computer training handout pdf

0000003147 00000 n Sometimes the computer has to “think” too! Computer Basics ABOUT THIS CLASS This class is designed to provide a basic introduction to using a PC computer. Easy to use. Title: Google Drive Handout.docx Author: Cutler, Julia Created Date: 10/27/2017 2:42:00 PM From this menu you can create a new document, open existing files, save files in a variety of ways, and print.You can also … Information can be read from ROM, but not written back to it. Introduction to Training Environment & Computer Basics CPL stands for Computer Proficiency License, also known as VU-CPL. Basic Computer Training Tips Lesson #1 v.1.0 Basic computer training secrets to success #1 - Learning Levels. Basic mouse training plus Mousercise and practice games. %%EOF computer designs, you will find this easy to learn. Instructors will guide students to mouse and keyboard tutorials and games that fit the students' skill level. <> 0 These programs are normally supplied on CD-ROM and combine text, graphics and sound. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Computer Basics Handout Page 6 Winter 2011 Microsoft Excel to create spreadsheets and crunch numbers Internet Explorer to display websites from the World Wide Web Adobe Photoshop to edit pictures and graphics Toggling Between Programs It can be helpful to have two or more programs open at the same time. You’ll learn how computers work, how to connect all the pieces and parts, and how to start using them. computer’s programs. Engineering Handout HANDOUT 1B: COMPUTER TERMS Part I – Computer Terms 1. Note: The form paragraphs in the training materials below have been updated. A non-glare screen overlay should be considered to reduce unwanted glare. Computer Based Training [CBT] [posted August 2, 2013] PowerPoint of the CBT [PPT] [posted August 2, 2013] Handout [PDF… 0000000636 00000 n Basic Computer Training Tip #4 v.1.0 Basic computer training secrets to success #2 - What Are the Critical Elements to Most Easily Learn the Computer? startxref %PDF-1.5 ROM will retain data when the computer is powered off. the computer screen to reduce glare. 2. 6sb�����^�# � ��z]��ۗQ���M���8���}��=��lj"����h�����%� I+6C�����,xž These PDF files also contain exercises, examples of practical work and other things that will make the learning process easier and simpler.All it takes is a computer, access to the Internet and of course – patience and willpower. 0000074494 00000 n Burlington County Library Mouse Tutorials Introduces three basic mouse skills. The Computer Literacy series consists of 8 classes on computer basics, internet basics, keyboarding, and Microsoft Word & Excel. The keys that operate the computer, very much like a typewriter, with extra keys for special functions. – The underlying software that runs all of the computer hardware and software – e.g. Working with Template s A template is a predesigned document you can use to create a new document quickly. 104 0 obj <>stream 0000001948 00000 n And within the folder each item has to have a unique name. <>>> all of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Internet 0000001471 00000 n Giving it a name is for your benefit. The monitor should be placed on a solid, Luckily, more and more people are willing to share their experience and knowledge with others and they don’t want any compensation for this. The CPU is housed in the tower or case. 3 0 obj BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS PAGE 5 OF 19 G:\training\1-training\1 - Inservice Registration\Handouts\2008-2009 Handouts\BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS.doc Last modified 21/04/2010 11:06:00 AM THE WINDOWS SCREEN The Windows startup screen contains several elements, including the Desktop or workspace, Icons, the Start Menu and the Taskbar. endobj The screen you see when you boot up your computer. 3. Computer Page 9/30 You will earn how you can put information in computers and get information out of computers. stream Handout and Additional Information List for ACT Part I – updated Oct 2013 Accelerated Certification Training Part I (MC Part I) – Onsite Wastewater Concepts, Materials, Regulations and the Application Process HANDOUTS, SAMPLE FORMS, CLASSROOM EXERCISES & Additional Information Contents The physical devices that make up a computer. !H- 3 Introducing a computer Processing Device The CPU – This is short for the Central Processing Unit. Proper Monitor Placement The monitor should be placed perpendicular to the windows or in such a location that the windows are not directly in front of or behind the monitor. o Read-only memory (ROM) is the memory that comes with your computer that is pre-written to hold the instructions for booting-up the computer. I.0.1 Computer Basics Student Manual . %���� 0000003045 00000 n 1 0 obj ��b��Cy�C0�VH��2 ���$>Z�H�mG_MG6��+�ӑ����9]��I�*�\W� /i�H�td��H��t������bY9],@7�@�� %ϻ�?����0��� S�(\H*��ƶI��D�/-�'� ? The setting most often used by a program. endobj Monitor The part of a computer system that contains the computer screen, where information is displayed. 88 0 obj <> endobj The Computer Basics training session is a two (2) to four hour course. For instance, you could )���X�S�g�ۃ�|4�L�;$��z�R���'� �Ox��j&c��~��}�w����q���~5��f�k/�grՠ:�b�A9f�@������m�/��1���b�(o�%+��������J�O�a��|� �(�^��)��y?F"�\��fH� The following courses are designed to facilitate self-taught instruction on using computers, common software, and popular devices. It is the “brain” of the computer. Lastly, the important hint to keep in mind when you’re using a computer is to be patient. Click on the START button. Click the File tab to access Backstage view. attend the Minto CASP basic computer literacy course. 0000002777 00000 n trailer Throughout the class, we will orient ourselves to the basic layout and functions of a PC computer as well as create, edit, and save a document in an organized folder system. Computer hardware refers to the physical parts or components of a computer such as the monitor, mouse, keyboard, computer data storage, hard drive disk (HDD), system unit (graphic cards, sound cards, memory, motherboard and chips), etc. MICROSOFT EXCEL TUTORIAL HANDOUT Opening Microsoft Excel 1. 4 0 obj Module 1 Handouts Computer Basics Computers Computer Engineering Handout Pdf book review, free download. x�b```f``�������� Ā B�@�����Q�Ŕm�+Wp1�J��Ztw�W�n�"���m=_��U����E��F=G��K���(�=�3i��K���. Computer hardware is the collection of physical elements that constitutes a computer system. 3. It is where all the working of the computer is done. The central processing unit or the “brains” of your computer. x��ZYo�H~7��Џ� ��7|��d�;�,2�谈H�V��Ϳߪj�DJl�F`�������l���|9�U�Ç�����V�9�r�PTU������nq�y��o�U^l'�����oo����yy{�Y�8�"N�b2��D�� ,��7�^�ۛ����/�7_���XD�fw�Fc-F*ڳ�O�)�q�ʿ���oo~���p"��ضN���Zay��������#+��p���zWJ�����?Fc�ۆzD�G2x���x�8��G��>��?=~|bIˌ�qg�˒&q��$�d�C[�f�"�e>�h6���;�7�=YP���^�� ������Wy�fk�W�rd�d�E��շ��9� ��fb���������ѱ�-�@���PK�X ����B�c-��bA�5���W����Ŏ�xy��:��$6g[(�~���3��.��"����a� 2�X�i� �Q��!W/{l56�L�+����x�`�%5�u�,)�`�%5��� �WGs��dА�b���֖+��k�됴����Ə��o^�B3}Ր��YN��K����[��ҭ�������#@�Y�������?��W�d#���qB�$�� �b'\h6��.��6 But ultimately, the computer doesn’t care what you name your files and folders. This course is adapted to your level as well as all computer basic pdf courses to better enrich your knowledge.. All you need to do is download the training document, open it and start learning computer basic for free. These lessons are recommended for beginner to intermediate students. 0000005492 00000 n 35 U.S.C. In this module, you will find • An introduction • A lesson plan for the trainer • Handouts for students To teach the module, you will need • A PC with Internet access for each student and the trainer • A computer projector and a screen • Headphones for students (if available) • A 3-ring binder to store materials To get started, you should • Read the Introduction First screen you see once you log into the computer Program/App – A piece of software designed to accomplish a specific task – e.g. Here you will see a digital representation of a real-life desktop, complete with a work-space, files and file folders, and even a trash can! Lesson 1 Handouts - Computer Basics: A Computer Internet Course for Older Adults Module 1 - Handouts: Computer Basics! Computer Basics Handout Computer Basics Manual: Keyboard and Mouse Practice This class is an open lab designed to help new computer users practice using the mouse and keyboard. Training Handout UCSB Environmental Health and Safety • Industrial Hygiene • Hazard Communication Program Phone: 805-893-3743 • June 2015 Employee Rights Employees have the following rights under the Hazard Communication Program: To receive information regarding hazardous substances to which you may be exposed. 2 0 obj Windows 7, Mac OS X Desktop – Essentially the computer’s “home” view. 0000001148 00000 n <<9839A7C01AD3274290C4FE1C7DAF5277>]>> Delivering instructor led classes for business and information technology clients in Columbus, Ohio for over 25 years. Packages range from general encyclopaedias right through to learning a foreign language. Senior Net Mouse Training Simple exercises to get you familiar with the mouse. 112(f): Making the Record Clear. 0000001054 00000 n Ϙ�|���ۛ?~b�z�f�X�@OR�q6�4������O�7�h���&���lރ�y���l3��G�ÎQ��d�Ú0���1ۑb��U�i�%���c�L��߅l�u,��� �xz��Z�Yf��e��~R�8�m���8���`��[z&e�]bף� �Uc��פ�o!�j�\�WJ�o���a���Uݸk��`��aB})MI[�����4�Q���v��&ko��E�55 �d;�J�h��#�R���c�]�f��5�Bx�?3T���G����M�[i�=���. CBT (Computer Based Training) Computer Based Training (CBT) offers a low cost solution to training needs where you need to train a large amount of people on a single subject. North Carolina State University | 915 Partners Way, Campus Box 7906 | Raleigh, NC | 27695-7906 Also, within a computer, there are many ways to do the same task. 0000002508 00000 n 2. 5 The Microsoft Office Button The Microsoft Office Button appears at the top of the Word window.When you click the button, a menu appears. 88 17 It is a computer based training course offered to all who are interested in learning of the usage of computer applications, after going through … The computer will reach what is known as your desktop within a few minutes of turning it on. 0000001190 00000 n endobj 0000130819 00000 n 0000171898 00000 n You will learn vocabulary about computer hardware, and computer software. Click on MICROSOFT EXCEL. Keyboard and Mouse %PDF-1.4 %���� <> You will learn basic information about computers. THE DESKTOP Click on PROGRAMS. Absolute Beginner’s Guide to Computer Basics, Fifth Edition, will help you figure out how to use your new computer system. 0000000016 00000 n Computer or CPU (central processing unit) The main part, or “brains” of a computer. Any material handouts that are given during the process of the course are for the student benefit while in the program, but may be requested to be returned upon completion of the course, so as to be Computers for Novices Class handout (pdf) Computer Terms for the Novice Class handout (pdf) 0000001320 00000 n Take advantage of this course called Basic Computer course book download to improve your Others skills and better understand computer basic.. There is not a textbook to purchase, nor one being used in the training session at this time. For example, if you save something it is saved in the default setting, unless you make changes to save it somewhere else. You will also Templates often include custom formatting and designs, so they can save you a lot of time and effort when starting a new project. To create a new document from a template: 1. The computer does have a few reserved characters, that you cannot use in your file and folder names. Output Devices The Screen – The screen, or monitor, shows information and the words that you type. xref 0000035161 00000 n Fourth in an ongoing series of lessons that reveals valuable tips to make learning computers quicker, easier, and more fun. See 2018 training materials, above. v(�B�t���٤ ��~��Nu�v�k�ʐY��ݢ�oUqݪP��t�U� �j+�,T�����v(1B�B��Mq(��rn ������C\p���=�Q*��0��R ���( %�̝@�5X��'���u�1�rU��a@�T���lRj��::ֿ�Q��3,ɚ!NԁU�?�f�u!�-�w��k�!4�S���M{�D��.޺@>\���]��l�q1=��G��B�_�ua��L��+��a�����F�DՏ!�!��d�y�Pފ�d�,�����|~py�x�q�� Time and effort when starting a new project these programs are normally supplied on and... 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