His Extra Move pairs well with this, as it grabs a hold of the Enemy and pulls them towards him, and comes with an additional effect: a 30% chance to steal a Dragon Ball and add it to his own count. Card Type: Battle. However, a spaceship from the planet lands on Earth which is full of soldiers who serve Lord Slug. [7] This new set featured a brand-new widescreen transfer from Video Post & Transfer and a new audio mix for the English dub featuring the original Japanese score done by Shunsuke Kikuchi in addition to the old mix featuring the American rock bands and the Faulconer Productions score. ... Can be farmed to raise Super Attack of other Lord Slug cards Goku collects the energy for his Spirit Bomb to finish off Slug. Namekians - Nightmare - Metamorphosis - Thirst for Conquest - Big Bad Bosses - Demonic Ways - Shattering the Limit Movie Bosses - Namekians - Dragon Ball Seekers - Terrifying Conquerors - Inhuman Deeds - Space-Traveling Warriors x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. Slug. Goku then ascends into the sky and begins preparing a Spirit Bomb in order to destroy the pods transforming the planet, but Slug manages to pursue him. Release date(s) Lord Slug was originally released on VHS and Laserdisc in Japan. Sadly, the movie might perhaps have the largest amount of problems that make it fall short of being actually good. Goku easily dispatches of the henchmen and is soon confronted by Lord Slug, who has been watching all along from his spaceship. Lord Slug observes that Gohan has a magical Dragon Ball sewn onto his hat which he loses during the scuffle. Dragon Ball Z … March 9, 1991 The atmosphere goes back to normal on Earth. As they are about to be finished, Goku and Krillin arrive and save them. Slug notices the Dragon Ball Gohan has on his hat and obtains it. News of the collision begins to wreak havoc all over the planet as it is believed that the impact is going to destroy the entire Earth. Japanese Dragon Ball Legends (Unofficial) Game Database. can be used to raise the Super Attack level of other Gohan (Kid) cards. The planet passes near Earth but misses the crash, exploding soon afterward. The Z Warriors try with all their might, but all hope seems lost after seeing what a Super Namek can do. Bruce Faulconer produced an alternate opening theme for this version (which would be replaced in the 2008 remastered version with another original track composed by Mark Menza) and the remaining pieces of background music were composed by Faulconer and Evan Jones. Slug's Demon Clan, also referred to as Lord Slug's Clan2 and the Lord Slug Army2, is a group of demonic3 fighters led by the Super Namekian Lord Slug. Main » Collectable Card Games » Dragon Ball Super Card Game » Lord Slug, Super Namekian. Please take a moment to review my edit. Dragon Ball Z Movie 4: Lord Slug anime info and recommendations. A third English version released exclusively in Malaysia by Speedy Video features an unknown voice cast. However Piccolo despite being the son/reincarnation of King Piccolo he had lost his demon status by the, Based on the shocked reaction of King Kai to Goku's "Super Saiyan" form, it does not appear that Goku assumed the "true" Super Saiyan transformation within this film's past. 1 In-Game Data 2 Combos 3 Mentor 4 Usage Tips As a mentor, Lord Slug can use the following moves: Lord Slug can be … Goku pummels Slug and during the battle it is revealed by King Kai that he is a Super Namekian, a bloodline of violent warriors obsessed with power who were banished from their home world. Loading ... DBGT - Super Android 17 Kills Dr. Myuu ~ [2K Remastered HD] - … fourth Dragon Ball Z film, Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug.It is explained that he is one of the "Super Nameks", and like the others he was banished from Planet Namek sometime around Age 261. Note that this features artwork from a different film (, Krillin and Goku firing their Kamehameha waves, Explosion caused by Goku and Krillin's combined attack, The group after Goku and Krillin's failure, Slug's soldiers firing energy waves at civilians, Lord Slug's soldiers Ki Blasts to attack civilians, Gohan dodges the blasts fired by Lord Slug's soldiers, Gohan deflects Ki Blasts fired by Lord Slug's soldiers, Two of Lord Slug's soldiers fire energy waves, Bulma struggling against Slug's mind reading, Lord Slug sees the Dragon Balls in Bulma's mind, Lord Slug summons Shenron, in order to be young again, Slug's soldiers hit by Gohan's energy wave, Gohan fires another Masenko at Lord Slug's army, Gohan's Masenko hits Lord Slug's soldiers, Lord Slug's soldiers firing their blasts at Gohan, Gohan dodges the blasts fired by Slug's soldiers, A Ki Blast fired by Piccolo at Slug's soldiers, The two energy spheres flying around Slug's throne room, Medamatcha deflects Gohan's Ki Blast while firing his Evil Comet, Gohan fires a second Energy Wave at the Medas, Gohan has his energy drained by the Medas, Medamatcha charges a Full Power Energy Wave, Medamatcha fires his Full Power Energy Wave, Piccolo protects Gohan from Medamatcha's Full Power Energy Wave, Medamatcha's Full Power Energy Wave explodes, Angila and Medamatcha fire Full Power Energy Blast Volleys, Angila and Medamatcha's blasts hit Piccolo, Energy Waves fired by Goku and Krillin approach Angila and Medamatcha, Lord Slug kills his soldiers with a Ki Blast, Lord Slug about to be hit by Goku's Energy Wave, Goku charges a Double Axe Handle against Lord Slug, Goku fires Continuous Kamehameha at Lord Slug, False Super Saiyan Goku's Continuous Kamehameha, Lord Slug regenerates an injured arm he tore off, Goku realizes the similarity between Lord Slug and Piccolo, Goku charges an Energy Wave to fire at Giant Lord Slug, Giant Lord Slug fires an Energy Wave at Gohan, Giant Lord Slug's Energy Wave hits his ship, Goku charges a Kamehameha to fire at Giant Slug, Goku launches his Ki Blast toward Lord Slug, Giant Slug fires his Darkness Eye Beam at Goku, Piccolo smirks before ripping off his ears, Piccolo gives his remaining energy to Goku, As Goku uses the Kaio-ken x100, giant projections of himself and Piccolo appear, Goku uses Kaio-ken x100, with a massive projection of himself appearing, Goku uses Kaio-ken x100, with a massive projection of Piccolo appearing, Giant Slug after Goku ripped a hole in his chest, Great Namek Lord Slug with a hole through his chest, Great Namek Lord Slug falls on top of his ship, The destruction of the Terra-Freezing pod, Goku, Gohan, and Krillin at the end of the movie. Later they transform the planet into a giant spaceship (known as a Planet Cruiser), and move on to find a new planet to conquer. It was released on October 15, 2002, available in both edited and uncut forms.[5][6]. Shunsuke Kikuchi Piccolo gives what little strength he has left to Goku. Overview Form. Lord Slug sends his minions to gather the Dragon Balls via the Radar (which he steals from Bulma after his mind-reading), and uses them to ask Shenron for eternal youth (Slug at this point has aged incredibly old) a time when he was at his most powerful. A Super Namekian named Slug comes to invade Earth. When an asteroid nearly destroys Planet Earth, a space ship emerges from the asteroid and lands on Earth. This however is almost unbearable for any other people, including the native occupants of the planet. An army of humanoid alien soldiers exit the ship and declare the Earth under the rule of their leader, Lord Slug. Gohan coughs up spit after getting kneed in the stomach.png. Goku fights Slug but is overwhelmed and in a moment of rage, is seemingly able to access a portion of the Super Saiyan form. Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug es una vida pelicula puertorriqueña del modo urbano, desarrollada por Kasdan Joachim y prestadas por el realizador Uganda asombroso Warhol Reginald. SP Lord Slug BLU is a Melee Fighter through and through, gaining multiple Buffs to his Strike Attack throughout the course of the battle. Lord Slug like most Namekians has a tall stature, green skin, black eyes, and two antennae. Lord Slug (スラッグ) is a Namekian, and the antagonist of the movie Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug.It is explained that he is one of the Super Nameks and, like the others, he was banished from Planet Namek sometime around Age 261 due to having evil in his heart as he matures. Goku and Krillin go to deflect the planet off course so it does not hit Earth. The movie was released in theatres in Japan on March 9, 1991 and was part of a double feature alongside Magical Taluluto: The Movie. Dragon Ball Z Movie 4: Lord Slug The fourth DBZ movie premiered on March 9, 1991 as part of the Toei Anime Fair. At the Japanese box office, the film sold 3.6 million tickets[3] and grossed ¥2.21 billion[4] ($16.4 million). These three sets were also released together in the Canada-only Dragon Ball Z: Complete Movie Collection featuring reversioned artwork of Goten and Trunks from Bio-Broly on the cover. Distributed by for extra drops, with the bonus chance being a little higher than usual events. As Goku is on the verge of defeat, he catches Slug's intended death blow and transforms into a Pseudo Super Saiyan. to 15 Train a second to SA lv. Goku launches the Spirit Bomb at Slug which sends him hurtling into his own machines, killing him and saving the planet. Thanks to Piccolo, Goku is able to use the Kaio-ken and punch a hole through Slug's stomach. Card Number: DB3-092. can be used to raise the Super Attack level of other Lord Slug cards. In Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, L… The soldiers attack a group of earthlings but Gohan arrives to defend them. Color: Yellow. With Masako Nozawa, Toshio Furukawa, Mayumi Tanaka, Hiromi Tsuru. Along with his crew of vicious fighters, Slug has traveled space, conquering planets with Earth as his new target. Looking Back on the TV Show’s Climax, Dragon Ball Super: Broly x Tokyo Skytree Special Event, https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Ball_Z:_Lord_Slug?oldid=1932888, Disturbed - Stupify (home video version only), Tendril - Time to Burn (Toonami broadcast only), Tendril - Sky-Strike the Terror Drome (Toonami broadcast only), Goku (Base/Pseudo Super Saiyan) vs. Lord Slug, This is one of the only films when Chi-Chi fights against the antagonists henchmen, the first being her brief scuffle against, Interestingly, both Ginger and the Slug soldiers were members of a, During their fight Wings recognizes Piccolo's status as a Demon Clansmen and tries to convince Piccolo to join Slug's Demon Clan. For Dragon Ball: Xenoverse 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Lord Slug's Super Soul". While training with it, the player can learn the following skills in order: Note: Any skill labelled with means that the labelled skill is lock-on reliant. In his old age, he possessed many wrinkles on his face and a less muscular stature. Slug proves stronger than Goku in the ensuing fight and pummels him around. Regeneration, Namekian, Powerful Opponent, Unknown, SPARKING, Melee Type, BLU, Sagas From the Movies, Lord Slug. Dragon Ball Legends (Unofficial) Game Database. The following songs were present in Funimation's in-house English adaptation of Lord Slug.[2]. ¥2.21 billion[1] Rarity: Super Rare. Sort By: Dragon Ball Super TCG - Draft Box 06 - Giant Force. Released on March 19, 1991 in Japan, it was later released with a dub by FUNimation on DVD and VHS.. Lord Slug is currently the only master who doesn't teach an Ultimate. Lord Slug (スラッグ) is a Namekian, and the antagonist of the movie Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug.It is explained that he is one of the Super Nameks and, like the others, he was banished from Planet Namek sometime around Age 261.Since then, he had gathered an army and became a conqueror of planets, using Terra-freeze and other methods to capture entire worlds. Released on March 19, 1991 in Japan, it was later released with a dub by FUNimation on DVD and VHS.. to 15 Train a second to SA lv. Just as he is about to be killed, Piccolo appears and rescues Gohan. With his new found power, Goku easily dominates Slug and breaks one of his arms. Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiyan Son Goku), also known as Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Son Goku,2 is the seventh Dragon Ball film and the fourth under the Dragon Ball Z … Gushing Evil Powers Lord Slug | Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki | Fandom. Piccolo intervenes to rescue Goku and before he is also crushed, tears off his own ears and calls out for Gohan to start whistling. A nearby Gohan attempts to stop Slug's soldiers. The cues were designated "M11XX" codes, and this package would make its series debut in, When Goku gets knocked into a window and through a toy store by Lord Slug, a plushie resembling. Upon regaining his youth his wrinkles became gone, and his muscular stature returned. A Super Namekian named Slug comes to invade Earth. Doragon bôru Z 4: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokû, Dragon Ball Z Movie 04 Lord Slug, Bola de Drac Z: El superguerrer Son Goku, Dragon Ball Z Filme 04 - Goku o Super Sayajin, Dragon Ball Z: Son Goku el Super Saiyan, Dragon Ball Z Movie 04 - La sfida dei guerrieri invincibili, Dragon Ball Z Movie 04 - Lord Slug, Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya-jin Da Son Gokuu, Dragonball Z - Super-Saiyajin Son … Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (1991) Not Rated | 43 min | Animation, Action, Fantasy. These were presented in a new widescreen transfer from the original negatives with a 16:9 aspect ratio that was matted from the original 4:3 aspect ratio. Lord Slug using telepathy while reading Bulma's mind, Daizenshuu 6 notes that the movie takes place after Goku's arrival on Namek (at the time when he is in the midst of battle) but before the final showdown with Frieza, and Goku's transformation into a Super Saiyan.[3]. A Super Namek is a Namek who has ascended beyond the power of ordinary Nameks. Regeneration, Namekian, Powerful Opponent, Unknown, EXTREME, Defense Type, YEL, Sagas From the Movies, Lord Slug. Black shoulderblades, brown medallion with straps on it and yellow undercoat under it. SP Lord Slug BLU is a Melee Fighter through and through, gaining multiple Buffs to his Strike Attack throughout the course of the battle. science fiction martial arts film and the fourth Dragon Ball Z feature movie. The way they dominate a planet is by terra-freezing it, changing the atmosphere to make it suitable for themselves as they are a demon clan who can not withstand sunlight for more than an hour. Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Gohan's whistling is able to bring Slug to his knees. Saonel and Pilina also achieve this state by fusing with countless Namekians from Universe 6. Dragon Ball Legends (Unofficial) Game Database. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In the movie Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, King Kai states that Super Nameks have power and abilities 100x greater than that of any ordinary Namekian. Following Slug's defeat, the friends reunite and are given Senzu Beans by Yajirobe. Lord Slug is killed in a similar manner to, The Sun plays an important role in this movie: its light is shown to be harmful to an exposed henchmen of Lord Slug, and it is where Goku gathers the energy to make the Spirit Bomb. Although he's being beaten back, in a bloody move, Piccolo tears off his ears and tells Gohan to whistle since the wavelength of it makes a sound terrible to Namekians. Picollo can be considered at the peak of a super Namekians power (around perfect cell level) he's reached a plateau and while still becoming … While Piccolo is doing his meditation training, Gohan shows up along with Icarus and shows Piccolo his new whistle and dance routine, however the high pitched noise greatly hurts Piccolo's ears. Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiyan Son Goku), also known as Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Son Goku,[2] is the seventh Dragon Ball film and the fourth under the Dragon Ball Z banner. Goku then flies up above the clouds to deliver the final blow to the terra-freezer with a Spirit Bomb powered by the sun; Slug maniacally tries to thwart him. Funimation re-released The Tree of Might and Lord Slug on DVD and Blu-ray on September 16, 2008 as part of their "Double Feature" line. Son Goku vs Jiren!! As shown by Piccolo, one way to protect against this weakness is to tear their ears off reducing their sensitivity. This film presumably takes place at least one year after the events of Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might; when Lord Slug is reading Bulma's mind, one of the images is Krillin, Bulma, and Oolong summoning Shenron with the outfits they wear at the beginning of The Tree of Might. As Goku's Pseudo Super Saiyan power fades away. Popular Pages Today. In this new giant form, Slug proves to be stronger than Goku; King Kai guesses that Frieza and even a Super Saiyan are no match against him in this form. 1 Master 2 Trivia 3 Notes 4 Masters Lord Slug can be unlocked as a master after completing Story Quest #9. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission! Additionally, the dragon Icarus also appears in the film who was originally introduced in The Tree of Might. Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug (Japanese title: Dragon Ball Z: Sūpā Saiyajin da Son Gokū, lit. Fue ideada por Dharma Carolco Jordania y compilada el 10 de agosto de 1976 en Yugoslavia. Main » Collectable Card Games » Dragon Ball Super Card Game » Lord Slug, Super Namekian. Added to Watchlist. It grossed a total of ¥2.21 billion (US $16 million). REMINDER: Train a second to SA lv. Directed by Slug appears and is attacked by Krillin who is quickly dispatched. Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug Chiaki Imada Please take a moment to review my edit. - Nightmare - Metamorphosis - Thirst for Conquest - Big Bad Bosses - Transform - Shattering the Limit Movie Bosses - Giant Form - Namekians - Dragon Ball Seekers - Terrifying Conquerors - Inhuman Deeds - Space-Traveling Warriors A third English version produced and released exclusively in Malaysia by Speedy Video, features an unknown voice cast. In 2006, Toei Animation released Lord Slug as part of the final Dragon Box DVD set, which included all four Dragon Ball films and thirteen Dragon Ball Z films. It was more than likely an attempt to show what a Super Saiyan looked like (due to its mention by, It should be noted Goku's proper Super Saiyan form didn't appear until the release of, It is the second time that a Namekian wishes for eternal youth, as well as the second time that a Namekian transforms into its. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission!!! The Spirit Bomb heads straight into the freezing generator, taking Slug with it and destroying him. Dream 9 Toriko & One Piece & Dragon Ball Z Super Collaboration Special!! With Masako Nozawa, Toshio Furukawa, Mayumi Tanaka, Hiromi Tsuru. Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, also known by its Japanese title Dragon Ball Z: Son Goku the Super Saiyan (Japanese: ドラゴンボールZ 超 (スーパー)サイヤ人だ孫悟空, Hepburn: Doragon Bōru Zetto Sūpā Saiyajin da Son Gokū), is a 1991 Japanese animated science fiction martial arts film and the fourth Dragon Ball Z feature movie. Lord Slug, Super Namekian. can be used to raise the Super Attack level of other Goku (Kaioken) cards. Reaction video time, and we're watching another one of the awesome DBZA movies! Funimation released Lord Slug for VHS and DVD on August 7, 2001 in both edited and uncut forms. Lord Slug is a recurring NPC. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Japan Box Office: Dragon Ball Super: Broly Becomes Top-Grossing Film in The Franchise", "Official exchange rate (LCU per US$, period average) - Japan", Dragon Ball Z: Bardock – The Father of Goku. 5 to raise 's SA lv. They attempt to move it using a combined Kamehameha, but to no avail; they are blown away by the fierce winds produced by the near-clash of the planet with Earth. Notes: DB3-092. As he goes to help him he is ambushed by Angila and along with Medamatcha they are able to take him down. Lord Slug was the main villain of "Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug". Running time Add to Watchlist. Funimation repackaged the Double Feature DVDs into three new thinpak sets, the first of which was released on November 1, 2011 and included Dead Zone, The World's Strongest, The Tree of Might, Lord Slug,, and Cooler's Revenge. 140 10030 10810 11590 12370 13570 15130 7151 7709 8267 8825 10025 12065 5701 6144 … The whistling deafens and weakens Slug, allowing Piccolo to transfer his remaining energy to Goku who powers up and manages to fly straight through Slug's abdomen and incapacitates him. 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