showing you How to Find all legendary weapons in Borderlands 2! With its high Slag chance and huge magazine size, the Slagga is a useful \"slag-n-swap\" weapon, and allows this process to be repeated several times before reloading. share. Warning: This will make farming much, much harder. 81.2 13.1 1.7 10 Fires as fast as you can pull the trigger 25 Bowie: 246 x6: 81.2 11.5 1.7 10 +50% Melee Damage Fires as fast as you can pull the trigger 42 Two Fer: 1770 x10: 61.3 10.0 2.3 14 Consumes 2 ammo per shot Fires as fast as you can pull the trigger 43 Trick Shot: 2180 x6: 81.2 … It includes a new mission … 1 comment. [Discussion] Close. I'm always looking for a good slag weapon and the Slagga is it. I already have a Unkempt Harold tho Also, you can only get one or the other per character since once you side with one clan, … Where do I find this mission for the Fridge? Post and discuss anything related to Borderlands 2! In terms of time involved, it is about equal to farming major bosses such as the Warrior or BNK3R but is less labor intensive and doesn’t require … As for Slagga or Maggie, i would say Maggie in normal mode, but Slagga in TVHM and UVHM. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Slagga kann man von jeder beliebigen Beutequelle erhalten aber Tector & Jimbo Hodunk haben eine erhöhte Chance sie fallen zu lassen. The Maggie is the legendary Jakobs pistol. Borderlands 2: The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler is a DLC for Borderlands 2, featuring a Thanksgiving theme. There are some really beast weapons out there and I … Press J to jump to the feed. If this gets enough support through likes I can increase the number of uploads from Mon, Wed, and Fri. To daily. Not changing this sig until i fix my time machine. I have both and in my opinion the Maggie is better.Even without the Bee the Maggie wrecks and when I slag them, I literally can do almost as much damage as when I have the Bee on. Discussion in 'Borderlands 2 General' started by Total Borderlands Addict, Dec 13, 2012. Ki11er Six 147,441 views. This does not require any special equipment. 4900 x 5 or so damage, 90 something … Chulainn? I'd base it off my class more than anything. 4.2 99 Slag 26.3% +18 Weapon Magazine Size 50 Ballanced: 3108 x3: 67.8 8.8 3.6 115 Slag 24.0% +24 Weapon Magazine Size Increases stability 50 Murduring: 3311 x3: 71.4 8.8 4.2 89 Slag 24.0% +18 Weapon Magazine Size 50 Murduring: 3260 x3: 74.2 8.8 4.2 89 Slag 24.0% +18 Weapon Magazine Size 50 Murduring: 3407 x3: 74.2 8.8 4.2 99 2 … There´s many other good slagging tools available. You should be familiar with these missions from earlier playthroughs. Maggie or Slagga for a Pistolero Zero build? I suggest getting the Maggie and having a friend give you Slagga. The Maggie is great at overall damage output. Giving very good results and therefore we recom… ". I just feel like the Slagga is only good with the Bee, and the Maggie … Decent pistols are easier to come by (and in any case I prefer the Hornet). – Fires 6 projectiles at the cost of 1 ammo, with decreased accuracy and damage per projectile. However, its damage output is still formidable in its own right, and weaker enemies can be killed outright without the need to swap.Due to the increased power of slag in Ultimate Vault … Both are great weapons. Slagga for the win. I will show you each location on the map and the best way to find them. Okay, so on my Assassin character, I … How do I get across the bridge in Eridium Blight to Arid Nexus. - YouTube ". Trying to get up to level 72/80? It should be noted that it has already been tested in Ultimate Vault Hunter mode to get XP relatively quickly and painlessly. Fiona (Fiona) March 26, 2017, 5 ... Side with the Zafords, Jimbo has a chance to drop the slag SMG, Slagga. IMO Maggie is a honey of an all-star Jakobs pistol in the grand tradition - if you favor Jakobs pistols, you'll like this plenty. After the quest is completed there are 2 ways to farm Base Game items:. Can't decide between the Maggie or the Slagga? 1 [Help] Trying to farm Maggie and Slagga on Clan Wars Mission. Feuert 3 Kugeln zu Kosten von einer Muniton. Side with the Zafords, you can farm Jimbo for it. Maggie or Slagga for a Pistolero Zero build? Discussion in 'Borderlands 2 General' started by Total Borderlands Addict, Dec 13, 2012. save hide report. Both are good. - Duration: 3:39. Total Borderlands Addict New Member. As an SMG, there are many preferable to Bandit's Slagga SMG for me but it's one of many options that can deal slag for you in UVHM - I far prefer Maliwan Florentine SMG which deals simultaneous slag & shock (and you can buy the Florentine at the Flamerock Seraph Vendor which is convenient). Joined: Dec 13, 2012 Messages: 131 Likes Received: 0. So while the Maggie is a good pistol, it loses out in this comparison in my mind. The Slagga is a versatile and effective weapon, with moderate accuracy, but able to unleash a high number of projectiles. 1. © Valve Corporation. You could always get a low-level Slagga for utility. Both are great weapons. It drops from Mic Zafford out in the Dust. I need a good slag but the Maggie is good as a gun. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . Trying to find something legendary that beats out these: Well i for my part love Maggies ... the Two Fer version is amazing, but tbh other versions are pretty good too. I have 2 different slaggas and 2 different Maggies (one of them is Two-Fer) each is adapted to it's own style. If it's like the CC, maybe not long. For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "slagga or maggie? I have 2 different slaggas and 2 different Maggies (one of them is Two-Fer). r/Borderlands2: The Borderlands 2 Sub-Reddit. BORDERLANDS 2 - HOW TO GET MAGGIE & SLAGGA FAST!! EDIT: Personally, I played as Maya, so Ruin was my slagging source, therefore I always picked the Maggie. I need a good slag but the Maggie is good as a gun. All weapons below are level 72 but can be changed to suit your needs. 2. Both the Maggie and Slagga can occur as world drops from the usual suspects- raid bosses, ultimate badass enemies, red Dahl chests, the loot train, weapon vending machines, random … Tried for about an hour to get a Maggie to drop with no luck. Maggie and Slagga farming made easy. I use the Slagga on … ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Total Borderlands Addict New Member. Spread, and Fri. to daily tested in Ultimate Vault Hunter mode to gain XP relatively borderlands 2 maggie or slagga... To use the Zafords, you can farm Jimbo for it, well, slagging USA! An in depth tutorial in the `` tutorial '' section of the site basic method and more! Do i lure Flesh Stick to the tea party, he always runs away 2 – level... Learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts is completed there are 2 ways farm... Dec 13, 2012 Messages: 131 Likes Received: 0 how one... On who to farm Base Game runs away weapon and the Slagga or Maggie the GameFAQs Boards... 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