You can't save the world as Hazel. Social media cookies: These cookies allow you to interact with content on certain social media platforms, such a “liking” our articles. Superhero Quizzes. an hour ago by. This villain is willing to break all the rules so he can save his wife from death. your data confidential. I enjoy all action films! Reverse-Flash first appeared in The Flash No. Real Name: Slade Joseph Wilson / Citizenship: American / Race: American / Occupation: Mercenary, Assassin, Soldier, Bounty Hunter / Main Achievements: The world’s greatest assassin/mercenary and an enemy of the Teen Titans and the Justice League / Team Affiliation: Injustice League, Secret Society of Supervillains / Family: N/A / Abilities: Genius-level tactician; Superhuman strength, agility, durability, and reflexes; Master martial artist and hand-to-hand combatant; Expert swordsman and marksman; Regenerative healing factor. He was a member of the Anti-Justice League, which is a league that was formed to combat the Justice League. Superman's speed is said to be "superluminal" meaning that he can move faster than the speed of light. regarding their data collection. 1. Can you name this Kryptonian DC hero? What would you do? Wizard magazine placed this character as the twenty-fourth best villain of all time. places we deem appropriate, so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, What we can help you with is a name because all good heroes need good names. A cookie is a piece of data stored on the user’s computer tied to information about the user. DART cookie enables it to serve ads to our users based on their visit to our sites and other sites on the Internet. They have been both enemies and allies in the past. Take this quiz now to find out which DC character you are! So if you want to know yours, take the quiz … Real Name: Harvey Dent / Citizenship: American / Race: American / Occupation: Former Lawyer / Main Achievements: A Gotham City mobster / Team Affiliation: Injustice League / Family: N/A / Abilities: Criminal mastermind, Skilled marksman, Expert lawyer and tactician. DC was originally conceived as National Allied Publications back in 1934. The famed Marvel Comics and DC Comics have morphed their comic book characters into movie stars that have filled our movie screens. We respect your privacy and we are committed to safeguarding your privacy while online at our If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options. He has been associated with the Legion of Doom and the Secret Society of Super-Villains. He has played the part of both a supervillain and an anti-hero. One that would do almost anything to get attention. Shazam. 67,367 PLAYS. Eventually, he joined the Justice League of America where he teamed up with one of the greatest crime fighting organizations we have ever seen. Batman first appeared in Detective Comics No. The identity continues to change, but the outfits and abilities are similar. His outfits have changed through the years as he used to wear purple. The Penguin first appeared in Detective Comics No. Using the Lazarus Pits, he can live for as long as he does. I left out Superman and Batman. This character has an enormous strength that is given to him by a special compound. His birth date was millennia ago. 73, an adventurer who is half-human and half-Atlantean. His abilities include leadership, intimidation, fear attunement, and a genius-level of intellect. He can display unique skills after being part of a project for a super-soldier. However, our partners, including ad partners, Take our latest quiz to see how much you know about the … Before we get into it, let me tell you the rules. This led to her adopting her own costumed persona, adapting the word harlequin, to assist him escape and cause further mayhem. Real Name: Billy Batson / Citizenship: American / Race: American / Occupation: Student / Main Achievements: Joining the Justice League / Team Affiliation: Justice League / Family: Shazam Family / Powers: Wisdom of Solomon, Strength of Hercules, Stamina of Atlas, Power of Zeus, Courage of Achilles, Speed of Mercury, Teleportation via the Rock of Eternity. These cookies track usage of the site for security, analytics and targeted advertising purposes. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . We use pixel tags, which are small graphic files that allow us and our trusted third party partners to track your Website usage and collect usage data, including the Only A Comic Book Nerd Will Get More Than 80% On This DC Superheroes Quiz. Real Name: Diana of Themyscira / Citizenship: Amazon / Race: Amazon / Occupation: Government Agent, Ambassador / Main Achievements: A founding member of the Justice League, A god of Olympus / Team Affiliation: Justice League / Family: Wonder Women Family / Powers: Divine strength, speed, reflexes, durability and longevity; Accelerated healing; Flight; Ability to utilize the Lasso of Truth. Aquaman first appeared in More Fun Comics No. Edit. It is unlikely we will see comic book characters that beat DC's anytime soon. This quiz gives you a chance to find out. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this They named him Clark Kent and imbued him with a strong moral compass. We use the information we collect in order to: We do not sell or rent your personal data to third parties. The company has stuck around long enough to become one of the two biggest and hottest comic book companies in America. Entertainment Quiz / DC Superheroes Real Names Random Entertainment or DC Comics Quiz Can you fill in the real names of the superheroes? or at the postal address listed above, attention: Data compliance department. He is DC's most famed hero. It has been debated on numerous occasions whether this character or Bruce Wayne has more riches. Most importantly, he wants to protect his ex-wife and his lovely daughter. Because first, you’re going to need a name. Who Was It? Functionality cookies: these cookies help us remember choices you have made while on our website, remember your preferences, and personalize your Website experience. 2. His signature color is green and he rarely uses a weapon other than a bow. You hereby He could be the most intelligent of the Batman villains, but he is not the most intelligent DC villain. Real Name: Edward Nygma / Citizenship: American / Race: American / Occupation: Businessman / Main Achievements: Leaving clues before every crime / Team Affiliation: League of Villainy / Family: N/A / Abilities: Genius-level intellect; Expert criminal mastermind with a compulsive need for attention; Skilled engineer, computer programmer, escape artist; Utilizes complex riddles, puzzles, and lethal deathtraps. social media account, please refer to the social media provider’s privacy policy for information The fanboys of one club can't finish this quiz. He is tremendously talented in combat and helps those who are in need of help. The name originally belonged to an ancient wizard, who lived in the Rock of Eternity and guarded the Seven Deadly Sins. Take this awesome quiz and find out! He is far too intelligent for heroes in the DC universe to catch him most of the time. If one of your friends was humiliated in public, you would... What kind of songs do you prefer to sing when you go to karaoke with your friends? This hero idolized Robin when he was young. Website. Real Name: Arthur Curry / Citizenship: Atlantean / Race: Human-Atlantean hybrid / Occupation: Adventurer, King / Main Achievements: A founding member of the Justice League, Becoming the King of Atlantis / Team Affiliation: Justice League, The Others / Family: Aquaman Family / Powers: Aquatic physiologically enhanced strength, speed, endurance, agility, durability, reflexes, and senses;Telepathic control of all aquatic life; Super-fast swimming; Ability to speak and understand any language on earth; Utilize the Trident of Poseidon; Hydrokinesis (alternate continuities). This is one of the sidekicks of a certain superhero in the DC universe, but he also appears by himself in certain DC works such as Teen Titans. As a compassionate warrior with god-like strength, Wonder Women prefers peace and love to war and violence, a contradiction that has long made her a symbol of female empowerment and the center of controversy. It depends. 1. When they put on a mask, … Choose your favourite subject: Art. Can you name this super=intelligent DC villain? Due to the commotion, she was able to flee undetected. 10. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. The Catwoman first appeared in Batman No. Superman was the first fictional superhero appearing in Action Comics No. She goes to high school on Earth and usually wears normal clothing that teenage girls would in high school. His master of bows is like few other characters in the DC universe. This psychological compulsion has resulted in him being repeatedly imprisoned in Arkham Asylum. When you play video games with your friends, do you always win? We comply with all reasonable precautions in order to ensure your data’s Originally a soldier in the U.S. Army, he was part of an experimental super-soldier project where he gained enhanced strength, agility and intelligence. Green seems to be his favorite color, and he is obsessed with computer hacking. 3,947: 2. Her trip was delayed because of Krypton's explosion, and her subsequent detour sent her into the Phantom Zone for twenty-four years. I will be showing you a picture of a DC superhero and you must, without looking it up, try and guess who … Eventually, she fell in love with this inmate and abandoned her current life to remain friends with a particular DC villain. If you didn't notice, the S on his chest is written backward. A bit but it's not the most import thing in the world. In the event that we become aware of any data security breach, alteration, unauthorized access Who is Gotham City's most notorious vigilante? Everything - I'm good at them all! This character has powers such as being able to fly, shifting into almost any shape, using telepathy, being able to use telekinesis, and also using camouflage. They are awesome!,,,,,, She has been Batman's most enduring love interest and is known for her complex love-hate relationship with him. If you are accessing our website through a Real Name: Jay Garrick (1940–1951, 1961–2011, 2017–Present), Barry Allen (1956–1985, 2008–Present), Wally West (1986–2011, 2016–Present), Bart Allen (2006–2007) / Citizenship: American / Race: American / Occupation: Superhero / Main Achievements: A founding member of the Justice League, Established the Flash Museum / Team Affiliation: Justice League / Family: The Flash Family/ Powers: Super speed, Intangibility, Superhuman agility. 1 and he is the fastest man alive. It would be hard to be a colorful superhero if your comic was in black and white. The Golden Age contained an influx of popular comic book characters such as Batman, Captain America, and Tarzan. To blend into society outside her homeland, she adopts her civilian identity, Diana Prince. 26. Answer: Malefic. Green Arrow first appeared in More Fun Comics No. His mental psychosis results from a deep inner need to prove that he's smarter and therefore better than others, as he leaves challenging clues behind otherwise, perfect crimes. The company has stuck around long enough to become one of the two biggest and hottest comic book companies in America. 225. His limbs can stretch very long. His lightning fast speed is often capable of besting Superman. Quiz. We are looking forward to seeing him in a DC movie. He protects a particular hero from having his identity revealed. please see Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Unless You Grew Up In The 90s, This Simple Twilight Quiz Will Reveal Which Character's Fate Is Yours. After reading the instructions, I only have a smattering of the new product. Question: Who is the archenemy of Aquaman? He is known as "The Man Who Broke The Bat." What is the name of this DC character? Essential cookies: these cookies are essential to the provision of our Website. He is a wealthy businessman and owner of Queen Industries who is also a well-known celebrity in Star City. months, you will be asked to provide consent again. His legacy, the Flash Family, spans throughout history tapping into the enigmatic Speed Force to gain its powers. IP address, what pages you visit on our Website, whether you were referred to by another In fact, he requires being in contact with water to live. Can you name this butler? Add to library 2 » Discussion 6 » Follow author » Share . Since his wife was terminally ill, he froze her until he could find the funding required to come up with a cure. What is the name of this DC villain? ... we're only gonna make you name 30. When it comes to your favorite superheroes, you can probably rattle off their names quickly. How Well Do You Know DC Comics? Can you name this DC hero? His character was played by Will Smith in the Suicide Squad movie. His experiments almost always go too far, and it is why he must be stopped. Please contact us at A superhero's real name is just as important as their costumed good guy alter ego. DC comic book heroes and villains are much darker and can be more powerful than other comic book publications such as Marvel. If you are based in the European Economic Area (“EEA”), a consent window will appear when Challenge yourself or play with friends! This character has his own television series which was nominated for a Primetime Emmy and is still releasing new episodes. She has appeared multiple times throughout the Batman Arkham video game series and was present in the Batman film Batman & Robin. Posted on May 14, 2020. She is the daughter of Queen Hippolyta. The Joker assumed a new identity as The Joker after being horrifically burned by chemical acid. What is the name of this green DC hero? Question: Who does Dick Grayson take the name of … This villain is mighty powerful, and he should be if he wants to combat Superman. Batson simply had to speak the wizard's name, “Shazam”, and he would transform into the adult Captain Marvel. One of his devices is a rocket umbrella, and he also has used a specially designed submarine before. This character has been there for Bruce Wayne in his most desperate times of need. by Spheal17 Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Spider-Man isn't really Spider-Man. 2nd - University. He is a Gotham City crimelord with a deformed physical appearance who fights Batman. He gains his power by harnessing the power from the yellow sun. Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, Wonder Woman, and Justice League are among DC movies that released recently and are ones that you'll have to see. The spaceship landed in the American countryside, where he was discovered and adopted by a farming couple. This character has been a member of the Justice League. Real Name: Bruce Wayne / Citizenship: American/ Race: American / Occupation: CEO of Wayne Enterprises / Main Achievements: A founding member of the Justice League, Superhero protector of Gotham City / Team Affiliation: Justice League, Batman Incorporated / Family: Wayne Family, Batman Family / Powers: Exceptional martial artist, Combat strategy, Inexhaustible wealth, Brilliant deductive skill, Advanced technology. His face was horrifically burned in a chemical plant explosion. mathewsangie. He is a member of the Suicide Squad. Can you answer correctly on all 20 questions and become a DC trivia superhero? Advertisers, as third-party vendors, use cookies to collect usage and demographic data in order to serve ads on our site. As a child, he witnessed the murder of his parents which ultimately led him to create Batman and seek justice against criminals. The Deathstroke first appeared in The New Teen Titans No. Everyone has wanted to become a superhero or supervillain at some point in their life. Superman is from another planet, so this character is considered to be the fastest man alive on Earth. His body was destroyed in a tragic accident, but he was saved through experimental technology; his body parts have been replaced with a large arsenal of high-tech gadgets and weaponry, while constantly providing life support. The city this hero overlooks is considered to be a fictional America's most corrupt city. A thief in a hospital is stealing money that is meant for a patient's medical treatment. He gained super-speed, super-strength, super agility, and super-intelligence. Should your superhero name be "Commander Mega" because of your electromagnetic pulse? Green Lantern is the name of several superheroes appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. by Hanifah Rahman. 73. He is a super-villain, enemy of Batman, who commits crimes revolving around an obsession with riddles. Lucky for you, this quiz will find you the perfect one! required by law wherein we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a current Having dealt with mockery to his stature from an early age, he is dedicated to commanding respect by instilling fear through his exploits. He appears to be an ordinary butler, but he is so much more. Try To Guess The Actor From Just 3 Of Their Movies! Each Green Lantern wears a ring that grants them a variety of possibilities. I'm not sure if some behaviours are illegal or not. These companies may use information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. You probably need a costume, too. What is the name of this DC sidekick? Colorful Superheroes/Villains. To prove this, he makes decisions of good or evil based on the flip of a special coin. We comply with the IAB Europe Transparency & Consent Framework. He can walk onto land and make water enter places. Can you name this character who is obsessed with botany? an hour ago by. Regardless of the origin story for this character, he remains to be a cold and calculated villain. Take this quiz to find out what your superhero name should be! We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our What is the superhero name of this DC hero? Sidekicks Quiz. data in the cloud. As a Gotham City burglar, she typically wears a tight, one-piece outfit and uses a bullwhip as a weapon. Obsessed with travel? You have the right to request information regarding the data we have on file for you, to request 456 different Superhero Quizzes on quiz below and compare your results with the Shazam! 1. Some of his alterations have made him even more intelligent than he already was. This man specializes in cold attacks and has a goal to save his wife from her deep sleep cryo-hibernation. In 1969, the company was purchased by Warner Brothers-Seven Arts. With comic book movies become increasingly popular, DC Comics is releasing more and more DC films. 1. Wonder Women first appeared in All Star Comics No. He uses a compound that he created himself and uses it to inflict fear on his victims. By visiting this Website. You joke around in serious situations, you can be quite independent, but you are the underdog of the Justice League. His real name is Oswald Chesterfield Cobblepot. Like Superman, she fights for the forces of good. She was originally characterized as a supervillain and adversary of Batman, but since the 1990s, Catwoman has been featured in an eponymous series portraying her as an antiheroine, often doing the wrong things for the right reasons. He has a love for birds and one bird he loves the most. He is an archer who uses his skills to fight crime in his home cities of Star City and Seattle, as well as alongside his fellow superheroes as a member of the Justice League. This hero has also been a part of the Teen Titans. Top User Quizzes in Entertainment. addresses, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, platform type, Who is the red-cloaked figure that appears in this picture? KAHH ProfWonderBear. 66. His romantic partner is the princess Mera of Xebel. How Well Do You actually know Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and all the other great superheroes from DC comics? mathewsangie. His vendetta against the Titans began when he swore revenge for the death of his oldest son Grant; his two other children would go on to become Titans members as Jericho and Ravager. I have considered doing so, but my rationality stopped me. Most of his appearances have been in DC comics. How well do you know your superheroes? Which DC villain is the Old God of War? Since the early 1930s, superheroes like Superman, Batman and Iron Man have come to life in comics. 58. Please see our “advertisers” section below for details. He is a member of the League of Shadows. Did you know that she was born on the planet Mars? Depending on your social media To see how other people scored on this test, please follow our Facebook Page.
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