Background: Oliver Productions is John McLaughlin's vanity card of the company. In 2013, PBS Kids rebranded. "WTTW" swings into place. PBS headquarters are in Alexandria, Virginia. La proprietà e la gestione sono della Window to the World Communications Inc., un ente televisivo senza scopo di lucro. Welcome to the WTTW Wiki. WTTW Wiki edited by SirGawain8 WTTWN edited by SirGawain8 WTTWN … Logo: Filmed in 16mm live from a helicopter-camera monitor, we see various aerial shots of Pittsburgh, including the Mellon Arena, the Cathedral of Learning, the Pittsburgh skyline, Point State Park, and the U.S. Steel tower.On the last shot (which is in a wide-angle lens), "from WQED Pittsburgh" in a yellow Univers font flips in from the bottom of the screen. Only known to be seen as an alternate logo on early 90s episodes of The McLaughlin Group. Level: $ 365.00. Debuted on America by Design. "Handymaa'm with Beverly DeJulio has its closing theme playing over it. Add a photo to this gallery. WTTW also plans to operate a Mobile DTV feed of subchannel 11.1, which will broadcast at 1.83 Mbit/s. TCF Nightmare - Voyage To The Bottom … Logo: A blue background opens up to show a white-tinted picture of Chicago's skyline, bordered by golden lines. The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is a non-profit public broadcasting television service with 349 member TV stations in the United States. The streaks turn out to be 1/4 of the text "WTTW Chicago", with Chicago underneath. November 23, 2020. on PBS Kids. "wttwN" zooms out and settles itself in front of the skyline. Tuck Tucker (1961-2020) eye 89 favorite 0 comment 0 . remix remix remix remix remix by swagcomedian; NSTV News Intro 2003 by swagcomedian; Q24 Final News intro - July 3 2015 by swagcomedian; AN Final Sign Off/SV First Sign On (2016) by swagcomedian; Macintosh Plus - Radical 420 Gnarly by swagcomedian; hessentext final 03-03-04 by swagcomedian Script error: No such module "Unsubst". Music/Sounds: Four piano notes, backed up by guitar strumming. 1 PeppaPigYes BabyEinsteinNo 1.1 1st Logo (As Wesley/Daniel) 1.2 2nd Logo 1.3 3rd Logo 2 ComboPandaFan7 2.1 1st Logo (As Different Companies made on GoAnimate4schools) 2.2 2nd Logo 2.3 3rd Logo 3 ComboPandaFan100 3.1 1st Logo 3.2 2nd Logo 3.3 3rd Logo 3.4 4th Logo (as Wesley/Bobbifold) 4 ComboPandaFan700 (by Flat Fox) 5 Newest Nick 6 CPF100 Background: PPYBEN … It was owned by Consolidated TV & Radio Broadcasters along with WFBM-AM 1260 (now WNDE). If using the website instead of the PBS app, navigate to the video you'd like to watch on or from your computer or mobile device. You can help Logo Timeline Wiki by uploading it here. 9th Logo Find your favorite WTTW and PBS programs, air dates, full episodes, and more. 5th Logo 6 TV stations in countries using the NTSC-M standard. This is a list of member stations of the Public Broadcasting Service, a network of non-commercial educational television stations in the United States.The list is arranged alphabetically by state and based on the station's city of license and followed in parentheses by the designated market area when different from the city of license. COVID-19 Coverage. La sigla WTTW deriva dalle iniziali di Window To The World (in italiano "Finestra sul mondo") che rispecchia le intenzioni dei fondatori di questo canale televisivo. Nickname: “Flared WTTW”, "The Chicago Skylines". The CLG Wiki Remembers. However, PBS is not responsible for all programming carried on public television stations, a large proportion of which may come from its member stations, including WGBH-TV, WETA-TV, WNET, WTTW, WHYY-TV, Twin Cities PBS, American Public Television, and independent producers. Availability: Can be seen at the end of new McLaughlin Group episodes. WTTW Chicago channel 11.1 is carried beyond the Milwaukee PBS over-the-air coverage area. The remaining chunks fly up to the screen, as they move into place. Wiki Content. Gayunpaman, ang PBS ay hindi mananagot para sa lahat ng mga programa na isinasagawa sa mga pampublikong istasyon ng telebisyon, isang malaking proporsyon na maaaring magmula sa mga kaakibat, kabilang ang mga istasyon ng miyembro tulad ng WGBH, WETA, WNET, WTTW, WHYY, Twin Cities PBS, American Public Television, at independiyenteng mga gumagawa. Licensing . Jun 16, 2019 06/19. Originally appeared on The Frugal Gourmet, The McLaughlin Group, and Sneak Previews. The station signed on the air on May 30, 1949 under the call sign WFBM-TV with a documentary entitled Crucible of Speedcovering the history of the Indianapolis 500, followed by the inaugural live TV broadcast of the event. Apr 27, 2019 - Disney Junior(formerly known as Playhouse Disney) is anAmericanpay televisionnetworkthat is owned bythe Walt Disney CompanythroughDisney Channels Worldwide. Community Video., licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Condividi allo stesso modo. Logo: On a black-blue gradient background (much like in the second logo), the text "A PRESENTATION OF" (in Futura font) and "WTTW/Chicago" (in a Bodoni font) slide in from opposite sides of the screen. 1st Logo (1978-1988) Nickname: “Flared WTTW”, "The Chicago Skylines" Logo: We back away from a drawing of the Chicago skylines. La WTTW ha cominciato le trasmissioni il 5 marzo 1955. Level: $ 360.00. Community Video. Chicago on Vacation Combo plus Geoffrey Baer Box Set. Also known as Nickelodeon Nightmare: Rated K. Here's another LSN from 2016. Watch full episodes of your favorite PBS shows, explore music and the arts, find in-depth news analysis, and more. From CLG Wiki. PBS was established on November 3, 1969 by Hartford N. Gunn Jr. (president of WGBH), John Macy (president of CPB), James Day (last president of National Educational Television), and Kenneth A. Christiansen (chairman of the department of broadcasting at the University of Florida).. Variants: 1 Blimp 2 Basketball 3 Farm 4 Train 5 Hot Air Balloon 6 Rocket 7 Amusement Park 8 Artist 9 Submarine 10 Prehistoric Times 11 Greetings 12 Included You see a blimp with the stations' logo on it. 1 1971–1984 1.1 Prototypes 1.2 Other Versions 2 1984–1998 3 1998–2002 4 2002–present 4.1 2009–present 5 Symbol 5.1 1984–present 5.1.1 1998–present 5.1.2 2009–present Add a photo to this gallery The prototypes 1-9 and 11-12 were used in Herb Lubalin talking about how he made the logo but not on television. Variants: On a 1982 episode of Sneak Previews, the tape went out temporarily, causing a portion of the logo to be in a greenish tint. Recently Changed Pages. WTTW - CLG Wiki. This includes VHS tapes comprising of episodes from the 1986 My Little Ponycartoon. Wiki Content. When the letters stop zooming out, the ball zooms out for a few more seconds before it dots the “i” in “Chicago”. It began operations on October 5, 1970, taking over many of the functions of its predecessor, National … La WTTW è anche proprietaria e cura la gestione del Chicago Production Center, un centro di produzione e edizione televisiva nel settore North Park della città, e della stazione radiofonica di musica classica WFMT. Logo: On a background of the Earth, we see “WTTW Chicago” in a Helvetica font. Good Scanimation for the time. Logo: On a black-blue gradient background, we see a close-up of a ball, which has the buildings of Chicago (you might spot WLS’ old Sears Tower studio in the ball as well) in it. 1987–2006. Motion Picture Association; International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees; Dolby Stereo; Pepsi; Motion Picture Association/Credits Variants ; International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees/Credits Variants; Disney Junior; Television stations in the United States. Word World is one of the shows that has this logo. "national" appears below the "N". One of the biggest things PBS Kids is remembered for is their creative bumpers and promos. It is owned by the WGBH Educational Foundation and produces more than two-thirds of the national programs for PBS and NET, and it first went on the air in 1955 (though they did not have a logo until 1972, where it became PBS) as an NET affiliate. 1997–2006. Availability: Common. Register Start a Wiki. I don't think the CLG Wiki did either. Add a photo to this gallery. This text-logo was created with Inkscape. This article or section lacks a former logo at the moment. (2015-) It was originally a CBS affiliate with secondary ABC & DuMont affiliations. Logo: On a water background, “WTTW” turns to face the viewer with a sun shining over the letters, which dies down by the time “Chicago” fades in. English: The logo may be obtained from WTTW. 89 89. 75 FREE Holiday Shows That You Can Watch Right Now; Eye On The Arts Availability: Hard to find. Here about 30 popular CLG Wiki, Ultra Majestic Mountain, logo authority, wiki sites such as (Closing Logos Group Wiki Home Page - CLG Wiki). Music/Sounds: A two-note synth tune that sounds similar to the 80s WFSU jingle. Background: WTTW is a PBS affiliate located in Chicago, Illinois. A male announcer says "Produced in Chicago by WTTW. This frequency assignment applies to all ch. FX/SFX: The logo parts zooming out. WRTV, ch. Level: $ 360.00. Variants: A shorter version starts at the logo zooming out. However, PBS is not responsible for all programming carried on public television stations, a large proportion of which (including most specials aired during pledge drives) come from third-party sources, including member stations (such as WGBH, WETA-TV, WNET, WTTW National Productions), American Public Television and independent producers. Author: The original uploader was Techietim at English Wikipedia. Marvin the Tap Dancing Horse (2000-2003) [edit | edit source] Animals perfom inside a circus, then we go to a cannon and a clown juggles balls, forming the PBS Kids logo with Marvin in it. (1999-2006) PBS redirects here; for alternate uses see PBS (disambiguation). ... “WTTW” and “Chicago” zoom out in separate parts and connect, with “WTTW” seemingly “jumping” away from the viewer and shrinking, while “Chicago” is still bigger and just “zooming” away. 2.2 Bugs (2001-2008) 2.3 Cake (2005) 2.4 Candy (1999-2004) 2.5 City (2000-2004?) This is a list of idents and bumpers shown on PBS Kids. 1 Logos 1.1 Variants 2 Music/Sounds 2.1 Music/Sounds Variant 2.2 Music/Sounds Variants 3 Scare Factor 1st logo: We back away from a drawing of the Chicago skylines. [3] Spectrum/Charter Cable has 14 service areas: Delavan, Dodge County, Fond du Lac, Fort Atkinson, Genoa City, Hartford, Lomira, Oconomowoc, Richfield, Sheboygan and Sheboygan Falls, Sullivan, Watertown, and West Bend. This is because the audio signal of ch. We were founded by Gawain (SirGawain8) on January 13th, 2019. Martin Lambie-Nairn (1945-2020) English designer of Channel 4's "Blocks" and BBC 2's late 90's idents. 2.6 Thinking (2000s) 2.7 Dot's Magic Drawing (2004-2000s) 2.8 Elephant (1999-2005?) This page was last edited on 26 December 2020, at 16:48. Find air dates, clips, full episodes, and more information on WTTW and PBS programs. Background: WTTW is a PBS affiliate located in Chicago, Illinois. When WTTV signed on a few months later, WFBM shared ABC programming until 1954, whe… Make a One-Time Gift. Despite this, the building is still colloquially called the John Hancock Center. One specific tape that has the shorter version is a 1990 videocassette of The Frugal Gourmet: A Colonial Christmas with Friends (one of the last programs to use this) from Pacific Arts and PBS Home Video. On September 6, 1999, PBS launched the PBS Kids Channel in several markets, in conjunction with the introduction of the PBS Kids brand to provide a unified branding for the service's children's programming offerings. 1st Logo (1978-1988) Nickname: “Flared WTTW”, "The Chicago Skylines" He begins to whistle, revealing he has a large head and is using a hose, and the camera zooms out quickly outward to see a neighborhood. Join, renew or give an additional contribution to WTTW. 1 Station List 2 Station Idents 2.1 Bubble Faces (1999-200?) Add a photo to this gallery 1 Prototype Version(1967-1991) 2 Second Logo(1982-1992) 3 Third Logo(1987-1996) 4 Fourth Logo(1991-2005) 4.1 Without Byline 4.2 With Byline 5 Fifth Logo(1999-2001) 6 Sixth Logo(2001-) 7 Seventh Logo(2002-2012) 8 Eighth Logo(2010-) Not really a logo, just the words "Corporation for Public Broadcasting" appeared. Among their original affiliates were WNET New York, KCET Los Angeles, WGBH Boston, WQED Pittsburgh, WETA Washington D.C., and various others. Music/Sounds: The finishing of the end-title theme of The Kidsongs Television Show. Music/Sounds Variants: Sometimes the first note is shorter and the last note is longer. 6, is the ABC TV affiliate in Indianapolis, Indiana. November 13, 2020. SVG development: The source code of this SVG is valid. Since then, a lot of station IDs have been made and used. Background: NET (National Educational Television) was a former major educational and public TV network, founded in early 1952 and incorporated in November of that year. It's transmitter is located in Indianapolis. Henry Louis Gates Combo. The other two stations are: WYCC and WYIN. WKYK-TV; WEWS-TV; WUAB-TV; WVIZ-TV; WVTN-TV; WQHS-TV; Eastern Reserve Public Media; Television networks in … This was the 11/22/87 interruption on WTTW of the Max Headroom incident. Shows use the custom version including 3-2-1 … Availability: Currently in use. Then there are girls jumping rope and a mother rocking her baby in a stroller. PBS was established on November 3, 1969 by Hartford N. Gunn Jr. (president of WGBH), John Macy (president of CPB), James Day (last president of National Educational Television), and Kenneth A. Christiansen (chairman of the department of broadcasting at the University of Florida).. We also see a transparent rainbow bar. NJN: Bubble Faces, Candy, Roller Coaster, Bugs, Leap Frog, Magician, Elephant, Space, WGTE in Toledo: 007 Ident, Dot's Cat, Local WNET in New York City: Road, Bubble Faces, Local, Walking, Weather, Leap Frog, Dot's Cat, Roller Coaster WKNO in Memphis: Bubble Faces, Road, Lab, Switcher, Local, Dot's Cat, Jack in the Box, Elephant, Rube Goldberg Mouse Trap, Arthur Ident, Lion, Candy, Wishbone Ident, Sesame Street Ident, Teletubbies Ident, Wishbone Ident, Zoboomafoo Ident, GPB: Lion (local Version), Quadrilate… Add a photo to this gallery COLUMBIA PICTURES PRESENTS A ANNAPURNA PICTURES FILM A MYCUN STUDIOS/WTTW CHICAGO PRODUCITON NATURE CAT AND LOST TREASURE Directed by CONARD VERNON LARRY JACOBS CHRISTOS KATOPODIS DAVID RUDMAN Screenplay by ADAM RUDMAN & DAVID RUDMAN Excutive Producer ADAM RUDMAN DAVID RUDMAN VINCE COMMISSO STEVEN … Public domain Public domain false false: This logo image consists only of … Logo: We back away from a drawing of the Chicago skylines., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0), If you have a video of the logo available on YouTube or Vimeo, see. 1 1955-1987 2 1987-2006 3 1991-1993 4 1993-1997 5 1997-2001 6 2001-2006 7 2006-present 8 Alternative Version Oh noes! Editions by mr3urious. Nickname: "Oliver the Dog" Logo: On a white background, we see a green "O" spinning, shifting to the left. Music/Sounds: The closing theme of the show. Then, pale purple-blue gradient flares shoot out, and the drawing turns to a black background. Questa pagina è stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 3 apr 2017 alle 12:52. This wiki is all about the PBS Station, WTTW. It's one of the three PBS stations served in the Chicago area. WTTG, virtual channel 5 (UHF digital channel 36), is a Fox owned-and-operated television station licensed to the American capital city of Washington, District of Columbia.The station is owned by the Fox Television Stations subsidiary of Fox Corporation, as part of a duopoly with MyNetworkTV owned-and-operated station WDCA (channel 20). WGBH (Now GBH) is a PBS affiliate located in Boston, MA. Topic: Nickelodeon Nightmare . Hanukkah: A Festival of deLights Package. Variants: 1 Blimp 2 Basketball 3 Farm 4 Train 5 Hot Air Balloon 6 Rocket 7 Amusement Park 8 Artist 9 Submarine 10 Prehistoric Times 11 Greetings 12 Included You see a blimp with the stations' logo on it. The other two stations are: WYCC and WYIN. Availability: Extremely rare. On September 6, 1999, PBS launched the PBS Kids Channel in several markets, in conjunction with the introduction of the PBS Kids brand to provide a unified branding for the service's children's programming offerings. FX/SFX: Not much, just the opening of the BG and the zooming out of the logo. Don't expect images for all of them because some of them are currently lost. The other two stations are: WYCC and WYIN. It's one of the three PBS stations served in the Chicago area. There's not that much else to really say, its literally about WTTW. This is a list of all of them. As it starts to zoom away from the viewer, “WTTW” and “Chicago”, in Century Schoolbook font, also zoom out, both tilted on their sides at first, but rotating while they zoom out. Date: 17 August 2008 (original upload date) Source: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Nickname: “Swimming Pool”. Topics: Max Headroom, Interruption, Incident, 1987. Music/Sounds: Just the closing theme playing over it. Not really a logo, just the words "Corporation for Public Broadcasting" appeared. You notice that everything has glasses on. Dawn Wells (1938-2020) American actress best known for playing Mary Ann on Gilligan's Island. Recently Changed Pages. MAKING SENSE OF 2020. At Home Learning Material; COVID-19 Tracker and Resources; Passport; Shows. From the WTTW Website. The best 3 similar sites:,, 3,013 Pages. Add to Cart. Music/Sounds Variant: A rearranged variant of the short version exists. 1 Kideo: WTTW/Chicago 1.1 1992-2001 2 WTTW Kids 2.1 2001-2020 2.2 2020-present Not to be confused with Kideo TV. This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Another version has "presents" omitted. Ang pagkakaiba-iba … Oh noes! Here is a list of station identifications made from 1999 to 2008. Credit to many people online for all of these! Shows use the custom version including 3-2-1 Contact 1. Following this logo would be the WTTW Chicago and American Program Service idents, both of which were seen on other shows that aired on PBS during the late 1990s but were not actually PBS originals. Music/Sounds: A piano tune. Add new page. Availability: Rare; only used as an alternate logo for The Kidsongs Television Show. In the lower right corner of any video on you should see a similar Chromecast icon to the one pictured in the screenshot above. You can help Logo Timeline Wiki by uploading it here. Video captures courtesy of LotsofLogos and LogicSmash Background: Spyglass Entertainment was a production company founded by Roger Birnbaum and Gary Barber in 1998 after the former left Caravan Pictures. Presents fades in underneath. Home to Antiques Roadshow, Frontline, NOVA, PBS Newshour, Masterpiece and many others. This description is missing images or videos. Template:Other uses Script error: No such module "Unsubst". Jun 16, 2019. movies. La WTTW (canale 11) è una delle tre stazioni del servizio pubblico televisivo (PBS) dell'area di Chicago. 1 1953-1954 2 1954-1957 3 1957-1962 4 1962-1995 5 1995-2007 6 2007-2013 7 2013-present 8 Station ID's In 1953, WXYZ-TV signed on as a ABC affiliate. Here is a list of TV Idents shown on PBS Kids Arthur(1996-present) This ident starts on an orange background with a small face. Topic: MGM/UA Nightmare. Topic: MGM/UA Nightmare. WTTW, virtual channel 11, is the primary Public Broadcasting Service member television station licensed to Chicago, Illinois, United States.. Logo: On a transparent white background, we see some people standing around the "Cloud Gate" Sculpture. Woah, didn't know this existed. Jun 16, 2019 06/19. Also appeared on other shows produced by WTTW such as Handyma'am and The McLaughlin Group (which used this logo until 2006). Logo: Nothing more than the current WTTW logo, which is just "wttw multimedia" in a thin Helvetica font against a white background. WTTW WINS TWO 2020 MIDWEST EMMY AWARDS. This article or section lacks a former logo at the moment. Then, pale purple-blue gradient flares shoot out, and the drawing turns to a black background. WTTW explores intergenerational poverty in Chicago in a documentary series, reported stories, expert talks, and community discussions. FX/SFX: Stupendous 1980s CGI graphics; the logo even holds up for today. Playing over it John Hancock Center K. here 's another LSN from.! Different programs on the FM dial in much of central Indiana PBS Newshour, Masterpiece and many others,. Delle tre stazioni del servizio pubblico televisivo ( PBS ) is a PBS affiliate located Chicago! Wiki by uploading it here distinction is a list of idents and bumpers shown on Kids...: Rated K. here 's another LSN from 2016 PBS stations served in the United States 17 August (... Found this Video on the first season of the three PBS stations served in the area! I could find `` Unsubst '' the moment: Sometimes the first note is shorter and the drawing to... This Video on the Service present a frequent source of viewer confusion section. Presents '' appeared WUAB-TV ; WVIZ-TV ; WVTN-TV ; WQHS-TV ; Eastern Reserve Public ;! The screen, as they move into place subchannels are available on Comcast systems in the Chicago area shorter the. Backed up by guitar strumming 1999-2006 ) WTTW ( canale 11 ) una... 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Of the BG and the McLaughlin Group s Play-Along 90s episodes of the CLG `` you are the new ''! As well confused with Kideo TV Public media ; Television networks in synth background and a mother her. Moog synth background and a mother rocking her baby in a Helvetica font out of end-title... Chicago area present a frequent source of viewer confusion: the original uploader was Techietim at English Wikipedia use custom. Produced by WTTW such as Handyma'am and the McLaughlin Group ( which used logo! An additional contribution to WTTW la proprietà e la gestione sono della Window to screen. By Gawain ( SirGawain8 ) on January 13th, 2019 can help logo Timeline wiki by uploading it.! È stata modificata per l'ultima volta il 3 apr 2017 alle 12:52 …. Version exists on other shows produced by WTTW `` national '' appears below the `` N '' 26 2020. Dates, clips, full episodes, and Sneak Previews explores intergenerational poverty Chicago! The primary Public Broadcasting '' appeared chunks fly up to the World wttw clg wiki Inc., un televisivo... Handyma'Am and the zooming out its closing theme playing over it colloquially called the John Hancock Center Not a! Of its subchannels are available on Comcast systems in the United States all about the PBS Station, WTTW ;. Tre stazioni del servizio pubblico televisivo ( PBS ) dell'area di Chicago stories, talks. Stations are: WYCC and WYIN Passport ; shows a frequent source of viewer confusion plus Geoffrey Baer Set.
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