the unspoken king metallum

The guitars are completely devoid of any memorability- go on, name one riff from this album. It starts off with three fairly standard Deathcore-ish songs, which are neither excellent or horrible, just standard for the genre, and then when "Bemoan the Martyr" hits, everything starts to slide downhill. Musically, this shifted the band's sound into a more deathcore style. Finally, I would just like to say as my review says the Unspoken King should remain silent and if you are someone who is new to the death metal scene, please do yourself and all of us a favour and pass up the opportunity to lisen to this record. Is it because there is a small amount of clean singing on this album? They can be used subtly to great effect (Soilwork's Natural Born Chaos), but here they are nearly 100% arbitrary. The second reason I delayed purchasing “Unspoken King” was because it received such widespread negative backlash, I figured it HAD to be bad. Don’t spend money on this or you’ll encourage it to continue, like subsidizing clean needles for heroine users increasing the lifespan of people who see no real point in living. or anything of the sort. No, this is creative in a bad way, with haphazard song construction and piss-poor instrumentation clashing brilliantly (or devilishly?) And to be honest? Although I still enjoy deathcore quite a bit if it's done well. Honestly, its hard to single out just one reason. Even so, she is still rarely audible. We also got Maggie Durand, who provides keyboards. But in the end, the biggest area this album fails in is that of enjoyability. One thing that I've learnt in my 9 or so years as a metal and music listener in general is that selling out isn't always as bad as it seems, as long as it's done right. 1. The Unspoken King is the sixth studio album of the Canadian death metal band Cryptopsy. The music itself is quite a departure from what Cryptopsy normally does. Nope, they found someone to take photos with, and forgot to tell her where the recording studio was. Is it because there are some start-stop riffs? While purely anecdotal evidence, I, myself, living in one of the USA's most massive and trendsetting metalcore markets, heard a lot more about Cryptopsy from the 'core kids than the bedraggled death metal minority. 0. Langlois' farting, popping presence on past records is here just another forgettable undertow to the machine-like composition. A joke because, well, just listen to the music. He’s lost the complex edge to him, leaving nothing more than a thumping mass of loud slap bass. In my opinion, anyway. 5. I feel for certain that most death metal purists had no interest. Thankfully, the use of keyboards is sparse on the album, seldom used to add atmosphere in suitable segments. Nothing more. This section reduces me to tears of laughter it sounds so comical. Even though this album is nothing new, they still managed to be very boring and excruciatingly unoriginal. Probably wishful thinking, at his age. Because of this, his performance is highly controversial and many times dismissed as shitty. So vocals, yeah, they hurt, but so do the guitars, which are in an almost never ending breakdown, and no, it isn't a good Cryptopsy breakdown, which is interesting, inventive, and adds personality to a song, its a very standard deathcore break down which has no personality or purpose. There are still a ton of death metal blast beats, double bass sections, and furious, technical speed. There is actually another passage like this in another song, perhaps demonstrating Cryptopsy's new found respect for urban dance music. A multitude of problems plague The Unspoken King and each deserves it’s own angry rant; starting with the vocals of Matt MaGachy. Bemoan the Martyr is the first track with major use of clean vocals. “The Plagued” isn’t quite as consistent and goes in and out of deathcore sections and more enjoyable melodic death moments, but most of it listens like consistent Into Eternity worship, complete with a less competent than the latter’s vocal harmonization which probably can’t be recreated live. Instead of opting for their traditional death metal sound driven by technicality, the dudes decided to move into a more metalcore-influenced take on death metal. "The Unspoken King" is Cryptopsy's sixth full-length studio album and definitely their most different effort. The computer works, the pop and chips are decent, but the music is absolute unmitigated shit. "Worship Your Demons" The music would have lost nothing without it. The impression is that Cryptopsy don't like metal anymore, and have an even lower opinion of metal fans. The Unspoken King (2007–2011) The new album was originally to be called The Book of Suffering, and was to be a double album, but on April 23, 2007, Cryptopsy announced that Lord Worm had been fired from the band and that they were looking for a new vocalist. It is safe to say that hardly any of them expected anything having to do with metalcore, but as it turns out, metalcore is a major ingredient on The Unspoken King, which finds Cryptopsy unveiling a new six-person lineup that includes newcomer Matt McGachy (who has been with the Montreal-based band 3 Mile Scream) on lead vocals, Flo Mounier on drums, Alex Auburn and Chris Donaldson on guitar, Eric Langlois on bass, and newcomer Maggy Durand … Blast beats and double bass at a significant speed normally make up probably 55-75 percent of the whole album. Go drink a triple thick diarrhea milkshake straight from your mother's ass, it'll probably be more enjoyable than this god awful abomination of an album. It stands out from all of their other albums. Does any of this automatically make Cryptopsy a “deathcore” band? Forum Index » Music Talk » Metal Discussion. In 2008, Cryptopsy released their first album after Lord Worm quit for good. The production is pretty standard, but clear. On previous Cryptopsy records you were treated to a unique brand of brutal death metal with hints of melody and jazz influence,especially on their previous release, "Once Was Not" which saw the return of Cryptopsy original front man, Lord Worm, which added a nice touch to that release. This is coming from as open a set of ears as possible, believe you me. I've yet to meet a Cryptopsy fan yet that has liked The Unspoken King. As soon as ANY trace of mallcore appears in your music, you might as well tuck your nuts inwards, return your metalhead license, and leave the fucking hall. Nowhere near as unhinged or compelling as the Lord Worm records, some are at least intelligent and meaningful (vague, personal or sociopolitical, and very 'deathcore'). Some are there, sure, as is commonplace within this style, but not quite as overt as many of their one-time contemporaries. While still in the early hours of the morning, the Unspoken King and his army lie asleep from the excessive partying because they don’t know any better. And again, the solos are good, and the drumming is still good, just not the percussion orgasm we know. Really though, all they had to do was copy old Cryptopsy albums. The clean vocals parrot the same tendencies of the rest of the music and don’t have any structure or symmetry unless you take into account that the whole section is repeated once or twice later on. Where are the hundreds of little children that go missing by the day? The guitar work to this album is every bit as technical as past efforts with the addition of solos that actually sound decent, instead of the random sweep picking found on previous releases. Apparently there was also a chick in the band at the time, but I literally don't think she recorded on the album, I'm not hearing any keyboards. In this album its more like 35-40 percent. If keys were not going to be made a prominent feature of the band, then I see no reason to even add a band member, and thus the pretty glaring evidence of 'sex appeal'. Avoid at all costs. 0. One thing that hasn't changed since then, though, is Flo's drumming, as it is absolutely brilliant. Not too pussified, nice. The clean vocals sound like Linkin Park's (which I shall refer to as LP from here on in) Chester Bennington and are utilised quite poorly. Directed by Sheldon Wilson. The Unspoken King is the sixth studio release from Cryptopsy and marks their departure from the technical death metal sound that they had helped to pioneer alongside bands such as Suffocation and, earlier, artists such as Atheist and Death. Now, onto the album it self. It's as though the 'topsy boys noticed the skinny-jeaned hordes clamoring at Kristin Randall and Ashley Ellyon and figured "if it works for Winds of Plague, it could work for us!" The Headsman has some crazy lead playing, and The Plagued is just a lesson in how to play ridiculously fast and still sound nearly perfect. But while I can agree on that point, it must be understood that clean vocals account for a very small percentage on this album. With crisp, clean production, the addition of a new vocalist and an admittedly useless (though not unattractive) keyboardist, and more melodic, accessible songs, it cannot be denied that this album is completely different than anything this band has done before. It's bad, but I don't think it's as bad as other folks say it is. But while I think there are a few positive elements at work on here, the general consensus of the majority is definitely onto something in regards to this album, and that is that it is basically a disjointed, directionless, and very much troubled mishmash of bad metal styles and poor songwriting. I must say I was expecting their worst album when I heard Lord Worm left again, but I wasn’t expecting this, nor was I prepared. Obviously the latter of these influences demands clean vocals, though the hack that Flo has recruited isn’t fit to lick Stu Block’s boots when it comes to screams or clean singing. The lyrics are a mixed bag. There are reasons I listen to Cryptopsy, and then there are reasons I don't listen to deathcore. It contains numerous elements that were not present in the band's prior efforts, nor their self-titled album from 2012, which was a return to form. Leach and Silence The Tyrants are the best evidence of this. There are many problems with this album which contributes to my incredibly low rating. The principle positive element at work here is the guitar soloing and the bass work. Very technical. Also, the death core elements found throughout this album are extremely annoying, with the introduction of Resurgence Of An Empire and the chugging open string breakdowns found all through the album being the obvious examples. I have to say, when I found out Cryptopsy was finally following up Once Was not, I was excited as hell. Anoint the Dead, to a very limited extent, has a None So Vile-esque vibe to it before more of the dissonant death core harmonies tear it down. Why is she here? There, now you know my thoughts on this album. You've got your mechanical drumming-fueled brutal death metal undertone, climaxing into some of the most banal and boring chug breakdowns you've ever heard. 07. I have no problem with the electronics; they are, once again, out of place in a Cryptopsy album, but their use isn’t so overwhelming that it sounds like a terrible Dimmu Borgir ripoff. Now, where people are getting confused as to what this band is like is that people tend to automatically decide that complaints about deathcore are from people who simply don't get it, and are for that reason just bashing the album for no reason other than it isn't what they are expecting. They grind along at a fairly unassuming pace, way back in the mix and completely harmless, going through rather tired progressions and riffs that I could've sworn were on the first JFAC EP. Compared to classics like "None So Vile" and "Whisper Supremacy", this album is a sharp left turn. REALLY fucking awful. Maggie Durand erotettiin yhtyeestä pian levyn julkaisun jälkeen rahallisista syistä. This is a mixed bag album, but I really enjoy it and recommend it to everyone with an open mind. 1. Metal music is a guitar riff oriented style of music, I don’t care what sub-genre you play in, which rightly justifies any questions as to whether this music even qualifies as metal since riffs take the back seat to lung spewing gibberish and throwing a thousand notes or drum hits into every minute of sound space. Is Cryptopsy wishing to pursue an alternative music career and get out of death metal? But it’s not necessarily good, either. And as if the performances weren't dull and crappy enough, almost every song is over four minutes, which is way too long for this bullshit music. On that topic, basically everything he has said defending this album is pure bullshit. As far as the individual works go, picking a worst song can prove to be a bit difficult, as there is a healthy variety of terrible ideas guising as songs. Or the band will throw in a bit of a techno electronic substrate into a brief passage, but all of it is incredibly useless. What goes on in Area 51? Cheated of his redemption and later learning of the Silent War between the Inhumans and … Do not encourage or fund this shitty band. A mistake because of what they did to their legacy. Otherwise, who cares? Face it, they’re not going back to the writing style of their first two albums. In short, they're a sub-par, marginally technical deathcore band with awkwardly implemented and horribly performed softer sections. That is not an exaggeration. Proceed with caution and an open mind. The Unspoken King is an affront to the Canadian music scene, death metal, and music in general. There is nothing wrong with breakdowns when used tastefully (listen to Raining Blood for a prime example), but so many shitty bands nowadays have decided that a breakdown is just a perpetually unchanging open chord in an atypical rhythm. Around 98% of the riffs are either painfully dull or just painful, essentially proving that without Jon Levasseur Cryptopsy riffs are just not good. La tracklist de The Unspoken King par Cryptopsy : 01. Author Message Previous topic | Next topic; slasher47 Metal newbie. They never give you a break! Guitar wise, this album is fairly stripped down and simplistic in comparison to the band's prior releases. However, this is a double edged sword as you can now hear note for note why this album is cancerous. It opens with a LP styled "emotional" spoken word part à la Points of Authority before opening with an even more numetal "epic", "soaring", "emotional" entry for the sung vocals. It contains a vast, interesting mix of melody, ferocity, technically, and groove. The new keyboardist, Maggie Durand, serves zero purpose and is only audible four or five times. I can see how long-time Cryptopsy fans would be alienated by this album. Even after "Illud Divinum Insanus" by Morbid Angel came out, which is definitely a sorry excuse for an album, this album is still spoken of with much discontent. The main difference here is simply how, well... simple the riffs generally are. There are a few moments in which the album reveals what it 'might have been' had the members' had their heads on straight, but really it's just a waste of everyone's time. 3 fantastic vocalists, 4 if you count Lacroix. That of course being the production. Of course it’s hard to find a replacement for Lord Worm, but they couldn’t have done much worse than this pre-teen. So, what was that I said about accessibility earlier? Veteran developer Insomniac Games presents The Unspoken—an Oculus Touch‐enabled VR action game that pulls players into a hidden world of spellcasting and magician’s duels. Yeah, maybe he sounds more level than on other records where his fills and performance had a lot more charisma, but this is no more or less than any modern brutal/tech record you'll find out there. Now they have exchanged fan bases from metalheads to scene kids. The band instead perform deathcore on this album. The album opens with a blast and a shriek. From the straight up riff genius of Slit Your Guts to the more experimental and atmospheric mood of tracks like The End, the band has always been nothing short of awesome. It was obvious the sound was going to be different with the addition of several new members and the departure of others. Too bad. It’s seems unanimous that Matt McGachy was a horrible choice, and I wholeheartedly agree. Because, musically speaking, “The Unspoken King” is not that far off from anything they’ve done since “None So Vile”. If you don’t want to murder the man’s family after hearing that, congrats, you’re deaf. Still, better than what you usually get, but you never find yourself sitting there in bewilderment as to how he managed to play a certain section. Anonyme. It seems like the guitarists got lazy, probably because they couldn't keep from laughing at McGachy's vocals. If they could've utilized her properly *cue jokes*, she could've been an interesting addition that may have been the breath of fresh air that Cryptopsy needed. An example of 'good selling out' would be the Black Album. It doesn't even work as numetal. However, all of that is tolerable compared to the complete shit show MaGachy calls singing. Avis clients : 1 avis Unspoken king. 3. Les albums de Cryptopsy. Bad vocals, generally sub par riffing, goofy keyboards, and the lack of the beloved Cryptopsy sound easily label this as their worst album. Avis posté le 06 sept. 2008 deception. This album deviates from that signature sound quite a bit, so it shouldn't be much of a surprise that isn't not embraced as well as their previous works are. These bands might as well not have guitarists and bassists at all considering how high the vocals and drums tend to be in the mix and how their parts rob said instruments of any prominence. This shift in the band's sound and the decrease in technicality that had made the band so influential within the technical death metal genre has sparked an almost universally negative fan reaction to this album. It's like the band was playing safe for a little while before they finally threw caution to the wind and started tossing in random elements like that bouncy synth intro on the aforementioned song, and the random clean vocals and atmospheric sections on "The Plagued," as well as a host of modern chugging riffs, breakdowns and other such oddities for Cryptopsy. I couldn't tell you. Flo's comments about the negative feedback on this album pretty much confirm this - he considers previously loyal fans as idiots for not liking this music, and also considers it as extreme as the band has ever been. Lord Worm was out of the picture, having quit after Once Was Not, and the band now had new vocalist Matt McGachy and keyboardist Maggie Durand on the team. I find this to be an interesting opinion. It premiered on Headbanger's Ball on June 14, 2008. The Unspoken King is the seventh studio album of the Canadian death metal band Cryptopsy. It is pure emo, and its effect is the total opposite of intended - no doubt as some "EPIC" conclusion, but it hammers the final nail into the coffin that this band can no longer write songs, and have so little sense of reality that it's amazing they can still play their instruments. Clean singing, groove drumming, vocal harmonies, piano parts, guitar riffs that sound like they really belong in alternative metal, weird sound effect tracks between songs (very cool, but out of place) and a myriad of other things. Bemoan the Martyr has traces of the old melodic touch that Cryptopsy used to use in the classic days, but the electronic breaks and singing just don’t tread well overall. The following track at several points sounds like the band is having to hold back from bursting into a cover of Down with the Sickness - and their attempts not to look like a complete rip-off of several existing pop bands is manifested in frequent out of place blastbeats seemingly only there to add some plausible deniability that they are completely emulating Disturbed. I swear I’ve heard that melody in a Linkin Park song though. The resulting melody, and I use the term extremely loosely here, has no memory grabbing elements, it’s just there and then it’s gone just as soon as the random harshness takes over. The awful dissonant lead guitar harmonies and the lack of Cryptopsy’s trademark style of brutality just don’t sounds like the band should sound. Seriously, they added a synth player. He said the two tracks that were originally leaked ('Bemoan The Martyr' and 'Resurgence Of An Empire') were 'mood' tracks, and that the rest of the album was very, very brutal. This is easily the most bizarre case of "selloutitis" I've ever witnessed, only being second to Nocturnal Rites' far fall from grace at about this exact same time last year, with a once respectable Death Metal band ditching a large portion of their Deathy influences in favor for a quasi-modern songwriting style that does nothing but give me a migraine. Speaking of those vocals, lets discuss those in more detail since that's what most of everyone is complaining about. Not a bad way to go, really. Basically like a weaker version of the guy from The Faceless. I don’t think anyone was. However it was the addition of female synth player Maggie Durand and 3 Mile Scream vocalist Matt MaGachy that nailed the coffin shut. None So Vile and Blasphemy Made Flesh are easily two of my favorite death metal albums, and even though their later works like Whisper Supremacy and Once Was Not weren’t quite on the same level, they were still great in their own rights. 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