Color theory plays a large role in deciding which crewmates are the most 'sus.' Colorimétrie et perception des couleurs. The meaning here is almost the same as that on Tiktok. Cornflower definition, a European composite plant, Centaurea cyanus, growing in grainfields, having blue to white flower heads, often cultivated as an ornamental. View the profiles of people named Sus Cyan. They have had a wild freelance career in being a nerd, spending time traveling as a professional cosplayer and becoming a published illustrator while working the night grind as an IT tech. Cyan, sometimes confused as Light Blue, is one of the colors in Among Us that players can select and customize. Learn more. What color of crewmate in Among Us is regularly labeled the most 'sus' for players? In the game Among Us, on a long enough timeline, absolutely everything and everyone will be declared as “pretty sus” at some point. It is a shade most prevalent in printing photos and is in even part of the alternative to RGB color space which is CMYK. En savoir plus. When someone says something that’s gay, or sexual on accident. Le cyan est, par définition, la couleur primaire complémentaire du rouge, dans la synthèse soustractive des couleurs utilisée en photographie argentique en couleurs et en imprimerie. A user from United Kingdom says the name Cyan means "Loanword from Ancient Greek (kyanos), originally meaning dark blue in Greek, used in English for a light, greenish blue". In day-to-day life, red is used to mark things that people need to pay attention to, and more often than not, be cautious of. The flurry of confusion and clarifications that come from an accusation of “sus” snowballs until everyone’s pointing the finger at you. Centaurea cyanus, commonly known as cornflower or bachelor's button, is an annual flowering plant in the family Asteraceae native to Europe. User Submitted Meanings. One of the factors that makes Among Us so interesting as a who-did-it game is that it relies both on deduction skill and on players' preconceived ideas of what color theory means when investigating a suspicious crewmate. Join Facebook to connect with Sus Cyan and others you may know. In terms of this game specifically, if you see that a player having this color is acting suspicious, you can say ‘Cyan Sus’ in the chat. See more. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Cyan definition is - a greenish-blue color —used in photography and color printing of one of the primary colors. These subconscious ideas of what each color means can expose what players attach to color based on their experiences. Centaurea montana, the perennial cornflower, mountain cornflower, bachelor's button, montane knapweed or mountain bluet, is a species of flowering plant in the daisy family Asteraceae, endemic to Europe.It is widespread and common in the more southerly mountain ranges of Europe, but is rarer in the north. Learn more. What does Cyan mean? Search for more names by meaning. Among Us fans are calling everything ‘pretty sus,’ and it keeps working, Soul is out, so let’s rank the Pixar movies, Spider-Gwen just got her own Carnage, and it’s Mary Jane, Star Wars Battlefront 2 is free on PC, and deserves a comeback, Give Battlefront 2 another shot, you won’t be sorry, Among Us devs know new things are taking long, here’s why, Hitman 3 Death in the Family guide: Means, Motive and Opportunity Mission Story walkthrough, Waiting for Pokémon Snap? Pretty sure it was the witness.”. As a player, it feels amazing to pull some detective work based off in-game body language or someone idling in the wrong place. “No ambiguity. A pink crewmate is much less likely to draw attention than a black crewmate. You may not have seen a little bean kill someone in the reactor core, but you’re pretty sure they were up there at some point, or they ran at you in a funny way. According to a user from United Kingdom, the name Cyan is of Indian (Sanskrit) origin and means "The colour blue". This is usually said by an accompanying person who is next to the one who slips up. That’s all pretty sus. It refers to something gay by accident. The murderer just shrugs and goes “Nah, wasn’t me. Pink is often associated with good or soft things, while the black crewmate looks like a ninja. someone's lookin pretty sus....#AmongUs #amongusart #amongusfanart, But sometimes a player convincingly lays out a steel cage of logic that proves that someone else in the imposter. While the red crewmate is portrayed as the most 'sus' in both marketing and fanart, the reality is that all colors are equally likely to be an Imposter, and Among Us challenges players to see past personal presets of what color means and use deduction skills to identify the true troublemaker aboard the ship. By creating a consistent portrayal of red as the color to be wary of, players are much more likely to assume that the player with the red crewmate is the one to avoid, allowing other colored Impostors to use red as a decoy and blindside crewmates. Comment. What does cyan mean? Also called bachelor's button. Among Us portrays one color as more 'sus' than any other in the game, but why do players think this is the one to look out for when passing by a vent? … The red crewmate stands out to players when they initially start the game because of how red has been used to alert trouble. In This Video, I'm gonna explain you the meanings of secret words in among us. Related: When Among Us Is Coming To Switch. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. TEST YOUR OLYMPIAN GRIT WITH WORDS FROM THE LIGHTNING THIEF All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. I report them and I’m typing up a whole paragraph and they go ‘self-report is pretty sus’ and everyone votes for me?! Red has historically been portrayed as an alarm color to mark dangerous items, or to identify something as dangerous, explosive, or evil. Red is one of the colors in Among Usthat players can select and customize. In the subtractive color system, or CMYK color model, which can be overlaid to produce all colors in paint and color printing, cyan is one of the primary colors, along with magenta, yellow, and black. Laura is currently a content writer for D&D campaigns and Screenrant while working on personal writing projects for publication. By Ace Brown Oct 15, 2020. The slang term originally predates its use in the game but is used in the same context. Cyan is the name of the ‘light blue’ color that is assigned to players in Among Us. Around the same time that Among Us hit a second wave of popularity around August 2020, the term “sus” became a trending expression during in-game chats to … At first look, Among Us is a game that shouldn't have much lore hidden within its details. After that you can provide your proof and go ahead with voting. cyan - Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de cyan... - synonymes, homonymes, difficultés, citations. La courbe cyan pointillée correspond au seul bruit radioélectrique minimal. : The cyan dotted line corresponds to the minimum expected radio noise only. 1 Color Values 2 Trivia 3 Gallery 3.1 In-Game Sprites 3.2 Merchandise 3.3 Miscellaneous Red is the most used color for The Impostor in promotional posters of Among Us. What does Cyan mean in Among Us? They are also busy welcoming their first child into their life, which has been the best adventure life has given yet. #AmongUs You’re pretty sus, kid, And then the imposter types in chat: “idk youre pretty sus.” Someone else then chimes in with “they’re sus?” and someone else is like “I was in reactor and I didn’t see anything who are we voting for.” It’s such a lazy, underhanded tactic, like if you witnessed a murderer take the stand for a crime you witnessed. Among Us has few clues that have led players to theorize about hidden lore, and Medbay scans, card swipes, and the tutorial all reveal certain things. This shade of blue is bright and fluorescent. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Before any sabotage or strange events can even occur, players will be aware of the red crewmate more than others, and this is because in all the marketing Among Us has produced, the red crewmate is depicted as the Impostor. In addition to this meaning, there is another meaning here. Myst est un monde imaginaire initié par une série de jeux vidéo de type Walking simulator créés par Robyn et Rand Miller.Il a été également développé à travers des romans et des bandes dessinées. (Cyan Sus) The answer is nothing complex – Cyan is just the name of a color. It’s not any kind of a code word or in-game terminology. Also used by an Impostor to reflect that they would like for the crewmates to vote them … Next: Among Us Impostor & Crewmate Odds Explained. 0. cyan definition: 1. a deep greenish-blue colour, one of the main colours that are used in colour printing and…. : La présente invention concerne des variantes de protéine cyan fluorescente optimisée. The other reason Among Us players are more likely to assume that red is the color to be careful about actually has its roots in the way color is used symbolically in games. In the horror genre, red has a prevalence for being used to show the decrease in health, sending splashes of red over the screen when a player is hit, or having the screen fade to red in the case of a character death. The red crewmate, with its concerning warning color of a stop-sign, is naturally going to gain the 'sus' label. To put it simply, cyan is the name of a color, specifically, light blue. Live Life Lowkey. Hey Guys Its HasAndro. They appear to be a close acquaintance with Green and Orange. Among Us uses bright colors on crewmates to draw on those presets players have when associating color with good or evil. er (kôrn′flou′ər) n. An annual Eurasian plant (Centaurea cyanus) in the composite family, cultivated and also naturalized in North America and having showy heads of blue, purple, pink, or white flowers. That’s the imposter’s dream: the ability to just throw an innocent crewmate right out into the void of space, based off nothing but a vague hunch and a gullible audience. How to use cyan in a sentence. “Sus” is a convenient shorthand for suspicious; it’s easy to type, even on a mobile device, and it gets your point across quickly. ə n /, / ˈ s aɪ ˌ æ n /) is a greenish-blue color. When settling in to play Among Us with a group of friends on a mobile device or PC, assumptions are made the moment the game starts about who might be an Impostor. cyan translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also 'can',cyanide',cyanose',CA', examples, definition, conjugation You may have gone off by yourself or someone might have seen you just escaping a vent. Heck, you could be sus even if you are quiet during a discussion phase or if you are talking too much. Courir sus à quelqu'un Sens : Arrêter politiquement ou militairement quelqu'un, le poursuivre, le persécuter Origine : "Courir sus à quelqu'un" est une expression vieillie, issue de l'Ancien Régime, alors généralement utilisée sous forme écrite par les représentants d'institutions politiques ou militaires, pour ordonner l'arrestation d'une personne, dans l'objectif de la violenter, de l'emprisonner voire de la tuer. “Sus” is a gut feeling without evidence, and there’s a reason why Among Us fans have started using it in their everyday vocabularies — sometimes those gut feelings pay off. Avant la fin du XIX e siècle, le préfixe cyan était utilisé en chimie pour désigner les produits « ayant une affinité pour le bleu [1. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Translation for 'cyan' in the free English-Polish dictionary and many other Polish translations. One of the factors that makes Among Us so interesting as a who-did-it game is that it relies both on deduction skill and on players' preconceived ideas of what color theory means when investigating a suspicious crewmate. “I saw Red kill Green in the Reactor from the security cameras, then he hit a sabotage alert on the Oxygen so everyone would rush to fix it!” or “Blue set up a sabotage, vented to kill Pink, and then reported the body to hide her involvement!”. Try Alba: A Wildlife Adventure, Destiny 2 guide: Bird of Prey quest, Feathers of Light locations, Nintendo artist (and Tingle creator) Takaya Imamura retires. Cyaneous definition, deep blue; cerulean. Among Us proves how unreliable eye witness testimony really is.pretty sus, “I finished my tasks super early one round, so I was checking every room, and I saw White kill Pink in storage,” Elise, an Among Us player, tells Polygon over Discord. That’s why “pretty sus” has become a sort of reflex among this game’s players: They’re ready for absolutely everything to come out of a vent or accuse them of a murder, even if it means pointing the finger at you as a result. The general usage is to express disagreement. Cyan (/ ˈ s aɪ. Pink is often associated with good or soft things, while the black crewmate looks like a ninja. cyan définition, signification, ce qu'est cyan: 1. a deep greenish-blue colour, one of the main colours that are used in colour printing and…. This only makes it more entertaining to Among Us players when they are stabbed in the back by a friendly-looking banana yellow Impostor. Basically, it means that someone thinks you have done something worthy of raising a doubt about you being the impostor. It is evoked by light with a predominant wavelength of between 490 and 520 nm, between the wavelengths of green and blue.. He immediately controlled the narrative, which was impressive, but I was also so, so salty.”, idk blue seems pretty sus#AmongUs #amongusfanart i-cyan Find more words! All of the cards are on the table, and it feels very much like you’ve identified that it was Professor Plum, in the library, with the candlestick, and you’re about to get the victory you rightfully deserve. See more. Located in Charlotte, North Carolina. : The present invention provide optimized cyan fluorescent protein (oCFP) variants. A term used in the popular game Among Us to describe a person who is acting quite suspicious. Share Share Tweet Email. Hi! Sus Meaning on SnapChat. Sus in this sense is usually used by the person who is sitting next to the first person. The meaning of the word “SUS” in teen slang can vary a bit. SUSWEEB is an online brand selling high quality Anime Clothing, Enamel Pins, Stickers and Accessories. "Sus" is an abbreviation for "suspicious" often used by players of the game Among Us when referring to those that are suspected of being an impostor. any of numerous composite plants of the genus Centaurea, having tubular flowers in a variety of colors, as the cornflower. A pink crewmate is much less likely to draw attention than a black crewmate. 1. While Among Us players may see red as a sketchy character, it might be something soft and pink that is lurking in the vents overhead. Il met en scène un univers dont les mondes oniriques, appelés Âges, … Laura Gray is a writer, illustrator and gamer in cozy Boise Idaho. Next thing you know, the judge and prosecutor are demanding to know why you were in the boiler room and not resetting the seismic systems. Here’s the answer to that. Yup, that’s pretty much it. kinda sus. What players may not realize, however, is that the immediate gut feeling of suspicion they get when looking at their new round of crewmates might be caused by a subconscious natural weariness of certain hues. 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