trunks super saiyan rage vs goku black

He doesn’t manage to actually defeat them, of course, but the fact that he was doing so well speaks volumes for the power of Super Saiyan Rage. Share to Facebook. His Genkidama Sword was able to completely destroy Merged Zamasu's body, a Fusion that had power comparable to SSB Vegito and regeneration that, while failing, was still able to resist SSB Vegito's strongest attack, the Final … A Saiyan, sent to Earth as a baby with the mission to destroy it, Goku became a kind-hearted boy after he bumped his head and was adopted by Grandpa Gohan. In the anime, the appearance of the Super Saiyan Rage form primarily resembles a standard Super Saiyan 2. I just have a hard time placing Gohan at SSB Goku level, Given Goku was most likely suppressed at SSB and tanked Gohans hit with no issue, Goku goes kaioken after being prompted to..again, similar to when the grand priest stipulated that Goku had to go full power against Bergamo so he went Kaioken and hit him with a Kamehameha, showing he was suppressed af given Bergamo was base Goku level, and even with his hax Goku was dickng on him at SSJ. Future Trunks powers up to his Super Saiyan Rage form and heads into battle, and Goku Black powers up to a Super Saiyan Rosé. — Future Trunks before slicing Fused Zamasu in half. Current potential unleashed Gohan=>True Golden Frieza>SSJ Rage Trunks. vs. Trunks "You? Ha! "Although you lost, you still grasp at straws. He only appears in the cutscenes and gameplay of DLC 4's story mode. Defeat me? [8][9], "You say my choices make me evil, THEN THAT'S WHAT I'LL BE!!!" Plutôt que de faire Bra en Super Saiyan “classique”, j'ai décidé de lui donner la même forme que son frère du futur: Super Saiyan Blue Evolution: Forme … Dragon Ball Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Later, he faces both Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black and the immortal Future Zamasu alone, at the same time, and forces them on the defensive through a strategy to separate them. He gains a yellowish surge of aura, somewhat but not quite resembling that of a normal Super Saiyan's. Not saying Gohan is Bergamo level, rather that i can't see a logical argument for him being SSB Goku tier at all, i can see arguments for him being SSJ3 Goku level or slightly higher. Well-mannered, serious and very cautious, Future Trunks hails from an alternate timeline in which Android 17 and Android 18 murdered the Z Fighters and proceeded to create apocalyptic hell on Earth. Super Saiyan Rage Trunks attacks Goku Black and Zamasu in the anime. Trunks was weaker than Black arc blue Goku. [26] [27] During the battle, both versions of Zamasu provoke Trunks into his Super Sayian Rage form by telling him that his meddling in time is the cause of their actions. which is impressive, my own reasoning has Trunks over Goku, Given we saw just how much potential Trunks has in comparison to Goku and Vegeta. Drawing FUTURE TRUNKS Super Saiyan BLUE OF RAGE | Dragonball Super ... 2:58. Super SaiyanSuper Saiyan 2Super Saiyan WrathSuper Saiyan Anger[1]Super Saiyan FurySuper Saiyan FrenzySuper TrunksSuper Saiyan (Rage)[2] In Dragon Ball Legends, Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks makes an appearance under the name Super Saiyan Trunks (Adult) (Rage). All this Trunks wank. If Gohan is smart he'd solar flare Frieza while Trunks goes for the kill. I changed my position on this given Gohans recent showing in the tournament of power. With the powers of a Super Saiyan God, Goku faces Beerus! Share to Tumblr. vs. Piccolo "That rage won't be enough to satisfy me ... "The day has finally come where I snuff the life out of you, Saiyan." The Ultimate Power of an Absolute God, Zamasu's Ambition The Storied "Project 0 Mortals" of Terror,, Super Saiyan Rage was the name given to the Super Saiyan 2 transformation in. After being defeated and treated by Future Mai, Future Trunks uses this form again to fight the pair, knocking away Future Zamasu with a single blast and defeating Goku Black with a relentless assault. Super Saiyan Rage: Dans Dragon Ball Super (version anime), Trunks du Futur obtient cette forme exclusive. — Future Trunks prior to transforming. He's a playable character in Dragon Ball FighterZ, fighting in his Super Saiyan form. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Given trunks kept training(with himself given there are two of him now lmao) then he should have surpassed his previous power at the end of the Black arc significantly. Similar Techniques 1 Background 2 Gameplay Synopsis 3 Move List 3.1 Special Moves 3.2 Super Attacks 4 Story Mode Biography In the future, a pair of androids created by Dr. Gero ravaged the Earth. 2:12. It continues to fuel them!Shin: Indeed! With trunks lead over Goku and greater potential i'd say Trunks>Goku without kaioken at the moment. vs. Goku "Vegeta... Something's not right about you..." vs. Vegeta "So you're the legendary Super Saiyan. In the anime, the appearance of the Super Saiyan Rage form primarily resembles a standard Super Saiyan 2. Manga vs. Broly "Instead of the Supreme Kai, try your hand at defeating me this time." Alternate names Farewell, Trunks!" Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Big Bang Mission!!! vs. Super Saiyan Trunks… In the anime, Future Trunks attains it due to his absolute rage at Goku Black and Zamasu blaming him for everything that had happened. Takes place in empty space. Frieza matched a Goku which had trained 9 months plus and received Zenkai's from Hit and Toppo. During the fight, Trunks becomes enraged when Goku Black blames him for all that has happened because of the use of the time machine, and transforms into an unknown SUPER-COOL Super Saiyan form. It's confusing but a fascinating Dragon Ball form regardless. Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black vs Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks Future Trunks and Vegeta enter the fight with Future Trunks wanting to take on Black. EP 10 Show Us, Goku! His aura now emits particles, resembling the same ones emitted by the auras of Super Saiyan Blue and Super Saiyan Rosé. All anime supplementary material simply refers to Future Trunks as Super Trunks in this form. Future Trunks: upon attaining SSJ Rage he was able to fight Black which had just adapted to an enraged SSB Goku, Black adapted to trunks and injured him giving him a zenkai, Trunks was able to gain control of his new form thus potentially becoming stronger on top of zenkai, he was able to injure SSJR Black, until the same thing happens and Trunks gets another Zenkai, Merged Zamasu gives him multiple Zenkai's making him even stronger than when he first went SSJ Rage. 3 Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks (Super Trunks) Arguably the strongest story arc out of Dragon Ball Super is the Goku Black Saga and the terrors of Fused Zamasu. CAPTION. And Rage is still above current goku. Goku Black is Goku's evil doppelganger, who is actually Zamasu. Super Saiyan Rage (超サイヤ人怒り, Sūpā Saiya-jin Ikari)[3] The Super Saiyan Rage form, which seems to have one of the highest multipliers in the series and is constantly growing stronger. Jun 4, 2020 - Explore Corey Martinez's board "Trunks super saiyan" on Pinterest. I know that moving on to an ascended state requires you to be calm, but still. In the manga trunk’s super saiyan 2 form is comparable to goku’s ss3 because as he said it (i was never satisfied with this power). The very same Fusion Zamasu that could hold his own against Super Saiyan Blue forms, which are also known as Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan … My head canon guess is Trunks and Gohan given trunks would have the juice and doesn't fuck around, Frieza will go for the kill given trunks sliced and diced him back then, and Gohan would potentially be killed in the battle. In turn, the form somewhat re… This might prove a bit interesting." Shortly after turning Super Saiyan Rage for the first time, Future Trunks one shots Zamasu with a Ki blast and then lays down a massive beating on Super Saiyan Rose Goku Black. SH2-60 Super Saiyan Rage Trunks (Future) card for Super Dragon Ball Heroes. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. This is such a mismatch. Saint Xman. vs. Goku Black "Hurry up and become a Super Saiyan God." Press J to jump to the feed. After absorbing the energy and hope from mankind that had gathered into a Spirit Bomb, Trunks gained a new type of power-up in this form, turning his aura completely blue and with his body producing a blue energy aura around him, similarly to how when Goku performs the Spirit Bomb part of the Super Dragon Fist attack in video games, which gives the user a blue aura. His hair spikes up even further than in his Super Saiyan 2 form and takes on an even more golden color like the Super Saiyan 3 form. Frieza: frieza post image training was able to evenly match SSB Goku as stated by Whis, and by the double KO. vs. Zamasu (Fused) "Release all of your power! Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission!! The Dragon Ball Super Card Game refers to it as both forms. Super Saiyan Rage Trunks in a cutscene of Xenoverse 2. 3:41. I'd place him as relative to SSB Vegeta post rosat after all the Zenkai's. True Golden Frieza = Current SSJ Blue Goku. Or, well he tries to. Trunks' energy is increasing with unbelieveable intensity!" The villain is unstoppable in a way that’s never been present in the series before and it’s extremely satisfying when Future Trunks gets to be the one who solves the problem and takes him down. In the fight against Zamasu and Black, he transformed into a powerful Super Saiyan form, for a moment and could handle a battle with Zamasu, apparently this is not a stronger transformation like SSJGSSJ (Super Saiyan Blue). Class 5 Trunks Vs. Kogu Also, when he transforms, his muscles bulk up similar to Super Saiyan Third Grade before the blue glow around his body appears and his muscles return to normal. His "power up" was just the Spirit Sword and that energy wasn't even his. is an extremely powerful form in the Super Saiyan line of transformations. I even failed to mention trunks last power up fighting Merged Zamasu, he's a beast now and has been training since he left. Rage ModeSuper Saiyan (Berserk)Legendary Super Saiyan 2Super Saiyan Blue. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Trunks went from being weaker than suppressed SSJ3 Goku/unsuppressed SSJ2 Goku/Black to being able to rival(not match) an amped SSJR Goku Black which was over 50x his previous base power, given SSJR is his form of SSJ. Future Trunks pushes back Future Zamasu as he and Goku Black fight head-to-head, using his sword as a decoy to land a series of blows on Goku Black, then pushing him back with a Galick Gun , also destroying the hideout. Vegeta trained 6 months with a rage boost which significantly amped the results of his training, in the cell arc when Vegeta was mostly dicking around with Trunks increased his power over 3x minimum to face Semi perfect cell in a year, with a rage boost and my own head canon i'd say Vegeta got roughly 10x stronger given he could dick on Black which had just adapted SSJ Rage trunks twice after adapting to a rage boosted Goku which became multiple times stronger during that amp to beat on Black. (cover only) The aura is golden with a blue glow around the user's body, like an inverted version of Super Saiyan Blue's aura. See more ideas about trunks super saiyan, super saiyan, future trunks. The Ultimate Power of an Absolute God", Super Saiyan Rage SSJ Rage Trunks stomps by himself. OR YOUR SO CALLED "JUSTICE"!!! " Gohan Potential Unlocked: This is a hot topic lol Gohan was able to contend with SSJ2 Goku and match him blow for blow. Users In the form's official anime artwork, the user simply has the appearance of Future Trunks' Super Saiyan 2 appearance and possess a golden aura. "I don't give a damn about you. Transformation Farewell, Trunks!. But as been said multiple times Goku felt no need to go SSB, he kept powering up in SSJ2 to match Gohan every time the latter increased his power. Which sides takes? We're emphasizing the multiple Zenkai's he received, his entire power up to fight Zamasu was partially PIS and the fact zamasu was degrading. 7 Super Saiyan God Goku Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission! Super saiyan rage vs super saiyan blue Dragon Ball - General This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. What Makes the Future Trunks vs. Goku Black (1st Round) Fight Awesome: • The audience gets one of its first peaks into the mentality of Goku Black, who seems to have a real god-complex (*wink*) as well as a hatred for mortals. SSJ Rage Trunks stomps by himself. Copy embed to clipboard. Trunks, on the other hand, can't go beyond Super Saiyan unless he's fused with Goten. 3. Trunks Turns Super Saiyan For The First Time (Vegeta Trunks Training) Dragon Ball Kai English Dub. Sūpā Saiya-jin Ikari • Black doesn’t even need to go Super-Saiyan to have the advantage against Trunks. Super Saiyan Rage makes its debut appearance in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, under the name Super Saiyan (超サイヤ人, Sūpā Saiya-jin). And I would think Goku and Vegeta would take out several fighters as SSB in the Tournament of Power considering it should have around 100+ fighters. This power was able to destroy Fused Zamasu's body with ease. When experiencing great rage while in the form, his irises and pupils are temporarily invisible, similar to Pseudo Super Saiyan and Legendary Super Saiyan. When Future Trunks takes on this form he first becomes a Super Saiyan 2, his eyes then go blank as his appearance alters to that of his Power Stressed form, before a blue aura overtakes him and his muscles revert to their normal size, completing the transformation. Anime : goku black wins manga goku black wins Goku black in the manga and the anime. Gets stabbed and beaten multiple times and uses that crazy potential with training for a year and i can see him as being above current SSB Goku which is dead even with Frieza. A. AlbertsStuffisFAT.       &       &       Anime: "Zamasu's Ambition The Storied "Project 0 Mortals" of Terror"Manga: "The Decisive Battle! Future Trunks from the Goku Black arc vs Gohan from the tournament of power arc Trunks gets his Super Saiyan Rage form, Gohan gets his Ultimate form. The immense power of a God takes a little getting used to but the longer he fights, the more Goku proves he's a real challenge. i understand trunks is a cool character and all but lol he gets death beam gg’d. While Future Trunks does not use this state in the manga version of the storyline, he does appear in it on the alternate cover for The Decisive Battle! The NPC of Super Saiyan Rage Trunks in Xenoverse 2. Not wanting to endanger innocent lives, Goku and Trunks had the Androids chase them to the artic. Log In Sign Up. Super Saiyan Rage is a unique transformation ability achieved by Trunks utilizing the "power of rage" (怒りの力, ikari no chikara). Mar 21, 2018 - Explore B's board "Trunks vs Goku Black" on Pinterest. Dragonball Super: Goku & Future Trunks vs SSJ Rose Goku Black & Future Zamasu ... Super Saiyan Rage của Future Trunks mạnh thế nào mà có thể đánh lại Black Goku Super Saiyan Rose. Like Rage Mode, this enhancement to the Super Saiyan form is gained through intense rage. This form also allowed Future Trunks to have enough stamina to seal away Future Zamasu with the Evil Containment Wave. Report. UM2-036 Super Saiyan Rage Trunks (Future) charging his Point-Blank Galick Gun super attack in World Mission, In World Mission, Super Saiyan Rage Trunks (Future) is playable via the SH2-60 Super Saiyan Rage Trunks (Future) and UM2-036 Super Saiyan Rage Trunks (Future) cards. Dragon Ball Super. The Super Saiyan Rage form varies in that it is depicted similar to both Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan 2. Share to Twitter. Also this transformation has a similar Ki aura of a Super Saiyan … However, Future Trunks in this form is not playable. With a slice of his sword, Trunks is able to destroy 13— after a badass delayed effect of course. Try it, foolish Saiyan!" Copy link to clipboard. [10], Artwork of Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks, Future Trunks glares murderously at Black and Zamasu, Future Trunks glaring upwards at Black and Zamasu after declaring his intentions to kill the former, Future Trunks after sending Goku and Vegeta to the past, Super Saiyan Rage Trunks attacking Zamasu and Goku Black, Super Saiyan Rage Trunks using the Evil Containment Wave on Future Zamasu, Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks prepares to battle Fused Zamasu, Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks during his battle against Fused Zamasu. Using 17 as a comparison point Goku explicitly states he didn't intend to go SSB, he had to. While he previously managed to outmatch Future Zamasu and catch Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black off guard with his Super Saiyan 2 form (after training in the past), the power increase of the Super Saiyan Rage state allows Future Trunks to hold his own against Super Saiyan Rosé Goku Black. His aura now emits particles, resembling the same ones emitt… — Shin and Gowasu shocked by the form's power in "Final Judgement? trunks went from being weaker than SSJ2 Goku to contending with an amped SSJR Black, and then being able to fight Black that adapted to enraged SSB Goku. Color In this form, Goku's irises and pupils are no longer visible, mostly in turn to the power and bleak rage. We know Goku post Black arc became over 10x stronger than when fighting in the U6 arc given he could beat a Hit that improved to SSB Kaiokenx10 level while only at SSB(and hit was going all out with killing techniques) and that was shortly after the black arc and receiving a zenkai from Hit killing him. Though if Trunks trained for 1 year to account for the arc change, my money would be on Trunks. It's just that it being called Super Saiyan Rage is silly. In the form's official anime artwork, the user simply has the appearance of Future Trunks' Strengthened Super Saiyan 2 appearance and possess a golden aura. While fighting against Fused Zamasu, this state is shown to be able to power up even further, through the energy of humans across the Earth, gaining a massive boost in power. Super Saiyan Rage Future Trunks later appears in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, simply being an altered version of Super Saiyan 2. After numerous fights, including Goku Black and Zamasu fusing with the Potara earrings, Trunks gathers the energy from all remaining life on the planet into his sword and cuts Fusion Zamasu in half. True Golden Frieza = Current SSJ Blue Goku. His body bulks up a little, his hair straightens like that of a Super Saiyan, his skin color also appears to have a yellow hue to it, but there is no considerable change in feature other than a red tint to his hair (due to the reflection of the yellow aura on his black hair, his hair is not actually red). Series and is constantly growing stronger cinematic CGI cutscenes ssj Blue vs. Black ssj rose & God Zamasu immortal Trunks. A mismatch you still grasp at straws Black arc Blue Goku a cutscene of Xenoverse 2 plus received! Gohan was able to evenly match SSB Goku as stated by Whis, and by the auras of Saiyan! From an alternate timeline is the Saiyan/Human hybrid son of Vegeta and Bulma from alternate! Inverted version of Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan form, which seems to have upper! Visible, mostly in turn, the appearance of the Supreme Kai, try your hand at me! 'S board `` Trunks Super Saiyan Rage Trunks attacks Goku Black wins Goku Black GIF GIF... 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