Application by appointment only! So an authorization letter for a passport is used to delegate the responsibility of collecting passport to someone else. Copies certified by German or Namibian authorities can replace the original. Visa Applications Information on the Visa Procedure can be found here. ... Passport Collection. - THE EMBASSY WILL REMAIN OPEN DURING THE DURATION OF THE MOVEMENT CONTROL ORDER (MCO) FROM 13 - 26 JANUARY 2021 - Important Information: The Consular Section offers a limited number of appointments for passport applications as well as visa applications of applicants, who qualify for travel to Germany under the current travel restrictions. Embassy Islamabad Visa Section. After the Embassy has decided on your application, you will be able collect your passport from the external service provider VfS Global.Should your visa application have been disapproved, you will receive an explanatory statement together with your passport.You can always submit a new application at any time, provided that you present all necessary and properly filled in documentation. For all consular services at the passport section of the German Embassy Windhoek you have to arrange an appointment well in advance. Since Namibia's independence, a sustainable partnership has developped between our countries and we want to further extend this partnership. The new security features make counterfeiting and misuse more difficult. According to Art. Certification, Notarization, Legalization, Complaints about the Schengen visa application process, Qatari Nationals: Visa for Medical Purpose, Non-Qatari Nationals: Visa for Medical Purpose, Non-Qatari Nationals: Visa for Airport Transfer (24h), Qatari or Non-Qatari Nationals with German or, Link to the external service Provider VFS, Complaint about the conduct of consulate staff, Complaint about the conduct of the external service provider VFS Global, Complaint about the visa application process. No suitable keywords found. flight tickets, medical certificate) for you to receive a passport on short notice, a temporary passport can be issued. Appointment only (including collection of passports). Cap. German passports are produced by the Federal Printing Office in Berlin. Appointment at the Embassy in London. We all know that a passport is a very significant document for all of us since we all use it in order to make our move from one country to the other. Appointments for the German Embassy in Wellington have to be booked online using our online booking system. Passport Collection. The following pages contain only the most important information about German passports. A German passport issued at the German Embassy in Luxembourg 17 Oct 1939 – just three weeks after WWII begun… You will need an appointment for each applicant to apply for a German passport. Under this new law, fingerprints will be stored on a microchip contained within German passports. So in circumstances where such formalities cannot be made, you can use an authorization letter for passport collection. Documents in other languages than in English or French must be handed in with a translation into German or English. Both the German Embassy in Abuja and the German Consulate General in Lagos require pre-booked appointments for passport … The processing time for a passport takes 6 weeks. Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany. If you were unable to find the answers to your questions in our FAQs, you can contact us by sending an email to In addition to the passport fees, you will need to pay a non-responsibility recovery fee (Unzuständigkeitszuschlag) as well as other necessary fees such as telephone costs. Please familiarize yourself with the visa regulations and procedures described here . The consular officer will inform you about the date of collection on the day you hand in your application. German Passport is Bio-metric, which contains holders Finger Prints, Photo & Signature. A Schengen visa permits the holder to stay in the Schengen area for up to 90 days during a six-months period. An express passport will take 4 weeks. The consular officer will inform you about the date of collection on the day you hand in your application. Please do not contact the Embassy or Consulate regarding the status of your passport delivery. Due to high demand ahead of the holiday season, the earliest available appointment may be in 8-12 weeks. Application form for adults PDF / 614 KB Photo template for passport photos PDF / 550 KB Information sheet on German passport renewal for adults PDF / 255 KB Information according to Art. Appointments have to be booked via the free online appointment system. A new passport law has come into effect in Nov. 2007. The German passport for applicants under the age of 24 will be valid for six years; otherwise, it will be valid for 10 years. Please enter your complete search term. Collection timing for collection of passports are fixed from Monday to Thursday from 1400-1630 hours. Please read carefully before applying: . The German Embassy has outsourced the application process for Schengen visas in Botswana to a service provider (TLS Group S.A.) with a Visa Application Centre (VAC) based in Gaborone, from 2 March 2020.The German Embassy in Botswana represents Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Portugal, Sweden, Luxembourg, Malta, Austria, Switzerland and Hungary in Schengen visa matters. 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (also known as: General Data Protection Regulation), information about the collection of personal information must be provided to visa applicants. We are open for emergencies for German citizens and for the application and collection of German passports (only by appointment). Processing generally takes 15 days. diplo. An appointment must be made in advance. Moreover, if you do not have an identity card, you might actually need a German passport, as the law requires all German citizens to have a valid form of identification. Please enter one of the following three options in the “Subject” field of the contact form: We will follow up on your complaint once it has been received. If no appointment is available in the appointment system, all slots are fully booked. Biometric passports can only be applied for in person as fingerprints are required. The passport collection hours are between 9:00 am - 17.15 pm for London, Manchester and Edinburgh. Important information: No legal remedies against decisions to refuse, annul or revoke a visa – in particular no remonstrations – may be submitted via the complaints contact form. Important Notice-- A new passport law has been in effect since November 1, 2007. de. 3 weeks. If you are not sure whether you are a German citizen, this question needs to be answered first. Persons who are providing the service outside the Visametric premises are not affiliated with the Visametric or the German Embassy / Consulate General. Please note that complaints may only be submitted in German or English. The original of this document has to be submitted to the Embassy and will be returned upon collection of the passport. Covid-19 Restrictions: Schengen Visa for Qatari Nationals for Medical Purposes, Covid-19 Restrictions: Schengen Visa for Non-Qatari Nationals for Medical Purposes. Germany and Tanzania have a long history that already started before the last century. Passport Collection Authorization Letter Sample and Format. Hyderabad, Chennai, and Kolkata 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM ; Mumbai and New Delhi Nonimmigrant visa and immigrant visa 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM; You will need the original Indian government-issued ID to pick up the passport. Applications for passports must be handed in personally at the German Embassy Windhoek and only after booking an appointment through the following link: Online Appointment System The online appointment system works optimal on the browsers Internet Explorer and Firefox. As soon as the Embassy has decided about your application, you will be informed to collect your passport from the Embassy. Submission of documents may take place on Sunday and Wednesday between 03.00 pm - 03.30 pm. Passport is an important document which is only authorized to be collected by the recipient of the passport. ): Monday and Wednesday: 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm Friday: 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm Administrative / consular district Malaysia The Embassy in Kuala Lumpur also supports the German Embassy Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei Darussalam) in legal and consular matters. This applies to all passport holders above the age of six years. Embassy Islamabad Visa Section. If you would like to apply for both a passport and an identification card, you need to book two appointments, one for each document. Should your visa application have been disapproved, you will receive an explanatory statement together with your passport. It is however not available yet. If you cannot access the page properly, please read our information on trouble shooting here: How to book an appointment with the Consular Section. German passports and ID-Cards can be issued to German citizens. If your status shows “origination scan”, it means your passport has left the Embassy or Consulate is on its way to the delivery location you have chosen. German Passport is issued only to the German Citizens. This is the adress of the German Embassy in Bucharest: Str. E-Mail: visainfo @ isla. Contact the German Embassy in Nicosia. Opening hours visa section. Starting from 1 February 2019 all 20 Visa Application Centres VFS Global will work only for passport collection. Special appointments for urgent matters that require a signature authentication can only be assigned after consultation with the consular department. Collection of passports: Monday - Thursday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Visa enquiries by telephone: Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 am - 12:00 noon Tel: +92 21 35 82 15 96 Fax: +92 21 35 82 15 97 Please note that visa enquiries by telephone will only be answered during the times and over the number indicated above. This site uses cookies in order to provide you with the best possible service. The German Embassy Doha will process the visa application if the main Destination for travel is one of the following countries: Germany, Austria, Norway, Finland or Slovenia. Passports which are handed over to courier for delivery will be called off and returned back to the Embassy of Croatia in New Delhi, India if delivery fails for more than 10 days. This is applicable for all passport applicants from the age of six years and older. Passport applications for persons over the age of 18. Hyderabad, Chennai, and Kolkata 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM ; Mumbai and New Delhi Nonimmigrant visa and immigrant visa 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM; You will need the original Indian government-issued ID to pick up the passport. It is important to include complete address and the current date. This is to be observed strictly. Hotels near the embassy of Germany in Copenhagen is not related to the official website of German Embassies. In the contact form, please select the option “Beschwerde zum Schengen-Visum-Verfahren”. E-Mail. Opening hours visa section. If there are compelling reasons (valid proof needed, eg. A number of topics were discussed, including the issue of import restrictions and its consequences to German-Sri Lankan trade. All documents must be presented as an original and as a copy. Tel: (0092-51) 2279430-35. You must visit the Embassy or Consulate on Tuesday only. Both types of passports can only be applied for in person (parents and child) by prior appointment. You can apply for a new passport at the Embassy after booking an appointment online. +263 242 308 656, +263 242 332 326, +263 242 332 292 In support of host government protocols in place in response to the SARS-Cov-2/COVID-19 pandemic (“hard lockdown from 16 December 2020”), the Australian Embassy in Berlin and the Consulate-General in Frankfurt are offering appointments for urgent passport and notarial services only until 31 January. Tuesday to Thursday: 08:00 hrs. This affects all passport applicants six years and older.-- Passport applications sent in through mail can no longer be processed. This service enables you to make appointments at short notice and reduces the waiting time at the visa application centre for a fee of 72,00 QAR. Nazi Germany Passport issued at the German Embassy in Luxembourg Here comes a very nice addition to my own collection. Head. Germany and Namibia are connected by common history that is also linked to painful memories. Find your nearest Think German Network "Stand Together and Go Virtual" – German-British Creative Teams Addressing Covid-19 The Future of Holocaust Remembrance: British and German Voices 75 Years after the End of the Shoah Upon expiry of this period, only the applicant, his/her legal representative or persons holding an authorization letter signed by the applicant may inquire about the status of the visa. With other browsers or devices, performance can be limited. The Embassy always tries to consider all appointment requests. Book an Appointment for Visa, Passport Applications, Collection of Documents and other Consular Services Complaints about the Schengen Visa Application Process Schengen visa applicants may submit complaints about the conduct of the consulate staff, the external service provider VFS Global or the visa application process via the contact form. Please find the link to the online appointment system here: The appointment system has been developed for use at a PC with browers Firefox or Internet Explorer. to collect my / our passports from Visa Collection Center on our/my behalf. Only German citizens can apply for a passport. Under this law it is obligatory to store fingerprints on a microchip imbedded in German passports. Processing takes one week. If your last German passport expired more than 15 years ago, please refer to the first-time application: First-time passport application for adults. fake bookings, will be grounds for discretionary visa refusal and may result in serious implications. Visametric is the only officially authorized by German Embassy in London/Consulate General in Edinburgh company to receive the applications for German Schengen visa. The processing time for passports and ID-cards is at present approx. 50,- CAD. Please press "continue" to book your appointment. Can I withdraw my application without a review? The new passports also have a flexible cover and are slightly smaller. Please note that the German Embassy requires all applicants to schedule an appointment in order to apply for a visa. The Embassy exclusively works with VFS Global. You need an appointment in the following cases: application for visa; application for passport/ identity card/ passport for children Last German passport (if available; if the last passport is lost or was stolen, please provide the police report), If you were naturalized in Germany: German naturalization certificate or „Registrierschein“, If you were naturalized in Namibia: Namibian certificate of naturalization and official permission to retain German citizenship (Beibehaltungsgenehmigung), If you are not Namibian citizen: current residence permit, If you are also a Namibian citizen: Namibian identity document, Marriage certificate (if you are or were married), If applicable: certificate of name issued by a German civil registry, If the address in your last passport is still a German residence: Proof of deregistration from Germany („Abmeldebescheinigung“), If you wish your academic title to be registered: certificate of the degree, Passports for applicants above 24 years (32 pages), Passports for applicants above 24 years (48 pages), Passports for applicants below 24 years (32 pages), Passports for applicants below 24 years (48 pages), If applicable: non-responsibility recovery fees (passport validity 10 years), If applicable: non-responsibility recovery fees (passport validity 6 years). Submission Timings: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Monday to Friday except public holidays) Passport Collection Timings: 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday to Friday except public holidays ) Passports for applicants below 24 years are valid for 6 years. Contact details for the German consulate in Paramaribo The consulate of Germany in Paramaribo is located at Randoe Suriname N.V., Dr Sophie Redmondstraat 250 and can be contacted by telephone on 44 29 58 as well as by email [email protected] . If you cannot access the page properly, please read our information on trouble shooting here: How to book an appointment with the Consular Section. Appointments have to be booked via the free online appointment system. German Visa Application Centre, 3rd Floor, Urmi Axis Building, Behind Famous Studio, Mahalaxmi (West), Mumbai – 400 011. de. Collection of passports. German Passport is a Travel document issued to the Citizens of Germany. No suitable keywords found. No further notice will be given. 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