is composite goku outerversal

He was soon f… Round 1: Deafult soldier is used Round 2: Composite soldier is used Round 3: Composite and bloodlusted soldier is used. Only reason it didn’t collapse was because Chronoa kept it from being destroyed with her power. Cause he stronger than all of them? Born a pure-blooded Saiyan on Planet Vegeta, Son Gokuis the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball franchise, and is one of the last remaining members of his warrior race. I basically told him outerversal is infinite dimensions but they used the logic that go gets must be strong enough to to take out this many universes at once therefore broly beating him would mean he’s outer even though I explained Tournament characters. Gallery. [1] The composite Shonen Protagonist was a teenaged boy with special powers he gained by either eating a fruit, having a demon sealed in him, dying, having his parents be 893,576,593,873,649,876 different things and inheriting ALL of their powers, among other things. Aug 6, 2019 #30 Claudio Swiss said: Post crisis superman is only solar system while a composite goku is stronger due to his feats … Goku is a Saiyan originally sent to Earth as an infant. Why did I know this would've been unirinix. I’ll be using composite for every character. "Cacarrot"), is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball metaseries. Copied; Likes (4) Comments (3) Copied; Likes (4) Like 4. RULES All forms allowed No outside help Chara is allowed to reset time POWER you can literally see that he used fan made characters and jump force there, is so unofficial that it hurts. Join the King's Debates Discord Server! I’m gonna wank Goku and give him his speed scaling he used to hit, Hit in DBS. The former, however, is the present timeline incarnation of Zamasu who stole Son Goku's body using the power the Super Dragon Balls. 1 Introduction 2 General Rules 3 Specific Editing Rules 4 Blog Post Profiles Hello there this is Omniversal Battlefield and this is a wikia about calculating the statistics of characters via several feats, statements and ETC. You are using an out of date browser. Here's what i saw ten years - star wars - I think that was just a hint at what they alrea Did anyone watch the end of the death battle in slow motion to get a hint at what's next? Post crisis superman is only solar system while a composite goku is stronger due to his feats from heroes/xenoverse where he defeated a being that was passively destroying the mutliverse not once but twice . Gogeta (ゴジータ, Gojīta) is the Metamoran Fusion between Son Goku and Vegeta who makes multiple appearances throughout the Dragon Ball franchise. In fact, no character is Outerversal. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts 3. Remember all those time where you would go around surfing the internet to see how strong your favorite anime characters are? Cheerful, tenacious and also a bit naive, Goku is a Saiyan originally sent to Earth as an infant with the mission to destroy it. So Composite Naruto, Goku, and a bunch of other characters could possibly be Outerversal. share. This page can originally be found here on the VS Battles wiki. He is one of the last pure-blooded Saiyans. 22 days ago. 2. It may or may not depend on Lifting Strength. Striking strength describes the power behind the character’s physical blows. Because he isn't. Tmw someone legitimately uses Joke Battles Wiki as if it were a reliable source. Goku - page 3501 - Topic Goku vs Hulk du 27-05-2012 16:13:31 sur les forums de As a baby, Goku was sent to Earth prior to the destruction of Planet Vegeta in order to fulfill his mission and wipe out all life on the planet, conquering it. Speed equal. Who by the way is about Mid-Outerversal. Stamina: Very high (Can perform various activities and travel to multiple regions with no signs of exhaustion. For what it’s worth, Xeno Goku defeated a guy who was passively destroying a multiverse (the “real” world and the video game world Heroes takes place in) with his power. What's up everyone and welcome to another vs wiki. However, an accident alters his memory, allowing him to grow up to become Earth's greatest defender and the informal leader of the Dragon Team. Surfer survived fighting two Abstract level beings and the explosion of energy from the Big Crunch. @nightw8ngsx let's be real: composite goku could be the strongest character of all time but most would still downplay it (just check dbz, dbs or dbh). Author. ― Vegito upon his "birth" Vegito is the Potara Fusion of Son Goku and Vegeta, originally formed to take on all of the Gods of Destruction when they all went rouge. I doubt composite Goku would ever reasonably get pass 1-C even when highballed, there just isn't enough evidence to support it. Both Black and Zamasu are, well, Zamasu. You are using an out of date browser. As for in general, I'd say Multi-Universal Ichigo or 9th Dimensional Goku are pretty bad. Composite Goku legit has some BS feats that would make even Surfer go “well shit ^ (use bro)”. Cheerful, tenacious and also a bit naive, Goku is a Saiyan originally sent to Earth as an infant with the mission to … In other words, it is the physical Attack Potency of an individual. Remember all those time where you would go around surfing the internet to see how strong your favorite anime characters are? Goku vs. Vegeta but for some reason they are from way different periods of time. Easily above high outerversal to maybe tier 0 RajinKabir 6 mo 7 d EmptyHand # You added me in your faves. Striking Strength: Outerversal. He makes it to the back of Galactus's hand. Goku theorized that his power may surpass even Beerus’ Easily adapted to and matched Vegeta in combat, even when he went Super Saiyan Transformation from Base form to Wrathful form takes place underwater and causes the cold water to boil, turns the sea into a tumultuous whirlpool, and brings about a massive plume of water, pushing both Goku and Vegeta back with a burst of force. Well here is another one: Considering the profile was made as a joke since it's on Joke Battles Wiki, there is no reliable source of information that will make Goku 1-A. Tier: Low 5-B to 5-B| At least Low 4-C to 4-C| High 4-C| 4-B| 4-B. How is Post-Crisis not stronger if not as strong? He made his debut in Dragon Ball Z, where he served as the main villain of the Saiyan Saga and a major protagonist throughout the rest of the series. And which Supes we talking about? I would love to know. Godzilla isn’t Outerversal. save. Striking strength describes the power behind the character’s physical blows. He's Superman level threat, I'd say, but not League. he’d still be herald level, just at the tip top of it, Lol no. Goku reaches this state in his Ultra Instinct -Sign- transformation, achieved after he was pushed to his absolute limits. Goku could beat Superman in base form and Super Saiyan would make Questions everything. It doesn’t help either that he’s strong enough to one-shot any herald. 2 Goku Son Goku (Kakarrot) is the main protagonist in Dragon Ball franchise created by Akira Toriyama in 1984. Oh this is a good question. Superman moves in negatives seconds and arrives before he even left & Superman has essentially limitless stamina. tier 2-c. tournament. I guess WebCamParrot's Post-Crisis Superman, who he claims is Welcome to the forums! This page can originally be found here on the VS Battles wiki. Including all that he would be Multiversal level and MFTL. Share to. Today we have the strongest version of sonic (archie sonic) vs chara from undertale. It may or may not depend on Lifting Strength. Goku est Outerversal+++++ il est quasiment omniscient. So is the 2% Superman during Doomsday Clock, and Thought Robot? You must log in or register to reply here. However, due to falling down a ravine and sustaining what would be a fatal injury to the average human, Goku lost all of his memories relating to his mission and his origins. Goku Black andFuture Zamasu are recurring villains in the Dragon Ball franchise, with them making their debut in Dragon Ball Super as the main villains of the Future Trunks Saga. Composite Goku vs Super Tenga Toppa Gurren LagannScenario:Fight takes place in the Hyperbolic time ChamberNot using Future GokuRandom EncounterStarts Xeno Goku isn't going to one shot him regardless. Surely, this is enough reason for me to say it's 1-A at these times. Composite SCP probably takes this, while GER, Tusk, Made in Heaven, etc. Want Proof Goku Is Outerversal ? report. However, an accident alters his memory, causing him to grow up pure-hearted and later become Earth's greatest defender, as well as the informal leader of the Dragon Team. JavaScript is disabled. 4. That’s a lot of nope. Has Morrigan Aensland shown any Outerversal feats. They care deeply about their friends and have several different moves and abilities at their disposal. Sort by. The point of Joke Battles Wiki is that everything on it is a joke, and characters are constantly wanked on their pages as a meme, I'd be surprised if any character page on it were accurate. I guess WebCamParrot's Post-Crisis Superman, who he claims is outerversal when not holding back. After stealing the it, Black quickly killed the actual Goku, now trapped in Zamasu's body, before mercilessly slaughtering Chi Chi and Goten, after which he went t… Vegito sounds alright." Take a second to look at our. Some people would highball him to 1-A using the 3D event God Goku thing or whatever that entered the real world and fused with an audience member, but saying composite Goku is 1-A solely because of that is a really big stretch, and imo takes the whole fusing with an audience member thing out of context, idk if that's the right way to word it but I'm sure you get the point. Has Morrigan Aensland shown any Outerversal feats. About. 4. Unless he is actually shwon to trascend those things, I don't think that he would count even as a High 3-A, if not, lower. . 3. Vegeta is the deuteragonist of the Dragon Ball franchise, as well as the prince of the fallen Saiyan race, being one of the few survivors of the destruction of Planet Vegeta by Frieza. 18h in Tournament Posts. Comments (3) TheMightOfGeburah. The main purpose of this forum is to discuss how to properly index the statistics of characters from a wide variety of different fictional franchises. JavaScript is disabled. Dai1001; Thread; Dec 4, 2020; reinhard heydrich shinza banshou soldier team fortress Replies: 34; Forum: Versus Threads; Middle of the Ephemeral Moment: Miscellaneous Dies Irae Profile Changes and Additions. Credit for its creation goes entirely to them~ Striking Strength is the amount of physical force an individual can deal out. Son Goku, born Kakarot, is a male Saiyan and the main protagonist of Dragon Ball. In other words, it is the physical Attack Potency of an individual. Close. As for in general, I'd say Multi-Universal Ichigo or 9th Dimensional Goku are pretty bad. Mar 7, 2020 #43 Sonic's base becomes Low 2-C, one of the fastest MFTL+ with the hax and equipment his Archie, STC, X and other versions has, plus he still retains his scaling chain. are broken the SCP is regularly filled with high outerversal entities like the Scarlet King, … My Rating: What I Like: Dislike: Hell NO - Hell 2 Da Naw Naw || How to say NO to someone! He could use his time travel abilities to send Goku to the beginning or end of time, he once punched darksied so hard that he went through a boomtube, which took him to a source wall which is an outerversal distance. Goku Black and Future Zamasu are recurring villains in the Dragon Ball franchise, with them making their debut in Dragon Ball Super as the main villains of the Future Trunks Saga. He first made his debut in Dragon Ball Z movie 12: Fusion Reborn, where he was fused into by Goku and Vegeta to defeat Super Janemba. His next appearance was in Dragon Ball GT where, this time around, he was meant to defeat Omega Shenron … Son Goku, born Kakarot, is a male Saiyan and the main protagonist of Dragon Ball. I’m going to start this off by saying true form Darkseid literally 1-A Goku is a no no. godgodzilla. Reply 1 like UniverseAwesome Apr 16, 2019 Those were God Doom's feats, also New Broly bitch-slaps 616 Doom. I guess also Splash's Immeasurable Wolverine, but that's a joke. Son Goku (Mega-Composite) So apparently according to this wiki, Son Goku is actually outerversal level if we pull every single source media feats … Composite meaning all versions made by an official source into one. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Both Black and Zamasu are, well, Zamasu. Buy our stuff, go here to find out more: For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The only outerversal goku is composite there is no version of goku even close to that I would love to know Press J to jump to the feed. No Smurf characters. Posted by 2 hours ago. So Composite Naruto, Goku, and a bunch of other characters could possibly be Outerversal. what can goku do against herald level mind fuckery? I guess also Splash's Immeasurable Wolverine, but that's a joke. Only the flash can do shit due to his hax. Also completed 100 trials of both Flipside and Flopside while defeating Shadoo and Wracktail in a sitting), limitless with the Pure Hearts Range: Outerversal Credit for its creation goes entirely to them~ Striking Strength is the amount of physical force an individual can deal out. hide. Lemme give you some info on bill before you start going in the comments typing "Bill wins" "No The DB Verse stomps": Heres the Bill Cipher Part: It was stated in the gravity falls journal that 7D-11D Aliens were terrified of his power. dégagez avec vos théories à 2 balles, vous n'êtes pas des vrais fans. He first made his debut in Dragon Ball Z movie 12: Fusion Reborn, where he was fused into by Goku and Vegeta to defeat Super Janemba. Theme Song It's like any other monkey, only it's 1-A because I dunno, it's a monkey. if a weakling like Goku can be 1-A then Mr Satan must be High 1-A. He made his debut in Dragon Ball Z, where he served as the main villain of the Saiyan Saga and a major protagonist throughout the rest of the series. Surely, this is enough reason for me to say it's 1-A at these times. With access to every form and feat and with scaling from every canon and not so canon source like DBH or DBM the Video Games or GT. Dude this from Joke Battles Wiki, nothing on this site is supposed to be taken literally. Goku ('Son Gokū'), born Kakarot (カカロット'Kakarotto', lit. If you appreciate the VS Battles wiki, and can afford it, please make a donation to help keep our forum running, so we can continue to work hard to improve on the reliability of our wiki profile pages. Goku is stronger than Supes? Now to keep He hasn't mastered the state, however, and cannot enter it willingly - instead, it activates when Goku is pushed to his limits. BlastX. Videos Used: Give Credit To These People And Happy New Year. His next appearance was in Dragon Ball GT where, this time around, he was meant to defeat Omega Shenron … 3 comments. I know it's a ride but it could change a lot of things but doubt that would be allowed. "What do you call a Vegeta and a Goku? Mercurius Haju Demigra Son Goku (Xeno) No tiering, only feats allowed. Hehehehe this will be fun, NOPE! Post crisis superman is only solar system while a composite goku is stronger due to his feats from heroes/xenoverse where he defeated a being that was passively destroying the mutliverse not once but twice. Theme Song It's like any other monkey, only it's 1-A because I dunno, it's a monkey. Durability: Outerverse level. Goku I am unbiased fan of anime, DCU, MCU, there is no way that Superman wins, anyone who says Superman wins doesnt watch anime or read manga. 100% Upvoted. Goku as Depicted in the Super Tenkaichi Budokai The Real 4D attraction in Universal Studios Japan, who participates in a martial arts tournament alongside Vegeta and other of his friends, eventually resulting in a battle between him and God Broly, who forced him to fuse with the Studio Audience to form GOD Fusion Goku. There's no way Mr Satan is just a measly High 1-A, don't insult the champ like that. It may not display this or other websites correctly. A new justification for Omega Shenron 3-A rating. Vous croyez que j’exagère? I don't think he'd be able to take on Flash, Superman and Wonder Woman at the same time. Gogeta (ゴジータ, Gojīta) is the Metamoran Fusion between Son Goku and Vegeta who makes multiple appearances throughout the Dragon Ball franchise. 1 Hades(ss) @Me. If you want to be anonymous, don't enter your real name when you donate. Goku(孫 悟空,Son Gokū), bornKakarot(カカロット,Kakarotto), is the combination of all canon gokus, from Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball Heroes. The former, however, is the present timeline incarnation of Zamasu who stole Son Goku's body using the power the Super Dragon Balls. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Is the Ride Goku in this big deal? Autumn McJavabean Doesn't care. Because it doesn’t exist, it’s just a name that VS Battle Wiki made for characters like this holy Boi: Who’s 2,337 620. Goku (孫 悟空, Son Gokū), born Kakarot (カカロット, Kakarotto), is the main protagonist of the Dragon Ball metaseries created by Akira Toriyama. 3-A Some people would probably argue Goku at the start of the DB manga (where it was more so of a gag manga) is 1-A or higher due to the panel where Toriyama says he could no longer control him in his great ape form (yes that happened I believe), but that is also a big stretch. Where's your evidence? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Vegeta is the deuteragonist of the Dragon Ball franchise, as well as the prince of the fallen Saiyan race, being one of the few survivors of the destruction of Planet Vegeta by Frieza. Round 2: composite and bloodlusted soldier is used Round 2: composite and bloodlusted soldier used...: Hell no - Hell 2 Da Naw Naw || how to say no to someone everyone and is composite goku outerversal! Multiple regions with no signs of exhaustion can originally be found here on the VS Battles as... Versions made by an official source into one composite Goku legit has BS... You would go around surfing the internet to see how strong your favorite anime characters are only. Jump force there, is a Saiyan originally sent to Earth as an infant is 2. He claims is Outerversal when not holding back Heaven, etc enter your real name when you donate originally found. ( can perform various activities and travel to multiple regions with no of! 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