Vokun's Bust (see Vokun, Vokun Mask) 3. In 4E 201, the Last Dragonborn discovered the wooden mask, and brought all eight Dragon Priest masks back in time to retrieve Konahrik. The Wooden Mask is a dragon priest mask found at Labyrinthian alongside a long-forgotten note.It is enchanted with an effect named Bromjunaar's Mystery that causes the wearer to be teleported backwards in time to Bromjunaar Sanctuary.The special effect only works if the mask is equipped while inside of the ruined building outside of Labyrinthian where the mask is initially found. Interactive map of Skyrim locations. Elder Scrolls is a FANDOM Games Community. Enchantment: The wearer is immune to disease and poison. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim> Workshop > Sammy AF's Workshop . Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: Dragon Priest Shrine without masks and dragon mouth closed. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It should be noted that the restored shrine is only accessible by wearing the wooden mask within the barrow.The dragon priest shrine contains the busts of eight Dragon Priests found in Skyrim. Statements and footage within the video may be inaccurate, outdated, incomplete, or otherwise misleading to viewers. This section contains bugs related to Dragon Priest Mask (Skyrim). Rahgot's B… In the aforementioned thread, Lobe also states that the design of the masks themselves was inspired by a Nigerian mask gifted by a family friend. However, inserting the masks into the display added by Castle Volkihar Redux mod will not update the related mask collection side quest to get Konahrik (Mask). The central focus of the sanctuary is the restored Dragon Priest Shrine. Enchantment: -20% Alteration, Conjuration, and Illusion Magicka cost. After collecting the 8 Dragon Priest masks proceed to the barrow in Labrynthian to find the Wooden Mask that sends you back in time to the Dragon Priest Shrine. Share. This dragon mask can be acquired from the dragon priest Vokun, who can be found at the Nordic ruin of High Gate Ruins, west of Dawnstar. This section contains bugs related to Dragon Priest Mask (Skyrim). Favorited. The central focus of the sanctuary is the dragon priest shrine. Skyrim: Every Dragon Priest Mask, Ranked. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Those who have names are even more to be feared, and these are the ones you have to fight to win the Dragon Priest Masks. Each mask is unique in color and varies in material. Enchantment: The wooden mask hums with an unfamiliar energy. Class: Heavy Armor. The main purpose of the Wooden Mask is to activate Bromjunaar's Mystery which teleports the wearer back to a point in time before the dragon priest shrine was destroyed; Activated by donning the mask while inside of the ruined building outside of Labyrinthian where it is first found; It hums with a strange energy when Bromjunaar's Mystery is activated Enchantment: +70 Stamina. ". Before his death, Hevnoraak planned his resurrection obsessively. Dragon Priest Killing Now that I whetted your whistle for some Dragon Priest killing, let's discuss some methods for killing these things. Enchantment: 50% Resist Shock; Shock spells do 25% more damage. Access is gained by simply entering the small barrow and following the path around. 1,893. Not enough ratings ... it will teleport you to an area, them place all of the dragon priest masks (must be in your inventoy) ont he shrine and konharik will appear and u can take them all back. Each mask seems to be made of a different metallic or stone material. Wearing the Wooden Mask within the barrow sends its wearer back to a time before the destruction of Bromjunaar Sanctuary. Another fix is to store the mask in a container and then equip it directly from the container. Morokei's Bust (see Morokei, Morokei Mask) 5. On defeat in combat, any named Dragon Priest will drop the mask that they wore. Location ID Class: Light Armor. This dragon mask can be acquired from the dragon priest Otar the Mad, who can be found in the Nordic ruin of Ragnvald, north-northeast of Markarth. When the Wooden Mask is worn to teleport the player back to a different time, note that it is not possible to leave the room in which the Shrine is located; there is an invisible wall in the doorway preventing the player from leaving. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. The mask itself is made of gold. This dragon mask can be acquired from the dragon priest Zahkriisos, who can be found in the Nordic ruin of Bloodskal Barrow. The Eight Masks; Dragon Priest Shrine; Well, here we go! Class: Light Armor. Here lies a wooden mask that sends its wearer back to a time before the destruction of Bromjunaar Sanctuary. Add to Collection. Use the progress tracker to get 100% completion! To collect this mask, entry into Bromjunaar Sanctuary is required. This dragon mask can be acquired from the dragon priest Hevnoraak, who can be found in the Nordic ruin of Valthume. Comment. Each of the eight is challenging in their own way and has access to powerful spells, staves, and certain dragon shouts. Enchantment: +20% to Lockpicking, Archery, Alchemy. Dragon Priests are some of Skyrim 's most formidable foes. 3. This section contains bugs related to Bromjunaar Sanctuary. There are also a few empty chests and urns placed around the room. Should I sell one of them or is there some kind of reward for having all of them? This dragon mask can be acquired from the dragon priest Rahgot, who can be found in the Nordic ruin of Forelhost, south-east of Riften atop the near mountain. All nine dragon priest masks including the final one, Konahrik. Some, but not all, of these dragon priests are associated with particular quests. This dragon mask can be acquired from the dragon priest Ahzidal, who can be found in the Nordic ruin of Kolbjorn Barrow. This dragon mask can be acquired from the dragon priest Hevnoraak, who can be found in the Nordic ruin of Valthume. Each Dragon Priest has a mask that you can take from its corpse that has special ablilites. Type The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Priest_Mask_(Skyrim)?oldid=3116197, According to character artist Jonah Lobe in an AMA thread, the decision to give masks to the Dragon Priests were inspired by. There are eight named dragon priest bosses in the province of Skyrim, each of which wear an eponymous mask with a powerful effect. Bromjunaar Sanctuary (also known as the Dragon Priest Shrine) is a decayed shrine found within the ruins of Bromjunaar in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Last updated 10 December 2020 9:25PM. Class: Heavy Armor. Collecting dragon priests masks is one of the most interesting adventures in Skyrim. Find all Dragon Priest masks, treasure, spell tomes, Stones of Barenziah, East Empire Pendants & more! Share Share Tweet Email. The Dragon Priest masks can be inserted into the shrine added by Castle Volkihar Redux mod just as they are inserted into the original in Bromjunaar Sanctuary. If all of the masks are put in a chest while in the past, they will be impossible to retrieve without using the console command. LabyrinthianPriestSanctuary The wooden mask is unlike the other dragon priest masks. When the Wooden Mask is worn in the Sanctuary, the lighting is different than that of outside. Community content is available under. Each mask is named after their respective master and has unique effects; they are defined as either light or heavy armor. Using his power, he managed to build up an army of enthralled disciples. Otar's Bust (see Otar, Otar Mask) 4. Nordic Ruins There's isn't a fixed order in which you have to hunt the Dragon Priests. Favorite. Bromjunaar Sanctuary (also known as the Dragon Priest Shrine) is a decayed shrine found within the ruins of Bromjunaar in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A Wooden Mask can be found within the barrow near some skeletal remains and a mysterious note. Once the eight masks are placed in each respective slot on the shrine, the final mask, Konahrik, is revealed. Class: Heavy Armor. Version. Hevnoraak (Brutality) Effects: Immunity to diseases and poisons. Class: Heavy Armor. This dragon mask can be acquired from the dragon priest Morokei, who can be found at the Nordic ruin of Labyrinthian. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Dragon Priest Mask Shrine as a base? At the end, though, this mask serves a longterm purpose — only after the major eight masks are collected and placed on their respective busts will Konahrik be obtained. Dragon Priests are some of Skyrim's toughest foes. I need help I'm stuck I was going to my house before going to labyrinthian to get mordecei's mask but when I went home to get the others cause I was going to combine them but krosis, havnoraak, and vokun were gone. Enchantment: +100% Magicka Regeneration. Enchantment: +50 Magicka, -20% Restoration and Destruction Magicka cost. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. After wearing this mask, Lockpicking, Alchemy, and Archery get a 20% boost. Keep in mind that obtaining each mask is connected with defeating its owner - a Dragon Priest - who's a very demanding enemy. 0. A bust is available for the following masks: 1. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim > General Discussions > Topic Details. On defeat in combat, any named Dragon Priest will drop the mask that they wore. A Dragon Priest Mask is a unique piece of headgear and can be obtained after defeating each of the nine unique dragon priests that appear in various locations throughout Skyrim.Each mask is unique in color and varies in smithing material. Class: Heavy Armor. Dragon Priest Shrine with masks and dragon mouth open revealing Konahrik. If an article link refers here, consider backtracking and fixing it, so that it points directly to the intended page. For heavy armor, Konahrik has the highest base armor. Some of the toughest villains in Skyrim happen to be dangerous Dragon Priests, members of an ancient organization of "Dragon worshipers", so to speak. ". Description Discussions 0 Comments 33 Change Notes . The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine, https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Bromjunaar_Sanctuary?oldid=2782979. Skyrim Dragon Priest Locations. All dragon priest masks require the Arcane Blacksmith perk to upgrade. Here's every mask and how they rank. Category: Armor, Miscellaneous. Original … The other masks may be taken from the shrine once Konahrik is obtained. Class: Heavy Armor. To exit the sanctuary, simply take off the wooden mask. Enchantment: 50% Resist Frost; Frost spells do 25% more damage. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. Apr 22, 2015 @ 5:47pm Dragon Priest Masks Bug When I try to retrieve the masks that I put on their busts in labyrinthian they disappear from the altar but don't appear in my inventory. He drained his own blood from his body and planned to transfer his power bac… A Dragon Priest Mask is obtained after defeating each of these eight unique enemies that appear in fixed locations throughout Skyrim. This dragon mask can be acquired from the dragon priest Krosis, who can be found at the dragon lair Shearpoint. In addition to dragon priest masks having powerful enchantments, it should also be noted that certain masks have the highest armor rating of any headgear available. Enchantment: When health is low, has a chance to heal wearer and damage nearby enemies. Not enough ratings Dragon Priest Mask Busts. A Dragon Priest Mask is a unique piece of headgear and can be obtained after defeating each of the nine unique dragon priests that appear in various locations throughout Skyrim. It is unlike the previous masks in that its purpose is to gain access to the dragon priest shrine when worn within the barrow. Skyrim Special Edition ; Mods ; Patches ; Side Dragon Priest Masks and Reliquary of Myth (Dragon Priest Masks) Consistency Patch; Side Dragon Priest Masks and Reliquary of Myth (Dragon Priest Masks) Consistency Patch. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim> Workshop > Vladimir Chernyshyov's Workshop. This is a disambiguation page—a navigational aid which lists other pages that might otherwise share the same title. Before adding a bug to this list, consider the following: PC 360 PS3 If any mask is given to any follower, it may eventually disappear from their inventory. Community content is available under. Class: Light Armor. Class: Heavy Armor. There lies a Wooden Mask that sends its wearer back to a time before the destruction of Bromjunaar Sanctuary. The restored Dragon Priest Shrine displays the busts of eight dragon priests found throughout Skyrim. Krosis Location.You will find it in Shearpoint in The Pale. As the majority of the priests are found near word walls, they can be easily located by talking to Arngeir, in High Hrothgar, about finding words of power and receiving quests to discover most word walls. Enchantment: Increases your Magicka by 40–70 points. The decayed shrine is located inside the decrepit central barrow to the east of the entrance of Labyrinthian. This is supported by the fact that the mesh and texture files are referred to by material rather than by which dragon priest it belongs to. Map These masks can then be brought to the shrine and displayed on their respective bust on the shrine. Enchantment: +20 Carry limit, 20% better prices, and can breathe underwater. Bromjunaar Sanctuary Volsung's Bust (see Volsung, Volsung Mask) 2. 1.0. This dragon mask can be acquired from Miraak at the conclusion of the main questline for Dragonborn. Unfavorite. Download: Manual; 0 of 0 File information. Class: Light Armor. This dragon mask can be acquired from the dragon priest Dukaan, who can be found in the Nordic ruin of White Ridge Barrow. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The sanctuary can be found within the central barrow in Labyrinthian. It is possible to get a horse into the sanctuary, but equipping the wooden mask while on horseback causes the game to crash. While scouring through Labyrinthian, you might find a skeleton, some notes, and a wooden mask inside one of the snow-buried buildings in the area. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is there somewhere I can display my Dragon Claws and Dragon Priest Masks ? Upon retrieving a mask placed on the shrine, all smithing enhancements will be removed from the mask. https://elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Priest_Mask_(Skyrim) Class: Heavy Armor. Melee Although probably not the ideal method, if you crafted some impressive weapons using our smithing and enchanting guide (shameless plug), it certainly is possible. It's however well worth it, especially if you want to create an unmatched hero. The restored Dragon Priest Shrine displays the busts of eight dragon priests found throughout Skyrim. A short term fix is to drop the archmage's robes then pick them up again. Dragon priests are old, ancient priests that praised dragons throughout Alduin 's reign. Please help I'm a level 31 and don't want to start over an I … Class: Heavy Armor. Class: Heavy Armor or Light Armor. Section contains bugs related to dragon Priest shrine ; Well, here we go Konahrik obtained! Nine, https: //elderscrolls.fandom.com/wiki/Bromjunaar_Sanctuary? oldid=2782979 +50 Magicka, -20 % Restoration and Magicka... Ahzidal, who can be acquired from the mask that they wore found in Pale! 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