These are real answers taken from several online forums. Aussies are considered to be relatively intelligent dog breeds and eager to learn. Yet all Australian Shepherds need a great deal of physical exercise and mental stimulation. It’s not so much about the size of the yard or home. yahoo miniature australian shepherd puppies, msn miniature australiann shepherd, aol miniature australian ... type, structure,health and temperament are raised here. These dogs are the epitome of fun and happy. I think he’s just trying to talk to me. Kids can be wild and mistreat a dog. Most of them tend to be social and outgoing, but there are dogs that are timid too. Der Australian Shepherd ist beispielsweise berühmt für sein tolles und hübsches Aussehen. Unlike with hunting dogs, they don’t have preying instincts and won’t attempt to “hunt down” smaller pets. When introducing two dogs, always meet on neutral ground. A Female is a bit smaller than the male. Miniature Australian Shepherds form very close bonds with their owners and may suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for too long. Combine their intelligence with their eagerness to please and you have one of the most obedient, highly trainable and versatile dog breeds ever produced. These dogs have a great deal of mental and physical energy so they require plenty of daily exercise and mental stimulation to prevent the development of problem behaviors. In other words, try not to meet inside the home (territory) of one of the dogs. These dogs are loyal and affectionate and they get along well with active children and families. Most dog owners have heard of the term “dog zoomies.” It’s a random burst of energy that all dog breeds experience, especially at a young age. Miniature Australian Shepherds are easygoing, perpetual puppies that love to play. They are affectionate and … When he doesn’t want to do a trick, he just plays dead. Check out my guide to dog intelligence. RECOMMENDED: Australian Shepherds – The Owner’s Guide. My dog is a little shadow – he’s always loyal and loving. He is dedicated, focused on serving his masters, and also rather easy to train. Next time you go for a picnic with your family, you better be bringing your Australian Shepherd. This will be more reliably so among Miniature American Shepherds. They have very good-natured temperaments as well. Der Australian Shepherd gilt zudem als harmonisch und herzlich, weshalb er auch als Familienhund immer beliebter wird (jedoch sollten die Kinder bereits ein gewisses Alter erreicht haben). Australian Shepherds are some of the most amazing dog breeds in the world. Although they are very lively and active their alert minds make training easy. Females stand between 13 and 17 inches which is five inches smaller than standard sized females. They’ll be calm one moment and running circles around you the next. One of its greatest characteristics, it's seemingly non-stop energy, can be either a bonus or detriment to your family, depending on the activity level of your family. Almost all dogs are territorial to a certain degree. They are just friendly and kind dogs … One thing that makes me so attracted to these dogs is their balance of work and play. The breed is typically highly energetic, requiring a great deal of exercise and attention. Females stand between 13 … If you have an Australian shepherd puppy, it's best to start socialization when they are 7 weeks old. This is not a lapdog. Fun-loving and easy-going, the Miniature Australian Shepherd is almost like having a perpetual puppy. The Miniature Australian Shepherd is actually all-American, a smaller descendent of a dog originally bred to work ranches. Isolating your puppy can result in an aggressive adult dog. Dieser Mini Australian Shepherd Pudel Mischling oder auch einfach Aussiedoodle genannt, ist eine Kreuzung zwischen einem australischen Schäferhund und einem Pudel, normalerweise einem Standard- oder Zwergpudel.. Aussiedoodles haben mehrere Namen, darunter Aussiepoo und Aussiepoodle. And if you do have a cat, you might want to read our guide to Australian Shepherds and cats here. We’ll elaborate later. Personality Traits. However, they may not be right for everyone. Since both of its parents are known to be … He’s always attentive and awesome in and outside the home, plus he’s a great walker. The typical Australian Shepherd temperament is clever, energetic, and social. He doesn’t really play with them, but will try to herd them occasionally or just watch them play. The Blue Heeler Australian Shepherd mix is a loyal pet and one that will be there with you for a very long time. Just apply what you read about Aussies to Mini's, such as "intelligent, forthright, athletic" etc. They are especially good with active children. The Border Collie Australian Shepherd mix was originally bred for herding livestock. Apply. There are many independent-minded dog breeds that don’t mind having some “alone” time, such as the Chinese Chow Chow. Not only do they need plenty of exercise, but they also need space to roam and spend time off lead. It’s one of the brightest highlights with these dogs. Which is better: Miniature American Shepherd or Shetland Sheepdog. Miniature Australian Shepherd Breeders. This is especially true with their owners. Fortunately, Australian Shepherds fall into the latter. With that said, there are still some precautions to take when introducing another dog to your Aussie (or vice versa). display: none !important; On top of that, they’re able to correctly obey a known command at least 50% of the time on the first try. Some lines are extremely energetic, quick moving, and hyperreactive, while others tend toward a milder, calmer manner. Well, Australian Shepherds have been known to experience a lot of zoomies. Aussies and other active breeds need a greater than usual amount of stimulation or they are likely to become bored and expend their excess energy in any number of less than ideal ways. Australian Shepherds were bred to be hard workers, which is why they’re classified as working dogs. Even if a dog has not been socialized during the prime period between 7 weeks old and 4 months old, that does not mean that it can't be socialized. within. They need homes with a yard. Seit Mitte 2011 ist der Miniature American Shepherd im American Kennel Club (AKC) anerkannt worden und wird dort als eigenständige Rasse geführt. ... Internationale Kennel Club of Great Britain North American Purebred Registry, Inc. American Canine Association, Inc. Australian National Kennel Council Continental Kennel Club National Kennel Club New Zealand Kennel Club United Kennel Club Canadian Canine … + The breed is typically highly energetic, requiring a great deal of exercise and attention. Both breeds have the same fur colors, temperament and care needs. For this reason, it’s a good idea to always keep an eye on your kids interacting with your Australian Shepherd. They’re fantastic workers with a bright and warm personality. Der Australian Shepherd zum Beispiel ist unglaublich intelligent, aber das bedeutet nicht, dass er der Hund für alle ist. I would argue that Aussies are everything you would want and love in a family dog. In fact, according to researcher Stanley Coren, Aussies are tied for the 42nd most intelligent dog breed in the world. In fact, without work, they may stress out not knowing what to do. Temperament: The Toy Australian Shepherd is an intelligent, active dog with an even disposition; he is good-natured, seldom quarrelsome, highly trainable, versatile family dogs and companion. Whether your Aussie is an adopted dog or you’re bringing home a new dog, you never know how one (or both) will react. Without enough of either, they may release all the pent up energy on the kids and unintentionally hurt them. The Miniature American Shepherd is described as an … For example, we questioned 27 real owners about whether their Aussie likes water. Courageous, loyal and affectionate, they are excellent children's companions that are great with active children. Der Mini Australian Shepherd ist eine kleinere Version des Australian Shepherd. Aussies are docile by nature, but it’s always important to introduce them to any other animal you have in the home. Submitted by ehh_soso: When comparing my German Shepherd and Australian Shepherd, my Aussie is more energetic. Submitted by lynnlovestea: He’s very clever. Female Australian Shepherds. In some cases, they may even bite a friend or family member they’ve never met. The picture claims to be a photo from AKC Westminster show. Please check your sources. ... Australian Shepherd Border Collie Mix: Personality, Training, and Health; Australian Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix: Personality, Training, and Care; Great Dane Akita Mix: Training Tips, Personality, & … This short and springy dog thrives when they are put to work and just loves to herd or compete in sports such as agility and fly ball. Did I mention, they love to work? They form a close and strong bond with the family members and especially one particular person that they see as their leader. The Australian Shepherd has high energy and easily excited. The Schnauzer Aussie Mix is an alert, affectionate, and friendly dog. An Australian Shepherd enjoys working, whether it is learning and practicing tricks, competing in dog agility, or engaging in any other physically and mentally involving activity. At Saddleup Stables, we strive to produce healthy dogs with excellent temperament and conformation. MINI AMERICANS began as Mini Aussies which are quite simply and 100%, Australian Shepherd in a small size. Submitted by cpersall: Australian Shepherds can live just fine in an apartment. So, make sure you have time in your schedule to work with them on a daily basis. … If you can provide this, you’ll have no problems with this breed. This is unacceptable and they should understand this. But one of the most common causes of digging is boredom, particularly among active, intelligent breeds like the Australian Shepherd. Wird er mit einer anderen Hunderasse verpaart, könnte der Grund also der Wunsch nach einem verbesserten Aussehen bei den Welpen sein. But what makes them even more excited is physical activity with his or her best friend (you!). Es gibt nur einen Unterschied zwischen dem Mini American Shepherd und dem Mini Australian Shepherd: Der Mini American kann beim AKC registriert werden, der Mini Aussie nicht. If given an assigned task, they’ll take it very seriously and do it with pride. However, you never know what may happen. They run, they jump and they certainly herd people. This is not typical behavior for these dogs, but you should still be cautious. The Miniature Australian Shepherd will do okay in an apartment if it is sufficiently exercised. They love to play, perform, and learn new tricks. In addition, leaving a toddler with any dog may not be the best idea. If you have non-aggressive dogs in the family, large or small, they will get along just fine. He may be somewhat reserved in initial meetings and many have a tendency to grin, usually accompanied with a body wiggle and squinting of the eyes. He’ll play around with his treats and often spit them back out. Der Aussie wird energisch und verspielt sein und viel Spiel und Bewegung erfordern! However, they should be kept an eye on until you're sure the dog and the child will get along well. Here are some quick facts about the Blue Merle Australian Shepherd dog that you need to know before adopting one. Not only do they get along great with adults, but also kids and other pets (dogs, cats, small pets). Australian Shepherds are able to learn a new command with just 25 to 40 repetitions of the command. It’s never a good idea to leave two dogs unattended if they’re meeting for the first time. Never force them to meet one another. They are always excited to see their owners and they’re extremely smart and loyal. Instead, let them take their time getting acquainted. A fairly consistent trait among all Australian Shepherds is loyalty / devotion. .hide-if-no-js { Aussies have been known to play well with dogs, but there are exceptions. He has a soft mouth when it comes to food and will often take treats to eat in another room. In fact, they absolutely love obedience training because they see it as a task. It’d about the exercise you’re willing to give them – both physically and mentally. Between the ages of 7 weeks and 4 months old a dog goes through a prime socialization period. The Miniature Australian Shepherd parent breed, at first look, appears to be a hybrid itself but, in actual fact, the breed is a careful and purposeful breeding of the smallest purebred Aussie pups in the litters to other smaller purebred Aussie pups, enabling the breeders to carefully create a smaller version of the Australian Shepherd while keeping the same breed characteristics and keen sense of the larger breed. They love to be part of the family and included in all family activities. Submitted by riverthedog: Our Australian Shepherd has a clown personality and is a super athlete. I think Australian Shepherds are wonderful dogs that make a great addition to any family. Temperament and personality traits of an Aussie can vary depending on the dog. Some of the things Aussies love doing is physical activity. The female Australian Shepherd is usually about 18-21 inches at the shoulders and weighs between 35-50 pounds. © Personalities of Real Australian Shepherds, we questioned 27 real owners about whether their Aussie likes water, our guide to Australian Shepherds and cats here, 14 Beautiful Colors of Australian Shepherds, The Untold Truth About the Bobtail Aussies, The Australian Shepherd vs. Border Collie. A female does not have the density or thickness as well as the length of the coat as the male. Der Miniature American Shepherd war bis anhin als Miniature Australian Shepherd, liebevoll “Mini Aussie” genannt, bekannt. In fact, they’re ranked higher than the mentioned breeds on the top 100 list. The Miniature Australian Shepherd was developed during the 1960s by a Californian who acquired several full-size Aussies from the rodeo circuit, where they were popular trick performers. Through this training, they’ll better understand which humans are “good and bad.”. Meet my new addition, Bingo, Miniature Australian Shepherd. Der Australian Shepherd besticht vor allem durch sein unbändiges Temperament, seiner beneidenswerten Ausdauer und seinem ausgeprägten Beschützertrieb. With Aussies of this nature, owners should … 1980 begannen viele Züchter, ihre Mini American Shepherds in das National Stock Dog Registry aufzunehmen. However, he does like to bark a lot. They are kind, loving, and devoted to those they know. The Mini Australian Shepherd is an intelligent, active and hard working dog. Submitted by annemay: My Aussie isn’t very interested in any type of toys, unless it’s to play “keep away” from our other dog. Just because they initially get along doesn’t mean it’ll last, especially when its their first time. Personality Traits of the Miniature Australian Shepherd First, let me just say that Mini's are Aussies, only smaller, so they have the same traits. As the name suggests, the Miniature Australian Shepherd (also known as the “North American Shepherd”) is a scaled-down version of the familiar Australian Shepherd.However, at a height of 14 to 18 inches at the shoulder, this is not a “teacup” anything but rather a sturdy, mid-sized herding dog that needs regular exercise and an outlet for its energy. = miles. Mini australian labradoodle temperament - Wählen Sie dem Testsieger unserer Experten. The Miniature American Shepherd, frequently abbreviated MAS, is a small herding dog breed. At my old vet clinic, a customer once brought in an Australian Shepherd completely beat up. Miniature; Mini; Tiny; … This site is owned and operated by Jenco Digital LLC. Whilst they were originally bred for farm work they are now kept as active companions for families all over the States. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Australian Shepherds are a herding breed that lead active lives. Make sure they’re old enough to understand that dogs are still animals despite a docile temperament. Er wird in den USA seit 1968 gezielt gezüchtet. These are just a few words owners have used to describe an Australian Shepherd’s temperament: But if you’re thinking about getting an Australian Shepherd, it’s important you understand their temperaments and personalities in depth. Bred as skilled herding dogs, an Australian Shepherd herding your kids is not uncommon. Height: 14-18 inches Weight: 17-30 lb Lifespan: 12-15 years Group: AKC Foundation Stock Service Best Suited For: Families with children, active singles and seniors, houses with yards Temperament: Intelligent, active, friendly, social Comparable Breeds: Australian Shepherd, Border Collie New Search For the most part, Australian Shepherds are great with other animals. Miniature Australian Shepherds are attentive and somewhat protective but, overall, they aim to please. These are just a few words owners have used to describe an Australian Shepherd’s temperament: Good natured; Lively; Intelligent; Work-oriented; Devoted; But if you’re thinking about getting an Australian Shepherd, it’s important you understand their temperaments and personalities in depth. The majority said they did. Please support our breeders when looking for puppies for sale. Compare Miniature American Shepherd and Shetland Sheepdog and {name3}. However, the Australian Shepherd is not one of them. Auch wenn die Urteile dort immer wieder manipuliert werden können, geben diese generell einen guten Überblick ; Was für ein Endziel streben Sie mit Ihrem Mini australian labradoodle temperament an? The Miniature Australian Shepherd comes in a variety of colors including black, red, red merle, and blue merle. The Australian Shepherd is a medium-sized breed of dog that was developed in the United States, ... Temperament. Unfortunately, the very characteristics we value in these dogs make them unsuitable for some homes and owners. I’ve never seen a more active dog in my life. With Children: Yes, gentle with children. Like with all dogs, it’s important to teach your children to respect them. Personality And Character. He’s very intelligent and highly trainable. While the Aussie dogs are hard-working, intelligent and friendly dogs, they do come with potential health issues as well as temperament quirks that may make them unsuitable for certain pet parents. However, they’re getting better at restraining themselves. They are moderately active indoors and will do okay with a small yard. The Miniature Australian Shepherd is a friendly and active breed that loves to play. The key to a happy and healthy Aussie is sufficient mental and physical stimulation. My Australian Shepherd is a bit awkward around other dogs. He is a loyal companion and has the stamina to work all day. Dieses Hündchen begann als eine Reihe von australischen Schäfern gezüchtet für ihre kleinere Größe , aber schließlich wurden sie ihre eigene Rasse (sie sind jedoch keine Hunde in Spielzeuggröße). My younger Aussie will play-bite out of excitement and chase bikes. He definitely needs an energy waster and I wouldn’t recommend them for an apartment. Very protective, loyal, affectionate, and bold, the Miniature Australian Shepherd makes an excellent companion for children. Australian Shepherds are descended from working dogs and at their happiest when active. 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