But we got approved. That can be more easily mainstreamed with less bureaucratic fear, if that makes sense. So security policy aside, I think the broad direction has been given that we should move on to the cloud. Basically government websites are not famous for being very usable. And we have some designers shared between teams. I think that’s a big part of what we’re trying to do right now. It just depends what industry you’re in. Indonesia’s Omnibus Law: A Magic Wand amidst a Global Pandemic. Hongyi is the Director of Open Government Products, a division of the Government Technology Agency of Singapore. Welcome to another episode of the Tech Lead Journal with me your host Henry Suryawirawan. It has accessibility features, and things like that. We want to open source a lot of the things that we build. Mr Li Hongyi's eulogy for his grandfather Mr Lee Kuan Yew. And again, we don’t hire external vendors or anything. But the problem was that the best practice was best practice in computing like 15 years ago. But Isomer websites load very quickly and cost very little, because they are basically just the same template over and over again. We have about 1 million parking sessions a month. In this episode, I had an inspiring chat with him about OGP, and his challenges in leading and scaling up its initiatives. You want me to just go in circles?” It’s just persistence to a very large degree. It’s not that we’re moving too slowly, but that by design, we were enforcing what was best practice at the time, but it’s now obsolete. Welcome to the Tech Lead Journal. All these obviously is a fight for talent, and I’m sure government will find it some kind of a challenge as well to attract, first of all. Since then, after we got parking running, that gave us a bit more momentum, and we managed to get a few other projects off the ground. You don’t need to pay someone a few million dollars to do this. Seek out problems proactively. And that’s a really big deal. And if you did your research and you put forth proposals, they took them seriously. The Lee family feud seems to have made the third-generation Lees determined not to go into politics. There’s Google Forms. All companies are tech companies. Otherwise, for day to day business, you can use cloud services fairly aggressively. And there’re about 76 million clicks on links so far. People are the most important aspects in any software development team or tech startup company. “There’s always going to be a bit of that, but I think the key thing that lets these initiatives be a force for good is an earnest belief in how the future can be better. He’s going to keep trying this until we do something.”. If this is really a cornerstone of your plan, I’m going to need more than just one person. ... Covid19: Delisted PCI Limited Awarded Tender To Build TraceTogether Tokens. Li Hongyi: [00:31:39] The big thing that we need, that we’re trying to do right now is just sort of build familiarity. Join us in building a global network and connecting people around the world, with Singapore at its heart. Li Hongyi: [00:19:47] Okay. It’s about finding bugs as quickly as possible. So Hong, thanks so much for all your sharing. “It was a time when news of rising numbers of COVID-19 cases was prevalent, and nobody seemed to know how to respond to this incoming crisis. I have never seen a project fail, because it starts too small. Poised for accelerated growth amidst COVID-19, the Singapore tech scene is thriving …, In her decade-long journey from Myanmar to Singapore and back, Dr Thida …, Growing up in an Asian household meant that you would most likely …, For us, coffee is how we kickstart each day. So yeah, those were the main things we wanted to fix, like infrastructure costs, regulations, as we mentioned before, lack of technical influence in decision making, and then finally like we needed to improve our talent recruitment. We go. Li Hongyi: [00:17:51] The biggest hurdle I would say is… There is this very interesting phenomena, which I call “bureaucratic deadlock”. The last one I guess I’ll mention is Isomer. And I guess the last big turning point was about two years ago. Elaborating on Parking.sg, Hongyi said the product is particularly meaningful for him as it was one of the first major apps built by the team. We have 76 websites today, so it’s pretty good. The idea is that there should be no undigitized forms in the government in a few years time. And I think similarly along those lines, our focus is very much more user driven rather than top down. Not a big one. But I think there was one point which made a big difference, which was we asked to take a look at Data.gov.sg. Bravo dude! July 2019 was when we officially existed. Henry Suryawirawan: [00:17:04] Yeah, I can see the talent fight actually is pretty big, especially as more and more investment coming to Singapore. But the problem was that the best practice was best practice in computing like 15 years ago. Li Hongyi: [00:21:23] So firstly, OGP, Open Government Products, it’s a division within GovTech. Henry Suryawirawan: [00:21:00] Yeah. Henry Suryawirawan: [00:24:08] Thanks for sharing the process. Henry Suryawirawan: [00:12:45] Thank you for sharing that. Because it’s a fight. Is it like more churning out products? You mentioned earlier about infrastructure cost was too expensive, maybe ten or a hundred times more expensive. And the thing that was most surprising to me was that even at Google, people didn’t have everything figured out. A lot of the regulations were out of date. While the government has come some way in building up its digital infrastructure, Janice and Hongyi both recognise more can be done. Just an app made by Li Hongyi, so that people can go fap fap fap about it? She said, “People generally fear what they don’t understand because they don’t know the possibilities and even pitfalls of using that particular thing, and the same goes for technology.” This fear of the unknown, as Janice explained, can translate into misuse or avoidance among the public. And, Li Shengwu is 32 years old and is the eldest son of Mr Lee Hsien Yang (LHY) and wife, Mrs Lee Suet Fern. We do pretty good work. We launched that a few years ago. I was just one guy in the government maintaining one website, and trying to keep it running as fast as possible. It’s not that we’re moving too slowly, but that by design, we were enforcing what was best practice at the time, but is now obsolete. And to this day, a lot of that philosophy of trying to run a good organization, and trying to treat people well, and taking people seriously, that is because I remember that it is possible. How does it differ with other government technology initiatives? For example, most of the Parking.sg, the prototypes were built on less than a thousand dollars. Okay. But I think one of the reasons why people might join us, and this is what we’re trying to sell them on, is that there is a lot of good work that needs to be done in the government. And you need to reconcile these.” There’s still quite a bit of friction in terms of working through all these problems that we need to resolve. And so you have a link shortener and QR codes all built in, and all your link tracking, and everything obviously is built-in, so you know how many people have visited your website, things like that, without having that sort of officiality of things, without needing to do too much. From there to today, that’s five years ago. I’m sure there are many other innovations. It’s about maximizing the amount of effective brain power working on a problem. Where we want to go next is to help deep dive in some of the more operational systems. Maybe I might want to work for them.”. So, we’re just block funded. We don’t know what effect it will have.” And you can see the deadlock forming very tightly, right? " You’re going into the ground, figuring out small opportunities proactively identifying them, and experimenting, and seeing what can work, and then going from there. I think at a lot of organizations, there’s this sort of myth that the way the organization runs is this very finely tuned machine that has been honed over many years of experience, so don’t mess with it. I may not be familiar with all of them. I have seen it work, and I can make that happen. He also touched on Singapore government’s challenges in terms of cloud adoption and also hiring engineering talent. We have this philosophy of very like tight, small teams. The thing that was most surprising to me was that, even at Google, people didn’t have everything figured out, and these people are really smart. How does it differ? So I have one question mark. We’ll do a small experiment. So they are link shorteners. We need to be able to delineate between the two cases, between the national security kind of cases, where you do need to be almost paranoid, and then the important and privacy aware. It was the eve of Lunar New Year in January 2020. But you find that when you’re still moving onto the cloud, and you’re trying to migrate, and try to move your agency services onto the cloud. Li Hongyi: [00:45:18] Thanks so much. It just depends what industry you’re in. Maybe technology wise, what did you adopt if you can share? And you spend months writing a paper only for just your professor and maybe your parents read it, like that’s about it. Li Hong Yi debuted in the entertainment industry by participating in the Hunan Satellite TV Life Program. Try to solve problems from a citizen centric perspective, and I take those, and then bring those up to the government leaders, and be like, “Hey, we found this opportunity that we think will really help users.
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