girl names from the 20s

The Roaring '20s were quite the time to be alive considering the dramatic social and political changes during that era. We’ve picked our top 5 girl names and boy names that were popular in the 1920’s and are now trending once again today. And others, like Ruby and … It'll show you which European names were recognisable in UK then too. The name peaked in the 1920’s and is now slowly beginning to make its way up rank, already currently one of the most popular boys names in Austria and Sweden. With the Harry Potter franchise still fresh in the mind of many parents in their 20s and 30s, Lily Potter, Harry’s mum in the series, may well have an influence on future generations. Famous Evelyn’s include ‘Gone with the Wind’ actress Evelyn Keyes and male writer Evelyn Waugh who ironically married an Evelyn too! Avis Looking back to the 1920s, it’s clear the top names for little girls have changed over time, as the list contains choices like Betty, Mildred, Jean, Shirley and Barbara. Recent years have seen ‘old lady’ and ‘old man‘ names such as Edith and Henry roaring back into fashion. If you have a look there (for the pre-WW2 books), they are school girls in the 1930s, so would have been named in 1920s. 1920 Elizabeth and Anna; 1921 Anna; 1922 Gladis, Elizabeth, and Anna; 1923 Elizabeth; 1925 Elizabeth; 1926 Jean and Maria; 1927 Maria and Shirley; 1928 Maria and Patricia; 1929 Maria, Barbara, and Shirley; Interestingly, a few popular names chosen for the individual years are given to babies today. Famous people with the name Agnes include Bewitched actress Agnes Moorehead, abstract painter Agnes Martin, and pop singer Agnes Obel. Famous name bearers include Vinnie Jones and Vince Vaughn but perhaps the most famous of all is post-impressionist painter Vincent Van Gogh. It’s going to stick, whether you like it or not—and whether you select a classic family name or out-of-the-box moniker. The name has seen reoccurrence in popularity, with an increase in the US during the 1960’s especially, and it seems as though the name is on the rise once more. Still some, like Elizabeth and Anna, have a little more staying power. The name Vincent derives from the Latin word ‘Vinentius’ meaning ‘to conquer’. Famous Oscar's include the Irish poet Oscar Wilde and fashion designer Oscar de la Renta. Although I know plenty of Japanese names, I want to find names that were especially popular in the 20s so I can be as accurate as possible. We’ve put together a lengthy list of baby girl names that’ll make it easy and enjoyable to find the perfect name. Inspired by the Latin Verginius, Virginia means “springlike” and “flourishing” and gives us super adorable nicknames like Ginny and Ginger. No matter if a person enjoys Margery, or Marjorie, this baby name, pronounced MAHR-jə-ree, is a sophisticated '20s title that's all about the comeback. This popular southern name calls to mind lazy summer afternoons spent sipping sweet tea on the patio. Westend61/Getty Images, Credit: Saint Agnes of Rome was a popular Christian Saint often depicted holding a lamb for this reason. It was revived in the 19th century after C. M. Yonge’s novel ‘The Heir of Redclyffe’ featured a character called Mabel. Vintage baby names are a rich source of inspiration if you’re looking for a name with history and character. The name peaked in the 1920s and is starting to see a comeback. Fern. 2. Among the Top 1920-1929 baby girl names in the U.S., Leatrice▲1486, Jeannine▲1467, Shirlee ▲1411, Sharon▲1241, Darleen ▲1188, Elayne ▲1159, Bobbye ▲1055, Amparo▲1007, Sherry▲998 and Jacquelin ▲977 surged the most in popularity in contrast to 10 years ago in 1910-1919. Could it be that popular period drama’s such as Downton Abbey are influencing our decision making? PeopleImages/Getty Images, Credit: Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie also chose Leon for their son Knox’s middle name in 2008. monkeybusinessimages/Getty Images, Credit: Ko's list "French Names from the 1900's & 1910's" of 220 great name ideas: Marie - Renée! Popular Girl Names From The 1920s. In recent years Oscar has begun trending again especially in Sweden and the UK, with actor Hugh Jackman choosing the name for his son. Fern comes from the plant of the same name and calls us back to nature. I don't want to give characters names that are too modern or too ancient! Here are 10 of the best 90s girl names that will not only make you nostalgic but also deserve a comeback. Perfect for any dame or doll of the new '20s. From 1880 to 1936, all births may not be included in the original data set. These are the most popular given names in the United States for all years of the 1920s. Why not try a double-barrelled baby name? (Revolutionary, no?) 10 names for baby boys and girls that mean lucky, Patriotic inspired baby names for boys and girls, Coronavirus and pregnancy: What you need to know, Guidance on social distancing for pregnant women. Lily is said to symbolise purity and perfection. Famous Theo’s include footballer Theo Walcott and English actor Theo James. 20th century English name generator . For any parent-to-be, picking a baby name really puts on the pressure. More Like This. Religious names, particularly from the Bible, were prominent in the early 19th century. James originates from the Hebrew name Jacob and means ‘follower’.

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