“I must be a good younger sister,” she would tell … A time where hot, steaming water can ripple on your back, like a massage. 3 lata temu. Latest Creepypasta Stories. I like that there are 48 stairs leading up to my cell. Of the twenty-seven inmates that had been in that Quad, I don't know. 38. One night, in particular, we had just packed him away and put the next man into shower 5 only to returned to find shower 3 occupied, shower 5 empty, and Garvy pouting like an angry child. Personally, if it's just one case, then clearly, whoever "they" are isn't doing very good police work. Maybe in another ten years, he'll question how thick that glass is between him and real meat. Pervis was not a small man. Anyway, you can imagine what this did to me. I took it not because I wanted it, but because I felt it was my sacred trust to stand guard against that thing every night. We didn't use shower 5 anymore though, it seemed like the strange magic had finally turned sour, and after finally making maintenance come down and fix shower 3 we stopped using it entirely. Click the links below for specific letters, or click the "Next" (or "Prev") links. I sat in that station for the next two days, nodding off when sleep finally took me, and watched as the state police and animal control tried to figure out how to get this thing out of the Quad. Did you look up? He showered there nine shower nights for every ten and still never had it happen. One inmate in particular, Garvy, used to trade his breakfast tray for the spot in line that would get him to Shower 5 every shower night. He was true to his word too. There’s a real need for male officers in an all-male facility, shocking I know, and the confinement unit is no different. The next three days were a nightmare. :3Keep in mind that this video was made in 2014... it's bound to be outdated by now. ZAGINIONY BRACISZEK I MY W NIEWOLI CZĘŚĆ IV. I'd seen McMAn facedown even the most hardened of inmates, seen him hold the line during last summers riots as we held the gate against a dozen screaming inmates, but this creature was too much for him. One: Ja też nie. It would happen anywhere from 2-4 times a month at first. It is a habit, a fear, which saved my life a little over a year ago. Super! The other fought like cats to get that stall each shower night and I’d come into the quad many nights to the sound of them bickering about who would get it tonight or trying to trade their breakfast trays for someone's spot in line. The Predator is a known enemy of The Night Demon. Worse_nightmare. Kto z was ukradł mi katanę?! If you weren't an inmate though he was one of the nicest guys you'd ever care to know. Have they finally reached enlightenment?I had been meaning to get this out last week but things never go as planned. Sir Spooks. In case you missed it. The shower scene always stuck with me, traumatized me you could say, and brought many a day where family fights would erupt over me staying firmly locked in the single shared bathroom until I was fully clothed and ready to face whoever was on the other side of the door. They took Ferris out under a sheet and it was dripping red in its wake. Inmates are cuffed, removed from cells, weighed, given haircuts, and are placed in the shower so we can search their cells. We weren't sure what to make of the incident but we chocked it all up to "The strangeness with shower 5" and went about work as usual. For those unfamiliar with how a prison quad is set up let me explain. “I ain’t goin in that shower.” He said, evenly as he stared at me through the glass on the door. If we needed a reminder of the incident all we had to do was look at the red stains on the floor of shower 3. Więc, wracając do tematu, nudząc się jak mops postanowiłem zadzwonić do mojego kolegi Michała i zaprosić go na noc. Just a bunch of Creepypasta lemons that were removed from deviantart. I like that my wake up time, my breakfast time, my lunchtime, and my dinner time all happen on times ending in zero. Paste(Ctrl+V) it in the desired location. She had a great face, great body, and her hair, goodness gracious, her hair! Uznali, że mogę zostać sam w domu, gdyż nie jestem już małym dzieckiem. ... after I had calmed down I went to take a shower. Eee chwila kto naćpał Puppeta że takie coś powiedział? They looked to me for answers but I had none. “Go get the Sarge,” Pervis said and as the man with the shortest time in I was relegated to the bubble while McMan went to the floor to access the situation. Cover by me! The truth is out there. The team leader joined me in a fetal ball in the corner while the captain made calls for backup. Normally this wouldn’t have been a problem, there were usually tons of others willing to take his place, but tonight Ferris was my last shower. Super! KES Bathroom Replacement 16-Inch Shower Arm with Flange Square, Brushed Nickel, PSA4-2 in Shower Arms & Slide Bars. Advertisements Estimated reading time — 10 minutes “Man, that shift sucks!” I hear it all the time. I don't know how long I was there but when I came back to myself the Captain was shaking me and all hell had truly broken loose. No inmate admitted to having talked to Ferris since he disappeared and no blood was ever found in the vents but this was a much better narrative than a shower that kept sending inmates from one shower to another. I love numbers, even numbers to be exact. Napisz do nas. HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY!! For three days we were questioned, had to make multiple written and verbal statements, and were grilled endlessly by both local and federal officers. They were at the top of the stairs and heading towards the shower when the door to Shower 5 buckled outward. Erick~ dobRe. At first, you wanted to ask … After that, NO inmate would go near Shower 5. I had seen him lay hands on men who would have given me trouble and put them on their faces as easily as someone subdues a child. We were more than happy to oblige the request. The video showed him showering one minute and then gone the next. Which Creepypasta will be killed first? Call the captain and get some help down here while we go see what's going on.". Cover by me #bendrowned #bloodypainter #clockwork #creepypasta #eyelessjack #homicidalliu #hoodie #janethekiller #jeffthekiller #laughingjack #masky #puppeteer #sally #slenderman #ticcitoby Skomentuj. While my two best friends were being devoured before my eyes there were actually people out there having comfortable nights filled with nothing more pressing than a belly ache or an unruly inmate who wouldn't go to bed. I wanted a shower too and I didn't know how long you'd be. Looking for a specific pasta? “Look, Ferris, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The doors to Quad 2 were sealed shut, the door welded closed and caution tape draped across it. McMan was far from what you'd call imposing, standing about 5’2 with thick glasses and a slim frame, but he was knowledgeable about his job and always had something to talk about. Every area in all parts of the world has those area-specific urban legends that just refuse to die. The Showers is a story about an odd mill somewhere in Kansas of Nebraska (Later on in the story it is revealed that it is Hastings,… I’m one of the lucky people that go to work while everybody else is … The Problem with the Drains Read More » One more weird occurrence and they’d pull us all out and separate us between the other dorms. Anyways~ not going to waste your time with more of an explanation, just read on and enjoy. We’d arrived in time to see his last few breaths and listen to him wheeze as his lungs finished filling with blood. Ale narysuje tylko nie wiem jak wyjdzie mi rysowanie człowieka XDDD, @The_StarlingShadow He was gone and we still had a job to do so the showers went on and days turned into weeks. Report. XDDDDD They had then looked out and seen the blood spattering the window and feared that a riot was underway. The only thing visible was one hand, spasmodically grasping at the impenetrable barrier between him and freedom, as the creature devoured him. Czekam na następne! Która Creepypasta to mówi? 7. After ten years I imagine he's hungry for something more than rats. He comes in through the window so 1, you didn't hear and 2, you're in the shower so stuff is hard to hear anyway. Its mouth dove and it tore chunks of flesh out of the screaming man as McMan scooted backward in a state of sheer terror. We headed out into the quad to see what all the kicking was about. You have not seen so many pumpkins! My Captain is a Major now at another facility, everyone from my old shift ha either quit or moved on, and I alone keep my vigil here every night. She is greeted by a horrific sight; hanging from the shower nozzle is her dog, with its throat slit open and its blood dripping into the bathtub. It spread the compound seemingly overnight and any inmate that came into quad 2 would refuse to go into shower 5. After she did, she woke up in a dungeon. Come and you decide for yourself. 5. Jeff:Jeff had gotten blood all on you. I’ve said We a lot in this story but I haven't talked about the men I served with in confinement. Shower 5 though was definitely the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen. Ale no wiesz- tej prawdziwej, szmacianej :> You know you would have to take a shower right away to make sure the blood didn't stain. Their files were gone when I came back, their DC numbers and CDC records were expunged, and all the cells were open and empty. XDDD It was so silky, long, and so absolutely perfect. Ferris had been refusing his showers for the last seven shower nights, the other shift didn’t quite enforce the rules as we did about bathing once a week, and the administration had begun to take notice of his odor. The creature slammed into McMan and plastered him against one of these windows like a bug. It’s the only one I have available and you’re my last shower.”. "I haven't heard a peep out of him, did they load him into a cell? He stared into shadows at the edge of the living room, eyes welling with tears as he lifted the revolver slowly … Seventeen Read More » Super wymyślam następne ❤❤, Do Jeffa: Jeff :>… Masz pięć sekund na ucieczkę ;) 23. He knew what he was getting himself into and demanded that the 1.5 million euros to be give to his wife and 7 children back in Africa. Garvy immediately started hooting about wanting to take his place but I ignored him. I have found the rainbow!!!!! This started a whole new bombardment of paperwork, CCTV footage being combed over a frame at a time, and witness statements being filled out and dispositions being taken. I like that I get precisely four hours of leisure time every day, no more, no less. #bendrowned #boyfriend #creepypasta #creepypastaboyfriendscenarios #eyelessjack #hoodie #jeff #laughingjack #masky #scenarios #slenderman When he sees you in the shower 5… I took baths, which I suppose aren’t that different – it’s still a tub, and it involves hot, soapy water. Masky x Hoody Lemon. Creepypasta Texts. For this ritual you will need: a shower, 5 candles or more, a mirror, purified water, a red long-sleeved shirt, and a cup (You can still use bottled purified water). When they asked us where we wanted him we didn't even think about shower 5. !^^ #rpg The team had gone in and been attacked by what they thought was a mountain lion or some kind of big cat. I just think you could have done so much more with this plot. They all tried but in truth less than half of them ever got to experience it. Meteor Shower Pt.1 ... *² Recently, @Asmodeusarts on Instagram has made a Creepypasta … @Worse_nightmare Zawiera nieodpowiednie treści? He and Perves left the station in a hurry, pilling up at the door as they hunted for keys, and came through the door one behind the other as they mounted the steps. Did you catch the very vaguest hint of eyebrows or a tuft of matted, greasy hair above the curtain rod?That’s not a good idea.It doesn't really like it if you see it. The URL has been copied. There are five showers in each quad, showers 1 and 5 are on either side of cell 1 and 14, showers 2 and 4 on either side of cell 15 and 28, and shower 3 sits between cell 21 and 22. Do Helena: Już krew jest ;) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f5/d8/05/f5d805ca2867da093cefe0578213dcb8.jpg, https://orig00.deviantart.net/029a/f/2015/104/e/4/kazama_by_matcha97-d8pofoe.jpg, https://data.whicdn.com/images/99922742/large.png. ^ ( tak XD ) No i padłam na ziemię i nie wstaje. She was beautiful. He told us that the Quad was to be quarantined until further notice, the reflective lenses on his sunglasses making him look as inhuman as the creature, and that no one was to go in or out until this thing was dead. We came up the stairs two at a time and what I saw will haunt me until the day I die. Which Creepypasta will be killed first? Then after he was done, he came and hugged you. Help us out by reviewing new submissions. Splendid. 345 Obserwuj autora Dodaj do ulubionych 0. He lay on the floor of the dirty shower, his blood pooling as it tried to flow into the drain, and shuddered out the last minutes of his life. Zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź, aby przejść do następnego pytania. Pervis was straining against the thing as it tore blood strips out of his shirt, his undershirt, and his chest but his biceps were losing purchase and he was starting to weaken. We managed to keep the weirdness to a minimum for about a month before it came completely off the rails. Follow. Ja: One rly? No one could have known how bad it would get in the end. Meteor Shower Pt.1. The Theater is a Creepypasta about an alleged old PC game that was released around the same time as Doom (1993), known for its character named "The Ticket Taker", who is a poorly drawn, pixelated, bald, Caucasian man with large red lips wearing a red vest over a white shirt and black pants, who is completely expressionless. For the next month, we kept a low profile and tried our best to keep disturbances to a minimum. Did you look up? The most terrifying horror monsters: clowns, dolls, maniacs, killers, mummies, zombies and ghosts came for you. We checked the CCTV in the station but there was no video of him leaving the shower. The Captain asked him what we should do about the men trapped inside, men who hadn't eaten in two days, and he simply shrugged and said if they were in there then they were as good as dead already. When we asked them why they had put him in shower five, they answered that it had been funny to watch him piss his pants in fear of the mystery shower. They started slow- E.J held the shower-head over BEN's legs and let the elf clean his ankles and such. Quad 2’s shower night was Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. For example, all the guards on C shift knew about the mysterious shower in Quad 2 of confinement. And also when you can see your husband in his naked glory. Creepypasta Land MV Edition is the same old Creepypasta Land but with full new graphics, new items, new secrets, new battle system, new maps,extra stories and a lot of new secret stuff!! XD Come and you decide for yourself. The subreddit for "Creepypasta icon" stories, artwork, and more. The cameras clearly showed that we had been absent from the quad when Ferris disappeared so after three days they had no choice but to let us return to work. The new officers they put back there always ask me what happened to Quad 2 but I never tell them the whole story. His arms, his legs, his neck, his face, and especially his back were in bloody tatters and when he finally died I considered it a true mercy. Zgodził się bez najmniejszego oporu. I closed him in and took off his cuffs and at first, I didn’t think he would shower at all but as I descended the stairs I heard the water start and decided to make a trip to the officer's station to have a quick bite. Review Pasta. You were washing your hair, when Jeff walked in. It never happened in reverse either, shower 3 was broken so we never used it, but when we did put an inmate in shower 3 for holding he never went anywhere until we were ready for him to go somewhere. I don't know if he said something to them or not but they later told us that they loaded him into shower 5, leaving the cuffs on because he was being combative, and left. Skomentuj. It lept, coming stickily off the wall, but its path took it straight into Perves who was frozen in front of the screaming Seargent. Can you defeat the Boss Horror? Shower 5 had become something sinister, something not altogether understandable, and I did not want to see what new horror it had in store for us. terrible_girl 5 lat temu. Now, every once in a blue moon, you come across a really good creepypasta. As it fell, the creature lept off it and caught McMan in the back as he ran for the door. How could he be? Each quad holds 28 cells, 14 on the bottom floor and 14 on the top floor accessible by a catwalk. Even rarer is one that's actually believable. Provocation. The team leader said it looked like some of the inmates had also been killed though he couldn't figure out how this thing was getting into the cells. I’ve heard hits planned out through the back grating in the windows, I’ve had all manner of things thrown at me through the flap which we push their food and clothes in through, I’ve been called some pretty colorful names, and I’ve stumbled across my fair share of bodies, hanging and bleeding, which needed immediate medical attention. We talked about it sometimes, speculating what could have happened to him, but ultimately we lost interest after the paperwork ended and the hype died down. 3/5… He looked you over and a wolf whistle. It, as something dark and groping tried to climb through the shower. `` and cut. Powstały na potrzeby innych creepypast his own or with assistance, or shower 5 creepypasta links... Answers but I had been meaning to get this out last week but things never go as planned their.. 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