[17], Following the referendum result in favour of Brexit in the UK and the election of Donald Trump as 45th President of the U.S., "generation snowflake" was often shortened to simply "snowflake" and became a politicized insult. Snowflake opens soft and closes with a hard “k” kicker. Common usages include the terms special snowflake, Generation Snowflake, and snowflake as a politicized insult. [28], In March 2017, the American live sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live aired a skit about a Trump-loving dog that, through the aid of technology, was able to berate the anti-Trump humans in the room as "liberal snowflakes".[29][30]. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. How to use snowflake in a sentence. Mainly used by Alt-Right Trumpet blowers, who ironically, don't realize they are the very definition of … Change your default dictionary to American English. He is a man who cannot even bear the (really rather soft) satire slung his way by Saturday Night Live. Malkin argues the provision has "cultural consequences" in that it "reduces the incentives for 20-somethings to grow up and seek independent lives and livelihoods". “And finally, it sort of hits home because I think, deep down, everybody is a snowflake,” Yagoda said. Fox described the video as showing a: "screaming, almost hysterical mob of students" and that the backlash to the viral video led to the disparaging moniker "generation snowflake" for the students. Sexual assault survivors requesting trigger warnings on texts that include graphic rape scenes? [18] A 2017 article from Think Progress commented: "The insult expanded to encompass not just the young, but liberals of all ages; it became the epithet of choice for right-wingers to fling at anyone who could be accused of being too easily offended, too in need of 'safe spaces, too fragile'". "[8], Snowflake as a politicized insult is typically used by those on the political right to insult those on the political left. noun one of the small, feathery masses or flakes in which snow falls. Maybe it’s not the most delicate, politically-correct progressive. “A snowflake was a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery,” Brewster said. A snowflake is a person who is easily offended, too emotionally vulnerable to deal with challenging views, and non-resilient compared to others. Maybe it’s President-elect Trump. Classic Generation Snowflake. snowflake: [adjective] A person who thinks they are perfect and unique when in fact they are not and are like everyone else. snowflake synonyms, snowflake pronunciation, snowflake translation, English dictionary definition of snowflake. ) [5] Palahniuk's claim has been questioned. [4] In a short essay for Entertainment Weekly, Palahniuk later clarified that while writing the novel in 1994, he did not intend "snowflake" to be an insult, and said it had nothing to do with fragility or sensitivity. It's not a new word, but has a new other meaning: someone who is … [19] Jonathon Green, editor of Green's Dictionary of Slang, points out snowflake is an unusual insult in that it calls someone weak and fragile without using misogynistic or homophobic references. Who is the snowflakiest snowflake of all? The confrontation, which was recorded and uploaded to YouTube, shows university students arguing with Christakis over a disagreement regarding Halloween costumes and the degree to which Yale University should intervene regarding student costumes which may be perceived as cultural appropriation. Special snowflakes. And think of what happens to a snowflake once you get your hands on it. At least, not yet. Integromat gives you the ability to integrate amoCRM, JIRA Server, Smartsheet, Snowflake, Urban Dictionary, YNAB with many other services. "[6] The metaphor has been used positively with students to celebrate their individuality (and teamwork). [3][4], Chuck Palahniuk has often been credited with coining the pejorative use of "snowflake" in his 1996 novel Fight Club, which contains the quote: "you are not special, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake". As insults go, it’s hard to think of one that so clearly conveys so many flaws at once: Fragility and self-importance, weakness and self-delusion. The other two bits of Missouri slang from that political moment — the “claybank,” a group that wanted gradual transition from slavery to freedom plus compensation for slave owners, and the “charcoals,” also known as “brown radicals,” who pushed for immediate emancipation and for black people to be able to enlist in the armed forces — didn’t stick. [22], Shelly Haslam-Ormerod, senior lecturer in mental health and wellbeing at Edge Hill University, strongly criticised the use of the term, arguing in The Conversation that it stigmatises the mental health challenges faced by today's young people in an uncertain world and noting that even children aged under 10 have been unfairly labelled "snowflakes" in tabloid articles. But as 2016 dawned, snowflake made its way to the mainstream and, in the process, evolved into something more vicious. Asking to take down a statue of a racist on your campus? snowflake (plural snowflakes) A crystal of snow, having approximate hexagonal symmetry. He cited one of the most enduring profanities in the English language: “The word fuck, why did it last? In the aftermath of Trump and Brexit, there has swelled up this vocabulary of vilification. [8] In an article from the Los Angeles Times, Jessica Roy says the alt-right in the United States pejoratively describes most liberals and those protesting against Donald Trump as "snowflakes". [19][3], In 2017, a U.S. marketing company created a "snowflake test" to be used in its hiring process to "weed out overly sensitive, liberal candidates who are too easily offended". It was a largely non-partisan slight — a mean, though not hateful, dig at millennials perceived to have an outsize sense of their own individuality and, by extension, importance. Integromat gives you the ability to integrate MIME, Snowflake, SOAP, Urban Dictionary, XML, Zoho Mail with many other services. There’s always been one — my world, slang, is one of the great proponents and coiners of it — but it seems to me that these kind of very vicious, really, because they’re not meant with a laugh, these quite vicious insults have sprung up specifically within these two political areas, these explosions, that happened last year… This kind of very hard insult has come out of it. When confronted with an alternate opinion (usually conservative), a " snowflake " will immediately lose control. snowflake noun [C] (PIECE OF SNOW) a small piece of snow that falls from the sky. Learn more. Dean S Janiak/ … According to urban dictionary, the term snowflake means the following: A term used to describe extremist liberals that get offended by every statement and/or belief that doesn’t exactly match their own. Who are the snowflakes? It dissolves right in your palm. [citation needed] The confrontation arose between university students and faculty Head of College, Nicholas A. Christakis. [1][2] Most usages of "snowflake" make reference to the physical qualities of snowflakes, such as their unique structure or fragility, while a minority of usages make reference to the white color of snow. The term gained popularity through a line from the book … It’s often used against younger people (generally, those of the millennial generation) and left-leaning people. [14][15][16] It has also been used to refer to a reported increase in mental health issues among young adults. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. snowflake definition: a small piece of snow that falls from the sky. a person who is considered unique and deserving of special treatment: I have twenty-eight special … You’re a snowflake. [26], In the 1860s, "snowflake" was used by abolitionists in Missouri to refer to those who opposed the abolition of slavery. You can see this linguistic evolution play out on Urban Dictionary: The 2008 definition of snowflake was “a person who think they are OMGUNIQUE!, but is, in fact, just like everyone else.” That was redefined in May of 2016 as “an overly sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ from their own. As long as there is this idea that some people require special treatment. He is offended by, seemingly, everything anyone has ever said about him that is not sufficiently glowing. That pulls the trigger.” Snowflake is another self-fulfilling prophesy. The biggest snowflake is Kotakoti. Rather he was consciously reacting against the constant praise he had encountered in the education system, which he said had rendered him an "idiot" and poorly equipped him for the world. It is so easily lobbed at anybody who complains about being criticized or not having access to things they need.”, “Will it last or not?” Green, slang lexicographer, asked. [27] However, psychologist and academic from the Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester, Cary Cooper suggests it is a poor strategy for attracting talented younger workers. If being called a snowflake offends you, well, of course it does. [7], Following Fight Club, the terms "special snowflake" and "special snowflake syndrome" were applied to individuals with a negative connotation. Snowflake “works in two ways. Either violence demonstrations, or a complete mental breakdown will follow. Snowflake A person (usually liberal) who cannot accept any opinion other than that which he or she believes. It was about a century before snowflake slang made its way back into the vernacular, when it was used to describe “a white person or a black person who was perceived as acting too much like a white person,” according to Green’s Dictionary of Slang. Definition of a snowflake in my own words: A "snowflake" Is someone who acts self-righteous and has a holier-than-thou attitude alongside a morally superior idea that everyone is an ant beneath their feet and that they should convert to their agenda and thinking process. When these fragile/ infantile people are offended, most likely they will react in someway like a toddler (cry, scream, act hysterical, etc). Facetious Slang. The quote was included in the 1999 film adaptation of the same name, in the dulcet tones of a Brad Pitt voiceover: Fellow dude-novelist Bret Easton Ellis picked up on the theme in an episode of his podcast last August, in a riff that asked (rhetorically, one assumes), “little snowflake justice warriors… when did you all become grandmothers and society matrons, clutching your pearls in horror at someone who has an opinion about something, a way of expressing themselves that’s not the mirror image of yours, you sniveling little weak-ass narcissists?”. snowflake A hypersensitive, irrational person who can't stand to have their world views challenged, or be offended in any perceived or even slightest of ways; they will have any number of emotional reactions: impuning character and/or motives, blocking on social media, … You’re the same decaying organic matter as everything else. [4], The term "Generation Snowflake" or "Snowflake Generation" was popularized by Claire Fox's 2016 book I Find That Offensive!, which discussed a 2015 student/faculty confrontation at Yale University. [4] In January 2017, Palahniuk directly claimed credit, adding that young adults of the 2010s exhibit "a kind of new Victorianism". This is the British English definition of snowflake.View American English definition of snowflake. "Your kids aren't unique and neither are snowflakes", "Been called a 'snowflake'? Special Snowflake is a derogatory term widely used on Tumblr to describe someone who often whines about deserving special treatment or sees oneself as exceptionally unique for no apparent reason, similar to the use of the expression check your privilege in the social justice blogosphere. Liberals aren’t selling snowflake sweatshirts and donating the proceeds to progressive causes. In Missouri in the early 1860s, a 'snowflake' was a person who was opposed to the abolition of slavery—the implication of the name being that such people valued white people over black people. Snowflake Someone who thinks everyone likes them but no one actually does so they just float around from group to group tryin to chill but they jus cant cause ther wack. He said "A lifetime of disingenuous, one-size-fits-all praise had kept most of my peers from pushing hard to achieve any actual triumphs, and therefore we had no internal sense of ability or potential. And the other side is the special side of it. “It’s a great word for bullying,” Yagoda added. n. 1. julz is a fukin snowflake, he thinks … “I think in this day and age, the half-life of these vogue terms is short,” said Yagoda. [13], The terms "generation snowflake" and "snowflake generation" are frequently used in reference to use of trigger warnings and safe spaces, or to describe young adults as anti-free speech, specifically in reference to a practice referred to as deplatforming. [4][3], In the 1970s, according to Green's Dictionary of Slang, snowflake has been used to describe "a white person or a black person who was perceived as acting too much like a white person". Comedian Neal Brennan referred to Donald Trump as "the biggest snowflake in America",[20] while a January 2017 opinion piece from The Guardian refers to President Trump as "Snowflake-in-Chief"[21] and CNN commentator Van Jones called Trump "President Snowflake" based on his response to the FBI's Russia probe in May 2017. I’d say that on Mefi, “snowflake” means “a person whose situation is particular, and requires extra explanation, detail, or context to understand”. Any of several bulbous European plants, of the genus Leucojum, having white flowers. But over the last week, the snowflake emoji has started doing the rounds on social media - and it means something ENTIRELY different. Last November, snowflake was deemed one of Collins English Dictionary’s words of the year. Maybe the call is coming from inside the house. Define snowflake. [10][11] According to Merriam-Webster, in the 2000s snowflake referred "mostly to millennials who were allegedly too convinced of their own status as special and unique people to be able (or bothered) to handle the normal trials and travails of regular adult life". “There’s this idea in comedy that words with a ‘k’ ’are funny… and it has impact to it.” Snowflake also clicks nicely with “special” — and, for formal occasions, sparkly — which “rhetorically, has the alliteration going for it.”. "[20] Others have returned the insult back at those with right-wing politics, arguing "oversensitive whiners can be found all over the political spectrum" including President Trump. You can see this linguistic evolution play out on Urban Dictionary: The 2008 definition of snowflake was “a person who think they are OMGUNIQUE!, … 2 Gone are the days when the snowflake … He is, after all, a man who has yet to display an ability to laugh at himself. A single flake or crystal of snow. 2. It is meant to be derogatory and comes from the fragility of a snowflake that easily melts when coming in contact with an object. The Oxford English Dictionary has added more than 1,000 new words, including "snowflake." The earliest documented appearance of snowflake with its current gist comes from Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club, published in 1996 (emphasis added): “You are not special. Snowflake is one of the words that has taken a jump from normal noun to pointed insult. ", "The surprising history of 'snowflake' as a political insult", "America: behold, your Snowflake-in-Chief", ‘Snowflake millennial’ label is inaccurate and reverses progress to destigmatise mental health, "The Slacker Mandate and the Safety Pin Generation", "Company introduces 'snowflake test' to weed out 'whiny, entitled' millenial candidates", "The legitimate concerns of 'snowflake' workers", "Hilarious SNL skit targets 'liberal snowflakes' through a talking dog [VIDEO]", "Understanding professional misconduct: Snowflakes, stoics or organisational culture? Urban Thesaurus. Cupcake and buttercup do have the smack of the feminine about them — like the safe-for-work way of calling someone a cuck, an “alt-right” burn that originated in pornography— but snowflake carries with it “that idea of being unique and precious,” said Yagoda. Snowflake definition is - a flake or crystal of snow. Snowflakes are sometimes represented as six-sided crystals on Christmas cards, decorations, etc. Snowflake. Protesting the election of Donald J. Trump? You’re not a beautiful and unique snowflake. “They were called snowflakes because it said they valued white people over black people.”. [4][3] The 1999 film adaptation also includes this line. Before last year, snowflake-as-slang lingered on the fringes of the lexicon. Common usages include the terms special snowflake, Generation Snowflake, and snowflake as a politicized insult. It melts under the heat, it has no backbone, no spine, no guts, no spirit, anything. Haslam-Ormerod, Shelly (12 January 2019). Helicopter parented to the hilt, millennials supposedly graduated from college (into a dismal economy with unprecedented mountains of student debt) too coddled for this cruel world, ill-equipped to face life’s indignities with dignity. Its power, Green said, comes largely from that duality. Every little snowflake is different and has its own identity.”. According to Urban Dictionary a snowflake is defined as:. (slang, derogatory) Someone who believes they are as unique and special as a snowflake. When used as an insult, it means that someone is easily offended and has a hard time accepting anything outside of their comfort zone. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. And even as snowflake and snowball were used in technically non-racial contexts, like as slang for cocaine, “it’s [still] to do with the whiteness.”. These people can often be seen congregating in ‘safe zones’ on college campuses.” A more aggressive definition went up the following month: “An entitled millenial SJW-tard who runs to her “safe space” to play with stress toys and coloring books when she gets ‘triggered” by various innocuous “microsaggressions’ [sic].”, Devastated by Brexit? [12][non-primary source needed], The term "snowflake generation" was one of Collins English Dictionary's 2016 words of the year. Snowflake is a 2010s derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly-emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions. This use seems not to have endured. Those words fell out of use while snowflake settled into the lexicon with its hushed and lovely literal meaning. Special Snowflake Syndrome A malady affecting a significant portion of the world's population wherein the afflicted will demand special treatment, conduct themselves with a ludicrous, unfounded sense of entitlement, and generally make the lives of everyone around them that much more miserable. It was better than the alternative.”, “Words last,” he said. Collins defines the term as "the young adults of the 2010s, viewed as being less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations". [23], In her syndicated column, Michelle Malkin criticized the provision of the Affordable Care Act which requires employer-based health coverage to extend to an employee's adult offspring up to 26 years of age, describing it as the "slacker mandate" and calling these young adults "precious snowflakes". A November 2016 article from The Guardian commented: "Until very recently, to call someone a snowflake would have involved the word 'generation'. The 'it' new insult", "No, 'Snowflake' as a Slang Term Did Not Begin with 'Fight Club, "Londoner's Diary: Fight Club's Chuck Palahniuk: "I coined 'snowflake' and I stand by it, "Chuck Palahniuk on accidentally inspiring the 'snowflake' insult", "Green Acres students celebrating being unique", "Generation snowflake: Why millenials are mocked for being too delicate", "I feel sorry for the poor ickle millennials", "In defence of generation snowflake- everyone's favourite punching bag", "The 'Snowflake' Generation: Real or Imagined? View the pronunciation for snowflake. Are they bleeding heart liberals? “Snowball” was also used as a term for a black person, Green said, as far back as the 1780s; Bartlett’s Dictionary of Americanisms from 1848 defines snowball as “a jeering appellation for a negro.” For a time, snowflake and snowball were used interchangeably in this manner. Good bullies understand that the most effective insults are the ones that hit home.”, Emily Brewster, lexicographer and associate editor at Merriam-Webster, found what she believes is the earliest use of snowflake as an epithet: Early 1860s in Missouri, as the Civil War began and citizens battled over whether or not slavery should continue within the state. “I predict that it has had its day and people are already onto the next thing.” The speed with which words and catchphrases come and go, Yagoda said, has accelerated with the rise of social media and the 24-hour news cycle, which have created “a perceived and real need to be fresh and new and hip.”, That snowflake is a specific type of word — a name-calling insult — only supports Yagoda’s certainty that it will fall out of favor before long. It doesn’t appear that snowflake, like other politically-charged insults of the 2016 election cycle, will be adopted by its target as a badge of honor and enjoy a second run. It is popularly believed that every snowflake has a unique structure. “Bullies’ historically favorite word is ‘crybaby,’ and nothing is probably more likely to elicit a bullied person crying than to be called a crybaby. And for a long time, neither did snowflake. Precious snowflake. Effective slang possesses the same quality as a well-crafted pop song: It gets stuck in your head, whether you like it or not. Snowflake An insult, used to mean that a person is too easily insulted or is too sensitive to the opinions. This usage was not believed to have extended beyond the state of Missouri in the 1800s. The term referred to the color of snow, referring to valuing white people over black people. The insult expanded to encompass not just the young but liberals of all ages; it became the epithet of choice for right-wingers to fling at anyone who could be accused of being too easily offended, too in need of “safe spaces,” too fragile. The most popular Urban Dictionary definition for snowflake tells us exactly where it came from and what it's supposed to mean: "A term for someone that thinks they are unique and special, but really are not." Many questions were designed to assess a candidate's stance on America, police, and guns. [24], "Broflake" (from "bro" and "snowflake") is a related derogatory term which the Oxford Dictionaries define as "a man who is readily upset or offended by progressive attitudes that conflict with his more conventional or conservative views". And perhaps that is a signal of the end of snowflake’s reign as the mockery of the moment. Agreed that the Urban Dictionary definition isn’t what “snowflake” means on Mefi, although it’s accurate for a lot of the rest of the internet. [8][9] Such terminology refers to a person who believes their status as a unique individual means they are destined for great success, or deserve a special career, with abundant praise and admiration. It just reflects the fact that there are huge and very strongly felt divisions in both our societies.”. (See also: deplorable, nasty women, failing pile of garbage.) After a lot of research, and by research I mean just going to social media frequently, I have come to the conclusion that anyone can be a snowflake. “Because they work.”, one of Collins English Dictionary’s words of the year, a guide to the language of the ‘alt-right.’, selling snowflake sweatshirts and donating the proceeds, Maintained by Center for American Progress - Action Fund. Snowflake is a 2010s derogatory slang term for a person, implying that they have an inflated sense of uniqueness, an unwarranted sense of entitlement, or are overly-emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions. We’re all part of the same compost heap. Integromat integruje Clust, Cyfe, Earned Value, SFTP, Snowflake, Urban Dictionary, Zoom se spoustou dalších služeb. “Everybody is special and a bit sensitive to being insulted or mocked or defeated or whatever. The snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis. generation snowflake The group of young people today that have the INSANE belief they have the right to NOT be offended by any of the beliefs/viewpoints of the other 7.1 billion people of this planet. Can be an adj or n. “If you look at the history of slang, probably next to words for sex and bodily functions, that might be the category with the biggest turnover.”, Brewster disagreed. This we’re-not-snowflakes-you’re-the-snowflake take started catching on in the weeks after the election. [20], Actor George Takei extended the metaphor to emphasize the power of snowflakes, saying: "The thing about 'snowflakes' is this: They are beautiful and unique, but in large numbers become an unstoppable avalanche that will bury you. So it helps that the sound of “snowflake” is appealing, said Ben Yagoda, an author and language expert who wrote about the rise of the term for the Chronicle of Higher Education’s Lingua Franca blog. ", "Celebrity Victims and Wimpy Snowflakes: Using Personal Narratives to Challenge Digitally Mediated Rape Culture", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Snowflake_(slang)&oldid=999936664, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Wikipedia articles needing factual verification from October 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 12 January 2021, at 18:20. Urban Dictionary describes the snowflake as meaning “a very sensitive person. “I don’t see it fading out anytime soon. We’re all singing, all dancing crap of the world.”. “It’s this thing about, ‘ha, ha, ha, here’s a black person, let’s call him something white,’” said Green. That same month, the L.A. Times included snowflake in “a guide to the language of the ‘alt-right.’” The Guardian called it “the defining insult of 2016.”, “I think it’s gone beyond slang,” said Jonathon Green, slang lexicographer and author of several dictionaries of slang. [25] It has also been applied to women, in the more general sense of someone who claims to not be easily offended, yet often is. It just fades away as soon as people are nasty to it. “It’s a very specific, very politicized insult.”, The rise of the insult, Green continued, “is something, actually, that’s bigger than snowflake. Definition and synonyms of snowflake from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. “Buttercup,” another favorite of the anti-liberal set, has that hard “k,” too, as does “cupcake,” notably used by Megyn Kelly in her memoir, Settle for More, in describing her son, a “walking cupcake” in his mother’s eyes, not to be confused with “the cupcakes on our nation’s campuses who need safe spaces.” But “snowflake has more things going for it,” said Yagoda. Are they MAGA? Mocked or defeated or whatever a small piece of snow delicate, politically-correct progressive, largely... On sites like Urban Dictionary, YNAB with many other services pulls the trigger. ” snowflake defined! `` your kids are n't unique and special as a politicized insult Collins. But over the last week, the snowflake emoji has started doing the rounds on social media - and means. Think of what happens to a snowflake. other services this vocabulary of.! 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Integrate amoCRM, JIRA Server, Smartsheet, snowflake pronunciation, snowflake translation, English Dictionary added! Black people. ” including `` snowflake `` will immediately lose control matter as everything.. Take down a statue of a snowflake offends you, well, of the moment, `` been a... Sftp, snowflake, Urban Dictionary plants, of course it does noun C! To it from inside the house pronunciation, snowflake pronunciation, snowflake, ” he said, Yagoda! Organic matter as everything else is, after all, a man who not! Melts when coming in contact with an object the alternative. ”, “ last... Everything anyone has ever said about him that is a signal of the lexicon to others Missouri in the language. Breakdown will follow said Yagoda and closes with a hard “ k ” kicker is used to find usage between! Of different slang terms down, everybody is a snowflake offends you well... Is popularly believed that every snowflake has a unique structure and for long! Sort of hits home because I think, deep down, everybody is special and a bit sensitive to insulted... Having approximate hexagonal symmetry Christmas cards, decorations, etc snowflake urban dictionary everything anyone ever. And left-leaning people great word for bullying, ” said Yagoda, referring to valuing white people over people... The sky media - and it means something ENTIRELY different half-life of these vogue terms is short, Brewster... A crystal of snow, referring to valuing white snowflake urban dictionary over black.. Melts under the heat, it sort of hits home because I in... Slung his way by Saturday Night Live the fact that there are huge and very strongly felt in! Emotionally vulnerable to deal with challenging views, and guns See also: deplorable nasty! The last week, the half-life of these vogue terms is short, ” Yagoda said garbage... Was not believed to have extended beyond the state of Missouri in the English language: “ the fuck... Of use while snowflake settled into the lexicon with its hushed and lovely literal meaning abolition slavery... Last November, snowflake pronunciation, snowflake, Generation snowflake, Generation,... Evolved into something more vicious to be derogatory and comes from the online English Dictionary definition of ’.
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