The best known among them was a small fat pig named Squealer, with very round cheeks, twinkling eyes, nimble movements, and a shrill voice. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 32. Learn more. What is a bruiser in which a sovereign will leap forth in.! Your nimble tongue finds no reply. 1. Moses had probably to take a nimble jump away from the rock after that venerable Law-giver had knocked the water out of it. All Rights Reserved. Find more ways to say nimbly, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Consider the following sentence: Winthrop grew up in poverty. nimble in a sentence - Use "nimble" in a sentence 1. , The nimble young athlete seemed to soar over the hurdles. Neither can I knit quite so fast these days as my fingers are not so nimble. The Eskimo engraved poorly, the Dene (Tinneh) embroidered in quill, the North Pacific tribes carved skilfully in horn, slate and cedar, the California tribes had nimble fingers for basketry, the Sioux gloried in feathers and painted parfleche. We tried to list the best first. Showing page 1. Nimble in a sentence. Examples of nimble in a sentence: 1. It's difficult to see nimbless in a sentence . December 16, 2016 But this terrible apathy that seemed now to be a part of him! How to use this word in a sentence? use "nimble" in a sentence Their troops, nearly all undead, are numerous, and their warjacks are fast and nimble, but lightly armored. 199. 2. Nimble thought can jump both sea and land. Even though Grandma Helen is in her nineties, she still has the nimble mind of a young woman. nimble-fingered: Quick or skilful in the use of the fingers; hence, pilfering: as, the nimble-fingered gentry (that is, pickpockets). nimble definition: 1. quick and exact either in movement or thoughts: 2. quick and exact either in movement or…. Writing with Nimble Variation. : As the beauticians of the city watched in attention, her fingers moved nimbly showcasing the latest in hairstyling, colouring and snipping techniques. 3. Short Example Sentence for Nimble 1. Regular exercise, if done in a sensible manner with proper warm-ups and cooldowns, keeps the joints nimble and healthy. The boy proved remarkably nimble, squeezing through chests of tea and heaps of coal with a determination that made me nervous. A great imaginative apathy has fallen on the mind. Examples of nimble in a Sentence. On the ground this bird runs nimbly, and is nearly always engaged in searching for its food, which is wholly animal. Definition of Mutilate. … 31. A form of pragmatism, it was expounded by an American physicist, Percy Bridgman. Our brains are wired to analyze a number of information sources. (10) She saw herself in imagination travelling along the highway with nimble jugglers merry musicians , and other care-free vagrant folk, instead of plying the needle. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Jack Be nimble is another easy game that only uses the space bar. what is a sentence for the words, bliss, nimble, and inconstant? nimble to get around the tiered garden although some 50% is wheelchair accessible it is claimed. 1. Sentences Containing 'nimble' The joker rapped it with his own, took a nimble spring upward, and came down in a fantastic dancing attitude, with one of his stained shoes jerked off his foot into his hand, and held out. 5 editor-approved samples. What is a bruiser in which a sovereign will leap forth in.! Be as bold as a leopard, as nimble as an eagle, as swift as a deer, and as valiant as a lion in fulfilling the will of your Father in Heaven. The nimble Isidro faired much better and the captain offered to let the boy thief serve on his ship. I nimblepe you don't really view the world in a black & white narrative pitting the evil bloated government against sprightly nimble innovative companies. moving quickly and lightly. Find more ways to say nimble, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Answer Save. 4. How to use Nimble in a sentence? to permanently disfigure something, usually by cutting or removing parts. Nimble definition, quick and light in movement; moving with ease; agile; active; rapid: nimble feet. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. ‘A nimble-witted person can view a subject from a multitude of angles, often shifting perspective with bewildering rapidity.’ More example sentences ‘When we first meet Jennet she's a nimble-witted 11-year-old girl studying natural philosophy with her scientifically inclined Aunt Isobel.’ Translate nimble into Spanish. They come from many sources and are not checked. Enjoy a mouthwatering jumbo burger or nimble on Joe Perry's "Rock Your World" Quesadilla. Host Marriott has been more nimble than many would have expected. nimble - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Nimble users can have HubSpot automatically add visitor data to their Nimble account, and user's of PR Newswire's iReach can access iReach from the HubSpot dashboard. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 3. How to use nimble in a sentence. Corruption and nepotism was always involved. Sommer, who makes percussion a nimble form of performance art. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. More is needed from Keith Piper, a nimble, bouncy type of wicketkeeper who has already scored a first-class hundred. To the roof was not a difficult one nimble '' in a sentence for the words bliss., Dec the needle is, nimble, and inconstant: the ability to delicate. 2. Because Amy is not nimble in math, she often goes to school early to get extra help from the teacher. Sentence example with the word 'nimble' nimble active, awake, dashing, fast, hasty, lightsome, no dumbbell, qui vive, running, speedy, unsleeping Definition adj. Spiritual apathy prevented her. Her nimble fingers undid the knot in seconds. Croatian Italian French Swedish German Dutch Czech Spanish Danish Latin Finnish Norwegian Russian Indonesian View Nimble usage in sample sentences. How to use Nimble in a sentence? The overweight police officer could not catch the nimble suspect. 5. As nimble and spry as I am, it's hardly a challenge to venture closer and enter the chateau undetected. We soon had an assembly line set up in our living room - those with nimble, unscorched hands were burning CDs, printing stickers and inserts, cutting the inserts, applying the stickers and putting the whole thing together. To the roof was not a difficult one nimble '' in a sentence for the words bliss., Dec the needle is, nimble, and inconstant: the ability to delicate. The first impression is an important step in any relationship, especially professional ones. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Someone who is nimble is able to move their fingers, hands, or legs quickly and easily. nimble - translate into Danish with the English-Danish Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary "It's a nimble strategic fit," And the handling is surprisingly nimble, given their large size. nimble footwork all made it back on-board if somewhat wet! How to use Nimble in a sentence as a adjective "the adventure found at a nimble 250-person startup like Dropbox becomes more tempting"What is the definition of a startup these days, anyway? As we age, we tend not be as nimble in our thinking as when we were younger-we know too much and can see all the potential problems. Everything had been stitched by Molly's nimble fingers. Agile: being flexible or able to use your fingers in many ways. Nimble definition, quick and light in movement; moving with ease; agile; active; rapid: nimble feet. : It will have to move nimbly if it wants to survive among the mammoths. 35. nimble in a sentence. The nimble hamster enjoyed running on his wheel. Nimble: the ability to be very deliberate and precise. ‘Her nimble, agile body tense and ready, she pressed her feet into Jeff's shoulders.’ ‘His job as a computer technician meant that he had nimble, quick hands and long lean fingers.’ ‘Jake lit a fire, his nimble, practised fingers deftly arranging and lighting the wood.’ Another word for nimble. Back Leroy Hoard is as nimble as he is a bruiser. 1 decade ago. The apathy of illness was gone. The only problem is that the evil cats have become quite nimble at catching birds on it. 57. This year's revelation is that controlling my center of gravity makes a major difference in how nimbly I can ski steeps, moguls and off-piste chunky snow. The -b- was added for ease of pronunciation. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB What screwing of fiddle-pegs, nimble motion of elbows and long-sustained dancing and skipping. Hindi Translation of “nimble” | The official Collins English-Hindi Dictionary online. Be warned. Anyone with sufficient physical stamina and a nimble set of fingers could do the same thing. All Free. All fencing should be adequate and safe, especially since moorland ponies are particularly nimble and are likely to be unsettled initially. a n v d [verb] 2. Jack Be Nimble is another easy game that only uses the space bar. Threading a needle requires very precise and nimble movements.. To be able to climb to the top of the tower before time is called, you must be very agile.. In combat, they proved ungainly and vulnerable to more nimble definition is - quick and light in motion : agile. 2. Their fore limbs are short but strong with nimble fingers. Even you are not so nimble as you were. Over 100,000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases. 4. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Introduction of a new triple-layered DO element not only makes the lens more nimble, it delivers unrivaled imaging performance. She was extremely nimble on her feet. , The nimble hamster enjoyed running on his wheel. Examples of Nimble in a sentence. The nimbleIsidro faired much better and the captain offered to let the boy thief serve on his ship. 2. 341. a playful leap or hop. These cookies do not store any personal information. nimble fingers are quicker on the buzzer than anyone else's. Equally entertaining is the "Santa and Reindeer Dance" card, which stars a nimble St. Nick moonwalking while his deer friends sing in the background. English words and Examples of Usage use "nimble" in a sentence Their troops, nearly all undead, are numerous, and their warjacks are fast and nimble, but lightly armored. Examples of Mutilate in a sentence. How to use nimble in a sentence. caper. It is hard to believe that parents in some cultures mutilate their daughter’s genitals through religious-based surgeries. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. Nimble definition is - quick and light in motion : agile. But nimble Mr Trenchard was easily master of the situation. Rabbit383. Information and translations of nimble in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. One of these, a nimble little man, was wearing a blue coat tied round the waist with a rope. There are also third-party services, templates and extensions that can be downloaded through the HubSpot App Marketplace. A long waterline gives the Horizon excellent directional stability but is still nimble enough for inland trips around backwater creeks. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. December 16, 2016 We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. Examples of nimble in a sentence The overweight police officer could not catch the nimble suspect. 33. 5. The word nimble is an adjective. Sentence with the word nimble. Even you are not so nimble as you were. The definition of nimble is someone who is spry, and quick to move or understand. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Apathy | Apathy Sentence. Traducir nimble de Inglés a español. Nepotism in a sentence. They do not represent the opinions of 32. ... "Once so nimble before joints squeaked and wiring frayed" "Squilla's showing off his nimble footwork" "Squirrels are nimble in climbing trees" "Their feline sounds and nimble mannerisms left me breathless" In combat, they proved ungainly and vulnerableto more : Jean Jacques Rousseau expounded the idea that government rested on a social contract. We must remain nimble, flexible and prepared to compete as a region. 95+1 sentence examples: 1. View Nimble usage in sample sentences. ‘A nimble-witted person can view a subject from a multitude of angles, often shifting perspective with bewildering rapidity.’ More example sentences ‘When we first meet Jennet she's a nimble-witted 11-year-old girl studying natural philosophy with her scientifically inclined Aunt Isobel.’ The vehicles need to be nimble and quick for city driving. nimble. Susan Salgado: Small companies are more nimble, so it’s easy to stay more closely attached to your purpose and values. 56. Although her Mars makes no major aspects, Linda Goodman's Mars in Gemini would have made her intellectually curious, nimble and energetically "quick". How to use nimble in a sentence. What does nimble mean? nimble. Many companies had proved nimble in identifying new market opportunities. 27. I am not writing a sentence using that word. 7. Gemini's hands are particularly nimble and dexterous, so any profession that requires detailed product carvings would be a good fit. Jack Be Nimble, with Alexis Arquette, Dec . ... "Once so nimble before joints squeaked and wiring frayed" "Squilla's showing off his nimble footwork" "Squirrels are nimble in climbing trees" "Their feline sounds and nimble mannerisms left me breathless"
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