The University is taking this proactive measure to protect everyone’s health and safety. Yes, we are planning for student employment and work-study opportunities for the fall and spring semesters; however, these opportunities may be limited given the impacts of COVID-19. Twenty five of those patients are in the ICU and 102 are on a MedSurg floor. Public Health will be … In order to uphold transparency, today’s report includes corrections made by the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in the case line lists received from the State. NOTE: This self-checker is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Letâs continue to do our part so we can be With its Data Dashboard update, DHD No. Debra Dykeman, Manager of Course Materials. Minnesota State has developed a dashboard for reporting COVID-19 case data impacting the colleges and universities and the system office. KCAD Coronavirus Website; Health Resources. In addition to this service, the University also provides a free online resource called Therapy Assistance Online (TAO). KCAD is asking everyone to accept the responsibility of protecting themselves and others. Yes. The county received 9,750 doses of the vaccine produced by Pfizer, and two more shipments are expected before the end of the month, according to a Contra … What options are available to me? Please know that you can access additional resources online, and if you need assistance, have questions, or would like to share your concerns, or comments, please contact us via our Ask KCAD feedback portal. Until then, we invite you to follow the announcements posted on our website and social media, engage with us virtually and continue to support our students as they move forward with their education. Occupants of these spaces will be involved in “Clean In, Clean Out” disinfectant process. It is recommended that when you are attending an online or remote learning activity in a public space that you wear headphones or ear buds with a microphone and mute your microphone when you are not actively speaking. How do I return my rental books? Spring 2021 classes will begin as scheduled on Monday, Jan. 11, at all Ferris State University locations. Fabric face coverings should only be worn for one day at a time, and they must be properly laundered with soap/detergent before subsequent use. Ferris State University Bookstore The number of people involved in this will depend on the outcomes of the investigation as well as the adherence to the recommended mitigation strategies. If/when someone is determined to be a contact (any individual within six feet of an infected person for at least 15 minutes of the infected individual), that person will be notified, advised of assessment of infection, and instructed to quarantine for a period of time not to exceed 14 days. The dashboard will serve as a tool to inform campus communities and aid decision-making stemming from changes in COVID-19 cases and changes in community spread. provider. Yes. to check this page frequently for updates. I don’t feel well, should I attend my in-person class or come to campus? How will classrooms be adjusted to accommodate for social distancing? Here, you will see a list of classes in which you are enrolled. If you are physically able, we encourage you to take the stairs, which will be directional This includes individuals identified as high-risk for contracting COVID-19, but not experiencing symptoms. As of Friday, January 15, the dashboard is reporting 273,335 first doses of the COVID vaccine have been administered as well as 37,079 doses of the second dose. New positive cases, including presumptive positive cases, will be posted here each day, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) by 5 p.m. Skip To Navigation; Skip To Content; Skip To Footer; Sign in. How will labs, shops and studios be kept clean and sanitized? Lee tweeted that the positive test for his wife Maria was confirmed in the afternoon. If you test positive for COVID-19, please report your status on the Report a Positive Test Result link found on the Coronavirus Updates Hub webpage. I just started going back to school myself and am working on getting my Masters in Nursing for education from Ferris State University. Stuck? Students and employees with an approved accommodation may be accommodated with online courses, remote work, and/or a face shield. Students should have or will receive information from program faculty about how to access program-specific studio spaces or resource rooms. These testing clinics are open to any Ferris student, faculty or staff who are not experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Through regular testing, mask wearing and physical distancing, campus can remain open through the 2020-21 academic year. Yes. Faculty and staff are encouraged to visit the Resources for Academic Continuity page for a wide range of tools, guides and information to make the transition to online learning as smooth as possible. See the Facilities Access Information page for more details. Individuals who test positive will be called by the end of the day on which the test Are students, employees, and approved visitors required to wear a face covering on campus? We deeply value the continuing interest and support of our alumni, friends and many others from our local community and the public at-large. Ferris State University, JavaScript must be enabled for the correct page display, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Spectrum Health Free Virtual Screening Options. View Dashboard The University opposes any actions that harass, discriminate, or otherwise create a hostile environment for students, faculty, and staff. and reminders with you. Three students from the high school tested positive for COVID-19 since Friday, according to the district's COVID-19 dashboard. I have experienced or witnessed derogatory actions toward someone related to this outbreak. These corrections include removing duplicated cases, removing case counts … This is a long lasting, multi-year virus killing disinfectant. Residents of the Wolverine state will soon be able to puff and puff if they don’t pass up the chance to receive a COVID vaccination. All KCAD students and employees are required to complete the online COVID-19 Symptom Checker each day before coming to campus*. Students are encouraged to review this information carefully, and if you are considering any of the accommodations listed, you are encouraged to connect with your advisor as a first step. If you need to meet with Carol Sloan, KCAD Academic Advisor, to review your program plan, registration for classes, or time to graduation, you can schedule an appointment online. National Institutes of Health Open-Access Data Portal COVID-19 open-access data and computational resources are being provided by federal agencies, including NIH, public consortia, and private entities. information regarding the Universityâs re-engagement efforts are available on the was administered. However, the majority of our facilities and programming will be unavailable to the public during the 2020-2021 academic year. How do I order my books? symptoms, please contact the Birkam Health Center at x2614 or your local healthcare please e-mail [email protected]. © Clinical placements will continue as planned. The CARES Act has provided universities nationally with Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds for use in helping students manage financial hardships associated with COVID-19. Wearing a mask, washing/sanitizing Officials said the dashboard is meant to provide transparency on how much vaccine is coming to the state and how many people are getting shots. If a student, staff or faculty member tests positive for COVID-19, we have a protocol in place for advising isolation for the infected individual and will begin a contact tracing investigation to determine who may be affected by the individual’s status. Time frame: 10 days since symptoms first appeared and improving, with at least three days with no fever (non-medicated). Coronavirus Updates Hub homepage under âInfo for Faculty & Staffâ and âInfo for Students.â Please continue Will the bookstore be open? In order to uphold transparency, today’s report includes corrections made by the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in the case line lists received from the State. We are also looking for ways to be able to host in-person small group events/gatherings, keeping social distancing practices in mind. Epidemiology and statistical models take this kind of data and extrapolate it out to arrive at future predictions in a process called calibration. A student should contact the Director of Counseling and Disability Services, Marie Yowtz, at [email protected] or by calling 616.299.3046. To schedule an appointment, please contact Marie Yowtz, Director of Counseling and Disability Services at [email protected] or by calling 616.299.3046. Jackson Hole Mountain Resort Ski Patroller Tom Ferris receives the COVID-19 vaccine on the morning of Dec. 29 at Teton County Public Health. If you are experiencing symptoms, please contact the Birkam Health Center at x2614 or your local healthcare provider. Kendall College of Art and Design of Ferris State University. How do I schedule an appointment with the Academic Advisor? This includes individuals who are ill/tested positive/presumed positive for COVID-19. Any member of the University community can make a report about an alleged bias related incident or hate crime. Also, with 235 hospital beds in the county, 209 are currently occupied. Will there be designated areas where I can eat/drink without having to wear a face covering? They will not include vaccines given by other sources, like hospitals., Karen Bohren, Bookstore Manager KCAD students are able to place orders for their textbook or course-required material online. Ellis County updated their COVID-19 dashboard this evening at 6:05 pm to show 127 COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the county. 805 Campus Dr Daily COVID-19 Symptom Checker. Minnesota State has developed a dashboard for reporting COVID-19 case data impacting the colleges and universities and the system office. An e-mail will be sent to those who test negative. or have a question, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Students may access the Material ConneXion Online Library for free by visiting. KCAD has redesigned the layout of our campus spaces and classrooms to follow social distancing requirements. A student should contact each of their instructors to ask for online accommodations. Classes will begin as scheduled on Monday, Jan. 11, at all Ferris State University locations. Charlotte Pickert, Assistant Store Manager, General Merchandise I am concerned about my health and safety in terms of coming back to campus and participating in face-to-face or HyFlex course delivery. TAMPA (WFLA) – The Florida Department of Health reported 11,093 new COVID-19 cases Sunday afternoon. Where appropriate, travelers should be prepared to self-quarantine for 14 days after return. State to set up dashboard to track schools’ COVID-19 statistics. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has counted at least 29 people If the instructor is unable to make this accommodation, the student should contact the Dean of Academic Affairs at [email protected]. community, we will continue to recommend quarantine last for a period of 14 days as As a part of state orders, in-person classes will be delivered remotely from Monday, Jan. 11 until Tuesday, Jan. 19. Will there be any changes made to the KCAD academic calendar for the Spring 2021 semester? What is the best way for students to connect with online or HyFlex remote learning while on campus? Ferris State University is developing resources to keep the learning experience as consistent as possible, while also keeping students and faculty safe. 2019 Ferris State Hockey Golf Outing - Gerald Mayhew Hear from Minnesota Wild Forward and former Ferris State Bulldog Gerald Mayhew from the 2019 Ferris State Hockey Golf Outing WATCH: 2019 Men's Basketball Golf Outing The 2019 Men's Basketball Golf Outing media session with National Champions Zach Hankins, Noah King, and Andy Bronkema as well as CJ Van Wieren. As a result of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services' recently issued Epidemic Order—effective as of Wednesday, November 18, 2020—to help combat the spread of COVID-19 in Michigan, KCAD will close its campus at 10 pm on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. These areas are located on the student commons and atrium area as well as the balcony on the 2nd and 3rd floor of the 17 Fountain St. building as well as the Decorative Arts Corridor and lobby located on the first floor of the Woodbridge N. Ferris Building. If you feel you need to be tested for COVID-19, visit the Kent County Health Department's online directory of testing site locations to find the testing site nearest to you. Who do I contact to ask for online accommodations if my classes are not already scheduled to be online? COVID-19 Data. Minnesota State COVID-19 Dashboard. This means that social distancing, wearing your face covering and washing your hands often will decrease the chance of you being contacted to quarantine. to follow the health and safety protocols established. We are encouraging all RSO (Registered Student Organizations) to plan their monthly meetings and events in a virtual format if possible. Seats will be 7 feet apart, and there will be a 7-foot divide between the instructor and students. SEO Experts. It is not uncommon for college students to experience problems including stress, depression, grief, relationship problems, family problems, anxiety, drug use, or academic issues. If you have questions, or if you need help finding services, please contact Nicole DeKraker, Director of Student Engagement, at [email protected]. Questions about access should be directed to your program faculty or Chair. What are the building hours for the spring semester? Given this, all individuals at the University should be wearing a face covering/shield as required above. Emails are being sent to the email provided when the rental was ordered with instructions and links to either buyout the rental or to download a UPS shipping label for a nominal fee to return the rentals. Do I need to make an appointment to work in a lab, studio or workshop? to Michigan Public Act 238 that better align with the CDCâs recently updated guidance A record 4,877 COVID-19 patients were occupying hospital beds as of Tuesday, according to the state coronavirus dashboard. the best way to slow the spread of COVID-19. faculty, staff and students each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If I need to request other accommodations or I am in need of assistive technology (auxiliary aids), who do I contact? Please stay tuned and check your Ferris email and KCAD social media outlets regularly. Ferris State University has received funding to assist students through the Federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. Orders will be shipped directly to students’ place of residence, with free UPS ground shipping on orders over $49. The list of resources at the link above is not exhaustive and inclusion does not infer an endorsement. To schedule an appointment please, Information on hours and access policies for the, The Material ConneXion Resource Center, which has been closed during the pandemic, will reopen in room 104 of the 17 Fountain St. NW building in early spring 2021. 9:30 a.m. â 12:30 p.m. at Wink Arena. WMU has charted a course through the COVID-19 pandemic that continues the University's high-quality educational experience. The course will now appear in your dashboard. The Student Engagement Office is actively working on developing programming for the fall and spring semesters. As a part of state orders, in-person classes will be delivered remotely from Monday, Jan. 11 until Tuesday, Jan. 19. Ohio State University's COVID-19 dashboard earned an A-plus rating from We Rate COVID TAO is an online library of engaging, interactive programs to learn life skills for better relationships and to help overcome anxiety, depression and other common concerns. How do I schedule a virtual or in-person appointment with Financial Aid? To align with guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state regulations, all students, faculty, staff and visitors will be required to wear a face covering over the nose and mouth inside all University buildings and in any situation where social distancing is difficult. If you need to meet with Kara Peltier, KCAD Financial Aid Specialist, you can schedule an appointment online. (designated as up or down) to allow for socially distant movement. These testing clinics are open to any Ferris student, faculty or staff who are not experiencing COVID-19 symptoms. Our on-site counselor provides free, confidential individual counseling and crisis intervention to any KCAD student who seeks it. A student seeking an exception to this policy should contact Marie Yowtz, Director of Counseling and Disability Services, at [email protected] or by calling 616.299.3046. *Employees (including student employees) must complete the Symptom Checker every day when working, even when working remotely. Refer to the Building Hours page for complete details on the specific days/times campus will be open or closed. 10. On Dec. 29, Governor Whitmer signed off on Senate Bill 1258, which makes amendments If you are experiencing He proved that to the UW-Parkside men’s basketball team Saturday afternoon at … Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick. If you have trouble finding information COVID-19 Dashboard Ellis County reports on COVID-19 updates as they are received from the State of Texas from the Texas Health Trace Platform (THT). LAKEWOOD RANCH, Fla. (AP) — To honor the birth of his daughter, Kevin Swan had the image of a watch tattooed on his left wrist – hands permanently … 231.591.2607 Those that fail to complete the symptom checker on a regular basis may be contacted by the Birkam Health Center. Supplies will be located in each space. safe, and our students can continue their education with us. If you have any questions, concerns or require a follow-up letter with your results, If you are sick, have symptoms or have been potentially exposed to the COVID-19 virus, stay home and report your concerns to your health provider or Kent County Health Department at 616-632-7100. Employees needing an exception or accommodation should visit the Coronavirus Information section on the Ferris HR website for forms and information. The Baker Furniture Study Collection will be open by appointment only outside of designated class time. surrounding recommended length of quarantine. Will student employment and federal work-study opportunities be available? The website will be updated daily, though the figures will lag by a few days … Ferris says data on COVID-19 is quickly evolving, with increasing detail from counties and from city and regional levels. 1/15: a new case has been reported on the COVID Dashboard (616)784-2511; Transparency Report Canvas Student Login Parent ... Health. our hands often and avoiding large gatherings will help reduce the transmission of Due to ongoing concerns around COVID-19 and out of an abundance of caution, we have made the difficult decision to cancel in-person on-campus tours. Students and employees who put others at risk by violating these expectations will be subject to action that may lead to removal from campus. Click here to download a label. What is going to happen if a student and/or faculty member test positive for COVID-19? Students and employees have access to purchase a Wave Card for $3. Report a Postive Test Result; Spectrum Health Free Virtual Screening ; Kent County Health Department COVID-19 Info ; COVID-19 Testing Locations in Kent County; CDC COVID-19 Info Situation Summary; CDC Travel Guidance; CDC After-Travel Precautions; CDC Guidance for Student Foreign Travel ; State of Michigan COVID-19 Info; … powered by Microsoft News. Nov. 24, 6:23 a.m. Thomas Brennan, an assistant professor of physical science at Ferris State University, has been placed on leave over his comments on COVID-19 and other subjects. I am feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and worried. The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center includes worldwide data, and state- and county-level data for the United States. Testing will be performed between Will exceptions be made to standard policies concerning grading, course withdrawal, and early academic dismissal? Are there resources available to faculty and staff to help facilitate online delivery of select courses? You will need to complete the FSU daily symptom checker Elevator capacities will be reduced to two people at a time. Or, if you are an employee and you believe that you have been the victim of a bias-incident, including discrimination, please report the incident to Human Resources at 231.591.2150 or the Office of Equal Opportunity at 231.591.2152. Ferris State University is working closely with our local health departments to track confirmed cases of COVID-19 associated with the University and Kendall College of Art and Design (KCAD). For the health and safety of our University Clinical placements will continue as planned. Kent County has one senior center, the Amy Lynn Ferris Adult Activity Center, a nonprofit. The self-checker and recommendations are based on best clinical practices, current CDC guidelines and illness severity. Additional information is available from the Dean’s Offices in Health Professions, Optometry and Pharmacy. The CARES Act has provided universities nationally with Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds for use in helping students manage financial hardships associated with COVID-19. The Minnesota Department of Health on Tuesday reported 1,335 new coronavirus cases and 13 new deaths, raising the states' totals to 438,867 cases and 5,724 total deaths. I use public transportation. With the Spring 2021 semester beginning next week, we wanted to share a few updates The dashboard will serve as a tool to inform campus communities and aid decision-making stemming from changes in COVID-19 cases and changes in community spread. This is a part of the University’s efforts to keep our community healthy and safe, to minimize community spread as we enter cold and flu season, and to help us move forward safely for the spring semester. Bill Lee disclosed Saturday afternoon that his wife has mild symptoms of COVID-19 and that she has tested positive for the coronavirus, while he has tested negative. Learn More. Registered nurse Kathy Ferris administers a COVID-19 vaccine to Matthew Brenner, an emergency department registered nurse, at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center staff member in Martinez, Calif., Tuesday, Dec. 15, 2020. There are many common spaces in both buildings that are set as socially distant workspaces for students. KCAD students must return their fall rental books to the Ferris State Bookstore by Friday, December 18th. Programs & Faculty; Visit KCAD; Admissions; Youth & Adults; Home; Future Students ; Current Students; Parents; Alumni; Art Educators; Search… Over The Top SEO. KCAD COVID-19 Information Each KCAD program has made plans to provide students with a complete and engaging schedule of academic offerings while complying with local, state, and federal health guidelines directed at keeping the entire campus community safe, … 10 clinics and at other locations such as skilled nursing facilities where we vaccinate residents. Will the entire class have to self-isolate? Edwards, who played at Ferris State, was signed as an undrafted rookie. I am currently in quarantine but want to continue with my classes. What should I do? Numbers on this page will be updated weekly and will only include vaccines given by DHD No. The dashboard includes data on the number of doses promised to the state by the federal government, doses shipped to Minnesota providers and doses administered. The University will continue to provide free COVID testing clinics to asymptomatic RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) - North Carolina's Department of Public Safety announced on Wednesday it has received about 1,000 doses of Moderna's coronavirus vaccine for inmates and prison staff. What should I do if I need to take an elevator? You will need to complete the FSU daily symptom checker online and receive a green Negative status prior to being tested. If you need to use the elevator you may want to allow for additional time to get to and from your destination. The dashboard is updated every Friday. To sign-up for testing, visit this link. online directory of testing site locations, Coronavirus Information section on the Ferris HR website, request funding through a web-based application process, exploratory and interactive virtual events, place orders for their textbook or course-required material online, Kent County Health Department COVID-19 Info, COVID-19 Testing Locations in Kent County, National Institutes of Health COVID-19 Info, in the menu on the left-hand side, click on "Classes", In the pop-out menu, scroll all the way down to "All Classes". What if I suspect I may have COVID-19? Will there be study away opportunities this year? Many traditional events are being planned for virtual delivery, including some Welcome Week activities such as the Annual Opportunity Fair. MINNEAPOLIS (AP) - Minnesota launched a dashboard Tuesday to provide more information on the status of the state's vaccination efforts. Nov. 24, 6:23 a.m. Thomas Brennan, an assistant professor of physical science at Ferris State University, has been placed on leave over his comments on COVID-19 and other subjects. This is simply information for students who need to explore their options. View the Safe Return Plan View the COVID-19 Site. How do I access Canvas for an online class? ALLENDALE, MI -- Grand Valley State University students who take a daily health screening for novel coronavirus can earn money in return. A reminder email will be sent to all student and employee email addresses each morning. Professor at Ferris State on Leave Over Comments on COVID-19, Race and Religion Nov. 24, 6:23 a.m. Thomas Brennan, an assistant professor of physical science at Ferris State University, has been placed on leave over his comments on COVID-19 and other subjects. msn back to msn home news. The Wood Shop will post open hours and access will be first-come, first-serve, and limited by the capacity of Wood Shop spaces. Fill in the star in front of the course you cannot see. Will instruction be moved to online delivery after the Thanksgiving recess? It is our sincere hope we can welcome everyone back onto our campus soon. Microbe Care will be applied to all vertical and horizontal surfaces. Ferris State University and KCAD take great pride in welcoming our alumni, friends, community members and many others to our campuses to experience our art galleries, library, Dow Center FlexLab, and cultural programming. If you are sick, have symptoms or have been potentially exposed to the COVID-19 virus, stay home and report your concerns to your health provider or the Kent County Health Department at 616-632-7100.. To find the testing site nearest to you, visit the State of Michigan's online directory of testing site locations. Are KCAD alumni or members of the general public allowed on campus? Custodial team will thoroughly disinfect spaces when unoccupied during the lunch hour and after the last class. Big Rapids, MI 49307 Given this and that they do not meet the above criteria, gaiters are not an acceptable face covering. [email protected] or [email protected] Out of 30 ICU beds (currently operating on surge plan), 29 are occupied. Are there additional resources available to help students who are struggling as a result of COVID-19? Travel permissions will follow federal and state restrictions and CDC recommendations, particularly when travel includes visiting any identified high-risk location. Minnesota State COVID-19 Dashboard. Professor at Ferris State on Leave Over Comments on COVID-19, Race and Religion. Students are adapting to new ways of learning and may feel uncertain or even nervous about the impact on their final grades. 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