The religious fanaticism, betrayal and subsequent massacre that serve as a background to the Romeo and Juliet love story are a tragic part of America’s history. September Dawn Bottoms (she was, in fact, born on a September dawn) is a self-taught photographer from Oklahoma. Where to Watch. Without the irrationality of religious belief and organized religions, there would never have been a September Dawn, and no film such as this would have been made. Christopher Cain (Young Guns, The Principal, and The Next Karate Kid) directs, co-writes, and co-produces a controversial film covering the journey of a wagon train heading for California that stops in the wrong place at the wrong time. Must have MED support or key badge. She gravitate towards projects that blossom from a connection with certain characters and figures out how their … The religious terrorism depicted in the film happened 150 years ago and resonates in many ways with acts of mindless violence occurring across the world today.” September Dawn is the year’s first honest-to-goodness exploitation flick, utilizing its “inspired by true events” yarn about the 1857 Mountain Meadows massacre for tear-jerking, righteous indignation-stoking melodrama. The orders of those in authority is that all the immigrants must die.”, Jonathan Samuelson: “You can’t do this. Staring Krisinda Cain, Shaun Johnston, Taylor Handley and Tamara Hope. Synopsis: A story set against the Mountain Meadows Massacre, the film is based upon the tragedy which occurred in Utah in 1857. Amen.”, Robert Humphries: “No good will come of this … We’re leaving in a week, and your heart will still be here.” Fancher As a side note, there were arguably seven massacres in Utah and Idaho. Taylor Handley … Micah Samuelson Jon Voight … Jacob Samuelson ** Free Meals Free Uniforms Flexible…, DESTINATION MANAGER | CUVÉE ASPEN, CO About Cuvée Cuvée owns and curates the world's most exquisite collection of ultra- luxury…, White Mountain Snowmobile Tours needs a full-time Mechanic! Emily Hudson: “Well, maybe I will stay with my heart.” So Jacob sends sons Micah and Jonathan (Trent Ford) to spy on the settlers. September Dawn. (wagon train leader) Start a dialogue, stay on topic and be civil. Through their deaths, these gentiles will attain eternal salvation. She said it went very quickly, thanks to her methods. In the historical Western film September Dawn, he played executed murderer John D. Lee, in a performance praised by critics who otherwise panned the film. Academy Award (r) winner Jon Voight, Terence Stamp and Trent Ford star in this film based on the true story of the Mountain Meadows Massacre -- the brutal murder of 120 men, women and children on September 11, 1857 as their wagon train passed through Utah on its way to California. The question of whether the attack was carried out by local Paiute Indians or by a … Make it what it was, not a fictitious religious group.’ “After two years of working on the script and pulling Cain out of retirement to direct the film, Schutter began the fundraising process. After all, these are gentiles, sure to be up to no good. Synopsis. September Dawn WOOf! The movie, September Dawn, closely tells the story of what happened to the Fancher / Baker wagon train on September 11, 1857. Ned Blessing: The True Story of My Life (1992). Joe Biden became the 46th president of the United States on Wednesday, declaring that “democracy has prevailed” as he took the helm of a deeply divided nation and inherited a confluence of crises arguably greater than any faced by his predecessors. Trent Ford … Jonathan Samuelson A group of settlers, traveling on wagons, was murdered by the native Mormons. The release of this film, near the 15th anniversary of the Waco siege, is a great reminder of what can come when the brute power of government and the irrationalism of fundamentalist religions meet. “September Dawn” is a love story, but its setting is more attention-getting than the romance. Watch September Dawn movie trailers, exclusive videos, interviews from the cast, movie clips and more at The Romeo and Juliet subplot is predictable from the minute Jonathan and Emily exchange glances in an early scene, but Tamara Hope’s performance in the role of Emily makes you care about what happens to the members of the wagon train. Tamara Hope … Emily Hudson Even raising money was a relative breeze. September Dawn is a good example of such savagery. At the same time, a story started to form – about a woman traveling by stagecoach across the West, who is attacked by Mormons disguised as American Indians. A group of settlers, traveling on wagons, was murdered by the native Mormons. Answer, Bart Allison (Randolph Scott) to rancher Morley Chase in 1957's. The ending is also true to history; Mormon Indian agent John D. Lee was the only man convicted in relation to the massacre and was killed by a firing squad at the very spot where it took place. Robert: “At least you’ll have help with the dishes.”, Jacob Samuelson: “We … we above all other men have been honored to be the chosen instruments of death in carrying out this merciful deed. Shaun Johnston … Capt. ** SHIFT MANAGERS *$16.00 HR. ), “September Dawn,” which was originally scheduled for release this past spring, has garnered some national attention. All together, about 140 souls of men, women and children, were taken. SEPTEMBER DAWN weaves in a fictitious love story between two teenagers, Emily, the daughter of a Christian pastor, and Jonathan, the son of a Mormon Bishop who fall in love amidst the tragic, historical story of one of the biggest massacre in the United States. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that enables us to do “all things through Christ which strengtheneth us” (Philippians 4:13, KJV). So much so, that Jonathan is ready to leave his father’s church … and that’s before he learns that Jacob has plans to use the local Indians to help massacre all the members of the wagon train old enough to talk. A wagon train of settlers from Arkansas, headed to California, get permission from the Mormon leaders to stop for a spell near Cedar City, Utah. Samuelson’s son Jonathan impresses Emily Hudson (Tamara Hope), the daughter of “Reverend Hudson” (Daniel Libman), after he spends several precious film-minutes breaking (AKA whispering) an unrideable horse. Told from the point of view of a daughter reading her father's journals, September Dawn, is one of finest retelling of history this reader has ever read. September Dawn is a 2007 Canadian-American Western drama film directed by Christopher Cain, telling a fictional love story against a controversial historical interpretation of the 1857 Mountain Meadows massacre. “September Dawn” is a love story, but its setting is more attention-getting than the romance. When Schutter brought her work to her friend Christopher Cain, a filmmaker who had retired on an Emma ranch, he was skeptical. Biden takes the helm as president: ‘Democracy has prevailed’, COVID-19 complaints in Aspen center around mask wearing, restaurants, City of Aspen as landlord forgives $73K in rent for tenants at Wheeler Opera House, Pitkin County’s grant program will allow up to $25k per business, DA’s office files four charges against Old Snowmass man after midvalley dogfight, Aspen restaurant alliance turns up pressure on challenge to Red-level restrictions. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie … “After such a dark movie, I wanted to have fun,” she explained. Now you can rate you favorite — and least favorite — Westerns, too. September Dawn on DVD (043396198166) from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. True Christianity is about the power of love and the simple majesty of forgiveness that brings healing to our lives. It is the power of the Holy Spirit that enables us to do “all things through Christ which strengtheneth us” (Philippians 4:13, KJV). The question of whether the attack was carried out by local Paiute Indians or by a renegade sect of the Mormon … Based on actual historical events, “September Dawn” is a feature length drama that depicts the tragic encounter between a party of innocent settlers and a fanatic Mormon militia. Christopher Cain • Starring: Trent Ford , Huntley Ritter , Shaun Johnston Western • Revisionist Western • Romantic Drama Upgrade to … After all, it’s the only way to cleanse their souls so they one day might find a home in heaven. Since the wagon master, Alexander Fancher, and I, are direct, blood relatives (my sir-name is Fancher), I researched, and know what historically happened to the wagon train during the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Name the 2010 Western that featured Peter Dinklage of "Game of Thrones" and Jason Priestly of 90210 fame in supporting roles. Cast: It is a time, landscape and history about which Schutter knew even less than she knew about screenwriting.But one day five years ago, while driving between Buena Vista and Salida, Schutter began thinking about how she had always wanted to be a writer, and 52 at the time, the clock was ticking on long-held ambitions. Daniel Libman … The Rev. Emily stomps off. Your comment may take some time to appear. Lolita Davidovich … Nancy Dunlap A love story set during a tense encounter between a wagon train of settlers and a renegade Mormon group. Ski pass & Full benefits…, El Jebel CREW *$15.00 HR. Micah Samuelson, splattered in blood: “I’m already cursed!”. Readers around Aspen and Snowmass Village make the Aspen Times’ work possible. Duties include deliveries, loading/unloading trucks, helping customers,…, The Ute Mountaineer is seeking Sales Associates be part of their team. (“September Dawn” was actually shot around Calgary.) Hudson A group of settlers, traveling on wagons, was murdered by the native Mormons. They’re grateful for the hospitality. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Now more than ever, your support is critical to help us keep our community informed about the evolving coronavirus pandemic and the impact it is having locally. Your financial contribution supports our efforts to deliver quality, locally relevant journalism. Without giving away the story, let us say that Jonathan does not like what he sees among those of his Mormon faith and does not take part in the att… This is the kingdom within that pastors often talk about. I have Mormon relatives. The killing was done in a tranquil Utah field, under a banner of truce and friendship. September Dawn. Hentley Ritter … Robert Humphries, Jacob Samuelson: “May these children of Satan go to hell. September Dawn › Customer reviews ... That the scary thing about this film, its a true story, it made a great impact on me so I reseached all the details..A well made film,despite the lack of super stars,this film speaks for itsself, and the theme is still actuel today. Academy Award (r) winner Jon Voight, Terence Stamp and Trent Ford star in this film based on the true story of the Mountain Meadows Massacre -- the brutal murder of 120 men, women and children on September 11, 1857 as their wagon train passed through Utah on its way to California. Directed by Christopher Cain. You’ll be cursed.” Movies. The film takes place against the backdrop of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, an incident in 1857 Utah in which native Mormons slaughtered a group of settlers, men, women and children. When the idea wouldn’t leave her mind, Schutter began her research and discovered that such an incident had, in fact, taken place. ASPEN Aspenite Carole Whang Schutter has long believed that miracles happen. People she has come to know in the industry, she says, “have told me my story is a miracle – that somebody who has no idea how to write a screenplay gets a movie made.”The touch of a higher force gets even deeper. Pitkin County is currently hiring for the following: - Controller - Mental Health Analyst - Fleet Mechanic - Fleet Warehouse…, Property Managers / Skilled Labor Local Mgmt Company seeks to hire experienced team members. 2007 (R)Take a stock Old West setting, add a theme of religious intolerance, a “Romeo and Juliet” subplot, a ton of gratuitous violence, Jon Voight, and the label “based on a true story,” and you have this truish fiasco about a Mormon militia massacring 120 settlers on September 11th, 1857. True Christianity is about the power of love and the simple majesty of forgiveness that brings healing to our lives. Go to the bottom of each blog and you’ll find a ratings widget. “I didn’t want anyone to get mad at me. Jul 26, 2011 September Dawn takes a horrific true story that could easily make for compelling drama and botches it near completely. Experience preferred but not…, ASD is now accepting applications for level 1 & level 2 substitute teachers. Rating it the worst film of 2007, movie critic Roger Moore wrote: . She is also writing another book, about her home state of Hawaii, called “The Ohana.” (The word means “family” in Hawaiian. But [Cain] said, ‘The truth is more interesting. Virtually all of the financing came from friends in Aspen. A story set against the Mountain Meadows Massacre, the film is based upon the tragedy which occurred in Utah in 1857. But the Mormons, with Jacob Samuelson (Jon Voight) as their spiritual leader, have intentions that are less than hospitable. September Dawn is an ill-informed and poorly-done piece of propaganda. Amidst this, two young lovers-to-be, one a Mormon and the other one of the doomed settlers from Arkansas, develop a … “I read that this was a true story, and I almost died,” said Schutter, who has lived in Aspen for 20 years.It would make the story even more fabulous to say that Schutter immediately wrote a note-perfect script, balancing the historical component with a “Romeo and Juliet”-type romance between the son of a Mormon bishop and a woman from the wagon train. If you don't follow the rules, your comment may be deleted. All together, about 140 souls of men, women and children, were taken. This is the kingdom within that pastors often talk about. You don't have to be a Mormon, Mormon sympathizer or adhere to any religious creed to realize, sitting through this, that you're in the presence of evil. All together, about 140 souls of men, women and children, were taken. It was Schutter’s first effort at a screenplay, and she says the process of turning the script into a major film – “September Dawn” stars Academy Award-winner Jon Voight, and also features Lolita Davidovich, Dean Cain and Terence Stamp – was a remarkably easy process. Robert: “And be one of his many wives?” In an industry where screenwriters measure their piles of rejected, reworked scripts in yards and financing is routinely excruciating, Schutter’s experience does border on divine intervention.Schutter recites the statistic that just over 1 percent of screenwriters ever get a movie made. She focuses on women’s and social issues, and also endeavors to explore her family through photography to better understand the effects of sexual trauma and mental illness. Each donation will be used exclusively for the development and creation of increased news coverage. No, we cannot, because "September Dawn" is at pains to point out that on another Sept. 11, another massacre took place, again spawned by religion. I applaud the makers of September Dawn for their efforts to bring the story of the ill-fated Fancher-Baker wagon train to the attention of today's audience. At the core of the controversy is the notion that the Mormon church, and church leader Brigham Young himself, sanctioned the killings.”I was chicken,” said Schutter. Virginia Mayo and Joel McCrea meet a tragic end in this 1949 Western directed by Raoul Walsh and based on his 1941 film, "High Sierra." The affection is mutual. John Voight turns in a fine performance as the Mormon’s religious leader, a man who saw his wife killed in the name of the religion and is prepared to send a son to the same fate is necessary to save his soul. September Dawn 2007, 110 min. Storyline. September Dawn (2006) Mark Franklin June 25, 2015 2000s A wagon train of settlers from Arkansas, headed to California, get permission from the Mormon leaders to stop for a spell near Cedar City, Utah. The film takes place against the backdrop of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, an incident in 1857 Utah in which native Mormons slaughtered a group of settlers, men, women and children. Terence Stamp … Brigham Young Now, after a lifetime of unemployment, Schutter finds herself with a career. Some bookkeeping experience…. (woman in pants) Within a very short period they are madly in love. We are people who love the outdoors and…, Billing Administrator: Oates, Knezevich Gardenswartz Kelly & Morrow, P. C. is seeking a Long Term/Part-time billing administrator. Such is the historical backdrop for September Dawn, a bloody retelling of the 1857 Mountain Meadows Massacre, when members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) killed about 120 settlers who were on their way to California. It didn’t happen that way. Every contribution, however large or small, will make a difference. Property Managers, Field Staff & Skilled…, BLUE LAKE PRESCHOOL is hiring FT teachers! How would you evaluate Congresswoman Lauren Boebert's first two weeks in office? Brethren, we have a duty to perform. Carole Whang Schutter weaves a fictional love story into the sharing of an historical event, The Mountain Meadows Massacre, "the first act of religious terrorism in the United States." Knowledge of Snowmobile and Snow Cats would be a PLUS. More Historical / Period Piece, Romance and Western DVDs available @ DVD Empire. “September Dawn” is a dramatic recreation of historical events that occurred in the fall of 1857. It’s our sacred duty. Artistic license taken in retelling of first 9-11. It’s a total Aspen movie,” she said. Please send…, Steamboat Lumber is hiring a full time driver/yard associate. “This is a movie really conceived in and sort of created in Aspen. Applicants should love kids, have an outgoing personality, and enjoy being around others.…, El Jebel Evening Shift Starting pay $15 Hr Please apply online at:, Now Hiring - Roots Rx Aspen Part-time options available. Instead of spying, Jonathan finds himself taming a supposedly untamable stallion, and winning the heart of young Emily Hudson, a pastor’s daughter, in the process. Although September Dawn may be attempting to draw a parallel between Samuelson's dedication and that of a certain U.S. administration, his story remains muddled. To apply please go to Join…, Clinical Applications Specialist Aspen, CO Clinical Applications Description The Clinical Applications Specialist is responsible for support, design, testing and…, Laurelwood Condominiums in Snowmass Village is hiring a FT Front Desk Agent to start immediately. It had been rejected by the Isis Theatre.But she was informed that “September Dawn” was on the Isis schedule, opening Friday.Another small gift from above, perhaps.Stewart Oksenhorn’s e-mail address is Reviews: September Dawn. September Dawn. Comment moderation is enabled. He also lent his voice for the video game Hitman: Absolution. The film included a Romeo and Juliet love story that, in our opinion, seemed to detract from the story. There is no historical event so grand, so tragic, so complex that it cannot be reduced to a love story. “He said this doesn’t look like a screenplay,” recalled Schutter.Chief among Cain’s criticisms was that the script backed away from the controversy raised by the actual Mountain Meadow Massacre. On Sept. 11, 1857, at the Mountain Meadows Massacre, a group of fanatic Mormons attacked and slaughtered a wagon train of about 120 settlers passing through Utah on their way to California. F orget Grindhouse. Amidst this, two young lovers-to-be, one a Mormon and the other one of the doomed settlers from Arkansas, … Written by Cain and Carole Whang Schutter, the film was a critical failure and box office disappointment. The massacre is rendered in slow motion, with dead babies and bloody girls strewn everywhere, and the Mormon killers cast as the equivalent of modern-day terrorists. No question, the massacre at Mountain Meadows on Sept. 9, 1857 should never be forgotten. Today marks the national release of “September Dawn,” a film adapted from her second book, of the same name, and for which she wrote the screenplay. 25 Metascore; 2007; 1 hr 50 mins Drama R Watchlist. A story set against the Mountain Meadows Massacre, the film is based upon the tragedy which occurred in Utah in 1857. She has an option on another screenplay, which she describes as a “family” story. Based on a true story — there’s a monument to those slain in the wagon train in Utah — this is a far better than average Western. In fact, “Miracles Happen” was the title of her first book, an inspirational, Christian-centered publication that dates back some eight years.Over the time since she wrote that book, Schutter’s conviction that miracles happen has only solidified. Salary based on experience. Joe Gries … John D. Lee Be sure to vote on the main blog page, not an individual photo page, so they’ll tabulate correctly. There was a feature in The New York Times Arts & Leisure section several months ago, and the film is getting national distribution.Schutter’s biggest disappointment as of a few days ago was that the film – which had the first showing in its final form at a private screening in Aspen last November – was not going to open in Aspen. Menu. He played Casey in the films Taken (2008), Taken 2 (2012), and Taken 3 (2014), and was also in TerrorVision, as O.D. A duty we owe to God and to our church. We should consider their deaths a virtuous act of grace and mercy.
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