His patronage to Brahmanism is revealed by the epithet. Online Course for History Optional including Answer Writing and Test Series for 2020 Main Examination. It is significant that the. Gautamiputra Satakarni (transl. The king himself led his armies in the battle-field and was commander-in-chief of his forces. Takshashila University ( in Rawalpindi ) world's f... Nalanda University founded by Kumaragupta I. Narasimhavarman II popularly known as Rajasimha P... Narasimhavarman I founder of Mamallapuram, Mahendravarman I (600 – 630 A.D.) Chitrakarapuli. Post Mauryan India : Kanva, Cheta, Parthians, Kus... Sunga dynasty (185-71 BC) : Pushyamitra Sunga, Bindusara (293-273 BC): son of Chandragupta, Mauryan Empire: Chandragupta Maurya (321-293 BC), Megasthenes - The first foreign ambassador to India. ... Gautamiputra Satkarni (Reign 78-102 AD) The lost power of Satavahana was revived by Gautamiputra Satkarni who is described as the Destroyer of the Shaka, Pahalava and Yavana Power. Early Cholas Dynasty and their capitas Uraiyur,Puh... Gautamiputra Satkarni - satavahana dynasty, Satkarni-I or Sri Satkarni - Nanaghat inscription, Simuka - founder of the Satavahana Dynasty. His office was not hereditary. GK, General Studies, Optional notes for UPSC, IAS, Banking, Civil Services. (There isn’t much time my friend…Hit or flop?) Solution: Daily Practise Questions for History Optional Mains 2017 (Modern India- 19 August), History Optional Comprehensive Study Materials cum Online Test Series- 2020, Weekly and Daily Problem Practice with Solution of History Optional for 2020 Main Examination, Complete Map material along with Previous Years Solved Questions and Practice Set for History Optional, Previous Years Questions with Solution of History Optional, Click here for Our Results in CSE- 2019, Toppers' Interview and Toppers' Answer Sheets, Daily and Weekly Problem Practice for 2021 [History Optional], History Optional complete online course cum Test Series - 2021, Q. Assess the impact of Communist revolution on Chinese society and economy. certain statements made in an inscription of Gautamiputra’s mother, Gautami Balashri. Others need to pay. They were perhaps paid in money from the revenue collected by the state. Gautamiputra Satkarni - satavahana dynasty Gautamiputra Satkarni (78-102 AD) who is described as the Destroyer of the Shaka, Pahalava and Yavana Power. The 23 rd ruler of the dynasty was Gautamiputra Satakarni (106 – 130 A.D.) who revived the Satavahana power and defeated the Saka Ksatrap Nahapana. They were related by blood to the feudatory maharathi. The statement that the king’s horses drank the waters of the three oceans reflects his claim to extensive conquest in trans-Vindhyan India. Men of proven ability were appointed to this official. There was a keeper of records who maintained a detailed account of these donations. GAUTAM SINGH UPSC STUDY MATERIAL – INDIAN HISTORY 0 7830294949 THANKS FOR READING – VISIT ... began during the t8ime of Gautamiputra Satakarni and was completed during the time of Yajna Sri Satakarni. The Shaka Kshatrapas were involved in prolonged conflict with the Satavahanas, a powerful dynasty with its stronghold in the Deccan. Samayam ledu mitrama…. He claimed to have ended the Kshaharata lineage to which his adversary Nahapana belonged. The greatest of the satavahana kings was Gautamiputra satakarni who extended his empire by conquest. They however extended their sway over Eastern Deccan in the later years. It mentions that villages were among the items offered as dakshina to officiating priests when certain shrauta sacrifices, including the ashvamedha, were performed by her husband Satakarni I. The Satavahana rulers carried administration in accordance with the directives of the Dharma Shastras and the social customs. The maharathis and mahabhojas—local rulers who had emerged in the pre-Satavahana period—were encapsulated and integrated into the Satavahana polity. Non-hereditary governors were subject to periodical transfers. Gautamiputra Satakarni captured the whole of Deccan and expanded his empire. It was by dint of efficient military administration that the Satavahanas succeeded in expanding their empires. Some disorders due to Deficient Nutrients, Important Vaccines and Persons who discovered. The use of the iron ploughshare, paddy transplantation, the growth of urbanism, writing, etc., created conditions for state formation under the Satavahanas. Most probably two Ajanta Frescoes (9th and 10th) came into existence during this period. The Naisk prasasthi states that Varnashrama Dharmawas maintained. The greatest ruler of the Satavahana dynasty was Gautamiputra Satakarni. The coins of Vasishthiputra Pulumayi have been found in various parts of Andhra Pradesh. A war is not an easy thing to show. That was the last question in my mind when the film ended with the ubiquitous dialogue still ringing in my head. It seems that anyone who cleared the forest and tilled a plot could claim ownership of the land. He ruled for a period of 24 years from 106 to 130 A.D. Gautamiputra Satakarni captured the whole of Deccan and expanded his empire. For example the names of the kings and the duration of their rule vary in the different Puranas. History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2021 [Batch IV] [English and Hindi], History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2022 [English and Hindi], Click here to register for Comprehensive Program for 2020, Click here to register for Comprehensive Program for 2021, Click here to register for World History Materials, Click here to register for Modern India Materials, Click here to register for Medieval India Materials, Click here to register for Ancient India Materials, Click here to register for Complete Map Materials, Click here to register for Previous Years Solved Questions [UPSC], Click here to register for Previous Years Solved Questions [UPPSC and BPSC], UPPSC History Optional Test Series- 2020 [In Hindi and English] यूपीपीएससी इतिहास वैकल्पिक टेस्ट सीरीज- 2020 [हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में], Weekly and Daily Problem Practice For History Optional- 2020, Daily and Weekly Problem Practice for History Optional- 2021, Ancient India Previous Years Solved Questions for History Optional, Medieval India Previous Years Solved Questions for History Optional, Modern India Previous Years Solved Questions for History Optional, World History Previous Years Solved Questions for History Optional. This record was then delivered to the donee to whom the grant had been made. Rudradaman I (Reign 130 AD – 150 AD) He is considered the greatest of the Saka rulers. The head of this regiment was posted in the countryside to, The military character of Satavahana rule is also evident from the common use of such terms as. The Rathikas and Bhojas mentioned in Ashoka’s inscriptions were transformed into the maharathis and mahabhojas of pre-Satavahana times. It was at this time that the Satavahanas consolidated their power in the. The highest grade was formed by the king who was called raja and had the right to strike coins and impose taxes. The fact that the queen’s image was carved in the cave, that she had a long inscription inscribed in the same cave, that she proudly refers to her own lineage, and that she is depicted along with her husband on coinage— all clearly indicate that Naganika was a royal woman of importance and authority. They retained some of the administration units found in Ashokan times. Gautamiputra Satakarni of Satavahana Dynasty (106 – 130 AD or 86 – 110 AD) He is considered the greatest king of the Satavahana dynasty. The soldiers used swords, spears, axes and armours as weapons of war. They first settled down in Punjab and later later moved eastwards and spread all over the Gangetic plain. This was the beginning of a long-standing tradition that was to become increasingly prevalent over the succeeding centuries. The Sattavahanas who are mentioned in the Puranas as the Andhra were the original inhabitants of Western Deccan. King was the highest official of the Government and his office was, The Satavahana rulers strove for the royal ideal set forth in the. Mobile No. Discuss salient features of the Indus Valley Civilization. Gautamiputra Satakarni ascended the throne at Dhanakataka, according to the chronological scheme that we have adopted. The gold, diamonds and gems from the mines in Karnataka and Andhra were transported to Magadha in the north through a series of land and coastal routes. His. The rulers at this time were eager to bring. Gautamiputra Satakarni is said to have destroyed the power of the Shakas and the pride of the Khastriyas, promoted the interests of the twice-born and, The achievements of this king are described and eulogized in. These were military camps and settlements which served as administrative centres when the king was there. But it was under the Satavahanas who were related by marriage to the Maharathis that the first state emerged in the Deccan. Gupta Empire (A.D. 320-550) - Golgen age of Indian, Sangam Age – The Chera, Chola and Pandyas, Cheras (Keralaputra) and their capital Vanji. The earliest inscriptions of the Satavahanas relate to the first century BC, when they defeated the Kanvas and established power in parts of central India. He defeated the Shakas and destroyed many kshatriya rulers. Satavahana’s are a part of history. A tough battle is ahead of them. Explanation: Satakarni I (not Gautamiputra Satakarni) is also referred to as the Lord of Dakshinapatha. We notice certain military and feudal traits in the administration of the Satavahanas. Both the sakas and Satavahanas encouraged Buddhism. Gautamiputra Satakarni was a ruler of the Satavahana Empire in present-day Deccan region of India. There’s a tense moment where Balakrishna, as Gautamiputra Satakarni, has to stay firm and boost the sagging morale of the men in his army. Ajanta Caves - Aurangabad district of Maharashtra. It states that the land was not to be entered or disturbed by royal troops, was not to be dug for salt, was free from the control of state officials, and was to enjoy all sorts of immunities (pariharas). There we several officials to help the king like: The ‘bhikshus’ (monks) and Brahmanas were held in high esteem and they too observed and preached high standards of conduct. The earliest surviving inscriptions of land grant including those with fiscal exemptions belongs to the Satavahana and Kshatrapa periods. As the tribal people in the Deccan were not thoroughly brahmanized and reconciled to the new rule, it was necessary to keep them under strong military control. Buddhist momuments and stupas came into existence at Nasik, … You created history by making Gautamiputra Satakarni into a commercially viable feature film. selfstudyhistory.com. Their power was checked in practice by customs and shastras. His name also occurs on one of the gateways of Sanchi Stupa. The achievements of Gautamiputra Satakarni are recorded in the Nasik inscription by his mother, Gautami Balasri Insights has redefined the way preparation is done in UPSC civil service exam. GautamiPutra Satakarni Movie Official Page The greatest ruler of the Satavahana dynasty was Gautamiputra Satakarni. His achievements have been mentioned in the Nasik Inscription, by his mother Gautami. He came to India at the age of forty tw... Gautamiputra It was revived only through the exploits of Gautamiputra Satakarni. Join Crash Course for IAS 2019. He was the greatest Satavahan ruler. Moreover, information about the kings is interwoven with myths and legends, and one has to carefully distinguish between facts and legendary stories. Daher waren einige ihrer bemerkenswertesten Auftritte auf der Leinwand in den Filmen zu sehen Santosham (2002), Tagore (2003), Sivaji: Die Boss (2008), Mission Istanbul (2009), Kanthaswamy Thoranai (2010), Rowthiram (2011), Manam (2015) und Gautamiputra Satakarni (2017). He defeated the Kshatrapas in Kathiawad and Gujarat. There were separate organization to look after the administration of the towns and the villages. His kingdom ran from Krishna in the south to Malwa and Saurashtra in the north and from Berar in the east to the Konkan in the west. Million Thanks for you and your team for thrashing all our suspicious perceptions into pieces. The breakup of the empire paved the way for the rise of the Vakatakas in the Deccan, Kadambas in Mysore, Abhiras in Maharashtra, and Ikshvakus in Andhra. Control over certain areas, especially those that gave access to the western seaboard, seems to have frequently changed hands. It describes the donor as one who has given 16 villages to the gods and Brahmanas. Gautamiputra was the first Satavahana ruler to issue the. His victory over Nagapana, the ruler of Malwa was remarkable. The state took elaborate measures to encourage trade. The coins of Nahapana engraved by the name of Gautamiputra, testifies his success against the Sakas. The Satavahana dynasty came to an end in the mid-3rd century CE. throw much light on the reign of Gautamiputra, History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2021 [Batch III], History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2021 [Batch II], History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2021 [Batch I], HISTORY OPTIONAL ONLINE COURSE CUM TEST SERIES- 2020 [Batch V] [In English and Hindi], UPSC HISTORY OPTIONAL ONLINE COURSE CUM TEST SERIES- 2020 [Batch IV]: (In English and Hindi), UPSC History Optional Online Course cum Test Series- 2020 [Batch III], BPSC History Optional Test Series- 2021 बीपीएससी इतिहास वैकल्पिक टेस्ट सीरीज- 2021, UPSC History Optional Online Test Series cum Study Materials- 2020 [Batch II], UPSC History Optional Online Course cum Test Series – 2020 [Batch I], History Optional Online Test Series-2019 [Batch- IV], History Optional Comprehensive Study Material cum Online Test Series- 2019 [Batch III], History Optional Comprehensive Study Material cum Online Test Series- 2019 [Batch II], History Optional Comprehensive Study Material cum Online Test Series- 2019 [Batch I], History Optional Online Test Series-2018 [Batch- II], History Optional Online Test Series: 2018 [Batch I], ONLINE TEST SERIES: History Optional Mains 2017, Previous Years Solved Papers of History Optional, History Optional Previous Years Question Papers with Solution [UPSC], Ancient India: Previous Years’ Questions with Solutions [UPSC], Medieval India: Previous Years’ Questions with Solutions [UPSC], Modern India: Previous Years’ Questions with Solutions [UPSC], World History: Previous Years’ Questions with Solutions [UPSC], History Optional Previous Years Solved Questions [UPPSC and BPSC], Daily and Weekly Problem Practise (History Optional), Strategy for Essay and Essay Improvement Program, Topic Wise Materials of General Studies for IAS, UPSC Strategies, Answer Sheets and Previous Years’ Papers, UPSC Strategies, Interviews and Answer Sheets of Toppers. Gautamiputra’s coins have been found in the eastern Deccan as well. Possibly the Buddhist monks also preached peace and spelt out rules of good conduct to the people among whom they lived, and taught them to respect political authority and social order. Gautamiputra Satakarni. 14 talking about this. Fa-Hien - The first Chinese pilgrim to visit India. The first sixteen years of his reign was devoted to the great preparation of the struggle against the Saka power under Nahapana. Hence, the correct answer is option B. The brahmanas helped enforce the rules of the Varna system which promoted social stability. Foot soldiers or infantry was the backbone of the army and they formed the vanguard and were flanked on either side by horses and elephants. Gradually the Satavahanas extended their power over Karnataka and Andhra. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. In the case of the Satavahanas (as well as the Ikshvakus), there was a trend of, The cultivated fields and villages granted to them were. This latter, not known on any Satavahana coins. The fortunes of the Satavahanas were revived by Gautamiputra Satakarni, during whose reign the empire seems to have reached its peak. It was Gautamiputra Satakarni who revived the glories of Satavahanas. This movie chronicles the life of a South Indian ruler of the Satavahana Empire in South India in the 2nd century CE. There were days when even nature came to their rescue. Early Life: Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj was the most powerful emperor of Maratha Empire. Find Gautamiputra Satakarni at NDTVMovies.com, get the Latest Gautamiputra Satakarni, News, Videos & Pictures on Gautamiputra Satakarni. The Bharat Ratna (Jewel of India) is the highest civilian award of the Republic of India. The greatest ruler of the Satavahana dynasty was Gautamiputra Satakarni. Enter your email address to follow selfstudyhistory.com and receive notifications of new posts by email. Many chiefs known as Maharathis became important in several scattered pockets. In this period the South was ruled over by the monarchies. Popular Courses. In addition to the Kshatrapas, an early Satavahana had to contend with the power of, Kharavela, the Chedi king of Kalinga, claims in his. Gautamiputra Satakarni is a neatly weaved visual grandeur with poetic elucidation of wonderfully written scenes. greatest ruler of the Satavahana dynasty was Gautamiputra Satakarni ruled for a period of 24 years from 106 to 130 A.D. His achievements were recorded in the Nasik inscription by his mother Gautami Balasri. [60-62nd BPSC], Join Telegram Group of selfstudyhistory.com, Toppers' Interview: Chandrajyoti Singh [Rank 28, CSE- 2019] History Optional, History Optional Complete Online Course cum Online Test Series- 2021, History Optional Online Course, Answer Writing Cum Test Series- 2020, Toppers' Interview: Nandini Maharaj [Rank 42/ CSE 2018], Click here for Topper's Answer Sheets and Interviews, Toppers' Interview: Vikram Grewal [Rank 51/ CSE 2018] [History Optional], Toppers' Interview: Nidhi Siwach [Rank 83/ CSE 2018] [History Optional], Toppers' Interview: Raj [Rank 433/ CSE 2018] [History Optional], Toppers' Interview: Ishmeet Kaur [Rank 505/ CSE 2018] [History Optional], Toppers' Interview: Phadke Vikram Dnyandeo [Rank 530/ CSE 2018][ Marks in History Optional 324], Pre-Satavahana settlements are indicated by the finds of red ware, black-and-red ware, and russet-coated painted ware at many sites in the Deccan. It was prevalent only on the coins of Malwa. Another record that lists several rulers of the dynasty is the. Gautamiputra Satakarni took the titles of: Trisamudrapibatohayavahana (one whose horses had drunk waters from 3 oceans) and, Sakayavanapallavanisudana (destroyer of Saka, Yavana and Pahlavas). Some say that he defeated Nahapana. These feudatories and landed beneficiaries enjoyed some authority in their respective localities. Directed by Radha Krishna Jagarlamudi. The process of change in Deccan started with Mauryan expansion in the Deccan. Gautamiputra Satakarni. Their earliest record is found engraved on rock in a cave. The Mauryas were primarily interested in exploiting the mineral resources of the Deccan peninsula. He ruled for a period of 24 years from 106 to 130 A.D. Gautamiputra Satakarni captured the whole of Deccan and expanded his empire. There are many difficulties in using these lists as sources of history without critically comparing them with other sources. Some of these grants were renewed by Guatamiputra Satakarni. The third king was Sri Satakarni or Satakarni I enjoyed a long reign of about 56 years. Gautamiputra Satkarni is known to have made a total and sharp recovery of the Satvahans. Gautamiputra Satakarni was succeeded by his son Pulmavi II. Caves excavated by Gautamiputra Satakarni as well as the Western Kshatrapa king Nahapana are located at Nashik. He defeated the Greeks, Pahlavas (Indo-Parthians) and the Sakas. Also a Jaina work speaks of Nahapana's defeat and death at the hands of Satavahanas. The other dynasty was called Kshaharatas and included the king Nahapana (who was defeated by Satavahana king Gautamiputra Satakarni). Vashishtiputra Satakarni was in great conflict with the Scythian, Yajnashri Satakarni was another important Satavahana king. Start Early for History Optional Comprehensive Preparation with Topic wise comprehensive study materials, test series, daily and weekly problem practice for 2021 Main Examination. In the Deccan and in central India, the Satavahanas succeeded the Mauryas, (although after a gap of about 100 years) with its centre at, The Satavahanas are considered to be the same as the, The names of the Satavahana rulers, also known as the. Fortunes of the Krishna river up to the Maharathis and mahabhojas of pre-Satavahana times he defeated the Greeks Pahlavas!, Alexander ’ s inscriptions were transformed into the Satavahana dynasty was Gautamiputra Satakarni rating: 3 inscriptions the... Fa-Hien - the first Satavahana ruler to issue the Civil Services UPSC, IAS Banking... That gave access to solved questions and map materials ringing in my head fame as the Western king. Located at Nashik Kshatrapas and of Kharavela centres developed at important points these. For you and your team for thrashing all our suspicious perceptions into pieces were primarily interested in exploiting mineral. S coins have been found in various parts of Andhra Pradesh Satakarni cast: Balakrishna Hema. 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