The primary means of implementing the Plan is through Voluntary Partnership Agreements with timber producing countries. The European Union Timber Regulation was adopted in 2010 and went into effect 3 March 2013. - As used in this Act, the term: These laws derive from both federal and state sources. In Liberia, the programme helped forest communities to negotiate fair contracts with logging companies to stop illegal deforestation, and a new land rights act was signed into law … It is clear that while illegal logging does have negative impacts, it also, controversially, and perhaps paradoxically, benefits many stakeholders, including local communities. Illegal logging is a pervasive problem, causing enormous damage to forests, local communities, and the economies of producer countries. [26] In Kachin State, which has some of the largest expanses of relatively untouched forest, illegal logging accounts for up to half of the deforestation. Private corporations, motivated by economic profits from local and regional market demands for timber, are culpable for deforestation. Section 9-13-10.1: Assistance of State Forestry Commission in control and suppression of wildfires by other state agencies: Section 9-13-11 Msg & data rates may apply. The Declaration includes an indicative list of actions, intended to serve as a general framework for possible actions to be undertaken by governments as well as civil society. In May 2004, the Russian Federation announced its intention to host the ENA FLEG process, supported by the World Bank. The conference took place as the United Kingdom prepared to pass the G8 Presidency to Russia. [53], The requirements under the new Amendments are two-fold. The meeting drew together ministers and stakeholders from Africa, Europe and North America to consider how partnerships between producers, consumers, donors, civil society and the private sector could address illegal forest exploitation and associated trade in Africa. Over 25% of the country is covered by forest, and over 90% of this forest is owned by the government. Corruption amongst local Indonesian officials fuels cynicism with regard to the governmental clampdown on illegal logging activities. [54], The Timber Development Association (TDA) welcomes on June 6, 2014's release by the Australian Department of Agriculture of a position paper on the Illegal Logging Prohibition Regulation and guidance on how timber and wood products industry can comply on the Australian Government - Department of Agriculture[55] official website. [25], Lack of regulations has led to unbridled and destructive logging that has caused environmental damage such as soil erosion, river contamination, and increased flooding. It agreed to the Saint Petersburg Declaration on Forest Law Enforcement and Governance in Europe and North Asia. Illegal Logging: Law Enforcement, Livelihoods and the Timber Trade - Ebook written by Luca Tacconi. Of the 13 companies that were investigated, 12 had broken the law. In response to growing concerns over illegal logging and advice from TRAFFIC[10] and other organisations,[11] on May 22, 2008 the U.S. amended the Lacey Act, when the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 expanded its protection to a broader range of plants and plant products (Section 8204. 2002). In May 2003, the European Commission presented the EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Action Plan (EU FLEGT). The Lacey Act also makes it unlawful, beginning December 15, 2008, to import certain plants and plant products without a Plant and Plant Product import declaration. William D. Sunderlin and Ida Aju Pradnja Resosudarmo: Stokke, Kristian; Vakulchuk, Roman and Indra Overland (2018), Annual report 2003 from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament on the EC Development Policy and the implementation of External Assistance in 2002, Indonesia-UK Tropical Forestry Management Programme (1999) Illegal Logging in Indonesia. Here's how. The Europe and North Asia Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (ENA FLEG) Ministerial Conference was held in Saint Petersburg, Russia on 22–25 November 2005. TRAFFIC,[10] the wildlife trade monitoring network, strives to monitor the illegal trade of timber and provide expertise in policy and legal reviews. Learn more. The US continues to keep intercontinental ballistic missiles on high alert—creating the risk of a mistaken nuclear war in response to a false warning. In May 2004, the Russian Federation announced its intention to host the ENA FLEG process, supported by the World Bank. Democracy and science can be powerful partners for the public good—and both are under attack. The Europe and North Asia Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (ENA FLEG) Ministerial Conference was held in Saint Petersburg, Russia on 22–25 November 2005. The scale of illegal logging represents a major loss of revenue to many countries and can lead to widespread associated environmental damage. They’re the most dangerous invention the world has ever seen. US electricity infrastructure is aging, inadequate, and vulnerable. This agricultural practice is repetitively employed on the same plot of land until it is denuded of its nutrients and could no longer suffice to support agricultural yields. Illegal logging is the harvesting of wood that is in violation of national regulations. Royal Institute of International Affairs; Duncan Brack, Gavin Hayman and Kevin Gray (2002), Tony Waters, The Persistence of Subsistence Agriculture, p. 3. The Conference brought together nearly 150 participants from 20 countries, representing government, international organizations, NGOs, and the private sector. Definition of Terms. Prevention of Illegal Logging Practices). [57], Harvest, transportation, purchase, or sale of timber in violation of laws, For further details on illegal logging, see: Duncan Brack and Gavin Hayman (2001) Intergovernmental Actions on Illegal Logging. The AFLEG conference, the second regional forest law enforcement and governance meeting after East Asia, resulted in endorsement of a ministerial declaration and action plan as well as a variety of informal implementation initiatives. The Act commenced on 28 November 2012 and establishes Australia’s illegal logging framework. A preparatory conference was held in Moscow in June 2005. WHEREAS, Martial Law has been declared throughout the Philippines pursuant to Proclamation No. [1] These acts are often referred to as "wood laundering"[2]. This could include harvesting timber from protected areas, felling protected species, or exceeding logging quotas. What is illegal logging? The East Asia Forest Law Enforcement and Governance (EA FLEG) Ministerial Conference took place in Bali in September 2001. This marked the beginning of a long process by which the EU aims to develop and implement measures to address illegal logging and related trade. Despite the economic importance of trade in timber and forest products, major international timber consumer countries, such as the EU, have no legal means to halt the import of illegally sourced forest products,[2] because the identification of illegally logged or traded timber is technically difficult. Illegality may also occur during transport, such as illegal processing and export (through fraudulent declaration to customs); the avoidance of taxes and other charges, and fraudulent certification. It involves cutting trees without permits or removing trees from protected areas, and other activities such as avoiding taxes and laundering illegal logs. However, for many countries, NGOs are the only source of information apart from state institutions, which probably clearly underestimate the true figures. A subcategory of environmental law, Forestry Law relates to all statutes and regulations that deal with the preservation of forests and parks, reforestation activities to ensure the sustainability of the nation's lands, and the prevention of illegal logging activities. The corruption associated with illegal logging weakens the rule of law and fuels the cycle of transnational crime. Why isn’t it? This further augments scepticism in the Indonesian government's credibility in efficiently and responsibly managing their urban development projects and forestry conservation efforts. In economic terms illegal logging results in lost revenues and other foregone benefits. No purchase necessary. [56], The Australian Illegal Logging Prohibition Regulation applies to importers into Australia of "regulated timber products" such as sawn timber, wood panels, pulp, paper products, and wood furniture. In environmental terms illegal logging is associated with deforestation, climate change and a loss of biodiversity. In 2016, the FAO-EU FLEGT Programme published an additional study, Traceability: a management tool for business and governments, providing examples of good practices in the region's traceability systems, which help prevent illegal logging by tracking timber from its forest of origin throughout its journey along the supply chain. It is difficult for central government officials to visit areas still controlled by former Pol Pot forces. [19] Many of these corporations could circumvent this red tape, maximise revenue profits by employing illegal logging activities as lax law enforcement and porous law regulations in large developing countries like Indonesia undermine forestry conservation efforts.[20]. In June 1977, President Ferdinand Marcos signed a law requiring the planting of one tree every month for five consecutive years by every citizen of the Philippines. China is the world’s largest importer of legal and illegal timber, and if the change is enforced it could boost efforts to fight the illegal logging trade. In 2008, WWF worked with a coalition of businesses and organizations to pass groundbreaking amendments to the Lacey Act that prohibit illegal timber and timber products from entering the US market. The meeting included detailed technical discussions of forest law enforcement in relation to governance, forest policy and forest management as well as ministerial engagement. King Bhumibol Adulyadej has blamed the destruction of Thailand's forested areas on the greed of some state officials. About Illegal Logging Although the international community has yet to agree upon the definition of "illegal logging," it is commonly understood as the harvest, transport, purchase or sale of timber or wood products in violation of national laws. Record breaking logging of last rainforests, "Indonesia's Sinar Mas Accused of Illegal Land Clearing", "Rates and Causes of Deforestation in Indonesia: Towards a Resolution of the Ambiguities", "Tackling Political Corruption to Combat Illegal Logging", "Thailand's green cover in slow decline as 40% goal remains out of reach", "Timber - Species we work with at TRAFFIC", UK BANS BIG BUSINESSES FROM SELLING PRODUCTS LINKED TO ILLEGAL DEFORESTATION, "The Stolen Forests: Inside the covert war on illegal logging", "U.S. Department of Agriculture Lacey Act Guidance", "Department of Agriculture Illegal Logging", "Australia: Illegal Logging Prohibition Regulation position paper welcomed by the timber industry", UAV Drones Becoming Valuable Tools in Fighting Illegal Deforestation in Global Conservation Projects, Satellite Technology Aims to Combat Illegal Logging in Real Time, "Timber trafficking: Illegal Logging in Indonesia, South East Asia and International Consumption of Illegally Sourced Timber", Illegal Logging and Related Timber Trade - Dimensions, Drivers, Impacts and Responses, International Union of Forest Research Organizations, FAO-EU Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Programme, European Commission page on illegal logging,, Articles with dead external links from November 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Articles needing additional references from February 2013, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Illegal Logging: Law Enforcement, Livelihoods and the Timber Trade. We need to grow a resilient food system from the ground up. The energy choices we make today could make or break our ability to fight climate change. [54], This Plant and Plant Product Declaration must contain (besides other information) the Genus, Species, and Country of Harvest of every plant found in commercial shipments of certain products, a list of applicable products (along with other requirements and guidance) can be found on the USDA APHIS website. These illegal activities undermine responsible forest management, encourage corruption and tax evasion and reduce the income of the producer countries, further limiting the resources producer countries can invest in sustainable development. Tell President Biden: It is time for bold action on nuclear weapons. These agro-industrial companies often do not comply with the basic legal regulations by inappropriately employing cost effective yet environmentally inefficient deforestation methods such as forest fires to clear the land for agricultural purposes. Clean energy investments can help. Illegal logging is a pervasive problem, causing enormous damage to forests, local communities and to the economies of producer countries. It can also happen when forests are cleared for plantations such as oil palm. There are many cases in which the military carries out illegal logging without knowledge from the government. 1. By continuing, you accept our use of cookies. A major problem is that illegal logging is still classified in Myanmar as an environmental matter, and not as a criminal act, making it difficult for the Forest Department to bring a lawsuit against the offenders. The harvesting procedure itself may be illegal, including using corrupt means to gain access to forests; extraction without permission, or from a protected area; the cutting down of protected species; or the extraction of timber in excess of agreed limits. It also outlines that businesses must undertake ‘due diligence’ on certain regulated processes. [18] Most of the methods adopted for deforestation in Indonesia are illegal for a multitude of reasons. [30] Given that a mature, 30 year-old Siamese rosewood tree can fetch 300,000 baht on the black market, illegal logging is unlikely to disappear.[31][32]. [15] In Latvia, the situation is comparable; anecdotal evidence points towards 25%[16] of logging being illegal. Powers of State Forestry Commission employees as to enforcement of laws, prevention and suppression of forest fires, etc. Illegal logging occurs in the Philippines and intensifies flood damage in some areas. A study by a Brazilian commission showed that 80% of all logging in the Amazon was illegal during the late 90s 2. An estimated 9.8 … Under Australian law, illegal logging means ‘the harvesting of timber in contravention of the laws of the country where the timber is harvested’. Generating up to USD 157 billion each year, it attracts organised criminal groups and fosters widespread corruption. Illegal logging and timber trade is the world’s most lucrative form of transnational crime after counterfeiting, drug smuggling and human trafficking. Unfortunately, only a fifth of these forests are protected under environmental law 1. The State shall therefore regulate the ownership, possession, sale, transfer, importation and/or use of chain saws to prevent them from being used in illegal logging or unauthorized clearing of forests. © Union of Concerned Scientists Take action to prioritize science-based election reforms. An estimated 73 percent of all logging in Indonesia is believed to be illegal. A senate committee in the Philippines estimated that the country lost as much as US$1.8bn per year during the 1980s. It has been called a "world's first" by Zac Goldsmith, minister of state for pacific and the environment.[49]. It involves cutting trees without permits or removing trees from protected areas, and other activities such as avoiding taxes and laundering illegal logs. For example, the Republic of Estonia calculated a rate of 1% illegally harvested timber in 2003, whereas it was estimated to reach as much as 50% by the NGO "Estonian Green Movement". Worth an estimated $51–$152 billion annually, the illegal timber industry simultaneously threatens the world’s forests and steals from local communities that rely on forests for food, health, and wealth. Illegal logging can also include the cutting of species that protected under law or harvesting timber or lumber in quantities that exceed what is permissible by regulations and standards. It will force businesses to check more carefully where their materials are coming from. Tell Uber & Lyft to be part of a clean transportation future. Illegal logging contributes to deforestation and by extension global warming, causes loss of biodiversity, and undermines the rule of law. In May 2003, an Indonesian Government investigation confirmed that Korindo was receiving illegal timber from notorious timber barons known to obtain timber from an orang-utan refuge – the Tanjung Puting National Park. Available figures and estimates must be treated with caution. Scientific methods to pinpoint the geographic origin of timber are currently under development. On December 28, 2019, Chinese legislators revised the country’s Forest Law to ban “purchase, process or transport” of illegal logs. Urge the Senate to require employers follow science-based protections for workers and their communities. Therefore, a legal basis for normative acts against timber imports or other products manufactured out of illegal wood is missing. Illegal logging is a global problem with significant negative economic, environmental and social impact. Section 3. The event was co-hosted by the World Bank and the Government of Indonesia. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. While illegal logging occurs in many parts of the world, much of it is concentrated in the tropics, where prized hardwoods are taken to make items like furniture, cabinets, and other architectural woodwork. What is Forestry Law? Furthermore, the illegal trade of forest resources undermines international security, and is frequently associated with corruption, money laundering, organized crime, human rights abuses and, in some cases, violent conflict. Korindo is known to be using illegal timber from the last rainforests of Indonesia. A preparatory conference was held in Moscow in June 2005. We're arming the new administration with facts, evidence, and science. The EU has 2 key legal acts to fight illegal logging: the forest law enforcement, governance and trade regulation the EU timber regulation. The US food system should be providing healthy, sustainable food for everyone. Almost a century after the Dust Bowl, the unsolved problem of soil erosion clouds the future of US agriculture. [48], A Greenpeace investigation published in May 2014 demonstrates that EU Timber Regulation is ineffective if fraudulent paperwork is accepted at face value and there is not sufficient enforcement by EU authorities. The Saint Petersburg conference brought together nearly 300 participants representing 43 governments, the private sector, civil society and international organisations. The Regulation starts on 30 November 2014 and requires that before import of these products or processing of raw logs, due diligence is undertaken to minimise the risk that the timber products or raw logs were illegally logged or incorporate illegally logged timber. Reduce illegal logging and its costly impacts. Illegal logging could be defined as breaking of laws on cutting, processing and transporting timber or wood products. Sign up or text "SCIENCE" to 662266. On the other hand, environmental NGOs publish alarming figures to raise awareness and to emphasise the need for stricter conservation measures. Therefore, a legal basis for normative acts against timber imports or othe… The much heralded decline of illegal logging in the mid- 2000s in some tropical regions was widely attributed to a short-term law enforcement effort. Cutting trees without permits or removing trees from protected areas, and uncertainties supported by the United.... 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