hypomenorrhea. In a shameful way, the cosmetics industry has stolen some or all of these terms. Rochefort. hypo. Here, words based on its antonym, hypo-, are the focus. Someone very much in between would be a hypermoderate. What does the abbreviation hyp stand for? A prevaricator of the extreme. Wordsies.com is an online word list generator; you can use it to find all of the words matching a pattern (in this case, Words With Prefix HYPER) and share them by sending them a link. hypopigmentation. hypo betalipoproteinemia. What does hypo and hyper mean? Here, words based on its antonym, hypo -, are the focus. Hypochondriac is both an adjective describing the condition and a noun pertaining to the sufferer. A list of words that start with Hypo (words with the prefix Hypo). Click to see full answer Also know, what does the root word Hypo mean? hypo alphalipoproteinemia. mamadmartin2015. Note that “Nepali” and “Nepalese” are synonyms, as are “Siamese” and “Thai”; and “Persian” and “Iranian”. There are often several prefixes with the same meaning. Furthermore, they do not even know what the very simplest adjectival forms are: {Bengali, Iraqi, Kuwaiti, Nepali, Omani, Pakistani, Qatari, Saudi, Yemeni}, hypo - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. That’s a nice idea: hypnotize the Japanese and find out what their secrets were! (Click here to go straight to the prefix list and save the explanations for later and herefor links to more prefix examples and practice.) Barb_Bliss TEACHER. A recent post listed and defined words with the Greek prefix hyper– (meaning “above,” “beyond,” or “over”). One may come from Latin and one from Greek. Common examples include sodium hypochlorite (chlorine bleach or bleaching agent… African, American, Asian, Arabian, European, Indian, and Arctic will probably be stubborn. How to use hypo in a sentence. Here is what they do: they toss around these scientific terms from chemistry, biology, and physics which 95 percent of the people do not know what they really mean. The doctor grabbed her hypodermic needle. more words with hyper: Prefix denoting deficient, below normal. 2008: Chlorites(I) are the salts of hypochlorous acid. Often-- but not always-- they are used with a root from the same language. Other well-known words in the hypo– family are hypocrisy (“under decide”), which evolved in meaning in Greek from “sift” to “play a part” and now describes actions or attitudes that contradict one’s stated beliefs or opinions, and hypothesis (“under proposition”), which denotes something assumed and taken for granted for the sake of argument; the plural is hypotheses. The prefix hyper-means “over.” Examples using this prefix include hyperventilate and hypersensitive.An easy way to remember that the prefix hyper-means “over” is through the word hyperactive, which describes a person who is “overly” active in some way. Now, let’s go over a few ways to use these prefixes and words correctly. 23-letter words that start with hypo. As the opposite of hyper, hypo may be used in medicine and science to explain something that is less than normal or in a low state. Definition of hypo prefix in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. hypopigmented. All Right Reserved, 50 Incorrect Pronunciations That You Should Avoid. anti hyper cholesterolemic. Definition and synonyms of hyper-from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.. Examples using this prefix include hypo thermia and hypo critical. You will find that it opens the way to understanding terms of anatomy, zoology, music, medicine, botany, psychiatry, right in this short list. Venqax, I agree with your reservations about using “hypochondriac” as an adjective. Making that up. I have been told that when one ask an Iranian what language he speaks, the answer amounts to “Persian”. 22-letter words that start with hypo. a prefix appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “under” (hypostasis); on this model used, especially as opposed to hyper-, in the formation of compound words (hypothyroid). Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! Fundamental » All languages » English » Terms by etymology » Words … If hypochondriac is an adjective, then where to use hypochondriacal? Find the word you're looking for! hypobaric, hypofanatic, hypospray, hypotonic, hypothyroid(ism), hypoverbal. Two extremes of the political spectrum are the hyperright and the hyperleft. hyperfanatical, hyperfascist, hypergeometric, hyper-Nazi (a deeply deranged worshiper of Adolf Hitler), hyperreligious. (The root word is the basis of tension and tenuous. It also means “less than normal,” especially in medical terms like hypoglycemia. Related: Words that end in hypo, Words containing hypo. “To make into a noun.”, In chemistry and biology, there are the terms hypotonic, hypertonic, and isotonic for solutions, most often concerning semipermeable membranes. hypo betalipoproteinaemia. See also: hyp- . hypodermic; hypothalamus; hypo-- Terms derived from the hypo-prefix in the medical sense. That’s the way that shortwave radio communications work out: the messages can be received well at different places depending on the direction, the time of day, the month, and solar conditions. Hyper relates to the meaning of over.. Meaning: hypothesis; hypothetical. (chemistry) Designating oxoacid and oxyanions with a low amount of oxygen. Created by. In either case, they are hyperradical or hyperextreme. (The root is the same as that seen in holocaust.). Synonyms for hypo include drug addict, druggie, junkie, drug abuser, druggy, drug user, cokey, -fiend, -freak and -head. Subscribers get access to our archives with 800+ interactive exercises! Words starting with Hypo. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. 9 Letter words that start with hyp. In the names of chemical compounds, it means “at the lowest state of oxidation,” as in sodium hypochlorite. C. Hyperbolic geometry is related to “B”. The IJN never had a clue that we were deciphering some of their radio messages. All words containing HYPO are listed here. I have seen such glaring things as “a Mexico man”. In astronomy and astronautics, the four basic kinds of trajectories are circular, elliptical, hyperbolic, and parabolic. English has a lot of confusing words that mix up writers from time to time. hypo-. Quick Summary. Pearl Harbor had the advantage of being connected to California by underwater telegraph cables. All Free. (That is pronounced hy-po-kon-DRY-i-k’l.) Found 803 words that start with hypo. https://www.thefreedictionary.com/words-that-start-with-hypo, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary. It is an amazingly rich one and has access to many doors in many places. Prefixes are key morphemes in English vocabulary that begin words. (See sub- and hypo-, along with 'under-'.) hypo-: ( hī'pō ), 1. 2. How about “a Mexican man”? The children were hyperactive after eating too much sugar. Valid Scrabble words and scores. There are two basic types of non-Euclidean geometry: hyperbolic and elliptical (spherical). Many of these words sound the same or are spelled the same or their definitions are so similar that it’s hard to tell them apart.. Thankfully, this isn’t the case with the two prefixes hypo vs. hyper. Combo Hypo- Hyper-22 Terms. hypo cyanocobalaminosis. hypophosphoric. ), More obscure terms in this group include hypocorism (“under caress”), meaning “pet name,” as in a diminutive like Bobby, a term of endearment such as honey, or baby-talk forms of address such as papa; such words are hypocoristic. These all have clearly defined meaning in the sciences of colors and electromagnetic waves. The adjectival form for hypothesis is hypothetical, and the verb form is hypothesize. speechlanguage1000 TEACHER. There was no such thing as an electronic computer in 1941, and the JN-25 cipher was a very complicated one (Japanese Navy 25). A prefix denoting that the element to the name of which it is prefixed enters with a low valence, or in a low state of oxidization, usually … Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words starting with hypo. The word “hyperbolic” has more than one meaning. Besides all of its radio receivers in Hawaii, Hypo got intercepted IJN messages from Alaska, Washington State, California, American Samoa, Australia, etc. The pronunciation of hypocrite is an exception. (Chem.) Hypo– is a word prefix that means less that normal, below, under or slightly.In medicine, hypo- refers to a condition which is abnormally low.Hypo-comes from the Greek, hupo, which means less than or under.Hypo-is not used to change the meaning of words in an informal manner.Examples. Also … All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. hyper prebetalipoproteinemia. hypodermic: hypo + derma (skin) – a needle that goes under the skin. 25 letter words containing hyper. Leaving the Solar System on a hyperbolic trajectory is really the way to go! Those people do not know what the phrase “adjectival form” is. 3. All Free. hypoventilation, hypoaqueous (not enough water), hypocorporeal. HYPO- Meaning: "under, beneath; less, less than" (in chemistry, indicating a lesser oxidation), from Greek hypo (prep.… See definitions of hypo-. We search a large scrabble dictionary for scrabble words starting with hypo - we take the letter or word you enter, and generate all words starting with Hypo. hypocrisy (n) the practice of being less than genuine; … or {Czech, Dutch, English, German, Greek, Hindu, Irish, Polish, Saxon, Scottish, Swiss, Thai, Welsh}, (medicine) Deficient; less than normal. A prefix that means “beneath“ or “below,” as in hypodermic, below the skin. First, prefixes and suffixes, most of which are derived from ancient Greek or classical Latin, have a droppable -o-. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. For uncertain reasons, the message codebreaking center of the Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor had the code name of “Hypo”. More words with “hypo”: It should not be encouraged at all. B. Hyperbolic is something that has to do with one of the conic sections, the hyperbola. Because they sound very similar, their meanings are often confused. andreadamico. I imagine that the next six to disappear will be {Australian, Burmese, Canadian, Ceylonese, French, and Siamese}. Gravity. adenohypophyseal, adenohypophyses, adenohypophysial, adenohypophysis... See the full list of words here! hyper alphalipoproteinemia. Prefixes are key morphemes in English vocabulary that begin words. Flash Cards Prefix Words- "hypo". Hypo Prefix Words List A hypo prefix means that it is beneath or below. 24-letter words that start with hypo. So we have ‘synthesis’ originally from Gre… This is the British English definition of hyper-.View American English definition of hyper-.. Change your default dictionary to American English. Hyper is derived from the Greek word for over, and hypo is a Greek word that means under. (The respective adjectives are hypoxic and hypomanic.). Hypoallergenic means “unlikely to cause an allergic reaction,” and the hypothalamus is a key part of the brain that regulates automatic processes in the body. hypo dactyliahypodactylism. You'll also get three bonus ebooks completely free. pseudo hyper parathyroidism. Practically nobody knows what these mean anymore {Andean, Atlantean, Byelorussian, Caledonian, Cyrenaican, Hibernian, Hyperborean, Peloponnesian, Neapolitan, Sumerian}. Derived words & phrases hypo-- Terms derived from the hypo-prefix in the anatomical sense. hyper betalipoproteinemia. Definition of HYPER- (prefix): more than usual or normal. 0 hypo- - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Doing so sounds just like what many nitwits do nowadays who do not know the difference is between an adjective and a noun. A. Hyperbolic is “full of hyperboles”. hypo- 1. 192 words that start with Hypo. While they do have similar sounds, both starting with “hyp,” they have the exact opposite meanings. This is a list of roots, suffixes, and prefixes used in medical terminology, their meanings, and their etymologies.Most of them are combining forms in New Latin and hence international scientific vocabulary.There are a few general rules about how they combine. Here is some of the worst of it, and the writers of the Associated Press are the worst of all. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix HYPO which means SUB, UNDER & LESS. Hypo definition is - hypochondria. The most common words beginning with hypo– include hypodermic (literally, “under skin”), an adjective describing injection under the skin or tissue or growths beneath the skin (the word is also employed as a noun, and hypo is a common truncation), and hypothermia (“under heat”), the term for abnormally low body temperature. Thesaurus and word tools for your creative needs. The prefix “hypo” is from Greek and means “under.” In most English words it’s pronounced with a long i as in hypodermic. Sym and Syn Prefix Words 10 Terms. We display the words in groups of 20; if you want to see more words, use the prior/next buttons to scroll through the list of words until you've found one that fits your needs. In fact, Grammarly just red-lined that use of hypocondriac without an ennouning* “a” or “the” before it. Copyright © 2020 Daily Writing Tips . A hypotenuse is the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle. Hypallage; Hypanthia; Hyperacid; Hyperarid; Hyperbola; Hyperbole; Hypercube; Hyperemia; Hyperemic; Hyperfine; Hypergamy; Hypergols; Hyperlink; Hyperopes; Hyperopia; Hyperopic; Hyperpnea; Hyperpure; Hypertext; Hypethral; Hyphemias; Hyphenate; Hyphening; Hypnoidal; Hypnology; Hypnotics; Hypnotism; Hypnotist; Hypnotize; Hypobaric; Hypoblast; Hypocaust; Hypocotyl; … andreadamico. 27 letter words containing hyper. One who demonstrates hypocrisy is deemed hypocritical and called a hypocrite. Other medical conditions include hypoglycemia (“under sugar blood”)—colloquially known as “low blood sugar”—and hypochondria (“under cartilage”), mental depression in which the sufferer imagines physical ailments, so named from the original belief that such feelings originated in the abdominal organs; the term for the pathological state is hypochondriasis. Hypo relates to the meaning of under.. Compare: sub- . North America Vocabulary 5 Terms. A prefix signifying a less quantity, or a low state or degree, of that denoted by the word with which it is joined, or position under or beneath. Hypo definition: another name for sodium thiosulphate , esp when used as a fixer in photographic... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples One who lives underground is hypogean (the antonym is epigean), and a hypocaust is a chamber for lighting a fire to heat rooms located above. The Greek prefix hypo- is an important morpheme of the English language.Examples using this prefix include hypothermia and hypocritical. Hence, intercepts from the Americas could be sent to Hypo without the Japanese knowing what we had intercepted, and (partially) deciphered messages could be sent in total secrecy to the naval HQ in Washington, D.C. The skin, hyperbolic, and hypomania is a mild mania associated with bipolar disorder in,! Include sodium hypochlorite, rather than hypochondriacal, doesn ’ t sound right all! One who demonstrates hypocrisy is deemed hypocritical and called a hypocrite these Terms See full... Example of some hypo prefix words list a hypo prefix in Oxford Advanced Learner 's dictionary they. Adenohypophysis... See the full list of words here hypo ) Incorrect Pronunciations that Should... British English definition of HYPER-.. Change your default dictionary to American English definition of HYPER-.. your. 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