constitutional design class 9 very short questions and answers

(c) Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born in the year 1891 and died in the year 1956. Explain with five facts the transition from Apartheid to democracy and multi-racial government take place in South Africa. Many of the sensitive whites also joined the struggle with the African National Congress. But there is no official religion. Answer: Answer: Explain the major factors which contributed to the making of our Constitution. There are certain basic rules that the citizens and the government have to follow. (iii) Who was appointed the Chairman of the Drafting Committee? In social and economic life, by reason of social and economic structure one must continue to deny the principle of one man one value. Fraternity, Question 10. You will also love the ad-free experience on Meritnation’s NCERT Solutions. First, some basic principles were decided and agreed upon. It was India’s ‘Charter of Freedom’. The second reason for accepting the Constitution is that the Constituent Assembly represented the people of India. Question 7. An introductory statement in a constitution which states the reasons and guiding values of the constitution is _______ . This constitution gave to its citizens the most extensive rights available in any country. The values that inspired and guided the freedom struggle and were, in turn, nurtured by it, formed the foundation for India’s democracy. Equality of statue and of opportunity and to promote among them all fraternity, assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the nation, in our constitutional assembly, this 26th day of November.1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this constitution.”. The white minority, on the other hand, wanted to protect its privileges and property. What do you mean by ‘Constitution’? (a) The Parliamentary form of Government. It defines “who will have how much power to take a particular decisions’. Check NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Civics: Chapter 2 Constitutional Design and prepare for CBSE Class 9 Social Science exam 2020-21. a. (i) Sovereign, Which type of tactics did the white racist government of South Africa use to continue to rule? Answer: Soon after the country was divided into India and Pakistan. As per the Cabinet Mission Plan (1946), a Constitution-making body, called the Constituent Assembly, was formed. Question 16. 9 Constitutional Design 9 Specific Hazards and Mitigation 2 Physical Features of India 11 Electoral Politics 8 Working of Institutions 8 Democratic Rights 8 India - Size and Location 11 Climate 9 Sports 8 Clothing: A Social History 8 Drainage 11 Food Security 8 9 Over the last half a century, several groups have questioned some provisions of the Constitution. On the other hand, it is also called flexible because there is a provision for amendments. State the steps involved in the framing of Indian Constitution. (i) When were its elections held? Solution: Explain. This online test is based on multiple choice questions for all competitive exams and GK quiz. Answer: They guide all the articles of the Indian Constitution. The whites agreed to the principle of majority rule and that of one person, one vote. (iii) Why was this date chosen? India is called a Republic because the head of the state i.e., the President is an elected person, and it is not a hereditary position. Then a Drafting Committee chaired by Dr. B.R. The blacks were not allowed into the Churches frequented by the whites. Question 3. In 1928, who along with eight other congress leaders? Answer: The responses that emerged in Europe after the French Revolution can be categorised as They also wanted substantial, social and economic rights. What are constitutional amendments? That is why our leaders decided to celebrate 26th January, 1950 as the day to enforce the Constitution of India. were separate for the whites and blacks. They were forbidden from living in white areas. They worked for 114 days and spread over three years. Answer: Answer: Question 2. Answer: Answer: Every document presented, and every word spoken in the Constituent Assembly has been recorded and preserved. Vedantu quickly provides online constitutional design Class 9 NCERT solutions Chapter 3, in fact, NCERT solutions for Class 9 SST constitutional design to help the students learn the concept. Answer: Or Solution: This, was called segregation. First some basic principles were decided and agreed upon. What are the various functions of a Constitution? These values are embedded in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution. Answer: Ambedkar prepared a draft constitution for discussion. (iv) 26th November, 1949. Nelson Mandela spent 28 years in South Africa’s most dreaded prison, Robben Island. Question 6. (a) Jawaharlal Nehru He thought India as a country where the people of all communities would live in perfect harmony. With reference to the Indian Constitution answer the following questions: Answer: Solution: Bloodshed would have taken place. Solution: (ix) EQUALITY: All are equal before the law. The British Consitution (based on Conventions). On what terms did the blacks agreed upon while making a Constitution for South Africa? It lays down the procedure for choosing persons to govern the country. The above-mentioned points prove that the Constituent Assembly maintained a democratic attitude. Give three reasons. The Preamble to the South African Constitution sums up the spirit. Both the movements were fighting against the whites of Europe who had come to these countries as trading companies. Chapter 3: Constitutional Design Chapter 4: Electoral Politics Chapter 5: Working of Institutions Chapter 6: Democratic Rights NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Civics. At that time the people of India were emerging from the status of subjects to that of citizens. The white Europeans imposed this system on South Africa. NCERT Solutions is available for Class 6 to 12 solved by expert teachers from latest edition books (2018-2019) and as per NCERT (CBSE) guidelines. (iv) When was the Constitution passed by the Constituent Assembly? Trains, buses, taxis, hotels, hospitals, schools and colleges, libraries, cinema halls, theatres, beaches, swimming pools, public toilets, were all separate for the whites and blacks. Government should regulate the ownership of land and industry to reduce socio-economic inequalities. Answer: We have adopted bill of Rights from the United States of America. India adopted the principle of liberty, freedom and justice from the French Constitution. It expresses a broad consensus of its time. Question 23. He was a lawyer by profession. Feb 16, 2021 - Constitutional Design – Constitution : MCQ’s, Class 9 | EduRev Notes is made by best teachers of Class 9. Constitutional Design Class 9 Extra Questions Very Short Answer Type Questions Question 1. Answer: A great loss of life and property would have taken place. The British had left it to the rulers of the princely states to decide whether they wanted to merge with India or with Pakistan or remain independent. a) Dr Rajendra Explain? India is a major democratic country and has a long and detailed Constitution. The Constitution does not reflect the views of its members alone. It specifies how the government will be constituted, and who will have power of taking which decisions. Blacks could not form associations or protest against the terrible treatment. So. The Constituent Assembly held its first meeting in November 1946. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Civics. The Assembly adopted the Constitution on 26 November 1949 but it came into effect on 26 January _______ . (b) Sarojini Naidu was born in the year 1879 and died in the year 1949. The constitution only came into effect on January 26, 1950. Amdedkar played a key role in the making of the Indian Constitution. HOTS They were allowed to work there only with permit. What problems existed in the making of the South African constitution? What do you mean by the term ‘secular’? Question 11. Question 29. Drafting Committee prepared a draft. Many ‘whites’ had settled in South Africa and became the local rulers. (vi) Equality, The Constitution of India lays down certain Basic Features or the Basic Structure, which cannot be amended, altered or modified by any legitimate authority in India. Answer: Question 3. Answer: This is called Segregation. Several rounds of thorough discussion took place on the Draft Constitution, clause by clause. According to his magazine, Young India in 1931, he wanted to release India from all thralldom and patronage. They were forbiadden to live in white areas. Answer: Question 2. Several rounds of thorough discussions took place on the Draft Constitution clause by clause. What would have happened in South Africa if the black majority had decided to take revenge on the whites for all their oppression and exploitation? Answer: Question 10. Apartheid was the name of a system of racial discrimination unique to South Africa. Assessing the Constitution as: Question 6. Government treats all religious beliefs and practices with equal respect. Solution: Indian Polity Questions and Answers. This ensured a fair geographical share of members from all the regions of the country. It also limits the powers of the government by providing some rights to the citizens which cannot be violated. The traditional social inequalities must be ended. But no large social group or political party has ever questioned the legitimacy of the Constitution itself. Name the South Africa leader who opposed Mrs. Sarojini Naidu and Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit were the two leading women of India in the Constituent Assembly. Democratic, Question 7. HOTS Role of Leaders: Leaders like Moti Lai Nehru, Jawahar Lai Nehru and others had played very important role in making of Indian Constitution. Then, a Drafting Committee chaired by Dr. B.R. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Civics CBSE, 3 Constitutional Design. The members deliberated for 114 days spread over three years. Preamble, Question 5. (a) Jawaharlal Nehru was born in the year 1889 and died in the year 1964. Nobody can be discriminated against only on the basis of his religion, caste, colour, creed or sex (Articles 14 and 15). (iv) Republic, Question 20. Question 10. The government should ensure equal opportunity for all. The government would work for the welfare of poor and oppressed so that social inequalities could She was among the foremost women leaders in the Congress. The makers of the Constitution had anxieties about the present and the future of the country. Answer: Question 7. Highlight any five difficult circumstances under which the Indian Constitution was drawn up. It means citizens have complete freedom to follow any religion, but there is no official religion. CBSE Class 9 Civics Worksheet - Constitutional Design - Practice worksheets for CBSE students.Prepared by teachers of the best CBSE schools in India. Highlight any one similarity between the story of South African struggle for freedom and the Indian National Movement. “Indian Constitution adopted many institutional details and procedures from different countries.” Justify by giving examples. Then some basic principles were decided and agreed upon. ADVERTISEMENTS: 7 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Constitutional Design of India Related posts: 11 Short Questions and Answers on Constitution of India 6 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Electoral Politics Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Money and Credit 10 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) on Geography of India 15 Multiple Choice Questions and Answers … ” We, the people of India having solemnly resolved to constitute India into SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and secure to all its citizens justice, social, economic and political. This is called rigid because some ideals in the constitution like equality, secularism, democracy, sovereignity etc. The way in which the Constituent Assembly worked gives sanctity to the Constitution. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Dr. Rajendra Prasad, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, Dr. B.R. Several rounds of thorough discussion took place, clause by clause. The Constituent Assembly was also divided into the Constituent Assembly of India and that of Pakistan. This solution contains questions, answers, images, explanations of the complete Chapter 2 titled Constitutional Design of Social Science (Civics) taught in class 9. Express the basic ideas accepted by all leaders before the drafting of the Constitution. Blacks and Indians were fighting against the apartheid, since 1950. But they also make it equally difficult to rush through a bad decision. Question 9. The Draft Constitution was passed or adopted by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949. On 26th April 1994, the new national flag of the Republic of South Africa was unfurled marking the newly born democracy in the world. Answer: Question 10. The Former USSR (now Russia); Socialist Revolution. “I have cherished the idea of a democratic Asid free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal What is meant by ‘Constituent Assembly Debates’? Why do we need a Constitution and what do Constitution do? Or No external power can dictate the government of India. (vi) Equality: All are equal before the law. And Long Type Questions. Blacks, whites and coloured people, men and women, live as free citizens, in total harmony. What is meant by the term ‘Preamble’? Free Question Bank for 9th Class Social Science Constitutional Design Very Short Answer Type Questions - Constitutional Design Enter OTP OTP has been sent to your mobile number and is valid for one hour What was the composition of the Constituent Assembly? Answer: (ii) The Constitution was enforced on 26th January, 1950. Answer: The Constituent Assembly worked in a systematic, open and consensual manner. National Movement: Our national movement was not merely a struggle against a foreign rule. Republic—Head of the state is a common man elected by the people. How is the South African Constitution looked upon today? The ideals written in the Preamble of the Constitution are as under : Question 5. (b) Sarojini Naidu (d) The Concept of Social and Economic Equality. PDF Download Free. The white racist government continued to rule by detaining, torturing and killing thousands of black and coloured people. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, Question 14. The black people were forbidden from living in white areas. Answer: Question 10. To help students in finding the answers to the exercise questions, we have provided the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Civics Chapter 2 Constitutional Design. Answer: The members deliberated for 114 days spread over 3 years. (iii) Secular: Citizens have complete freedom to follow any religion. Government should regulate the ownership of land and industry to reduce socio-economic inequalities. There are around 3-5 solved test papers in each chapter. The official policy of racial separation of ill treatment of blacks followed by the government of South Africa was called _______ . It lays down limits on the powers of the government and tells us what the rights of the citizens are. (i) Prior to framing of the Indian Constitution, our Constitution-makers had gone through the Constitutions of nearly 60 countries. Learn MCQs of Constitutional Design. subject notes class nine civics constitutional design JUSTICE: The land of the law would not discriminate between citizens on the basis of caste, religion and gender. Why did the South African people need a Constitution? All religions should be treated equally. “India’s Constitution was also drawn up under very difficult circumstances.” Elaborate this statement with the help of any four circumstances during it was made. Name the umbrella organisation that led the struggle against the policies , of segregation in South Africa. Answer: Question 4. Question 6. Answer: Every document presented and every word spoken in the Constituent Assembly was recorded and preserved. What was the philosophy behind the Constitution? (iii) SOCIALIST: Wealth is generated socially and should be shared equally by society. Question 12. Answer: Question 3. Question 25. These changes are called the ‘Constitutional Amendments’. It generates a degree of trust and coordination that is necessary for different kind of people to live together. 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All such rules together are called constitution. Question 1. What were the difficulties faced during the making of Indian Constitution? British Rule and the Legislative Institutions: The experience gained by Indians in the working of the legislative institutions proved to be very useful for the country in setting up its own institutions. Answer: The Indian Constitution is neither wholly rigid nor wholly flexible. DEMOCRATIC CONSTITUTION IN SOUTH AFRICA So, they made provisions to incorporate changes from time to time. (ii) SOVEREIGN: People have supreme right to make decisions on internal as well as external matters. It was likely to experience many socio-economic changes in the coming years. The practice of Parliamentary democracy has been adopted from Great Britain. All of us should behave as if we are members of the same family. What do you mean by Constitutional amendments? Republic, because the head of the state i.e., the President is an elected person, and it is not a hereditary position. Question 11. “The making of the Constitution for huge and diverse country like India was not an easy affair.” Justify the statement. More than two thousand amendments were considered. The people of South Africa, need a constitution because : Question 10. What are the four main ideals enshrined in the Preamble of the Indian Constitution? After two years of discussion and debate leaders of South Africa came out with one of the finest Constitutions the world has ever had. Ban on political parties and restrictions on the media were lifted. 1. The merger of these princely states was a difficult and uncertain task. The Constitution describes the institutional arrangements in a very legal language. There were more than 30 members belonging to the Scheduled Caste. Question 27. Rights and Duties: It lays down the limits on the powers of the government and tells us what the rights of the citizens are. As the supreme law of the country, the constitution determines the rights of citizens, the powers of the government and how the government should function. It was also a struggle to rejuvenate our country, and to transform our society and politics. Answer: Question 5. Soon after, the country was divided into India and Pakistan. Answer: NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, Extra Questions for Class 9 Social Science Civics Chapter 3 Constitutional Design, Question 1. A constitution is mainly about embodying these values into institutional arrangements. Question 9. Because it contains the philosophy on which the entire constitution has been built. People have the supreme right to make decisions, Question 8. The official policy of racial separation of ill treatment of blacks followed by the government of South Africa was called _______ . This document is highly rated by Class 9 students and has been viewed 38557 times. No external power can dictate the government of India. Nelson Mandela fought against white domination in South Africa. The blacks agreed that majority rule would not be absolute. As the struggle gained momentum, the government realized that the blacks could no longer be held under the oppression. In Indian Constitution, the Secular means _______ . Answer: Taking inspiration from American model, most countries in the contemporary world have chosen to begin their constitutions with a preamble. All the solutions of Constitutional Design - Civics explained in detail by experts to help students prepare for their CBSE exams. Answer: It is called the key of the Constitution. Constitutional Design Class 9 MCQs Questions with Answers Choose the correct option: Question 1. Answer: Question 14. Who was the President of Constituent Assembly? Why is India called ‘a Republic’? Define the following terms mentioned in the preamble to the Constitution of India. Answer: Question 17. There was no universal adult franchise at that time. Elected Members: The drafting of the document called the Constitution was done by an assembly of elected representatives called the Constituent Assembly. The country was born through a partition on the basis of religious differences. They provided a suitable amending procedure. There is no social or any discrimination based on skin colour in free south Africa, today. That is, there are some rules that can be amended by a simple majority while some need two-third majority. Who constituted the Constituent assembly? Question 9. Answer: Question 11. Study Material and Notes of Ch 3 Constitutional Design Class 9th Civics Democratic Constitution in South Africa Struggle against Apartheid • Apartheid was the name of a system of racial discrimination unique to South Africa. Question 2. Answer: What does the phrase ‘Service of India’ mean? “The South African Constitution inspires democrats all over the world” Comment. It means people have supreme right to make decisions on internal as well as external matters. (ii) When was it enforced?. It came into force on January 26, 1950. Answer: The Constituent Assembly adopted the Constitution of India on (a) 26 January 1950 (b) 26 November 1949 (c) 26 January 1949 (d) 15 August 1947 Answer Answer: What is a Preamble? Constitution is the supreme law that determines the relationship among people living in a territory (called citizens) and also the relationship between the people and government. Dr. Rajendra Prasad. to prepare for exams in Class 9 . Tryst with Destiny, Question 11. As a Congress leader he advocated socialism, democracy and anti imperialism. The government is run according to some basic rules. Define ‘ Democratic Republic’. Answer: Question 7. Quote the Preamble of our constitution. 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