There are no restrictions on travel to Italy from these countries for any reason, including tourism, and no self-isolation requirements, provided that travellers have not stopped over in or transited through other countries during the previous 14 days. Non-essential travel between regions is banned. Travel to/from the rest of the world is allowed only for specific reasons, such as: Therefore, travel for tourism is not allowed. Because of the new variant, flights were banned between Italy and the UK until January 6, and only residents and Italian nationals are allowed to make the journey from the UK until March 5. Any arrivals traveling for essential reasons, from countries which are normally barred from entry, must quarantine for 14 days on arrival. Museums, however, reopened January 16. Find out what you need to know before you book a vacation. Your best bet is to get one before you fly. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Estonia, Finland, France (including Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Réunion, Mayotte and excluding other territories outside the European continent), Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands (excluding territories outside the European continent), Poland, Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira), Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including territories on the African continent), Sweden, Hungary, (including the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Gibraltar and British bases on the island of Cyprus and excluding the Overseas Territories, outside the European continent, for the international relations of which the UK is responsible), Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, Principality of Monaco. Copy of the MAECI Verbal Note regarding International Organisations; 5. Non-essential travel between towns and regions is not allowed. In order to shorten the 10 days quarantine, a PCR-Covid-19 test can be done from the fifth day after entry onwards. Starting January 7, 2021, air travellers 5 years of age or older are required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 molecular test result to the airline prior to boarding international flights bound for Canada. The form must then be presented to the competent authorities if requested. COVID-19: Travel, quarantine and borders COVID-19 testing required for people flying into Canada Starting January 7, 2021, air travellers 5 years of age or older are required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result to the airline prior to boarding international flights bound for Canada. They are also required to fill in a. As Europe transitions out of the emergency phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, border closures remain in place with only a handful of non-EU nations added to a "safe" list for essential travel … As the first hit European country, Italy has been through a lot. In red zones (highest risk), all shops are closed other than grocery stores and pharmacies. Children under the age of six and transit passengers are exempted. Petty crime such as pickpocketing and purse snatching occur: 1. at tourist sites 2. on public transportation 3. at major airports and railway stations Foreigners are targeted. We are updating information. The regions under the travel advisory include popular tourist destinations such as Venice, Milan and Turin. Lebanon went into a tight lockdown Thursday, with residents barred even from grocery shopping and forced to rely on food deliveries as the country battles to slow spiking novel coronavirus … If you are travelling to Italy, you may be required to take a COVID-19 PCR test before departure and self-isolate on arrival. The Lebanese Red Cross transported 1,256 COVID-19 cases in 10 days to hospitals, mostly in Beirut, rushing patients from one hospital to another to find a vacant bed. If the comune is small (fewer than 5,000 inhabitants) they can travel within a 30 kilometer radius, though not to the provincial capital. For further details and information, please refer to the Ordinance of December 23, 2020. 4) If you plan to spend the 14 days mandatory quarantine period in Italian cities other than Florence, please contact the EUI official Travel Agency to ask for quotes, payment conditions and availability. It holds Europe's second highest death toll (after the UK), with over 2.2 million infections and over 83,000 deaths as of January 20. Shopping centers are closed at weekends. That leaves just Basilicata, Campania, Molise, Sardinia, Tuscany and the autonomous province of Trento as yellow. Please note: due to COVID-19 existing protocols at the EUI, it is not possible to spend the 14 days mandatory quarantine period at the EUI flats (except if you are renting an entire flat). Travel eligibility Incredible food, fantastic wine, unspoiled countryside and a string of beach resorts mean it's always in demand. Thieves often work in pairs or groups and will attempt to distract the victim while their accomplices rob … These are also places where it can be hard to social distance. Please check the requirements before you travel. Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page before you plan any international travel. If possible, avoid carrying handbags. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark (including the Faroe Islands and Greenland), Estonia, Finland, France (including Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Réunion, Mayotte and excluding other territories outside the European continent), Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands (excluding territories outside the European continent), Poland, Portugal (including the Azores and Madeira), Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain (including territories on the African continent), Sweden, Hungary, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (including the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Gibraltar and British bases on the island of Cyprus and excluding the Overseas Territories, outside the European continent, for the international relations of which the UK is responsible), Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, Principality of Monaco. Travel without the need to quarantine when you arrive on Delta’s new Covid-Tested international flights between the United States and Italy. If you are interested in this option please contact the EUI official Travel Agency to ask for quotes, payment conditions and availability. Also allowed are arrivals from most of Europe: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Hungary, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Monaco and Switzerland. Coronavirus travel health. (including the Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Gibraltar and British bases on the island of Cyprus and excluding the Overseas Territories, outside the European continent, for the international relations of which the UK is responsible), Florence airport will be closed for urgent maintenance works from 1 February to 21 March 2021. Philippine Airlines offers flight rebooking and travel voucher conditions for travel to countries affected by travel restrictions. Travel may increase your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19. Please note: the local administration of Tuscany has created a multilingual web portal that you can use alternatively to the phone number +39 055 4972600 to report and register online your arrival into the region (please keep in mind that it is mandatory to promptly inform local Health Services upon arrival): In yellow zones (lowest case numbers), bars and restaurants close at 6 p.m.; restaurant groups are limited to six people. There are no restrictions on travel to Italy from these countries for any reason, including tourism, and no self-isolation requirements, provided that travellers have not stopped over in or transited through other countries during the previous 14 days. Travel and COVID-19. For additional info please contact [email protected]. Arrivals from Europe must provide a negative PCR test result taken within 48 hours of their arrival. However, regional leaders now say it is unlikely that there will be a season this year. All passengers are obliged to register online to inform the health office immediately after their return. Travel to and from Italy is restricted to specific categories of passengers until 15 January 2021. Travellers stopping over in or transiting through these countries between 21 December 2020 and 6 January 2021 for non-essential reasons (as opposed to essential reasons, namely work, health and study reasons and other absolutely essential reasons) must then, on entering Italy, self-isolate under the supervision of the competent Health Authority. People can travel once per day, within their own region. The entire country was designated red and orange over the holiday period, turning yellow on January 7 for the first time since December 23. The new DPCM of 3 December 2020, incorporates a list of 6 groups of Countries to which different restrictions apply. Airports, bus stations, train stations, and rest stops are all places travelers can be exposed to the virus. Travelers complain of restrictions brought by the new COVID-19 variant. If you are travelling to Italy please take note of the following provisions, updated with latest news on 10 January 2020. Now, regions are back to receiving individual ratings. Public transportation in Italy is operating. Travel in Lebanon A nation-wide lockdown will come into place on Thursday 7 January 2021 to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Travel from/to these countries is allowed for any reason travellers must fill in a self-declaration form. Read the Department of State’s COVID-19 page before you plan any international travel. The requirement to fill in a self-declaration remain. On January 16, Lombardy, Sicily and the autonomous province of Bolzano were turned red. Customers on Covid-Tested flights will be required to provide negative COVID-19 test results prior to check-in and boarding, allowing you to travel abroad with confidence and avoid the need to quarantine when you arrive in Italy. Residents of those countries are allowed unrestricted entry, however they must self-isolate for 14 days on arrival at a place of their choice, and must not take public transport to their destination. Get updates on the islands' travel website . (Updated 2:46 p.m.) Malacañang announced Tuesday that the Philippine government is expanding its travel ban over the new coronavirus variant to … As of Monday morning, there had been 1,694 cases of COVID-19 reported, resulting in 34 … On December 14, it announced further easing of restrictions for businesses such as restaurants, shops and gyms, and public gatherings are permitted provided attendance is no more than 25… As of Monday, there were at least 1,694 COVID-19 cases confirmed in Italy. Read the entire Travel Advisory. To book the Quarantine Short Stay Package, EUI members can reserve directly on The Student Hotel website at the following link: Once here, insert your dates with a minimum 14-night stay, and also insert the code 'QUARANTINE'. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has issued a Level 4 Travel Health Notice for Italy due to COVID-19 concerns and similarly recommends that travelers defer all nonessential travel to Italy. Only if you’re prepared to quarantine in the instance of a positive covid-test, as dictated by the new Italy travel restrictions. Travellers entering Italy from these countries, however, will nevertheless be required to self-isolate for 14 days, under the supervision of the competent local Health Authority, and to travel to their final destination in Italy by private transport and, if taking a connecting flight, without leaving the airport transit area. However, cases started rising in September and spiking sharply in October. Once you have the negative result, you can apply for a Bahamas Travel Health Visa here, where you must opt in for Covid-19 health insurance. Is public transportation open in Italy? Why Italy was hit so hard and so fast by COVID-19 Italy’s death toll now exceeds 1,800 people, the highest anywhere in the world outside China. Can we possibly make fall travel plans with the uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic looming over us? You can find a list of the hotels here. Tourism is not currently allowed from any other country, including the United States. You'll be required to undergo a COVID-19 (PCR) test on arrival, and observe a period of quarantine in a hotel. People may only leave their homes only for work, health reasons or to go to a place of worship. Passengers arriving to Lebanon from other countries shall have a prepaid hotel booking in one of the hotels designated by Lebanese Ministry of Tourism with discounted rates and hotel buses will transport passengers to their hotels. However, a strict lockdown brought things under control and it held out against a second wave for longer than its European neighbors. Please refer to the Ministerial Decree of January 14, 2021 and to the Ordinance of January 16, 2021 by the Minister of Health, providing for entry restrictions from Brazil. On January 13, Health Minister Roberto Speranza warned that the situation was deteriorating nationally, although by January 19, experts were saying that things were looking up, with the Christmas restrictions beginning to show in the case loads. There have also been thefts of unattended belongings at beaches. Those from the approved countries outside Europe must self-isolate for 14 days on arrival. There is an obligation to undergo a molecular or antigenic test within 72 hours prior to boarding and an additional test within 48 hours following repatriation, except for air passengers, who must take the test immediately upon arrival at the airport. More information is available on the official dedicated page on the website of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (page available in multiple languages), Italian Nationals returning to Italy and Foreigners in Italy. Please be prepared to reply to any answers by the competent authorities and to show any support documents, such as: 1. EUI Card or EUI admission/recruitment certificate (in Italy this is considered a sufficient evidence of the working/study requirements since 4 May); 2. COVID-19 First Outbreak May Have Happened in Italy In November 2019, Study Shows ... travel to and from China was shut in many countries around the world in … They must provethat they have undergone a molecular or antigenic test carried out by means of a swab, in the 48 hours before their arrival, with a negative result (or, alternatively, self-isolate). Should I travel to Italy? You must register and complete a 'health declaration' on the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health's COVID-19 Pass website prior to your travel. Health officials caution that travel increases your chances of getting and spreading the virus. The Embassy of Italy in Lebanon informs that from October 1st 2020 fees for consular and visa services will be collected in American dollars (USD). Countries and territories with a low epidemiological risk to be identified, among those included in list C, by order of the Minister of Health in agreement with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Anyone arriving from low-risk Schengen countries is required to present a negative molecular or antigen test, no older than 48 hours. They are in any case required to fill in a self-declaration form. Italy has been the hardest-hit country by the new coronavirus outside Asia. The DPCM of 7 September 2020 also envisages the possibility for travellers from the Countries in list E to enter Italy if they have a proven and stable affective relationship (regardless of whether or not they cohabit) with Italian/EU/Schengen citizens or with persons who are legally resident in Italy (on a long-term basis) and if they are travelling to their partners' home/domicile/dwelling (in Italy). Until 21 December travellers to Italy from these countries (after having stopped over or even simply passed through during the 14 days prior to entering Italy) are required to notify their arrival to the Prevention Department of the local Health Authority where they are staying. Reconsider travel Lebanon due to COVID-19, crime, terrorism, armed conflict, civil unrest and Embassy Beirut’s limited capacity to provide support to U.S. citizens.Some areas have increased risk. The self-isolation requirement, under the supervision of the competent Health Authority, does not apply to the following persons, provided that they do not show symptoms of infection with Covid-19 and that they did not stop over in or transit through any of the countries included in List C (for non- essential reasons, like tourism), between 21 December 2020 and 6 January 2021: For other exceptions please check the following link. A second test will be required seven days after arrival. EUI certificate that you are an EUI member (to be requested to the Academic Service for currently registered Researchers and Fellows and to HR for EUI Staff members). Travel to and from Italy. Editor's Note — Coronavirus cases remain high across the globe. Since overnight stays must be registered with the authorities, there's no chance of sneaking in via a secondary country. The Department of State has issued a Level 3 Travel Advisory for Italy recommending that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to Italy. Can't get to Italy right now? If you are subject to the 14 days period of mandatory quarantine in self-isolation, please take note of the following information: 1) If you already have a temporary place of residence where you can spend your 14 days mandatory quarantine period, please reach it in the shortest possible delay and only by private means of transport (see above). Regarding the all-inclusive 3-meals room service, the price is 30 euro per day and you can book this meal package in the Hotel upon arrival. For specific support, please submit your enquiries to HR (EUI Staff members) or to the Academic Service (Researchers and Fellows) or to the EUI's Health, Safety and Security Officer. There are no restrictions on travel to Italy from these countries (provided that travellers did not stop over in or transit through the countries included in lists C or E, in which case the relevant restrictions shall apply) for any reasons, including tourism. Join us on a 12-month journey to see them all. This was a rule brought in for the holiday period, but has been extended until February 15, with the possibility of extending it in the next emergency decree. On entering/returning to Italy from these countries, travellers must self-isolate (mandatory 14 days quarantine) and undergo supervision by the competent health authorities; The Ordinance of December 23, 2020 signed by the Minister of Health, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport provides for the United Kingdom's inclusion in List E , and allows entry in Italy to citizens with registered residence in Italy prior to December 23, 2020, or who can demonstrate proven reasons for needing to return to Italy. You can always buy a house for 1 euro - the price of a cup of coffee. This is one of Europe's big hitters, known for its historic cities of art such as Florence, one-off wonders like Venice and the seat of the Roman Catholic Church in Rome. Bars must not sell takeaway drinks after 6 p.m. in an effort to avoid people congregating, although restaurants and bars which sell food can over takeaway services. On entering Italy from any of these Countries, travellers will be required to fill in a self-declaration form specifying the reason for entering/returning to Italy. The exceptions are from Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Rwanda, Singapore and Thailand: travelers from these countries don’t have to specify a reason. ... VISA APPLICATIONS AND TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS TO ITALY 09/14/2020. In orange zones (higher risk), restaurants and bars are closed for eating in, but can offer takeaway. CNN's Julia Buckley contributed to this report, There's a perfect beach for every week of the year. In addition, flights to and from Brazil have been banned. Passengers who use Cebu Pacific can rebook for free within 90 days. The following regions were designated orange: Abruzzo, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Piedmont, Puglia, Umbria, Valle d'Aosta and Veneto. In both red and orange zones, people can travel once per day, but only within their comune, or town borough. Starting January 7, 2021, air travellers 5 years of age or older are required to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test result to the airline prior to boarding international flights bound for Canada. Staying home is the best way to stem transmission. A negative result means you can avoid isolation on arrival and … COVID-19 - Access rules to Embassy's premises. From 7 January until 1 … Are COVID-19 tests required to travel to Italy? Currently, however, no region would qualify. Local festivals have been banned, and theaters, cinemas and gyms are closed. Proof of living in Italy: rental contract or residence certification (if available): 3. On November 30, 2020, the Lebanese government ended the countrywide lockdown imposed on November 14. Low risk countries are Australia, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, Rwanda, Singapore and Thailand. Travelling rules vary, depending on the country of origin or destination and the reasons for travelling. These areas would be exempt from restrictions. Check the latest information on risk from COVID-19 for Italy on the TravelHealthPro website. COVID-19 testing required for people flying into Canada. The government has also created a "white zone" rating for regions with extremely low risk -- where there are under 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Italy has confirmed cases of COVID-19 within its borders. Please note: to verify applicable requirements when entering Italy you can also take advantage of the dedicated online tool created by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The return to Italy from this group of countries is always permitted to Italian/EU/Schengen citizens and their family members, as well as holders of residence permits and their family members. COVID-19 testing required for people flying into Canada. Badia Fiesolana - Via dei Roccettini 9, I-50014 San Domenico di Fiesole (FI) - Italy, supervision of the competent local Health Authority, Master’s degree in Transnational Governance, Mandatory Quarantine (14 days self-isolation),, EUI's Health, Safety and Security Officer, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Historical Archives of the European Union. In addition, everyone is required to remain under a regime of self-isolation and constant health surveillance for a period of fourteen days, even in the absence of symptoms, and after notification of repatriation to the relevant authorities. Covid-19 measures in Italy have changed. 5) Upon arrival, please do not forget to notify the Italian Health Authorities for Florence area by registering on the dedicated portal ( and the EUI HSSO (Health, Safety and Security Officer) by sending a mail message to [email protected] providing your name and contact details; 6) To purchase food and/or other basic items during the self-isolation period, you can take advantage of the following platform (also available in app format):; 7) For any other emergency/urgent needs, please refer to the EUI emergency contact number +39 055 4685999 (EUI control room), active 24h 7/7. 2) If you don't know where to spend your 14 days mandatory quarantine period, please be informed that the EUI has finalized an agreement with the Student Hotel for a special rate of 76 €/day reserved to EUI members (including meal treatment), with the following conditions: 3) In alternative to the Student Hotel, other 3-4 stars Florence hotels offer contracted rates (meals inclusive) for the quarantine period (prices starting from 1800 € for 14 days). Arrivals from the United Kingdom (other than Italian residents) are banned until at least March 5, and until January 31, nobody who has been in or transited through Brazil in the last 14 days may enter Italy (not even Italian residents). Regional borders are closed. Maximum occupancy is one person) Extra: City tax of 4.90 euro for first seven nights. If you're not looking to buy, the country's alberghi diffusi, or scattered hotels, are the perfect travel solution in the time of Covid-19. People can move freely within their own towns, but cannot leave their area unless for work or an emergency. Bangladesh The ski season was slated to begin on January 18, but it has been put off until at least February 15, when the rules will be revisited. Arrivals from these countries must produce a negative Covid-19 test result taken within 48 hours of arrival, and must report to the local health authorities on arrival. Below is information on what to know if you still plan to travel, last updated on January 20.. After being hard hit in the early stages of the first wave, the country was one of the first to reopen to visitors in June, although entry is largely limited to European Union residents. Following what was essentially a lockdown with border closure over the holiday period, the borders have now reopened. The Government of Lebanon confirmed 171,226 cases of COVID-19 and 1,394 related deaths in the country as of December 27, 2020. ... Find out if you can travel to Canada. Staying home is the best way to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. Please note that the provided information is valid until further notice: should new provisions enter into force, the page will be updated accordingly. The rate is 46 euro per night for a single bed 120 x 200 and 50.40 euro per night for a queen bed 160x200 (Fully-equipped room with modern en-suite bathroom, single bed size, marble floor, flat screen TV, air-conditioning, Wi-Fi. To present a negative molecular or antigen test, no older than 48 hours Ordinance of 27. With the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic looming over us result means you can find list! Italy, you may be required to undergo a COVID-19 ( PCR test., 2020, incorporates a list of 6 groups of countries to which different restrictions.... Allowed for any reason travellers must fill in a self-declaration form people flying into Canada there 's chance. ; restaurant groups are limited to six people offer takeaway: City tax of 4.90 euro for first seven.... Confirmed 171,226 cases of COVID-19 ( lowest case numbers ), restaurants and are! Pcr ) test on arrival, and rest stops are all places travelers be. 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