I can't speak for aesthetics though but hopefully someone else can give you some pointers. *This mod is not voice acted, so make sure to turn subtitles on.!!!New!!! Key Factions: Thieves Guild Key Items: Skooma, Ebony Mail, Potions and Poisons, a really nice hat. The merchants will also buy your various junk. Quiet Casting is incredibly important here, as you'll likely need to cast Invisibility after Frenzying everyone around you, while the rest of the tree ensures that your spells will continue to work on higher leveled enemies (remember dual casting doubles the effective level by 2.2). Cast Invisibility (and Muffle if you don't have the Mail or muffled boots) and start taking what's yours. Additionally, I attempt to make all of my builds viable for Legendary difficulty, so if parts of the build feel overpowered to your taste, feel free to omit as you see fit. Thieves Guild pairs well with the selfish nature of the build as well as the skills focused on, and is arguably the best at creating chaos. While traveling towards Skyrim to share their teachings with the embattled Nords, The Skooma Cat is arrested on the Skyrim border with Cyrodiil for a countless list of broken laws. Muffle will eventually be replaced by the Muffling effect of the Ebony Mail. Fortify Pickpocket + Fortify Stamina + Regenerate Health + Resist Poison Brewed using Garlic, Nordic Barnacle, and Slaughterfish Egg. ~ M'aiq the Liar. If you get caught, you can cast Frenzy or Calm and then Invisibility to draw attention away from yourself. Before engaging in combat, survey the area (Khajiit power Night-Eye can help here) and see who has armor or weapons you can steal. Hmm...pretty sure there was a heisenberg hat and glasses mod lol, Fudgemuppet did a build like this I'll recommend checking it out, Yeah I was basing it off that khajiit build but they didn't include a mod where I can actually sell skooma and I don't fuck with the leather armor . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://steamcommunity.com/id/CookieCrispings/. Archived. It also has the advantage of giving you an early boost to Smithing, which will allow you to make gauntlets you wouldn't normally find at your level. Factions: Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, Volkihar Vampires (optional). Ps. Harmony is particularly hilarious if cast in the middle of a busy city, such as Whiterun- you can level from 90 to 99 in my experience, and accrue no bounty in doing so. There is plenty of space to store your product. add skyhighrim and cannabis skyrim for more flavor, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Welcome to /r/SkyrimMods! Which Skyrim are you playing on (you didn’t tag your post)? Skooma is a narcotic made from refined moon sugar.Unlike in previous games, skooma has no negative effects, and drinking skooma will restore stamina for 25 points. Gameplay Ha! Our main sources of damage are fists and pickpocketing poisons, and you can't pickpocket many of Skyrim's enemies (Dragons, Dwemer mechanisms, Draugr, oddly enough most things that begin with the letter D). Marked for Death is useful against incredibly pesky high level enemies like Ancient Dragons or Drauger Overlords, and probably the most helpful of the shouts listed here. We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. Still worthwhile early on. The only ranged option this build is even allowed to use is Dragonrend, and you have to kill a few dragons before you even get far enough to use that shout. They are named after the race they are presented as, such as "Orc" or "Argonian." All parts of this plant are poisonous but some contain an essence which enhances the potency of moon sugar. This mod is basically an overhaul of the drug system in Skyrim. Additionally, any target that is too high level to be affected by Mayhem or Harmony will show up on the top left of your screen informing you that they are too high level. People up to level 79, animals up to level 74, and undead/mechanisms up to level 59 will be able to be affected with all the Illusion perks and dual casting- you can improve this reach if needed using fortify illusion potions, but in my experience it's not necessary. Foritfy Illusion enchantments are helpful in reducing the magicka costs of dual cast Illusion spells. I still recommend spending most of your time punching the daylights out of people, but in a pinch you can elect for The Wabbajack. She is reluctant to say, but can be persuaded to give up the name of her dealer: Sarthis Idren and where he can be found (the Riften Warehouse). This shack is located south of Windhelm. Therefore, The Skooma Cat favors personal independence and freedom over structure and peace, and following this philosophy, they inevitably one day leave their clan in northern Anequina to travel the world, first merely preaching about the wisdom of Sheogorath before eventually succumbing to his teachings, constantly indulging in fights, skooma and alcohol, and other particularly indulgent activities. These multipliers apply. And granted, it makes more sense to poison a weapon than it does to throw poisons into people's pockets. Detailed Walkthrough [] Illegal Trade []. For armor I use the bandolier vials, I know they aren't actually skooma but it kinda makes sense that you'd have vials on you so you can make some quickly or just use some. Along with studying Sheogorath, The Skooma Cat borrows aspects of many other Daedric princes to further their underlying pursuit of madness. Calm Spells: Calm (Apprentice) -> Pacify (Expert) -> Harmony* (Master) - Creatures and people up to level 9/20/25 won't fight for 30/60/60 seconds. I recommend using the Calm spell on Boethiah's Champion if you want some fun bonus dialogue that most people don't even know about. 1 Interactions 1.1 The Bloodstone Chalice 2 Dialogue 3 Conversations 4 Trivia 5 Appearances 6 References She will initially welcome the Dragonborn to the skooma den hidden under Redwater Den. Terms of Service, © 2021 THE SKY FORGE Not particularly concerned with saving the world, The Skooma Cat is happy to take their time pursuing the dragon threat in Skyrim, though as their powers grow, The Skooma Cat's desire for chaos transforms into a desire for being the root of all chaos, and as such the dragons' presence threatens their rightful place in the world. Character Build Turnoffs - A member of the Skyforge community, Skooma Dealer, posted a discussion not long ago talking about what people do not like to see in character builds. Consequently, we are avoiding the entire right side of the Heavy Armor tree as most of those perks require some form of a matching set. See the description for a list of all the changes. Past this mediocre intro, I wanted to introduce you guys my build that I'm conquering Skyrim in. "Deal" with Sarthis Idren, and find evidence to locate his sources. Fortify Health + Restore Health Brewed using Blue Mountain Flower and Wheat. The Khajiiti warriors became Senche, but Lorkhaj stripped from them all reason. Disarm puts other enemies on your level, though it isn't as effective as stealing their weapons outright as it is limited to lower level enemies even at three ranks. Stones The reason we choose Warrior at the start is to level Heavy Armor quickly. We can make them fight each other using Illusion magic, sure, but why stop there? Upon realizing they are the Dragonborn, The Skooma Cat decides to take immediate advantage of their newfound gift to spread more insanity and chaos wherever they go, emboldening their powers. I never got why some people don’t like builds with all three crafting skills. You also get DEA, or your countries equivalent, like in the UK we have the NCA, that will stop you in the street and search you and remove all your narcotics, or you can run away and agro every guard on you. I just adopted a couple kittens so Khajiit builds catch my eye but this is well executed and written. So this is my third Modded Skyrim SE video, check the others out if you liked this one. Additionally, Muffle and Invisibility are going to replace sneak, allowing us to get very close to people and plant poisons on them or pickpocket away their weapons and clothes. Do you want to see Dwemer mechanisms tear each other apart while you quietly sneak away? Go enter a room, save, and re-load. After completing the Helping Hand quest, the Dragonborn can speak to Wujeeta again and ask her if she got the Skooma. I did like the idea to use skooma dealing as a line of business to make an actual combat build. Extract contents of the zip file into skyrim's data folder. ~Clan Mother Ahnissi, Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi to her Favored Daughter Born in the desert sands of Anequina, The Skooma Cat is a devout follower of the teachings of the Daedric prince of madness Sheogorath, desiring little more than spreading debauchery and chaos wherever they go. Frenzy Poison -> Invisibility -> Pickpocket (Poisoner) -> Invisibility -> Dual Power Attack Punch. playing on SSE so haven't tried skooming skyrim yet, seems very cool too, Thank you I'm also playing sse these mods are really good. Though it isn't voiced but it adds the ability to sell skooma to anyone so long as they aren't a soldier, guard or a high profile official, like a jarl, guard captain, general or any jarls council member like a court wizard and steward. When asked about the den, she boasts that they are purveyors of the best Skooma outside of Balmora. :), Press J to jump to the feed. This is your main method of healing, so Physician and Benefactor will help you keep your health topped off. Finally, Dragonrend is self-explanatory. People already gave you good mods for actually running a skooma business so I won't list any. You can also plant moon sugar seeds to grow your own moon sugar, used to create skooma. I still highly recommend using it to allow yourself to wear something other than a helmet while hitting the armor cap, as that opens up a lot of interesting gameplay options in headwear, or at least lets you wear a fancy hat. Illusion is the only school of magic we care about. There is a 20% chance they will appear as a male Argonian, Bosmer, Khajiit, or Orc, and a 20% chance they will appear as a female Orc.When you encounter them, their display name will be their race. Unarmed damage is hard to find, so you have to take it where you can get it. Resistance potions are also incredibly helpful since the only source of magic resistance in this build is its choice of standing stone (with the Aetherial Crown you can optionally take Lord for an extra 25% resistance). While crossing over into skyrim territory he is caught by imperial watchmen who search him and arrest him for possession of skooma. I know you can takeover any fort or townhouse so long as it is big enough (so no breezehome or other small house) and have that serve as your cartel HQ. Heavy Armor With smithing, alchemy, and enchanting all available to us, it is not necessary to go fully clad in the best armor you can find. You could optionally also use Sanguine Rose, but only if you fight the Dremora you summon, and not for any actual assistance. For armor maybe dark brotherhood or thieves guild armor? Good work, I hope to see more from you! Quick Walkthrough []. It renders mages near useless and causes some mild damage to the digestive tract. Powered by. Hunter archer armor looks good with those and it kinda looks like a shady type armor, or rough leather armor. Poisoned is arguably the most important perk in this tree, as it will let us kill enemies or otherwise manipulate them without anyone around us noticing. I will be sure to edit it to mention that explicitly within Heavy Amor and Smithing as well. The Companions are not as complimentary to the build, particularly since the character would much rather punch someone to death than eat them as a werewolf, however the beauty of any selfish/chaotic roleplay is their nature of spontaneity- why not join a society of werewolves and become one yourself, just to see what it's like? If you want this armorpiece, do Boethiah's questline to the end. Now for the other main aspects of the build: The only weapon you should ever use is The Wabbajack from Sheogorath's quest. *Note that these Master Illusion spells have a very large radius (250 ft) and can be used right as you enter a dungeon to affect almost everything in it. skooma dealer (1) Character Build: Rise of the Red Eagle "Lord Red Eagle, ancient one, first and foremost among Reachmen, heed the call of your people! Frenzies an unsuspecting enemy to attack another, allowing you to deliver a critical punch. The College is least complimentary to what this build desires as it is too structured, with the rewards from the quest-line not particularly suited for a Heavy Armor character and training in Illusion really not necessary since it is easy to level, but the Illusion trainer there, Drevis Neloren, should be visited at level 90 to gain access to the Master Illusion spells, and you'll likely want to talk to him earlier to get Invisibility and Pacify at 75 and Frenzy at 50 (I couldn't find these anywhere else in my playthrough, though you may have better luck). Whether this desire to be the center of events is the direct influence of Sheogorath or other Daedric princes, or simply a cat who's had one too many skooma, The Skooma Cat's desire for change, disorder, and debauchery is constant, if not growing all the time. Fortify Unarmed enchantments are fairly self-explanatory. We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. My bad I must have missed that bit while reading. I did a skooma build a while ago and that's what I used. ... Skooma dens are sprouting up all over Skyrim. When you encounter them, their display name will be their race. Some NPCs (e.g. I mentioned that in the last parapgrah under Build: "We have no weapon skills or weapon enchantments, nor do we have weapons that are improved through smithing (improving gauntlets does not increase the damage they deal)." All of that aside, it's a very nice boost to damage that has the additional effect of being able to kill lesser enemies while you deal with big threats. Enchanting and Alchemy are necessary in this build. Posted by 10 months ago. Become A Skooma Dealer by MimiTheAlchemist Ported to SSE by MissChevus This is not my own work. Dark Brotherhood is perhaps more lawful than chaotic, but the alchemist/illusionist nature of the build pairs well with DB methodology. I do understand people who don't want to outright break the game by spending so many perks into all 3 crafting skills- it forces builds to find inventive ways to make them viable at higher difficulties. If you object to having to use all three crafting skills, drop this one first. But that’s of course just a guideline and in no way suggests one can’t make a good build that uses all 3 crafting skills. What the mod does is adds a merchant or "skooma dealer" to every one of the major cities in the game, the merchants also sell things like alcohol, sleeping tree sap, lockpicks, and moon sugar. If improperly prepared, the Skooma user will experience loss of voice, minor fits, and possibly even death. Making sure that your gauntlets are the best type you can get really does help in this build, but again, it's not fully necessary. The sacrifice to Magicka Regen is negligible since most of the spells you cast are cast a minute apart from one another (and if all else fails you should have potions of restore magicka). I do love it when the mortals know they're being manipulated. Added drug runners that carry contraband around skyrim (only active between Whiterun and Riften at the moment) Frenzy + Damage Health + Damage Magicka + Damage Magicka Regen Brewed using Falmer Ear, Hanging Moss, and Human Heart. ~Ahzirr Traajijazeri. Extract contents of the zip file into skyrim … Kill him and repeat the process. These multipliers apply after adding on the bonuses to level that Kindred Mage and Animage provide. This launches the quest The Raid. With this build, I'm Lvl 8 and already have more than enough to buy a house and decorate it. bandits) make … Makes things infinitely more interesting. This mod is basically an overhaul of the drug system in Skyrim. Here's a few that are extra special: This poison works near instantly, stopping the heart of anyone it comes into contact with. Skooma Dealers are randomly encountered merchants. I hope they update the mod eventually. Good point about the fortify Marksman. ; Return to the jarl with the evidence. Arcane Blacksmithing is also at least somewhat necessary to improve the Ebony Mail, but again you can choose to not use that as well. Many people dislike this armorpiece for stealthy characters due to it being both heavy armor (as stealth based characters typically use light armor or no armor) and for the issues it causes when trying to stealth around hostile enemies. Frenzy spells are going to be one of our main sources of chaos and debauchery. Of course, it is up to you and your personal style. Also makes the user paranoid and prone to foolish decisions. There isn't a really solid option for boots- you can Fortify Stamina or Stamina Regen if you wish, though potions can easily help in that department. Their radius is incredibly large- so large in fact that you can cast them while entering a dungeon and affect almost everything in it. The pair will allow you to craft fortify alchemy gear into fortify enchanting potions, and repeat as necessary to craft the best poisons and potions you can. Steals the clothing of an enemy, sending them into a spiral of confusion and rage that leads them to attack every enemy nearby. The Build, We fight dirty. The dealer wears a roughspun tunic, along with leveled heavy boots and leveled heavy gauntlets (both up to Daedric in quality). You need to be a member of THE SKY FORGE to add comments! The Skooma Catwould spend hours every day crafting new illusions and turning invisible to prank their family and friends, much to their chagrin. The dealers are available 24/7 so you don't need to wait to get your fix. Having learned about the Daedra from their clan-mother, The Skooma Cat begins to develop a Daedric philosophy on the foundation that chaos is the natural state of the world, and that order is fleeting and pointless. With the unofficial patch, the most unarmed damage you can put onto gauntlets or rings is 16, so if you're willing to align yourselves with them, make sure you pick that ring up. A potion of Fortify marksman will increase your unarmed damage by whatever magnitude you craft. Drink responsibly- which is to say, not at all. Also I downloaded blackjack so I could knock people out, then i consoled them into cages in my base so i could test new types of skooma on them. I had forgotten about this build until you did. We can pickpocket away their weapons and armor, or plant poisons on them to slow them down or even paralyze them. Disclaimer: Like all of my builds, I recommend using the Unofficial Skyrim Patch, as the build is designed around the fixes of this patch. Finally it is worth noting that if you align with the Volkihar Vampires in Dawnguard, you can get a quest that rewards you with the Ring of the Beast. Thats actually a really good idea thank you. If you choose to use this exploit, make some very weak paralyze poitons, as you don't want the trainer to be paralyzed for a long time. As we are attempting to maximize chaos, most factions are fairly open to the player. Sweet build dude. There is a 20% chance they will appear as a male Argonian, Bosmer, Khajiit, or Orc, and a 20% chance they will appear as a female Orc. Extra Pockets gives us more carry room for poisons and potions, and Misdirection and Perfect Touch let us steal weapons and armor, respectively. The Skooma Cat is designed to make a Khajiit based unarmed build designed around two of the Khajiit's other default starting bonuses- namely, Pickpocket and Alchemy. Alchemy The single most important crafting skill by far. Seems to fit the build well(am guild leader of both on that character). Check this out if you are interested to see the dos and don’ts of Skyrim character building. I recommend getting into as much shenanigans as possible while under the influence. Backstory: A kajhiit Skooma dealer has left elyswer to come to skyrim to sell skooma and other assorted narcotics due to the growing stress amongst the citizens. Handle with care. This is so we can obtain Fists of Steel early. You can however increase your unarmed damage substantially using alchemy. Of course you’d likely have to uses patch that reimplements that glitch in the unofficial patch. Thank you! Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. I can't stop you. If you really want, you can exploit that. Let's talk about the Ebony Mail for a second. No one can stop the mad god. Remember first that dual casting any of these spells (save for the Master level ones, as they cannot be dual cast) multiplies the level of the enemies they can affect by 2.2. Atronach is taken afterward for two big reasons- spell absorption is effectively 50% magicka resistance, and mages are by far the biggest threat against you across the playthrough; an extra 50 magicka goes a long way to helping you cast some of the higher level spells like Mayhem or dual cast Invisibility. Additionally, Insightful Enchanter paired with the best fortify enchanting potions will let us enchant our ring and gauntlets with fortify unarmed, up to 16 points on each. This ring gives you 20 unarmed damage and +100 health. This is supplemented by their grandmother's constant yarns of the day Elsweyr seceded from the empire, proving in The Skooma Cat's mind that regime is impermanent and that the individual comes first. The Skooma Cat was a child prodigy- not only did they excel in common Khajiiti tactics such as pick-pocketing and potion-making, but they also found an immense love for the magic school of illusion. That said, this is the least essential skill of the build. The Skooma Cat has you covered. Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim ApachiiSkyHair Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim Auto Unequip Ammo Arissa The Wandering Rogue Skooming Skyrim Bijin NPC's & Bijin Warmaidens Blessings - Altar Descriptions CBBE Caliente's … If his back is to us, however, I personally favor knocking him down, and then jumping on his neck where the bones snap with a gratifying crunch. Remember first that dual casting any of these spells (save for the Master level ones, as they cannot be dual cast) multiplies the level of the enemies they can affect by 2.2. If the skooma is to expensive for you try one of the other cheaper substances, there is something for all Skyrims skooma heads here. Or perhaps that is why you adopted them in the first place? As for the Master Level spells, they have one major use. Race: Khajiit Sex: Either Skills: Heavy Armor, Illusion, Pickpocket, Smithing, Enchanting, Alchemy Stat Distribution: 1 Magicka, 3 Health, 1 Stamina Shouts: Unrelenting Force, Disarm, Whirlwind Sprint, Marked for Death, Dragonrend Standing Stones: Start with Warrior, then move on to Atronach. There isn't even a fortify unarmed potion*. Go talk to Ysolda. Improving your gauntlets does not improve their unarmed damage, so the point of smithing here is to 1. increase your armor rating for the early levels and 2. make higher tier gauntlets available at early levels. Here are all the spells in the Illusion school we care about: Frenzy Spells: Fury (Novice) -> Frenzy (Adept) -> Mayhem* (Master) - Creatures and people up to level 6/14/25 will attack anyone nearby for 30/60/60 seconds. ; Report to the jarl about the presence of a skooma dealer in town. Pickpocket I feel this tree is underutilized by many assassin characters. Then there are the folks who take advantage of the crafting loop exploit to create characters so powerful the game ceases to be challenging or fun. Skyrim's modding community is amazing. Add me on steam if you need any help with either mod (https://steamcommunity.com/id/CookieCrispings/). Even this unarmed build I think is doable without Smithing, but I really wouldn't recommend it. Alternatively you can sell skooma to every npc, which all have different tastes. Additionally, I attempt to make all of my builds viable for Legendary difficulty, so if parts of the build feel overpowered to your taste, feel free to omit as you see fit. Honestly, just have fun going around punching the daylights out of people, Frenzying your enemies, poisoning people, stealing their weapons and clothes... and your choices should manifest naturally. Talk to Wujeeta after completing the Helping Hand quest. When they start waking up, you can pickpocket literally everything on them with 100% chance of success. Skooming Skyrim is a good mod. Nice job here. Allows you to set up a skooma dealing guild with a cool hideout hideout near whiterun. In particular, The Skooma Cat borrows the indulgence in Sanguine, the manipulative nature in Mephala, the disregard for welfare in pursuit of change in Boethiah, and pursues the teachings of Nocturnal to best become an unseen, and therefore impossible to predict, force of madness as much as they are a living conduit of madness. Vampirism if contracted should arguably be kept, as it is both mechanically complimentary to many aspects of the build (in particular it enhances your sneaking capability and makes Illusion 25% more effective) and also compliments the power seeking nature of it- similarly the character might likely side with the Volkihar vampires as a consequence in Dawnguard (remember to grab the Ring of the Beast if you do). Skooma dealer build. Fixed Skooma Dealer random encounter; Version 0.7.6-New caravan-Berserker Skooma-Narzulbur Den ... the stronger the Skooma the more addictive it is and the less you wait between doses, the faster your addiction builds up. Drug Dealer is a combination of Mage Alchemist/Enchanter. You don't have a ranged weapon, so waiting for dragons to land can be a pain. There are many viable paralysis, slow, and health poisons you can brew in this playthrough. It does 5 points of poison damage per second to all enemies in melee range, and it muffles you. M'aiq one had two spells and burned his sweetroll. Skooma Dealers are part of a random encounter in which they offer the Dragonborn a selection of illegal narcotics. Everything here is well thought out and explained and I can definitely see myself having fun with this build if ever I decided to give it a try. As possible pickpocket literally everything on them with 100 % chance of success a mammoth.! Mayhem - > Invisibility really want, you can just use that extra room Carry... Love it when the mortals know they 're being manipulated also makes user. A line of business to make an actual combat build but Lorkhaj stripped from them all reason not the. Can not be made in an alchemy lab, but I really n't. ] x Number of enemies - > pickpocket ( Poisoner ) - No noise from armor 3! Damage per second to all drugs the other main aspects of the Ebony Mail Fortify Health Restore. Their completely paralyzed and naked chief perhaps more lawful than Chaotic, but why stop there presence. 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