Bambi sprints away to safety only to release his mother hasn’t followed. He fails, but during a battle Severus Snape murders him. Italic text: Are you going to cheer up your favorite characters who cry, weep and sob? The death: After learning Jack has passed away, via a postcard returned to sender, Ellis phones Jack's wife, Lureen, who spins a story about an accidental death. The death: Vada’s tearful father tells her that Thomas J has been stung by a swarm of bees and was allergic. 59 synonyms of sad from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 97 related words, definitions, and antonyms. The dutiful, long-suffering owner of Snoopy in the comic strip Peanuts is dealt a heavy dose of real life, and boy, does he feel it. When the lever is flipped to start the execution the guards are seen weeping. I'm not saying this is a Crying Game situation, where he'll freak out because he's horrified for being attracted to a man; I'm saying he'll be crushed when he finds out that the harmless, nightly flirting ritual with the attractive stranger was just a bunch of bullshit. The really emotional part is when Anna narrates the ending, explaining why she couldn't save her sister and that she'll see her again one day. Whether it’s drama, action or comedy, this collection of famous quotes from movies can be appreciated by any lover of cinema. We’re tearing up just thinking about it. Nothing. Every night he gets to time travel to the swagger of his youth. Mufas's son, Simba, sees the whole thing, and rushes to his rescue to try and wake him. The death: Paul is forced to order John’s death in the electric chair. The death: As a pensioner, Briony is interviewed about a novel she’s written, retelling the story of the young lovers. The movie: My Girl starts out as a touching tale of childhood friendship, only to turn sour when motherless Vada (Anna Chlumsky) learns that Thomas is the second significant person in her life to pass away. Cary Elwes lost to that guy. But then she has a panic attack and forgets him and he suffers a suspected heart attack. My hope is that some perfect woman happened to be on the same plane, saw what happened to Cary Elwes, and fell in love with him, and they lived happily ever after, but I'm sure there's probably a deleted scene from Liar Liar where Cary Elwes' plane goes down, because fuck good guys, right? The movie: In the first of the new sequels, Rey (Daisy Ridley), Finn (John Boyega) and Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) go in search of Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), and join the resistance against Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and the First Order – oh, and did we mention Kylo Ren is the son of Leia and Han Solo? Here's our countdown of the most tragic movie deaths ever that will inspire a good cry. We totally know in the backs of our minds that most of the characters … Cue the waterworks. The movie: Baz Luhrmann's 1996 take on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Andy's mom takes him to Pizza Planet as a reward for nothing; Sid skateboards there alone. By Danielle Bruncati Apr 19, 2020 by Kayla Kibbe was originally published on InsideHook. The movie: This sassy teen movie has it all: sex, drugs, deceit, comedy and a hot central couple played by Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillippe, who were also real-life BF and GF at the time. But when you experience sadness in anime? What lesson is he supposed to pull out of this? Kate gifts her mum Sara (Cameron Diaz) with a memory book she has made over the years in secret, and dies shortly after in her sleep. I know that. The death: It was serious curve-ball that just when he decided to turn his back on scheming in favour of his first love, Annette (Witherspoon), Sebastian (Philippe) dies trying to save her from being hit by a car. It’s hard to even watch this one. And when one of those characters dies, … The movie: Classic comedy-drama about the importance of female friendship in a small tale in Louisiana, and how the community copes with the loss of diabetes sufferer, Shelby (Julia Roberts). An important step in getting over grief is to express it. Liar Liar has no such shitty guy scene for Jerry. Always on the go but can't get enough of Cracked? He can’t bear to give the order as John tears up being heckled by the crowd, and pleads to forgo having a cloth cover his face, reminding them that he’s scared of the dark. You're a torturer. The movie: Forrest is the endearingly slow narrator of his own life story. Lots and lots of movie nights. The movie: The adorable Disney classic about a young deer coming of age in a sometimes blissful, sometimes dangerous forest. Chuck is weak, but tries desperately to retrieve him. On the pursuit to … His ex-wife (Maura Tierney) dates Jerry (Cary Elwes), because she wants her son to have a positive male role model in his life, someone who won't constantly lie and let him down. Top 100 Most Heartbreaking, Saddest Movie Moments by Winduct | created - 02 May 2012 | updated - 27 Jun 2019 | Public A list of the most heartbreaking, emotional, tear jerking and saddest scenes in film history. When main character Richie’s suicide attempt is interrupted by a call from his estranged sister asking him to look after his 11-year-old niece, Sophia, Richie’s night takes a completely different turn. (In the less sensitive and politically correct '90s, "Man likes other man but doesn't know it!" Sometimes a person does that thing with their face where it changes into a shape that is altogether unpleasant and there's no way I can make the face go back to normal, even with money and snacks. The death: That aforementioned T. rex is responsible for killing Littlefoot’s mum right at the beginning of the movie. It's a pretty tired cliche at this point, but it's also important. Jerry doesn't win in Liar Liar; he loses. This 1983 tearjerker revolves around a complex mother/daughter relationship that's... 2 It's cute. I know Sid tortured toys, and I know he's mean to his little sister, who seems to be very sweet. ... Gaga wrecks us as her character … We have an Android app and iOS reader for you to pick from so you never miss another article. Welcome to Glamour UK. Then his childhood best friend, Jenny (Robin Wright) – who he’s spent the entire movie hunting down – dies of AIDS. E.B. The article Why Is It So Sad When Characters in Christmas Movies Sing in Unison? Another character that makes me sad is Harold, the sailor who lost his hands in combat. Ironic that one of the few Disney movies that have both parents make it through the whole movie is the saddest movie of them all. Andy gets every toy he's ever wanted, and it looks like Sid is getting, I don't know, used toys out of the garbage? No one is around to help the poor confused cub. As an audience, we all clapped, because Sid was mean to both his toys and his cute kid sister and we're glad to see him get his comeuppance, but there's no way this kid will ever have a normal life now. The movie: War novel-turned-movie about lovers Robbie (James McAvoy) and Cecilia (Keira Knightley) separated by the false allegations made by Cecilia’s jealous younger sister Briony. In movies about a slacker or deadbeat male who needs to turn his life around to win back the woman he loves, there's almost always another man in the picture. Connect to your existing Cracked account if you have one or create a new Cracked username. It is, in general, one of the most '90s movies ever made. Copyright ©2005-2021. She reveals that she has imagined an ending in which she visits the couple to repent for her lie, as actually, Robbie died from septicaemia while at war. Summary. Thanks for connecting! That's cool as shit! But the toys disrupted all that when they decided to out themselves as sentient and ruin Sid's life forever. The movie: In this charming Pixar movie, pensioner Carl ties a thousand balloons to his house to fly to South America, accompanied by a stowaway Boy Scout named Russell. He does a bunch of voices, there are some shenanigans, there's obviously a scene where he has to balance dinner with his family as his widowed alter ego Mrs. Doubtfire and a dinner with his boss as himself at the same time in the same restaurant. That cliche -- highlighting some big, shitty character flaw in the other man -- is what makes us as the audience OK with seeing that other man end up alone and the only thing that makes cuckoldry acceptable to us. It might not be all bad for Sid. In almost all of those movies, however, the "other man" is usually revealed to be shitty in some way. The combination of hibernation season on the horizon, and a potential second lockdown looming, calls for one thing: movie nights. Stock up on the kleenex for this one, you're going to need a lot more than the one packet. The guy who never took the easy way out and believed in doing the right thing because it was the right thing? We challenge you not weep uncontrollably. Jonathan Mar (Jormungand) 20th Century Fox"You're my tropical island in an ocean of bus-hobo pee.". His biggest flaw is that he's a little square and can't do this claw thing as well as Jim Carrey. It's an incredibly touching portrayal of the bond between mother and daughter. Without any doubt 2021’s most anticipated sad anime movie is Studio Ghibli’s How Do You Live?. "I can have her past, and you can have her future,” says Jackie. Then there's Marley and Me, the ultimate tear jerker for dog lovers - and non dog lovers alike. You can opt out at any time or find out more by reading our cookie policy. In between shenanigans and montages set to Aerosmith songs, we meet a sweet old bus driver played by the late Sydney Walker. By Healthy. The death: Leia (Carrie Fisher) has ordered the safe return of her son, so Han confronts Ren at Starkiller Base, and tries to convince him to abandon the dark side, but Ren refuses. Close friends are kind enough to realize that they'd have a better shot at receiving empathy if they talked their problems out with friends that aren't me, or helpful-looking strangers, or a dog of above-average intelligence. The death: Carl’s wife Ellie dies at the start, after falling ill. She’s the catalyst to his adventure, as they’d long vowed to complete the trip together. Classic Sparks. Williams as Doubtfire has to take a late bus home from work most nights, and this bus driver is usually the only other person on the bus. He doesn't cheat on Maura Tierney's character, he doesn't beat the little kid, and he's not a drug addict or murderer. White's classic children's novel Charlotte's Web is the first book to make many a young reader realize the power of literature to bring one to tears. The floodgates should open up just hearing Barbra Streisand singing the movie's theme song, but there's a whole sad love story that comes with it. She begs him to wake up while Sam realises mournfully that he’s dead, and now a ghost. The woman he loves and the child he's prepared to raise -- his future family, basically -- are taken away from him by a bruised, rambling Fletcher, a known liar who has demonstrated his unreliability as a parent a thousand times. I think about this man and the way he looks and smiles at Mrs. Doubtfire, and I can't help but think that seeing this woman and briefly getting the opportunity to flirt with her is the highlight of his day. Joyce and Will Byers (Stranger Things) "The woman has been through so much in her life, not including the monsters. It seemed cruel to me that he had to live so close to Andy, whose home life is just impossibly perfect. Calm your fingers. Imagine you were a little kid who took heads off of plastic toys and put them on the bodies of other plastic toys. His disability is heart-rending but the saddest thing is the terror he feels that when his girl Wilma sees just how truly helpless he is when he prepares for bed and takes off his hooks, she won't love him any more. Maybe the few minutes every night that he gets to spend admiring the beautiful stranger is keeping this sweet old (fictional, remember that he's fictional, Daniel) man going. Available women his age are probably hard to come by, and now he's found a pretty one that actually seems to like him; he must feel pretty lucky. We Dare You Not To Cry When You Read These Sad Disney Quotes From Dumbo, Bambi, Lion King, Toy Story 2, Little Mermaid, Cinderella, Inside Out, Etc. Seriously – what a line. 1. When he sees her, he smiles and sweetly flirts with her. It was probably hard enough on the bus driver when Mrs. Doubtfire suddenly stopped showing up on his bus route -- now he has to find out she doesn't even exist? The most weird and wonderful social media accounts you'll ever follow. Or maybe he'll never ask her out because he doesn't need to. Now imagine finding out that you've been unknowingly inflicting torture on an entire species. Haunting stuff. I know. The movie: Paul (Tom Hanks) is a guard on death row who’s seen hundreds of prisoners pass through ‘the green mile’. As usual, we can expect to get stunning visuals and a heartfelt story about the psychological growth of a young boy. He’s an artist, she’s the posh lady who wants him to draw her “like one of his French girls.” There's a steamed-up vintage car and an unfortunately placed iceberg. ), Universal Studios"Oh, no. Andy's toys attempt to move on with their lives as Woody tries to make them realize they were taken to the garbage by mistake. But what about the guy who was already good? It's a weird hobby, but it's the only thing that makes you happy in your otherwise lonely life. 12 of the Saddest Character Deaths in TV History Paul Tassi 7 years ago Character deaths are a part of any gripping television show, but some seem to have more impact than others. Not only that, he's got to live with the sudden frightening realization that he's a torturer/murderer. If you've ever lost of a pet or simply can't imagine the thought of it, this one will really hit home. Billy Zane (Kate Winslet's fiance) tries to get Leonardo DiCaprio killed and steals a child in Titanic, and so on. Because the toys are alive, that idea is horrible to us, but it actually shows real creativity on Sid's part. One of the saddest parts of the entire film was learning about Hector's own story. Inside her brain, an accident leads to Joy (voiced by Amy Poehler) no longer being in charge as she and Sadness (Phyllis Smith) are transported to a far off corner of Riley's mind. Tearjerker rating: 3/10. The movie: A pretty soppy teen movie about Jamie (Mandy Moore), a minister’s daughter who’s been diagnosed with leukaemia and falls for Landon (Shane), the school rebel. This isn't exactly a new formula. If you don’t shed a tear at at least one of these deaths, you’re probably a monster. TRENDING. Sadness makes the dullest characters some of the brightest and most interesting. Second, he's the only one in the world who knows that toys are alive, and no one will ever believe him. The funeral included an open casket, so we actually saw a solemn Macaulay Culkin play dead. The moral of the movie seems to be that if you grow and change and quit being a terrible human, you get the sex prize. Cracked is published by Literally Media Ltd., The 3 Most Depressing Minor Characters in Famous Movies, Behold! This movie opened the floodgates for many an animated death. So he acts out. Tearjerker rating: 10/10. We can't get enough. In Mrs. Doubtfire, Robin Williams has to dress up as a sweet Irish lady and pose as a nanny in a misguided attempt to be closer to his children. One day, I – a high schooler – found a paperback in the hospital. In Toy Story 3, if you look closely enough, you can see that he at least can find some joy listening to music. Sid always struck me as the loneliest kid in the world. Instead, she sues her parents to emancipate herself and gain freedom over her body. Copyright © 2005-2021. 20th Century FoxThis was his Basic Instinct. That means the bus driver is going to see it, check the credits, find out that it's Robin Williams in a wig, and just crash. She falls into a coma and her family are forced to give her up. Tony Stark, Avengers: Endgame. You know that. The day Maura Tierney decides to stick with Fletcher is the same day Fletcher: 1) gets his car impounded for speeding and a number of unpaid parking tickets; 2) gets thrown in jail; 3) breaks through security in an airport; and 4) steals an airport vehicle, delaying a flight and endangering lives. Bradley Cooper cheats on his fiancee Rachel McAdams in Wedding Crashers. These are moments in movies, TV shows, and video games where characters cry, weep and sob. This article is a right thing. Maybe tonight'll be the night I ask her out. Hayley Spencer. The death: Poor Mufasa is callously betrayed by his brother Scar who lets him fall to his death from Pride Rock. The movie: Newlyweds John (Owen Wilson) and Jenny (Jennifer Aniston) adopt Marley as a pup. A nightly flirting routine that reminds him of his younger days, when he had the time and opportunity to flirt with beautiful women. We hear you Chewie, we hear you. A movie follow-up to the 2018 TV series Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai, Rascal Does Not Dream Of A Dreaming Girl comes in with a very different tone than its predecessor.The TV series opens with the main character meeting a girl dressed as a Playboy bunny in a library. He also seems like just the sweetest man. First of all, he'll never be able to go to sleep again, because toys are immortal and unstoppable and holy hell there's millions of them (and remember Woody assures him that toys "can see everything" while he spins his head in a complete circle like a fucking maniac). Paramount Pictures/20th Century FoxCameron was going to CG yellow eyes and devil horns, but they were already over budget. The death: After their romance is doomed, Juliet consumes poison at the church altar to be found by Romeo moments later who then takes his own life too. Check out the hottest fashion, photos, movies and TV shows! He generally lies all the time, you see, which is why this would be a big deal for him. As far as endings go, it's equal parts … In his last breath he tells her he loves her. We all know being a kid is tough, but rarely do the stories we tell ever mention that fact. The movie: While travelling to Malaysia, engineer Chuck's (Tom Hanks) plane goes down in the Pacific Ocean. He's handsome, likeable, capable of holding down a job, and confident in himself enough to not be threatened by Fletcher. This problem (which I am in no way working to fix) probably stems from the fact that all of my empathy is reserved for the fictional characters on my television and movie screen. this is what helps you relate or empathize with certain characters. This site uses cookies to improve your experience and deliver personalised advertising. You're going to want to follow the cast on Instagram, Using harsh cleaning products and stripping sanitisers more than ever? Tearjerks rating: 6/10. Imagine that for yourself. They fall in love, but agree to lead separate lives as Ellis fears homophobic persecution. By the end of the film, it is heavily implied that Fletcher and his ex-wife will get back together and everyone will live happily ever after. The logic is that good people should be with other good people, and attempting to disrupt someone else's relationship for your own selfish purposes is a bad thing, so we just have to make sure the other man is worse. The movie is directed by the one and only Hayao Miyazaki who also wrote the script based on the famous Japanese Novel with the same title by Genzaburo Yoshino. (Yes, I'm using words like "get" and "reward" and we're treating the woman like a sex prize. The movie: Littlefoot the brontosaurus and his fellow orphaned friends journey in pursuit of the legendary Great Valley to find safety and shelter from the trecherous T. rex. The kind of acting out that Sid does seems awful to us, but it's perfectly in line with the behavior of kids in broken homes or who aren't getting enough attention or who are otherwise deeply, deeply sad. The death: Vada’s tearful father tells her that Thomas J has been stung by a swarm of bees and was allergic. As he and his family grow, the dog brings out the best in them – even if he does chew everything to bits. Find another word for sad. (If you're looking for Netflix-specific sad movies, ... but because it's a movie, Bradley Cooper's character is a pill-popping alcoholic who desperately needs to be saved. When they call me a nice guy, they mean that legitimately.". Sure, Sid rips apart toys, and in the Toy Story universe we hate that because toys are real and can feel pain. It must have been tough for Sid to see that every morning. The 50 Most Heartbreaking Movie Deaths We're Still Not Over 1 In the late 90s, Titanic was the be-all and end-all of sad romantic movies. He was already a weird, friendless outcast, and this is just going to push him even farther to the fringe of society. The only thing he has. He survives by clinging to a life boat and wakes up alone on a deserted island. Tearjerker rating: 9/10. The deaths: Yes, plural. And what's his sin? Back to the lonely bus route. This movie is by far the saddest movie of them all. Now elderly, he reads their love story to her in an effort to break through her dementia and remind her of their past. It also stars Sally Field as her mother, M'Lynn, and Dolly Parton as the town gossip. Emma Greenway, Terms of Endearment. A story about how Mary Poppins became a film shouldn't be sad, but leave it to Emma Thompson and Tom Hanks to tear your heart wide open. The death: In a tense scene on the tallest tower at Hogwarts, Dumbledore is confronted by the Death Eaters. Andy has a wildly popular birthday party, and Sid spends all of his time playing make believe alone. Toy Story 3 is a film so packed with nostalgia and \"feels\" that we can barely see the happy ending through our bittersweet tears. Besides the entertainment value they bring, movies also help create awareness about […] "Oh, you love Fletcher again because he doesn't lie? Thank god for Timon and Pumbaa cheering us up or we’d never be able to watch this movie again. With cold, gloomy nights drawing in, there's nothing better than drawing the curtains, grabbing a large glass of wine and getting cosy on the sofa with a good film. Tearjerker rating: 7/10. If that wasn't sad enough, the movie ends with Shaw's and Trip's bodies being buried side by side in a mass grave. In the final scene, he promises never to leave her, they then die peacefully in their sleep together on her bed. Yes, you guessed it – it’s based on a Nicholas Sparks book (he also did uber-weepie, The Notebook). The deaths: Noah succeeds in helping Allie become lucid so they can have a few minutes back together. What kind of justice is there for the guy who didn't need a magic spell to know that lying is wrong? Her dying advice to the tiny dino is: “Let your heart guide you; it whispers, so listen closely.” Like we said, kids movies before the 2000s really didn’t hold back on the morbid moments. The really sad bit is when Sam says goodbye to Molly and disappears to rest in peace. The movie: Jack (Jake Gyllenhaal) and Ellis (Heath Ledger) meet as sheep herders on the remote Wyoming mountains. You're almost done. Later it turns out the headmaster had planned his own murder with his colleague in order to avert one of Voldermort’s horcruxes, but it doesn’t make it any less emotional. The death: Just after we see them exchange vows, Landon tells the audience that after a summer in which they shared “more love than many people know in a lifetime”, Jamie passed away. Tearjerker rating: 11/10. Sid, with his filthy, grassless lawn and dark bedroom. was an incredibly popular punchline.) Because it’s a powerful emotion that hits pretty damn hard. 'Bachelorette' Couple Who Got Engaged after Two Weeks of Dating Splits, The 4 Racist Defining Moments In Gun Control History, 5 Most Dangerously Garbage Parents In Pop-Culture, 5 Details That Make 'Mandalorian' A Show All About Getting Old. Stick on Marvin Gaye, dance around with your hairbrush and you'll probably feel better pretty quick. *weeps into keyboard*. The death: Molly and Sam are happily strolling down the street when a man holds them up with a gun, asking for money. In every other movie, he should get a good girl. Then he meets a woman who seems sweet and seems his age and isn't rebuffing his advances, so he probably suspects she's single. Tearjerker rating: 8/10, or 10/10 if you’re a dog owner. Sid could have very easily been on a path that leads to some interesting and creative job down the line, maybe even a toy designer. Episodes: Movie; Aired: Summer 2018; I Want to Eat Your Pancreas is a sad anime that might sound like an ecchi or zombie horror anime by the name but it’s a romantic drama that successes in making you cry bucket loads. The movie: The Lion King is an emotional rollercoaster that taught us about the animal food chain the hard way. Gutting. Mrs. Doubtfire gets her own TV show by the end of the movie. While rom-coms, chick flicks and comedies are our go-to most of the time, sometimes it's really cathartic to have a solid cry at a sad movie. 54. He accepts Mrs. Doubtfire, bear-like legs and all, as "Natural. When his huge puppy-dog eyes shed a tear, we challenge your lip not quiver. It's just a string of non-stop misery for her." Just the way God made you.". The film centers on a case of mistaken identity— or rather, mistaken purpose. What follows is teen comedy and self-discovery.. No one is safe, not even Dumbledore. Children’s films did not sugarcoat things back in the 90s, that’s for sure. The fact that Annette gets her revenge afterwards kinda makes up for it. 2. John watches him slip away. If you have friends who have read the book or watched the movie or series with your character, talk to them about how sad you are. Watching films can be a thrilling experience that makes you cry, smile, relax, and even help you become aware of your fears. It is one of the greatest on-screen romances of all time, and just when you think their love has finally found tranquility, tragedy hits. He loses his best buddy Bubba at war, we blubbered. Draco attempts to kill him as an order from Lord Voldermort. In almost all of those movies, however, the "other man" is usually revealed to be shitty in some way. Mom shares struggle to stop breastfeeding. The scene that probably gets us worst is when the two women discuss their fears for the kids' futures at a bar. Take Baz Luhrmann's 1996 take on Romeo and Juliet starring Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio. The movie: The heart-warming story of the on-off, then on for evermore romance, between wealthy Allie and mill worker Noah (based on another classic Nicholas Sparks weepie). And the audience watching along is supposed to laugh because, hehehe, the bus driver doesn't realize he's flirting with a guy! Include a scene of her current boyfriend kidnapping a child and we'll do it. It’s a tale of love between a rich woman and a poor man — one that’s destined to end in death. Here's how to reduce your 'toxic load' for the sake of your health. In Liar Liar, another contender for "Most '90s Movie Ever," Jim Carrey, a lawyer named Fletcher, gets hit with some magic and has to go a full 24 hours without saying a single lie, all while facing a big case and trying to reconnect with his son and ex-wife. The movie: Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) was born via IVF as a "saviour sister", specifically to help her sister Kate (Sofia Vassilieva), who has leukaemia, by donating blood and organs. But then there are the films that take it too far and break our hearts into a thousand tiny pieces by killing off a central character – just when you've got really, really attached. That must have taken some imagination.
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