These feelings culminate when she is sent on a suicide mission to enter the Scub realm and electronically tag the Scub Coral Command Cluster with a transmitter, allowing Oratorio number eight (part of an orbiting weapons system) to target and destroy it. However, upon meeting Renton Thurston when she crash-lands in his hometown, she realizes that he is actually the one who will make her smile and declares him as her partner. Norb (ノルブ, Norubu) is a Vodarac priest. Sumner's love interest. She left home some years ago, and for initially unexplained reasons her family has not heard from her since. ", This page was last edited on 18 December 2020, at 01:46. It is at least somewhat more advanced than it appears, as the rounds are capable of piercing LFO armor. The family name Thurston is a reference to Thurston Moore of the band Sonic Youth. "[9] The site also said in its review of the third DVD that "Anemone is a great, though not likeable, addition as a character whose attitude is as sharp-edged as her appearance but far more troubled and rotten. She is in a romantic relationship with Moondoggie. She is then dropped off at Ciudades del Cielo, the place of Vodarac's pilgrimage, and the place of Holland's darkest memories. It is revealed by Captain Jurgens in episode 50 that they were found by Colonel Dewey in Warsaw, victims of an ethnic cleansing. The Compac Drive in his chest gives Norb strange powers. Talho Yūki (タルホ・ユーキ, Taruho Yūki) is the main helmsman of the Gekko and Holland Novak's girlfriend. Unlike her TV version, she has very short life span as an Image compared to humans and can't understand what Nirvash says. Until a couple of years ago he and his companions were part of SOF, a U.F. His human form is first seen as the son of Johannson, a popular author who opposed the United States globalist tactics before committing suicide years ago. Voiced by: Chō (Japanese); Dave Wittenberg (English). At one point, Dominic was ordered to investigate Renton's grandfather. He is voiced by Nao Tōyama. But though at first it seems that she responds to Dewey with affection and respect, later it becomes apparent that this is an act, shown when she sings "No one knows nothing, knows nothing about me. In the same episode, Gidget also says she couldn't live without makeup. Team Harlequin (チーム・ハーレクイン, Chīmu Hārekuin) is another of Génération Bleu's teams stationed in the company's space station. The fifty episodes of the series telecasted on Japan in the MBS. Before the beginning of the series, she becomes unable to bear children due to being in the blast radius of the Seven Swell that kickstarted the Summer of Love. Despite her short stature, Chloe refuses to acknowledge that she is still a child. They banned any disciple from speaking to her, and allowed very few select disciples to care for her in a highly reverent, if sterile, manner. Force, led by Dewey Novak. Her faith in the perfect score of Holland's word (to her, at least) shattered, and realizing how much Renton has come to mean to her, she borrows a board and leaves to find him, ironically just as he is returning to protect her by warning of the threat to the Gekko. Voiced by: Mayumi Asano[18] (Japanese), Megan Hollingshead[19] (English). Dr. Diamond is a scientist who appears only in the manga. This was apparently part of a concerted attempt by the Sage Council to shut down the remnants of Adroc Thurston's project. Even though Diane told Renton they'll stay together, the Scub Coral command center was blown away and Renton had to leave in order to save Eureka and the kids. This is the second reference to, During the beginning of episode 45, the two characters that are briefly shown are actually the protagonists of the PS2, Captain Pete Saville, Sumner Sturgeon's CO from. Moondoggie (ムーンドギー, Mūndogī) is the second-newest member of the Gekkostate (the newest being Renton). Even though Diane told Renton they'll stay together, the Scub Coral command center was blown away and Renton had to leave in order to save Eureka and the kids. In episode 18, Elena confessed to Fleur privately she was responsible for the death of the original Miller. Once the people in the village recognize Eureka, they begin to throw rocks at her. She is still very weak, and the crew conspires to prevent her from discovering that he is gone, especially as she seems to be becoming interested in him. His father, Bernard Sturgeon, is outspoken against the use of LFOs in the military, and is the first reason why he was recruited into New Wave Academy: to counter his father's actions. After Eureka, Renton, and the children reached Earth, they crash landed on a coastline. He goes on in episode 50 to say that he will shoulder Dewey's "burden", even if it takes the rest of his life. He dreams of joining up with a daredevil group of pilots known as Gekkostate and following in his father’s heroic footsteps. The two meet in the future during a solo mission given to Sumner to investigate the weapons black market in his area, but she later escapes as she was somewhat involved with the black market. While Moondoggie returned to Gekkostate, Sumner and Ruri stayed together. In the movie ending, she sacrificed her entire memories to save Renton from a fatal bullet wound to his body, causing her mental state to become that of an infant who can't even speak. In this capacity, she is generally in charge of the frequent trips to cities to replenish the organization's supplies. These powers included the ability to shut-off or disrupt other Compac Drives, manipulate Scub Coral and cause it to rise as barriers, and even manipulate Trapar energy to the point of using it as an offensive weapon. He is initially in charge of the LFO catapult systems and launch pads on board the Gekko, but later he becomes the ship's helmsman, replacing Talho when she has to leave the post, as he is the group's only other licensed pilot, it is also revealed that his real name is James Darren Emerson. He does not seem meant for the "blank slate" as Sakuya and Eureka, but rather as an educated observer. Anemone was the only case that ever survived the medical treatments that the doctors put her through. During the previews at the end of each episode, Holland is referred to as 'the man. Nakamura lets it slip to Gazelle that he is of Okinawan descent, however, he is in denial of his origin. Consequently, the title of "Sacrificial King" was automatically passed on to his newborn sibling. Club; Deadspin; Gizmodo; Jalopnik; Jezebel; Kotaku; Lifehacker; The Root; The Takeout; The Onion; The Inventory; I'm really feeling it! Plant Coral 5. During Dewey's final conflict with Holland aboard his ship, Yauchi betrays him and locks the two inside the bridge eventually leading to the deaths of Dewey and his control team. The only scenes in which he appears are either narrated flashbacks or non-speaking roles. In the manga, Ruri is a spy of the Federation Military. Smashing into the side of the sphere-shaped space, Renton's feelings for Eureka enabled him (in the Nirvash) to rip open the space and go to Eureka inside. Linck is ever curious, typical of children his age, and as the youngest, is less aware of the situations around him and more likely to cry when provoked. After staying over the night to get his bike fixed, Renton's grandfather spoke to Dominic in a moving way to look after Renton like family, saying he considers Dominic family as well. Not much is known about Gonzy (ゴンジイ, Gonjii), but he has a habit of unexpectedly appearing nearby whenever anyone is troubled, usually sitting on a carpet and calmly drinking tea. Naru begins to see the truth and understands the Scub Coral as well becoming the pilot of the Nirvash Type Zero, the LFO that Eureka and Renton piloted and the namesake of the Nirvash IFO their son pilots. Voiced by: Banjou Ginga (Japanese); Joey Camen (English). She also takes care of Maurice, Linck, and Maeter, and is shown to be very good at cooking. Eventually, after flying the two main characters of the game to Thundercloud tower, Moondoggie's airship is shot down, and he decides to flee from the coming battle and return to the Gekkostate. He lives with his wife and former engineer, Martha (マーサ, Māsa), a victim of Desperation Disease. He eventually explains that he initially felt he couldn't offer much to the Gekkostate, and often is bothered by the idea that he's useless. Axel Thurston (アクセル・サーストン, Akuseru Sāsuton?) Eureka felt a sudden change in her body and, realizing her time with Renton was over, she apologized for a failed dream together and transformed into a Coralian event. The situation is cleared up after the fact. She meets Eureka when her grandmother sees Eureka in the village. At the end of the series, Holland admits that he did not know how Dewey's madness came to be. Anemone was modified in some way to make her more like a Coralian (hence the similar eyes), and suffers both mentally and physically as a result. Anemone (アネモネ, Anemone?) He also knows Holland, though in the past they don't get along well (for unstated reasons). Naru mentions that Noah was found without a family. Pippo is Gazelle's old friend and accomplice. After presenting her as a captive and receiving their payment, Gekkostate rescues her. About midway through the series, she tries to become friends with Eureka because she wants a sisterly relationship like the one Hilda and Talho have. Profile. Sell on Amazon; Sell under Amazon Accelerator; Become an Affiliate; Fulfilment by Amazon; … Ao is the son of Renton Thurston and Eureka. Hap (ハップ, Happu) is the second-in-command, handles Gekkostate's finances, and manages information (not to be confused with Gidget's position of communications). is the head of the Tresor military research complex. They are hurriedly sent to cross the zone, but fail in the attempt. Han Juno is one of Gazelle's friends who is a very adept computer hacker. Eureka Seven works on a wide variety of themes throughout its story. Sumner is from the Sturgeon family, a prestigious family known for producing top-quality soldiers. This was apparently part of a concerted attempt by the Sage Council to shut down the remnants of Adroc Thurston's project. Eureka seveN has some of Many of the first dozen or so episodes feel like filler — some characters are developed and some histories are uncovered, but you are pretty much following the Gekkostate around as they take odd jobs to pay for food. In an alternate history, Nakamura becomes Japan's Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2027. She is quite precocious, known for teasing and temper-tantrums. Miller is a British indie rock star from Manchester who performs on contract at the Génération Bleu headquarters. Eureka Seven is a Japanese series created by Bones. She is in love with Sumner, and the two save the land from destruction. She's in a relationship with Moondoggie, but only after she made the first move. Voiced by: Rikiya Koyama[60] (Japanese), Jamieson Price[61] (English) is the Gekkostate's doctor. Later they sneak aboard the Triton, looking to have an audience with Génération Bleu's president Christophe Blanc who employs their services for reasons still unknown. Voiced by: Mamoru Miyano[34] (Japanese), Steve Staley[35] (English). Serving under the Sage Council is Lieutenant Colonel Dewey Novak, who directed a special operations force called the SOF prior to his imprisonment at the beginning of the series. Despite her past trauma, she acts glad of what Dewey made her. Morita is also acquainted with Axel Thurston through Axel's work on the first LFO ref board for the Nirvash. He has a passion for music, and seems to be constantly bored. Romantic Anime Character Design Mecha Anime Cartoon Air Gear Characters Cool … When Renton asks Holland why he had to kill Charles, Holland answers that Charles and Ray, like Holland himself, knew no other way. It is unknown when or how Gonzy presumably communicated with the Scub Coral, or if he communicates only after his disappearance, but given his likely position and so influence as observer, it is very possible that he was partly responsible for the Command Cluster's decision to trust humanity (namely Eureka, Renton, and those fighting at their side) with, essentially, the saving of all life on the planet. Hannah is helmswoman of the Great Proteus (グレート・プロテウス号, Gurēto Puroteusu-gō) and acts as a mother to her charges. Eureka Seven: Pocket Full of Rainbows (AKA Good Night, Sleep Tight Young Lovers) is an alternate story sci-fi seinen movie, featuring many of the characters and aspects of Eureka Seven. His hippy attitude and grunge attire are a deep contrast to Jobs, but they seem to maintain a strong friendship anyway. Because of this, Renton calls Dominic a "genuine idiot" twice. Eureka Forbes Ltd; Vacuum Cleaners; Health Conditioners; Aquaguard Water Purifier; Aquasure Water Purifiers; Air Purifiers; Forbes Store; FORBES PRO > Back to top. The show began airing in Japan … He has a strong conviction for justice, and also is very unlucky. Dominic Sorel (ドミニク・ソレル, Dominiku Soreru?) Stanley is an executive in Génération Bleu and representative of Big Blue World, the world's largest PR firm funding Génération Bleu. They were responsible for the proliferation of Compac Feedback Systems (CFS) throughout the military's LFO pilots, and were planning on using the technology to revolt and cause mass destruction. Renton reminded her of his promise to always protect her and be at her side, and they finally kissed. She was captured and imprisoned by the military at one point when she was 5 years old, and eventually reunited with Renton 8 years later when Renton accidentally came across and rescued her. In the manga, Dominic dies shielding Renton from anti-body coralians as Renton tries to cure the Scub Coral of a disease TheEND injected into it. He becomes a pilot with only one mission - to find his mother. is the executive officer of the Izumo and trusted right-hand woman of Jurgens. is an anti-Coralian unit created by Dewey, composed primarily of five specially-trained children whom Dewey rescued from a refugee camp. Mischa seems harsh and unemotional on the surface, but she's really just a very serious person. Even though he acknowledges his love as one-sided, he goes out of his way to look out for Anemone. Throughout the series, Moondoggie is one of the few crew members who is curious about Renton's relationship with Eureka. Force, led by Dewey Novak. Kes is a young girl who is seen in the manga. Eureka was meant to be a blank slate, so that she would be shaped by her experiences with humanity, and bring these experiences to the Coralians. Renton Thurston, the main protaganist, is a reference to Mark Renton from Trainspotting. The Eureka Seven AO anime series was directed by Tomoki Kyoda. Originally she was a military scientist specializing in studying Eureka and the Nirvash, and apparently left the military to follow Eureka when Holland stole her away. ; Aloof Big Brother: Holland's often dismissive of Renton to the point where he attacks whenever he's angry at himself.At first. Christopher is alive seen in the final OVA. He also enjoys painting and his works are often seen in ray=out. He said, "The youngest … For Sakuya and Norb, they were taken to the Zone where they could be together while Renton and Eureka discovered Earth. 40 images of the Eureka Seven: AO cast of characters. Adroc has no voice actor throughout the series. info), pronounced [eɯɾeka]) is a young Coralian in human form, who is sent by the sentient Scub Coral to understand and communicate with humans before the beginning of the series. While sitting at campfire in the desert, a vehicle comes along that Sumner hails down. Adroc Thurston appeared before Eureka and looked after the children and Eureka before Renton returned. In person, Holland is not always as cool and composed as the photos in ray=out magazine might suggest — he frequently loses his temper when a situation turns bad, or when faced with insubordination. Norb and Sakuya fell in love. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets Koda, the remaining sage, handed power over to Dewey afterwards. The revolutionary mecha anime returns with the story that was left untold-the earth-shattering incident where Renton's father disappeared. She makes various references to anime, manga, and video games. 20,694 Pages. Renton is often annoyed by Yucatan's overly-patriotic attitude, though he does not hold it against him. Games Movies TV Video. Christophe Blanc is the president of Génération Bleu and Fleur's father. Jurgens is a loyal soldier, and initially follows his orders whether or not he agrees with them. Dominic decides not to report the incident, but it is anyway, as Dewey had men watching Dominic's movements. He gained his nickname from his ever-present "happy smile". It wasn't until towards near the end when the Gekkostate members wondered the fate of their world that Gonzy explains that the event they are witnessing is the "Second Summer of Love.". As a result, Dewey bears a pathological hatred for his brother as well as the planet for denying him what he believed to be his birthright. They were responsible for the proliferation of Compac Feedback Systems (CFS) throughout the military's LFO pilots, and were planning on using the technology to revolt and cause mass destruction. At the Anime Expo 2006 SPJA Awards, Eureka Seven won the award for Best Television Series, and Best Female Character for Eureka. Her body was also modified and conditioned by Dewey's scientists to pilot TheEND. In the manga, Ruri is a spy of the Federation Military. Maria Schneider (マリア・シュナイダー, Maria Shunaidā) is the executive officer of the Izumo and trusted right-hand woman of Jurgens. After she entered the Coralian with Renton, she began to suffer at a subconscious level as a side effect of her proximity to the old dig site FAC51, and the large amount of Scub within. Voiced by: Shigenori Yamazaki[39] (Japanese), Peter Doyle[40] (English). Voiced by: Aya Hisakawa (Japanese); Melissa Fahn (English).
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