In such a case, the design must be tested with the cage at various points, to make sure that the engine has sufficient power to handle the loads at the desired speed at all points. Design of Screws, Fasteners and Power Screws pd S Dtan or tan p d D S. . Thus the available strength is only 1/9 of the ultimate. After starting, the other cylinder comes in to accelerate the speed, and the two together are able to hoist the load with steam partially cut off and still maintain the full speed. Order) 5 YRS . The flat-rope system is very largely used in Montana, and in some other districts which have followed the Montana practice. = 13,080 lbs., and ultimate strength of rope should be 7 X 13,080 =91,560 lbs., which would require a 1¼-inch- diameter flexible cast-steel rope, having an ultimate strength of 100,000 lbs., and weighing 2.45 lbs. The minimum diameter of the drums is determined by the size of the rope used, and the larger the drums the smaller will be the bending-stresses and the more strength will be available for useful work. It must also be decided whether the hoisting is to be done in one shift or in all of them. distance between upper and lower return pulley block of the hoist L 1 [m] Required rope length L R [m] Groove width on the drum for one rope W V [mm] Drum variant Tx [-] Drum width W T [mm] Winch system dimensions [mm] W WIS = H = D WIS = The input screen for the results and design basis and boundary conditions Then, taking either end case, say when the load is at the bottom, the moment of the resistance of the loads, with friction added, must equal the moment of the power of the engine. stroke. It is usual to place the drum far enough back from the head sheave to keep the fleet-angle within the limit; but where it cannot be done, it is necessary to guide the rope onto the head sheave and onto the drum by rollers or sheaves running on vertical spindles. Very high-grade engines, with other valve-gearing, may run at higher piston-speeds. Laboratory Testing Consulting & Engineering Process Equipment. The coefficient of friction, f, may be taken as .01 for vertical shafts, and as .02 to .04 for inclined shafts with rope well supported on rollers. From equations 9 and 10 combined, the mean effective-pressure required in the cylinders to perform the work can be determined. There are many cases near the dividing-line in which either type of engine will give equally good results, and it is largely a matter of personal choice as to which is used. This is the general equation for all hoisting-engines. Drum Hoist Design Calculations GANTRY CRANE SPECIFICATION Overhead Cranes. The main rope may be wound on a pair of cylindrical drums, or it can be wrapped back and forth over a pair of multiple-grooved sheaves, as is done in rope drives for many purposes. Trajan s Column Wikipedia. W = weight of unbalanced load in pounds. The above will give a total minimum weight on each leg of the sling of 2000 pounds divided by 2 legs or 1000 pounds. W = weight of gross load in pounds. Stroke = "B" x "D". Gearing, under very favorable conditions, should not run at a speed over 1200 ft. per min., and with the large cast gears and the rough work to which hoisting-engines are subjected, the speed should probably not exceed 900 ft. per min. face, were broken inside of nine months. This speed can be reduced by choosing a smaller value for L in equation 5, which will give a cylinder larger in diameter. 4, y + D/2 π x n = l, and (y – D)12/2t = n. Substituting the latter value of n in the first equation gives. Mr. William Hewitt has shown that, when the diameter of the sheave or drum is 44.5 times the diameter of a 19-wire cast-steel rope, the bending-stresses are 2/3 and the remaining useful strength is 1/3 of the “ maximum safe load ” that the rope will carry. The engine was hoisting from a shaft 1000 ft. deep in about 1¼ min. The cylinder should have 75 per cent, more power than is necessary simply to raise the load, in order that speed may be maintained. Thus the weight of the rope in the two compartments is exactly equal, and the whole hoisting mechanism is in balance at all points of the trip. This type of engine has many applications, as for sinking winzes, and for other inside work; also for shaft-sinking, and for working coal-mines on a small scale, where the cost of fuel is small, as waste material is burned. The scope of this calculation module is to analyse and design a monorail using a standard hot-rolled or user-defined built-up sections, generally used for lifting and support machinery items during installation and maintenance. (4), If the drum is geared, the engine will make g revolutions to one of the drum, or the leverage of the engine is increased to g times what it would be if directly connected, and the equation becomes, (W + F) D/2 = P x A x L x e x g/2………………………………….(5). This is a rather small diameter for a cylinder of this length, as its length is 2 2/3 times the diameter, which exceeds the ratio already recommended. Rigging and Load Calculations. Worm Gearing … in diameter by 48 in. Such a threaded screw will have to be turned counter clockwise to engage the mating nut. A Standex International Corporation Company. dia. Hoist Calculator Download Hoist Capacity Chart. Leave your phone number if you would like us to call you. Solve for y. The usual practice is so to proportion the cylinder that the length of travel is 1¼ to 2½ times the diameter of the piston. Formula SWL-Fibre Rope. Referring to Fig. Beam Sizing and Calculation method: The bridge beams are designed and selected base on the calculation method outlined in Harrington's internal use only document EDOC002, "Single Girder Bridge Beam Chart". Rope length between winch and hoist L SW [m] Max. stroke,, and from 400 to 600 ft. per min. It is often necessary to calculate the size of a mine hoisting system required to raise a given quantity of material, either as a preliminary to the detail design of the machinery, or to decide whether machinery on hand or offered by a manufacturer is adapted to the work to be done. Double Cylindrical Drum. Lower loads mean the hoist will rotate slightly faster (noting it will be synchronous, or zero slip = 100% rotational speed at no load - the … This will show how the separate settings for the hoist will affect the strength of the hoist’s components. Referring to Fig. dia. by 24 in. 6.2 Calculation Tensile strength, Su = 702 MPa Yield strength , Sy = 434 MPa Design Factor = Safety Factor = 6 length, L = 300 mm Maximum bending stress μ = F.L = (150 N)(0.3m) = 45 Nm Compute the desire stress from; σd = Sy / N = 434 MPa / 6 = 72.333 MPa Based on formula ; σ = μ / S ; S=μ/σ = 45Nm / 72.333MPa = 6.2212 x 10 -7 m3 In realtionship between S, t and h is ; and h = 3t S = … in which x is the angle of inclination. x 18 in. Design Calculation Gantry Crane Gantry Hoist Design Calculation Hoist Price China 10 Ton 15 Ton 16 Ton Beam Single Girder Gantry Crane For Sale . In this rese arch, the design of the comp on ents making up the hoist was done t hrough literature survey. In a mine that is already developed, this is limited by the size of car that can be hoisted out of the mine and that will pass through the underground gangways. The table shows that cylindrical drums are not as economical to operate as either the conical drums or the Koepe system. Get in touch with a specialist from our world class customer service who will guide you from start to finish. Or, instead of shortening the stroke, the number of revolutions can be cut down by increasing the diameter of the drum; thus, if D = 9 ft. and L = 4 ft., d will be 27¾ in., the ratio 12L/d = 1.73, and the piston-speed = 566 ft. per min. The Koepe system, as applied to a double-compartment shaft, has a tail-rope passing from the bottom of one cage down and around an idle sheave at the bottom of the shaft, and up to the other cage. It may be manually operated, electrically or pneumatically driven and may use chain, fiber or wire rope as its lifting medium. C = weight of cage and car, O = weight of ore, and R = weight of rope, all in pounds. The flat-rope system of hoisting attempts to equalize the work on the engine by coiling a rope of rectangular cross-section on a reel, like a surveyor’s linen tape; so that the diameter of the reel increases and the leverage of the load increases as the weight of the constantly shortening rope decreases. For cross travel motion vertical gearbox can also be used. The bisectrix of the fleet-angle should strike the middle of the drum. Hoist motor power is calculated by formula mentioned below:- Gear Box - The speed reduction is obtained by using helical gearbox. The moment of the resistance at starting the load would be the moment of the weight, C + O + R plus the friction, acting with the lever arm D/2 as in equation 5. As these engines are used where every economy is desirable, they are usually direct-acting and fitted with double drums. inch. is based on the formula k = Ea/2.06 R/d + C in which. The size of the rope fixes the minimum diameter of the. Direct-acting engines should not be used for hoisting-speeds of less than 500 ft. per min., as the piston-speed will be too slow for economy. Then, for a single-drum, direct-acting engine, Fig. With these classes of engines the piston-speed may be taken at 200 to 400 ft. per min. O = 5000 lbs. II. Koepe System. The gears cost about $3000 each, besides the labor of replacing and the loss of 24 hours in changing the old for a new one. If the ratio is decided upon first, then the area can be expressed in terms of the stroke, and there is only one unknown quantity in the equation. 1. There must be a division left between the ropes on a conical drum in order to furnish positive grooves for the rope, so that the large coils cannot slip down over the smaller ones; hence the drum must be longer than those of the cylindrical design, even when the mean diameter of the conical drum is the same as the diameter of a cylindrical one. If the average speed of hoisting is kept at about 2/3 of this maximum, the average speed will not exceed 600 ft. per min. As an example, required to find size of rope necessary to hoist a total load of 5000 lbs. D = diameter of drum in feet. Placing these equal to each other, (W + F) D/2 = (P x A x e)L/2……………………………………. 3.1 Objective: 1) To Find the optimum design of lifting mechanism ,well equipped and efficient control mechanism to lift the gate. 160" to start the lift. The first element of the problem to be determined is the load to be raised. This, following the same form as equation 5, gives: Taking as an example the one used for the engine with double cylindrical drums, depth of shaft 2000 ft. plus 33 1/3 ft. to head sheave above landing, S = 2000 ft. per min., O = 5000 lbs., C = 5000 lbs., Rl = 6100 lbs., Rs. FORD 1996 EXPLORER MANUAL Pdf Download. It is interesting to compare the sizes of the three types of engines, hoisting the same load at the same speed. C = 5000 lbs. ELECTRIC HOIST DESIGN CALCULATION SOFTWARE. r = ratio of diameter of piston to length of stroke, both being in feet or both in inches, = stroke/diameter d = diameter of piston in inches, e = efficiency of engine. This must be strong enough to hoist the total load, including its own weight, and to withstand the starting-stresses due to picking up the load suddenly when the rope is slack. per ft. From equation 1, K=5000 lbs. 2, when a loaded car is to be started from the bottom of the shaft and an empty car is being lowered at the same time. Then, (C + O + Rl) D/2 – (C + Rs) y/2 = moment of the resistance when the load is at the bottom, Fig. = 2L x N, or. A = area of cylinder in sq. For example, assume a 2000 pound load is to be supported by 2 legs of a sling. Copyright 2012-2021 911Metallurgist | All Rights Reserved, on How to Calculate the Size of a Mine Hoisting System. Wire rope and chain are the important part of the hoist which are closely bound up with the safe work load, now let’s talk about how to calculate the SWL of ropes and chains.. As we all known: All diameters are measured in millimetres (mm). in each case. Double Cylindrical Drum. If the shaft is inclined, the stress in the rope due to the weight hoisted will vary with the sine of the angle of inclination, thus: K = (2 W + R) sin x + F,……………………………………. for engines of 12- to 24-in. drum, but questions of speed and length of drum also influence the final choice of the diameter. (5.1) If the helix on the outside surface ascends from right to left the thread is left hand. The objection to the Koepe system, where used without drums, is the liability of the ropes to creep on the sheaves, causing the indicators to give a false record and so increase the danger of overwinding. The procedure presented for the design of a monorail beam is primarily based on the Crane Manufacturers Association of America (CMAA) Specification No. As an example, assume the same conditions as have been used before: S = 2000 ft. per min. This stress should not exceed 1/7 of the ultimate strength of the rope. They are always geared and provided with a flywheel on the crank-shaft. It is essential that a positive grip is taken on the rope by the driving mechanism, or else its creeping on the driving-sheaves will make the indicators show a false position for the cages, and make accidents of overwinding a great, source of danger. Parts multiplied by f. f = coefficient of friction, 7 and 8 confound... Substituting in equation 5 and accu rate design of a Mine hoisting System part., two main sub-assemblies of the rope and market focus has continued to confound the “...., y = 12.52 ft. = diameter of gear/diameter of pinion necessary to hoist a total minimum on... 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